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The game looks good, even tho you can see the change in LOD sometime which is a little jarring.

I'm not a big decision managing game enthusiast, so it's hard for me to rate this properly, but I did feel like there was a lot of wait time in between decision. It feels like it would be nice if there was something to do between the moral choices, like how Frost Punk implements it. Could be something simple like moving guys around or something like that, but at least something.

I think that's it! Cool stuff!


Thanks for the feedback!

We had to be very aggressive with the optimization techniques. Webgl cuts the performance by like 80%.

I also agree that we should have something to do between the choices, we initially thought this game as a citybuilder, with resources and stuff, but that ended up being too ambitious.

I get that, Scope creep is a real problem!