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Raising sim / survival game inspired by Princess Maker. · By QuentinWH

Bug reports Sticky

A topic by QuentinWH created Oct 20, 2022 Views: 5,116 Replies: 288
Viewing posts 1 to 94
(1 edit)

You can report any bugs you find here, or you can just comment below the latest blog post.

Try to explain your problem as best you can and also attach a picture showing the bug / error code if possible. Thanks in advance.

(1 edit) (+1)

Stacks over 99 are not fully  visible during selling.

Learning skills should increase money in the shop rather than making silver vanish

ofcourse > of course

suicede > suicide

them . > them.

the  higher circles> the higher circles

more... Simple way > more... simple way

situacion > situation

your self > yourself

Besides. He preffers > besides, he prefers

child. Is > child is

admiting > admitting

unerstanding > understanding

Fare well > Farawell

(1 edit) (+1)

More typos

forrests > forests

Hello. Playername > Hello, Playername

Some > Come

Georg > George

I> I've

everytime > every time

them selves > themselves

are > I

Resisted > resisted

arive > arrive

actualy > actually

thats > that's

begining > beginning

Thats > That's

Well. I'm > Well, i'm

deffinitely > definitely

againts > against

basicaly > basically

surendered > surrendered

basicaly > basically

Thats > That's

So... What > So... what

The skill shop gold thing is something I wanted to do for a long time, but I was never in the "right" mood. I finished  the system for transfering moeny from skills into shops few minutes ago. Now I just have tu put it into all the right places.   I will also look into the 99 number thing.

As for te typos, I think it's high time to adress them. I decided to dedicate the month of november to fixing as much of the dialogue I can. Not only the typos, but entire sentences or topics need to be fixed or improved. Thanks for posting these.

(1 edit) (+1)

I still have places to visit, so bug report will be even longer.

Major bug: Working in the church will crash the game. 

Minor bug: Clay and pliers have no icons and descriptions.

More typos

Gods > God's

leaderes > leaders

stonefrom > stone from

hapiness > happiness

than > then

painfull > painful

suroundings > surroundings 

What > what

naturaly > naturally

zacharias > Zacharias

actualy > actually

killed > kill

sence > sense

That's > that's

Magic > magic

Oposite > Opposite

Probably > probably

ofcourse > of course

imune > immune

How > how 

Atleast > At least

your self > yourself

ofcourse > of course

Money transfer between skill training and normal trading is finished. Numbers of owned items in the shop now show properly. Crash has been fixed and unused items have been removed from traders. I will go through some of the text and try to rewrite it. I will release new version in a few hours. Thanks again for those long reports.

(1 edit) (+1)

Talking to Kobold shopkeeper will crash the game if you talk to him immediately after befriending kobolds.

More typos

Non > non

lets > let's

reatarded > retarded

sence > sense

suposed > supposed

Sorry > sorry

Bigger > bigger

Ofcourse > of course

You > you

appearaning > appearing 

suposed >supposed

What > what

Why nobody > Why did nobody

Well > well

Koblods > Kobolds

AndI > And I

nort > north

Yes > yes

Anyone > anyone

That's > that's

Why > why

sence > sense

(3 edits) (+1)

Flesh pebbles deal damage instead of healing

Edit: Weak healing powder too.

Using basic tools from the side or back will change the sprite

Few places lack hitboxes

(2 edits) (+1)

Healing items still deal damage in 0.23.5

If you ask Zacharias to follow you he will create a clone and that clone can't be dismissed

Edit: If you try to return from last room in the Soviet Bunker you will be stuck in a wall

(1 edit)

Healing was fixed in .5, but it worked only for new saves since I forgot to turn on item reset for that version. I fixed that for 0.23.6, but it is also possible that there is something else wrong. Be sure to tell if it still doesn't work. Zacharias should be fixed, same with the bunkers. I will fix Zacharias remaining on the map even when you recruit him tomorrow.

(2 edits) (+1)

Transfered my save files (23.4) to the new version (24) after last time saving it the first time I went inside the Monolith cave, the one after giving the Blood stone. I give the Blood stone with Roman, Valdemar, and Marcus. They all disappeared because of the Monolith gate cutscene but only Marcus truly disappeared. The others just go back to their previous location. I tried to find Marcus from the map point there's no one here.

Edit: I tried to reload the save file from before i give the Blood stone and dismiss all of my party member, checked that both before and after I give the Blood stone if Marcus was there and he did. At least now I can continue playing peacefully.

(1 edit)

I misplaced one switch. I fixed the issue, but he should start appearing again if you skip a week on your current version. No need to wait for a patch.

(1 edit) (+1)

Found a bug~!

