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A member registered Nov 09, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thats a very bad game lol. Shpuldnt have done it

yes i did :).

ok thanks

greta game bro! Awesome! 

Plz rate my gane as well

great game and very creative. Plz rate mi.e

gr3at game and noce concept plz rate mine

fun game rate mine plz

fun game, i liked it!

plz rate mine

great idea and art! plz rate mine

nice game, but u can work on some better visuals so that the game would have the same art. plz rate mine

thank u for ur feedback :)

thx a lot!

loll. Finally someone found it funny lol

(1 edit)

great game bro, also great channel. can u plz rate my game, plzzz?? after watching ur last vid I realized that we have the same controls for characters, for my game u move multiple players too, lol


fun idea and nice concept i liked it. Can u plz check out mine as well?

i laughed a lot while playing good job. plz rate mine

very great art and awesome mechanics! can u plz rate mine

hey bro awesome game great work, Nice work! plz rate mine

hey Noah. really awesome game as always and also great art as usual! very creative idea! plz can u rate my game and give me valuable feedback plz?


oh thx

thx for ur feedback

im actually following the theme in the video, "lets mess around with winning and losing", so this is it

stunning graphics, great job, but plz less blur effect when turning around plzz, but otherwise awesome, maybe better explanation, but great game for 3 days, almost full 5 stars

thank u!

thx a lot

(1 edit)

thx. will consider ur suggestion


oh my bad didnt notice. u might find my game also that its rare to lose and cant win 

the best game so far, really enjoyed spamming in this game lol. can u plz rate mine

cringe game but funny lollll . can u plz rate mine