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Dog Finder 1.0View game page

Find the Dog In this Short And Sweet Platformer
Submitted by MyNamesLex — 17 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#7143.0903.090

Ranked from 134 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Having to jump off of your past self to progress and having to restart from the very beginning after every death to continuously have to jump off of your past self to progress and sometimes being forced to die in a location so that you can jump off of your past self to reach the platform you are trying to get too.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
I downloaded freely available assets which are allowed for commercial/personal use and are referenced if you follow the 'Credits' button from the launcher. I followed some tutorials to get some of the code but not a lot of it.

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Great art and music! The core mechanic of persistent bodies from your previous attempts is really cool! Well done with this jam entry!


the game is good but I think the jump cool down is a bit to long but its a great idea 


You have a great core here from a graphic, audio, and mechanical concept standpoint. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the jumping mechanic is very punishing to use due to its distance and cooldown. I get why the cooldown is there, but right now the vertical/horizontal distance provided by the jump doesn't seem to be balanced with the cooldown duration. I also could not get past the Ghost, I think you're supposed to attack him but using the attack did not provide the result I was expecting.

The death concept, though, allows for some great puzzle-solving shenanigans to the point that I could work around the jumping mechanic to make a string of dead bodies so I can just walk across the pit.

You've got a great base for a game here, I'd love to see it grow.

Developer (3 edits)

Hey thanks for the great feedback man, I've already got to work on the patch and I've just completely removed the cooldown's. I may build on this further because I'm just having a ton of fun with it really, but no promises XD

Oh and also because someone else had a great idea for this game. I've added the mechanic to just throw the robots forward so i'm probably gonna use that for the puzzle mechanic you mentioned which is a good idea :) . The jump also i've altered in general so its not as springy to compensate for the removal of the cooldown, the cooldown was never meant to be that long, it's a bug, and i've just removed the cooldown all together because I've realised it doesn't fit the game in general

Thanks for the kind words :)


Great visuals and music, and a really creative concept! keep up the good work.


This game has so much polish to it. The music fits really well with the aesthetics of the game. Few small notes, aside from the cooldown because you already know that. It would be great if there was a checkpoint between the first and second set of spikes. It took awhile for me to figure out the second puzzle and having to go back through the first set of spikes again got very repetitive. I love the art for the platforms, but I think it could be improved in the areas where there are more than just one set of bones. Instead of having let's say 6 of the skull sprites in a row, it'd be cool to see them mixed up a bit. Another very small note is that for the death count in the top right, it looks almost like a negative value so I felt like I died a negative amount of times lol. I don't have that much else to say about it because it is a really beautiful game and very fun to play. Great job.


Audio and graphics are good. The concept of using your corpses to progress. 

Sadly I got stuck on this ghost creature. And i also agree on the cooldowns being too long. 

All in all a good concept and a good game. 


Fun little game, the theme worked well the cooldown mechanic was too long.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I rated your game highest score, because i liked the idea of using dead bodies it is very clever. However, collisions could be better because i stuck alot. In general i think you have taste in art and music and in future you will make much better games when you will have a full team


I really liked the idea that you have to die and use your "past selves" to progress and it was quite nicely implemented although a bit confusing at first and the graphics were really nice and the audio gave it some nice vibes. Good job!!


I'm glad to find a death progression design in this game jam!

The physic and the gameplay is good, the level design could be more fun I think. Blind falling feel just unfair, no skill based. The map is nice and the dialogs are where we need them. The only real weakness for me, is that it's too slow, because of the cooldowns and the level design.

But definitely happy to have played this one ;)

Ps : I got myself tricked by clicking on the dialog pop up which started the attack cooldown, which is really slow. So I thought the attack was broken because I could nearly never use it.


The base game is so cool... Nice graphics and concept. But, as other comments say, there are some problems. In my opinion, jump and attack timers should restart when you die; it makes the game feel much more slow than it should be. And then, don't really know if it's neccesary to walk over such a long path every time you die, for the same reason. If you restarted the timers and shrunk the path (or put some more checkpoints), I would definitely say that this would be an incredible game. Very good job either way, just wanted to give you some feedback :)


The game is great but it has a lot of issues that may ruin the experiencie. But I think that with some polish and fixes it would be really great. Good job!


I always love to see this kind of mechanics of using your past deaths to progress, I think the implementation of this mechanic is really good but the game needs more work as a whole, the mechanic is really good but it needs to be followed by a good map design, some different platforming sections where you can use your bodies.

The death respawn cycle could be done a bit better, specially the part with the cooldowns a way to fix this would be to just recharge the jump and attack after death also with the tutorial guy text box needs a different button to proceed like "E" or "F" or check where the player is and if its too far away the window just closes otherwise you waste your abilities skiping the dialogue.

lastly there are 2 areas in the game where you can fall of the screen this is an easy fix adding some colliders and tiles to hide it maybe even wall it off.

The game needs some work thats for sure but the base its there and it's really good, this mechanic is not used that much in games which is a shame but you can do really cool stuff with it, keep it up.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

The game's concept is super creative! 

A couple of things though:

1. jump cooldown, I saw somewhere you said that it was inconsistent with the framerate, make sure you are subtracting by Time.deltaTime from your cooldown timer to make it framerate-independent.

2. I am on a 4k screen, so the canvas scaling was wayyyyyyyy small. To fix this, go into your canvas scaler component (on the canvas) and change it from constant pixel size to scale with screen size, and set the reference resolution to 1080p.

3. I wish the first NPC wouldn't start talking to me when I ran past it, as I kept wanting to retry that jump, and the NPC talking to me didn't let me jump, which felt frustrating.

I didn't get very far in the game, so there's not any more feedback I can give, but really nice job with this!


Other comments already pointed out the major issues :)

I would add:

- Sometimes you are block by and invisible wall (certainly a collider default). Going back a bit before trying again does the trick.

- I had an animation bug, where the robot was idle while I was going forward and jumping

- Please make the dialogue spawn only when the player ask for it, or at least for the first NPC

-Spikes are often same size as other tiles (or bigger?), leading to you dying by trying to walk on the edge of the platform only... I don't know if it is intended, but I would have preferred without :p

Nice start :)


Nice idea!

Things that i would suggest:
-Jump rate thing is too long, it feels bad when you hit space and nothing happens
-Also attack rate is too long too imo.

Bugs: You can go the left most side of the level and fall to the eternity.


very fun game and awesome art, rate mine plzzz


very fun game and awesome art, rate mine plzzz


Nice job! This game has a really good concept! The graphics are great too!

Suggestion -> The hitboxes could be improved a bit, the spike's hitbox is very large which makes it really annoying to play the game at times. The attack timer and jump timer should reset when the player respawns and the timer should be reduced to allow more frequent jumps. I found myself waiting for the timer to reset many times during the gameplay.


Ha, I made a game just like this a few years back:, speaking of which, I need to update that on my portfolio and put it on Itch.


What I didn't like:

  • So many bugs. Jump cooldown kinda ruins it for me.
  • Collisions were a bit bigger than they should have been.
  • No coyote time jump

What I liked:

  • Theme connection, because I had already done a game like this, definitely a nice one!
  • Music was nice

Overall, nice job, I mean I can't say anything bad other than controls/cooldowns, because I had done a similar game, hehe. 

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