Tried to hangout with Helena but somehow I ended up with Billy, the NPC chat sprite is Helena but the NPC's name and ingame sprite is BIlly.

Oh I also found a bug that when you drink a beer you got a notif with +35 mood and -1 wellness, but after i checked my mood it only increased from -60 to -50 which is only 10 mood.


Cabbage soup is not a consumable 

Canned food is not categorized as food 

Pliers can be crafted despite being an unfinished item

Effect of consuming milk has mixed up description.

2 more places with broken hitboxes


Should i delete old images? it will make this page load much faster. 

Buying all recipes from Tadeas doesn't teach you how to make movement speed potion

Entering cutscene about murdering kobolds near Billy's house on bike will cause you to enter state where you are on bike, but use normal sprite and move at normal speed.

Trees continue being bane of every RPGM gamedev.

That might be a good idea. You can also try to put images on external site like imgur and just post links there.

Speed potion is a special case. There is an even that happens in the northern forest area in the first two months. If you get there, you find the potion recipe. If you miss the event, Tadeas will start selling the potion, but not the recipe.

I will check the cutscene

And those trees should be fixed. I released  new version with your previous bugs like an hour ago.

(1 edit)

Aw, kinda hoping no one would talk about the bike part. It's kinda a useful bug lol. You can also recruit companion while on the bugged bike but still can't enter caves and go to stairs. It's basically speed potion but you can't go to some places.

Got a bug with the poison quest. I sold the poisoned beer for 20k silvers but still tried to report it to the mayor and it worked. Maybe it's not a bug but the Mayor is just stupid enough to believe me without any evidence. They really should changed their Mayor as fast as possible. Now I have 20k silvers and completed the quest...maybe?

That quest bug got hopefuly fixed in the 0.24.2 version. Bike bug in the cutscene was fixed, but I'm still working on being able to recruit followers while driving bug.

(1 edit) (+1)

Edit: You can't buy beans anywhere

Working for Suong will crash the game.

Fixed. Will upload new version soon since this is quite serious bug.


John keeps reappearing after finishing the final 'baby steps' quest, whenever you leave map and enter again, he is back.

Using F12 to return to menu and reloading a save crashes the game, not that big a deal though.


Sometimes opening Mr White's shop makes the game crash, fixed in game by visiting another shopkeeper beforehand.

Thanks for reporting. Fixed all issues, except for the F12 error. This one one is hardcoded into the engine and will need more time to fix. I will release new version today.

Getting a bug whenever i build the table. 

Thanks. Will fix it and probaly release new version today.

Reporting a minor bug where in the plants dissapear once you enter your house, the plants re appear the next day.

Thanks. Fixed it. As a workaround, leaving your hideout completely and returning should make plants appear again for now.

Deleted 2 years ago

When using the imprint function the past skill stats as shown below cooking, smithing etc.. are also displayed but aren't really there but when you try to Train from the NPC's your imprint stats chance also applies like 0% or 10%

(1 edit)

I don't think I see any problems. I tried to raise cooking to 30, created an imprint and started new game. I went to the cave, loaded an imprint and my farming skill changed from 1 to 30. I could learn all skills that require farming 30, my work success chance was higher and my training chance was lower. Everything woked as intended.

When you finish the game and unlock imprints, the game will save the stats of the character you finished the game with. When you start new game, you can use the imprint machine to replace your new characters stats with the stats of the old character. They don't add together, they get replaced. Imprints store both the physical atributes and skill stats, but not the skills and recipes you learn from NPCs. This means that training will be less effective depending on the stats you have gained from imprinting.

(1 edit)

When opening inventory to weapon section 

Thanks. Fixed this one. I will release new version soon.

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Error repairing motorcycle after purchasing from man at inn

Thanks for reporting. I fixed the issue and will be releasing new major update shortly.

Tried to extract some save files from the 24th version and it didn't work, is it working as intended or will it be fixed? Been a while since the last time i played this (I'm playing the 28.1 version right now, I'm only gonna update it if there's an unplayable bug or something later)

If the file says incompatible on the loading screen, then that's intentional. I checked some changelogs and there were couple of big changes between version 24 and 28. The unlocks and settings should work fine, so you can overwrite the old version with the new. Old saves won't work, but unlocks will stay.

It does says incompatible, kinda sad that I lost all my progress before because I still haven't got a single ending/unlocks. I'm playing with new save right now and probably will update it to version 29 later on

That's why I keep much older versions up for download. You can download version 0.25, which should be compatible with 0.24. Finish your old saves and update to 0.28 so you don't lose any progress.

Oh, so it's like updating the save files itself so it can be compatible with the newer version?

