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Love LightView game page

The more you prove your Faith, the longer your <3 burns, and the clearer your #VISION gets.
Submitted by greenworks
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Game Design#1672.7732.773

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Nice Game!! The music is the best but the game is fun to play either ;D


So very glad someone appreciates what effect music can transmit, if on the right frequency! Thanks to my childhood musician friends, LoveLight had a proper soundtrack done in time :D 


Awesome beautiful and asmosferic game! :D


Nice game. Liked the music and the light effects. Overall good game!


Thanks! Glad it felt good to play :) The gameplay relies mostly on the lighting, and was built around that.


Lovely soundtrack and sound in general. This was a peaceful experience that at times became rage inducing :) I have a soft spot in my heart for collectathon games and this satisfied that quite well, my one suggestion would be to somehow indicate where the player is going to land better. At times I couldn't really even tell where I would land and just crossed my fingers. The respawn system also seems a little wonky at times - once in a while I would respawn in no man's land and then I'd move around for a bit before hearing the little laugh and going back to the correct spawn point.

Overall great job!


Thanks a lot, and I'm deeply satisfied, that my game brought peace to your <3 ! The first 20% part is strange and hard, like love itself :) The camera angle could use some more tuning in that first part, indeed, noted!


Beautiful game! I really like the ambience and the music. I think a couple of polishing on the characters visual and some animation would make it really nice!


Thank hey! I'm very glad the vibe got to you too! What characters are you talking about? The wolves or the spheres?


The spheres of course! The wolves and the red forest looks really cool! :)


Yes, u see, the spheres, which are full of love are rounded (hence sphere), and everything which is devoid of love gets sharp. So other than the world reflecting off it's skin, I didn't wish to add any extra effect for the spheres. The overall art style is clean material low-poly, that's why I kept even the more complex models like trees and wolves to a minimalistic geometry.


Most atmospheric game I've played by now. Looks and sounds great, loved the theme!


Thanks man! Glad it got to you too, as they say * Love flows from the inside out * and that's what I was trying to convey through the theme. Otherwise you're blind and see nothing.


Very cool game, though I wasn't able to get super far... I found it very difficult to judge where I was going to land sometimes, so after spending about 5 mins trying to get down from that first checkpoint I had to give up and go to work >_<

A very pretty game with soothing audio (except for that laugh! so creepy! O_O). A solid entry though it could use some polish.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thanks a lot!! The first 20% of the game is the hardest, but as they say, it gets easier. :) Waaaay easier.  It's a metaphor for those struggling in dark places, and the prize they get when escaping it through focus and synchronization. I also added the tip about maintaining your momentum and be more brave! 

Pro tip: when your counter gets green (100+) you float better, and every platform is carefully placed (after hours and hours of play-testing) so you land exactly on the middle. You basically can play through that whole cave part without ever releasing space or the forward momentum. 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I like the heartbeats sound ;) The atmosphere is pretty cool and relaxing but I felt the "girl" voice effect a bit scary :P I think making the camera look a bit down while jumping would have been helpful (it is really challenging to understand where I am going to land). Nice work!


Very glad you liked the atmosphere. It was the main thing I focused on creating :) The girl is teasing you, to let you know hardship is imminent. Yes, the camera from the cave could use even more down-angle, thanks for the tip!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

hi! i like how u used simple shapes to make a creative scenario, but I think that the lava didn't look like something that could hurt me. Also, i think the game needs a lil bit more of guidance, I found myself pretty lost at first...Good job, though. did u work on this alone? ah, the sounds do not fit very well with the music or vice versa. moving the ball should have a sound, too, i think


Hey man! Thanks, and I'm glad you liked the scenario! True, the lava could have used more than just the sound and particles, and the dense black fog from the beginning sort of hides it... Many people told me there is vague guidance, and this version is with 3x more guidance, if you can believe that. I didn't want it to be a hold-your-hand game, because last summer I realized that's not how love works. You need to find your purpose in love, and it starts with your perception. Yes, I worked alone, like a maniac lol. The music was created ulteriorly, and this is the best my friends could come up with.. I tried to harmonize the sound effects, so they sound similar, and this is the result.


I know! we all try our best! It's a good game nonetheless

Jam Judge(+1)

Futuristic graphics with low polly models. You made the game look very nice. I also liked the lighting in your game. Fun to play.


Thanks man! It seems you don't need pbr shaders and high-poly meshes to set up a certain vibe ;) I'm very glad it's fun to play!