Not really. But if you downloaded new version and overwriten the old without realising that your old saves would be incompatible, then you can download one of the older version and finish your old save on that older version. After that, you can download the new version again and overwrite you old version. Your old saves won't work, but you already finished the game on the older version.

Hello! I got some notes, but I  don't know if they are still relevant for 29.0
hunger potion doesn't work or it conflicts with "big stomach" trait
I don't get humanoid meat from kobold warriors and leaders
Trait "sickly" is too op. 3 trait points for -2 wellness each week. $_$

I don't know how hard it is to code but please consider adding mouse input so people could play with one hand only
maybe "wasd" input instead of arrows and memory of last turn (helps with grind)

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and for some reason game won't go fullscreen
most likely it's my potato pc's falt

Thanks for reporting.

Fixed the hunger potion

Kobold warriors and leaders already drop humanoid meat in 0.29

Traits are still not balanced properly and they will need some adjusting. I will look into it change it if necessary.

As for playing with one hand, you can already do that for the most part, if you have full size keyboard. Num 0 acts as esc and enter is confirm. Only keys that are out of the way are Q and W, but PAGE down and up works just like them.  I will try to add proper rebinding into the game at some point though. As for mouse control, this might happen, but not anytime soon.

Last turn memory might also happen, but I don't want to spend too much time on this combat system. I will most likely be replacing it completely sometime in the future. And as for the fullscreen, you can get the exacly same effect by pressing ALT+ENTER. The engine doesn't support any other type of fulscreen anyway.

how do I attach bayonet? or get roman's sks?

Weapon upgrades are not yet in, so you can't. Roman has an SKS that is unique to him and can't be obtained anywhere else.

and alt+enter didn't work either:(

(1 edit)

i forgot how i got 3 sks but,, good luck edit: i think i got em from the spider caves the random gun chest beyond the abominations

(1 edit)

Got a bug when I tried to harvest my precious potatoes farm, no notification about me getting the potato and no potato in my inventory. I forgot when I planted the seeds so maybe I took too long to harvest it and that caused the bug?

Edit: this is my second harvest, the first planting+harvesting works just fine so idk why it didn't work now

was the plant green?

It looked like this, my first planting looked like that too but i still can harvest it.

This one gotta be a bug, i tried to take Arf with me when i got a full party slot and he just gone

Plants that are dark like that are rotten. You can still pick them up to free the farm plot, but you won't get anything from them.

Left row is rotten, right row is ready to harvest.

As for the Arf, yes, there was a check missing. Fixed it for the next version.

It took me a minute to see what's wrong with the picture, is it the random wood sticking from the background or something but then i realised that your character is not there 

Found the issue and fixed it. No more walking on air in that location.


my favourite hiding spot

(1 edit)

White's trait reset is broken
it keeps stat bonuses and loot (shashka/portable kits) so rn I'm abusing it

I'm aware of that. I kept it in for now as a bonus / cheat, since you still need rather rare item to get the reset, so it's not completely broken. I will be fixing it in the future though.

can you swap "pay" and "fight" options in bandit encounter?
no way I'm walking up to you to gift 1/10 of me money 
it's the malicious intent that brought me here


Sure. Next update will have it.


magical tree

Thanks. Fixed the trees and the cave.


underchurch bottom right cave with long path
if you go straight up you'll walk into textures


i'm supposed to go on beach after my first year, but I get this

Thanks for reporting this. 

It will take me some time to properly fix, but doing this might help you get around that error.

  1. Save your game before you get sent to the ending section
  2. Start a completely new game, save to a different slot
  3. Load your old save and go to the end section

I tried it and it worked for me. Tell me if it does or doesn't work.

Yes, It did!

ok, i've killed 134 hungry abominations, 3 strong abominations, 55 mutated abominations, 10 stalking abominations, 6 flying tumors.
yet it didn't count at the end section
did you put specific abomination in condition?


I checked and there is a bug that didn't make abomination kills count. I fixed it and I will release new version tomorow.

I don't feel good about you wasting all that time killing them, so I will implement a simple temporary "cheat" menu. I will add a command that will give you 200 abomination kills, so you won't have to go through all that again. 

Do you need to kill a specific amount of abomination to get an ending? If you make a cheat about it, i assume that's pretty important

Finishing the game opens the "unlocks" option in the main menu. It looks like this.

It shows you a list of challenges you can try to complete in new save. Doing so unlocks something new, like an outfit, strong weapons or cheats. One of these challenges is to kill 200 abominations. You have only a year to do that (All challenges can be completed only in the first year.) and it takes quite some time to do so and because of that bug, all that time he spent killing them was for nothing. That's why I want to add that temporary cheat, so he can finish the challenge without having to that all over again in the new version.

I got the save 
just fix the bug, no cheats needed

I got the save 
just fix the bug, no cheats needed

The bug is fixed, but it still won't count the kills you had on your previous save, so you would have to kill them all over again. It's up to you though.

If you decide to use the "cheat" however, just go to the spot on the screenshot, interact with the picture and input the number you see there. It will give you 210 abomination kills, but nothing more. No XP, no money.

I will release new version in about 10 minutes.

Deleted 2 years ago

The game asks you if you want to save your characters imprint at the ending section. Doing so saves all your stats and atributes, but not your skills you learned from other NPCs/ Things like basics of hunting and so on. 

When you create a new character, go to the secret cave (It's right next to the bridge guard) and use the machine in the top right corner of the cave.

This will replace the stats of your new character with the stats from your old character. Replace is the key word here. It won't add them, it will replace them. 

You can also use an imprint, get even stronger, finish the game and save that new imprint. Doing so will make your starting characters become stronger over time.

(1 edit)

I can't apply multiple states to a target, can I?
I thought since I can't beat you with an axe then I'll poison and burn you
turns out I can't do that at the same time 

edit: if a target dies via poison/burn it won't count as a kill in bestiary

I think you can apply more states, but similiar states don't stack. For example, if there were two different skills lowering enemy attack by 10% and 20%, then using both of them would simply replace the earlier state. Same goes for damage over time.

I will try to fix burning enemies not showing up in bestiary, but it will take some time.

When we first encounter General Keller, when he present himself his name is bugged

Do you have a screenshot? Just watched the cutscene and his name was fine. It initialy shows as "???" but it gets replaced by his name as soon as he introduces him self.

sorry didn't take a screenshot, I meant when he said that he is General and his name, the General is mixed with his name

Generaloberst is his military rank, Friedrich Keller is his name, but he is fine with you calling him just general Keller, mainly because it is shorter and quicker to say.

Oh, I thought Generaloberst was a typo.

And what is a token? I am trying to report two bugs with screenshots but it says missing token

I don't think I can do naything about that. Could be a problem with this site / your browser / operating system / pretty much anything.

If you can't upload images here, you can  try just uploading it to a third party site, like imgur for example, and just posting a link here.

sadly I lost the images and don't remember where are the bugs

No problem. I'm sure they will pop up again eventualy.

Just killed kobold messing with trap and trap is not there, but only visually 

Thanks. Fixed the issue.

Trying to test if newer version (29.0) can be played in older version (24.0) kinda just because i was curious and

because I feel the older version Ghoul is much easier to defeat than the new version Ghoul when trying to get the fire blood stone and it's hard to get it inside the cave when the Ghoul comes like 5 minutes after I went in.  I already know older version cannot be played in newer version "but what about playing newer version in older version?" I thought. And it looked like I can play my save file but then this happened.

Not saying that you should fix this, just giving you the info if you ever need it for something, idk what tho.
(1 edit)

That's quite interesting. Some saves will be compatible like that, but there will definitely be problems. It's almost a miracle you could load that save at all.

As for ghouls being harder, that is true to some degree. They are stronger, but they are also slower and easier to evade.

The Ghoul sometimes still sprinting towards me like in the older version and not walking so idk if that's slow enough. The Ghoul walk slow at first but if I saved and loaded the save when the Ghoul is on the screen or near me it instantly starts sprinting towards me like when that ghoul inside the mineshaft attacked

Ghouls should work like this. 

When you enter a cave, a hidden variable will start increasing by 1 every ten seconds. Once it reaches certain number, a ghoul will spawn. You will hear a sound to signalise that.

Ghouls are very slow, but they always know where you are and they will follow you untill you leave the area. Once they get close to you (about three tiles), they make a sound and start sprinting. Killing the ghoul makes it dissapear from that area, but entering it again will make him appear once more. 

When you sleep  or work, the variable resets and you can enter the caves again without ghouls appearing instantly. Each cave area also needs different value for that variable to spawn ghouls. Outer caves, like the beach cave or the rope cave spawn ghouls after about 100 seconds. Deeper cave, like the one with the bloodstone spawns one after about 50.

Bear in mind that this variable counts for all caves at once. If you spend 100 seconds in the beach cave, the ghoul will spawn. If you kill it and go to another cave right away, the ghoul in that cave will spawn instantly because you spent 100 seconds in the caves in total. Doesn't matter which one.

The ghoul almost teleport and even pass through walls

Ghouls pass through walls, because there is no pathfinding in the game yet. They would get stuck on anything otherwise. 

They shouldn't be teleporting though. They only reset their position when you leave and enter the area and they incredibly fast once angered, but should be it. What exacly do you mean by teleporting?

they appear where they weren't, in a moment there is nothing and in the next they are there, but when this happen they don't come running they just appear out of nowhere even if we are near or not of the walls

I will look into it. I think I know why that might happen.

I couldn't replicate ghouls teleporting around. They always spawned on one spot and then started slowly walking towards you. I was switching areas, killing them and leaving areas, passing a week and coming back and they always spawned at the same spot.

Is it a specific location that does that, or some specific action?

My theory is that because of the darkness and the fact that ghouls home on you from the start (They don't have a cone of vission like other enemies. They always know where you are and are always chasing you) makes them look like they are teleporting, which isn't the case when you get rid of the darkness.

Zach is QUITE helpful if you decide to actually fight a Ghoul
But I managed to avoid it with speed potion and lots of saves
those tight caves really leave you very little space for maneuvers.

How to touch the tip?

It only marks the spot where you can climb down. I didn't have a better icon at the time so I used that one. I will replace it with something different so it won't confuse anyone.

Wrong sprite when talking to Olaf

Yeah. I noticed that too, but I never really bothered with it since he doesn't have a sprite anyway. I will fix it ofcourse, but I want to make proper sprite for him first.

(1 edit)

I equipped the Holy staff when I'm getting the flesh staff so I got the flesh staff and the Holy staff didn't disappeared, I got both of the staff. I tried both of the staff and I can't access my skill in battle even though I actually have it.

edit: help pls

Good news.

Holly staff is not needed to make the blood staff, so it is OK that you have both of them now.

I did some testing and blood powers are working "correcly". You just need the right amount of SP / Endurance for the skill to appear. Once you don't have enough sp, it will dissappear from your list.

This is not perfect, so I will fix it to make the skill appear grayed out instead of dissapearing.

Igor is always taking different sprites, he already became Villi, Mr. White and the default stick man

Thanks. I found the issue and fixed it.

typo: Ofcourse -> Of course (when Keller and Kutuzov are talking when Keller send a letter to the main charact and to Kutuzov)


You don't really have to report typos you find in ordinary dialogue or topics, since I will be remaking these. Reporting typos in cutscenes (Like the one you reported) is fine.

"You're a wizard, Harry."

What version are you using? I think I fixed this in 0.29.2.

Oh yea, I'm still on 29.0

You can download newer versions without any problems. Just overwrite old version files with the new one. Your saves will work and your unlocks will stay.

I'm convinced that the Ghoul is having the same speed effect as me everytime i tried to drink the speed potion when he's already chasing me. He walked slowly at first but when i paused to drink the potion, he instantly run. I didn't even get the chance to activate my speed :(

That's pretty much what ghouls are about. They walk slowly but once they are close to you, it's pretty much over (Unless you are really overpowered). I did some testing and they work as intended. I waited in a cave for ghoul to spawn at t he oter side of the screen. Once he did, I saved the game, loaded it again and he was still walking because he was not close to me when I did save. Same with using speed potion. He only started sprinting when he was very close.

Fun fact, ghouls have speed 5 when they sprint. Speed potion also gives you speed 5, but because of how enemy movement is handled, you will be slightly faster.

Bruh ghoul is too strong for first time player

Thats the point. They are very strong and you pretty much have to avoid them, which is not that difficult in most cases, but you will need some practice and plan ahead. Get speed potion and buy a lantern. Drink the potion before you enter the caves and switch speed when necesary. Try to lure the ghoul somewhere where you can slip past it without making it chase you at full speed. If it starts chasing you, switch to full speed, try to escape the map and return again.

If you want to fight them, try befriending Zacharias. He is the strongest NPC you can recruit without having to do anything else. Suong becomes the strongest NPC if you take her with you on the first meeting with Mr. White in the basement. 

Again, ghouls are meant to be avoided and caves are meant to be very dangerous. But once you get really strong, they will become a good source of weapon XP, since they respawn forever without having to rest.

What basement?

The one in the ruins next to the bear.

is this implemented yet? cause i haven't been able to meet him there


you gotta kill like 50 humanoids

do you know the fastest way to do it? or like tips and tricks for stuff like that

Easiest way is to kill kobolds. One group always spawns in the forest area with the ruins and a bear. You can also kill bandits, but these are way too strong to kill alone. Only humanoids killed by the main character count, which means you have to do the last hit. Companions can still deal damage to them.

More kobold groups will spawn as you keep killing, making the entire process easier and faster. Keep in mind that killing humanoids gives you large mood penalty. Picking the psychopath trait removes this penalty, but you can also just use alcohol, drugs or do other mood raising activities. Once you have enough kills, Mr. white will appear near your hideout. You can't miss him.

Which one is bugged? My status says i got 68 renown but the perform says i only got 6 (I really should've get one more renown to make it the funny number)

Both values are correct, but the performance screen isn't  clearly explained. Your performance bonus from renown is (renown/10). That's why it says 6. It will jump to 7 once you get two more.

In the rubbles in hell you can pass through some of them

You mean the dungeon it self? I will look into it. If you get any screenshots, that would make thinks faster.

inside the dungeon, when more rubbles start appearing whencan pass through some of them

Thanks. I will look into it.

(1 edit)

If the letter to meet at the crossroads occurs on the same day the tailor asks for the cure, it'll be stuck on an infinite loop between the tailor appearing asking for help and the crossroads letter dialogue.

Edit: I'm guessing the fix for this is to have a conditional check after the crossroads letter dialogue for the current weeks remaining (to see if it's time for the tailor cure quest), and defer the scene transition until after tailor finishes asking for help (a conditional check on that dialogue to see if the crossroad's scene is active - may need to set an additional boolean variable to track this in this situation). Maybe just add a little extra bit of dialogue after that exchange indicating something like "ok, better go to this meeting". Alternatively, maybe have it simply postpone the crossroad's letter event until after the tailor cure quest week.

This is something I have been postponing for a long time. The game doesn't really have a proper system for handling events at the start of the week. I will fix this and other bugs and release new version. Thanks.


Sweet, the 0.29.3 update fixed it! Thanks!

(3 edits)

there's something weird about Helena's skin condition
I've finished first annual having 101 relationship 
but I got nothing in "unlock" menu
what are the conditions for job endings? like science, farmer etc.
does it conflict with assassin's job?

do kobold leaders, warriors count as humanoid since bestiary says they're simply mutants unlike regular kobolds? 
Billy's shotgun reloads 1 shell per reload action idk if it's intentional just weird
I've tested various rifles on abomination brute and turns out svd and sks suck
consume 2 bullets and output very little damage for that cost
you're better off with using kobold cannon for everyone and AT rifle for tough targets
some equipment don't show stat change except def value even in "status" menu
the only way to find out is through training menu then it shows true values in the menu I mean

There was a typo in the condition check for the outfit from Helena. I fixed it. You will have to get the ending again if you still have the save and it will work now.

Job endings are governed by your highest stat. If you have cooking 10 and everything else below 10, you will get the chef ending. Assassin job is different, because it takes priority over ordinary jobs. So if you kill 150+ humanoids, you will get the assassin ending even if your science skill is 500.

Just to make something clear, this ending system is temporary and in no way perfect, but there is not enough content in the game right now to make proper endings. This will change in the future ofcourse.

do kobold leaders, warriors count as humanoid

Yes. I simply forgot to fill that part of the bestiary out for them. Will be fixed in new version.

Billy's shotgun reloads 1 shell per reload action

This is intentional. Weapons with magazines get reloaded to full in one action. Weapons like mosin nagant or pump action shotguns get reloaded one cartridge at a time.

svd and sks suck

I will be buffing ranged weapons in the future, since they are underpowered compared to melee weapons, especialy for stronger characters.

That said, I want to make single fire weapons cost effective and multi-shot weapons stronger but less cost effective.

For example, Mosin and SKS use same ammunition. Mosin has 140 ATK and SKS has 220 ATK while using two bullets at a time. Obviously, SKS is less cost effective, because two shots with mosin will do more damage per bullet. However, SKS will deal more damage in less amount of time at the cost of more ammunition being used. This makes it useful for rich characters who can deal with the ammo cost, while mosin is good if you are short on ammunition. In that regard, SKS is blatantly better because it does more damage, which means fights end faster and thus less oportunities for your enemies to hurt you.

Anti-tank rifle is an endgame weapon which is supposed to be much stronger than anything else in the game, so it is not really comparable to other firearms. It uses same ammunition as SKS, because I don't want to create realistic ammo items for all the weapons. There would be way too many ammunition types if I did. That said, I will be adding some more ammo types, like RPG rockets, grenades or anti-tank bullets.

some equipment don't show stat change except def value even in "status" menu

This is partialy intentional. In the past, I gave some weapons bonuses to agi or dex to simulate them being more accurate, or faster firing. It doesn't really work like that right now, but the stats are still there and they affect some things like training. I will remove those stats and add a proper accuracy and speed properties to them instead.

(1 edit)

how can I pass the "unlock" progress between different version?

Simply take the new game files and overwrite the old ones. Your saves and unlocks will stay. 

If you want to do it manualy, go to the Data folder and copy the "Unlocks.rxdata" where your new game version is.

The bug is still here on 0.29.3 (kinda happy cuz I'm a wizard again tho)

Alright. I fixed it again.

Igor also can take the nun girl sprite

Are you on the newest version? This should have been fixed in 0.29.3.

when we are in the quest Cure the player says "Can't someone..." when she offers to investigate the poisoning instead of "Can't let someone..."

In the quest The poison sometimes when acusing Bertold the player puts a's and the's followed one by another when it was supossed to be only one of them

In The poison when telling Tailor who poisoned her father the player says "I was most likely Bertold"

Thanks. I will look into these.

I don't know if this was patched already as I'm currently on 0.28.2 version, but  sometimes cutscenes will break my character's sprint function, and it will take another cutscene to happen so my character can properly sprint again, and it would be nice to get a confirmation window for skipping cutscenes since I tend to press the menu button a lot on instinct and it also is used to skip cutscenes entirely, skipping even the choice part of them like the concubine event, straight up deleting the event from existence, so I don't even know if pressing the menu button to skip cutscenes is intentional or not.

Also to join the militia I apparently need Riverstone citizenship, how do I obtain that?

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It seems there is one cutscene that messes things up. I tried skipping some of them and none broke the sprinting. Concubine cutscene was also skipping properly (First skip put you right before the choice, second skipped the rest. Skipping while selecting the answer was impossible). I will try and search for the broblem towards the end of the week, but if you could remember which cutscene broke sprinting, that would make things much easier for me.

Pause button for cutscenes is something I plan to do in the upcoming days. The whole cutscene skipping system is not great so I will try to improve it too.

You get the citizenship by finishing a simple quest. Talk to Billy about delivering the letter and after that about higher circles. Go to riverstone and go to the mayors house.


The cutscene that might have broken sprinting probably was the one where you meet the german general for the first time. Tell me if you find another one.

Also, I managed to make pausing cutscenes work. Will need more testing to make sure everything works correctly.

Yes! It was the german general cutscene, but I also believe it broke as well on the cutscene Suong and her Grandson are talking about weapons and you have to pick a side on the weapon debate, though I am not sure if it was that one cutscene or another one, but I 100% remember it breaking twice during the story, but yeah the german general was definitely one of the cutscenes that broke sprinting. I'll try to figure out which was the other cutscene breaking the sprinting if it doesn't turn out to be Suong's and Georg's, thanks for the citizenship guide btw.

Also, why does the main menu turn so creepy after you beat the game once holy crap, from soviet colony theme to something straight out of a horror game! And that ominous "The city is waiting" which I don't understand the meaning of quite yet.

(1 edit)

You are right. I went through all the cutscenes and the general and Suong ones were missing a line of code. I fixed and I also implemented the pausing and then skiping. I will release new patch tomorrow. 

As for the menu, this will be tied to the story (Once I get more of it implemented). I also want to make subsequent playthroughs more different. Basicaly there will be more event's, enemies or dungeons that won't be there on your first playthrough. The Red city will be the part that will differ the most.

I found another cutscene that breaks sprinting on my replay, when the 2 generals meet and agree to find Mr. White, with the pause function you added it becomes a lot easier to figure out which cutscenes are breaking, because once you are done with them opening the menu also opens the cutscene menu like if you were still in the cutscene, and I managed to bypass the glitch by reloading through auto save and just skipping the cutscene before it ends.

Thanks. Fixed it. I will be writing a new blogpost and releasing new major version in the upcoming hours.

What do  i need to do after i found Mr. White? After the cutscene where Mr.White is talking to Suong about the dungeon idk what else to do. There's no quest or anything. I already got the mysterious steel that he wanted but idk how to give it to him.

That's pretty much the end game for now. You can do the dungeon and get the metal, power source and syringe. Metal is used when you want to train with him. which will raise your stats by a lot. Power source allows you to reset your traits you picked at the start of the game and pick new ones. And syringe raises your stats and mutates you. He also sells quite a few weapons you can't get anywhere else. You can give him the Ichor canisters you can find in the caves to get minor passive bonuses.

So now its basically just a sandbox? Also can i increase my favorability/relationship towards Mr.White?

Pretty much. Now you can try unlock new outfits and cheats, get different endings and explore the rest of the map. 

You can also try and fight Mr. White by talking to the purple guy who stands near the Riverstone Inn. You can fight him multiple times and he will be a little stronger each time.

You can raise relationship with him, but it doesn't really do anything right now, since he doesn't offer you any jobs and there are no events tied to it.

This happened when I ask Suong to follow me, the bug also happened at her house and at the campfire but i forgot to screenshoot it. I can still interact with the clone btw

Thanks. Found the issue and fixed it.

When trying to equip certain armors at certain ages like armored uniform at age 15 and I believe the light plate Mr. White sells is also breaking with some ages too, this error shows up and crashes the game.

Thanks, I will fix that and release new patch, probably today or tomorrow.

In the meantime, if you ever encounter error like that in the future, you can trick the game to still work. Create the folder structure like in the error message and put blank PNG file with size above 4x4 pixels named "01_Dress08.png" in there. (Sinathir 0.29.5/Graphics/Characters/Equipment/01_Dress08.png) The equipment won't display correcly, but the game should run. Same goes for any other missing asset, like sound files. Just put something with the proper name in the propper directory and the game will run.

This is happening currently when I try to open the contacts menu, then game crashes, I am using a save ported from version 0.29.5.

That honestly must be one of the stupidest mistakes I've ever made. Fixed it and I will upload new version shortly.

Happens to the best of us! It is working properly now thank you!

I got the special name after the 20 Warden kills and I got some answers that confirm what I was suspecting, but holy crap does it creates a ton of new questions... This is probably the biggest lore reveal currently in the game, and was worth the grind to kill White 20 times, is it planned to have the special character impact in certain story decisions? And more importantly...



Is the custodian transformation item going to affect cutscenes and the appearance of the character in the sprite? Custodians apparently have black eyes(and do not age) so I was wondering how characters like the General would react if he saw you as a custodian on the first encounter, the whole full Custodian transformation really could change things up. It actually reminds me of Undertale, when naming yourself with the true name of the character you control, it enabled a (incomplete) Hard mode where things got really rough for the player.


Also what is the current age cap for the body growth of the character?

Glad you like it. As I said, the custodian mode is unfinished but should give you a taste of what's to come.  There will be exclusive cutscenes and other story moments. The intention is to make playing through that mode different depending on "when" or "if" you use the item.

As for the special item, it only stops you aging for now, but I'm currently working on the main character sprite rework. Once that's done, using the infusion will slowly alter your appearance. The generals and other people will recognize who you really are and will act on it.

All of that is not finished yet and will take some time to add, since there are way more pressing things I need to work on.

Also, last age sprite is for age 17. Full game will end once you reach age 18 (Game ending after the first year right now is only temporary), so there is no need for more sprites. I MIGHT make more sprites for the post game, like one for reaching age 30 or 60, but I don't think that is necessary right now.

New version uploaded. Your older saves should be fine.

For some reason whenever I choose the option to train with someone, my game crashes

Thanks for reporting. I fixed the issue and uploaded new version.

Getting the following error when i try to train with Mr. White

Thanks. I will fix this and upload new version.

Loading a game after soft-resetting by hitting F12 causes the game to crash with an error saying: 

"Script 'FontBitMap' line 375: SystemStackError occurred.

stack level too deep"

Note that being returned to the title screen after dying or quitting from the pause menu does not cause this error.

I'm aware of this. I checked around and apparently, there is no easy way to fix this. You can't even properly disable the F12 key and the reset function. 

I want to fix this eventualy, but it will require some time and there are more pressing matters I need to work on.

The tutorial says that the run key is R but it is actually W,

The area around Markus' house has 3 wolves but the battle only has 2.

I'm recruiting people into my party and the game is acting like I'm calling them (I don't even have a radio) and am saying I am at 0.

Don't think this is a bug, but I definitely don't think it's intentional.

The game can be played with some controlers, so I want the tutorials to include keys for both the keyboard and a controler. The tutorial text actualy says:

You can switch between walking and running by pressing "R" key (W, PAGE DOWN).

Which is fine and intended. I want to add a system that detects if you are using your keyboard or a gamepad so I can make the game show only the keys you will actualy need.

The area around Markus' house has 3 wolves but the battle only has 2.

You mean the area with the ruins and a shrine? I was experimenting  with that encounter when I was making it. You start fighting one dog, the second one will come before you even get a turn. The third one will appear slightly later.

The idea was to make enemies come at you with slight delay and if you kill them too quickly, the ones that didn't arive yet decided to run away. It's not great though, especialy when you want to actualy kill them all and you have to skip several turns for all of them to appear. I will change that. They will act like any other group encounter in the next version.

I'm recruiting people into my party and the game is acting like I'm calling them (I don't even have a radio) and am saying I am at 0.

I think I found the problem. Fixed the issue.

Don't think this is a bug, but I definitely don't think it's intentional.

I'm not sure I see what's wrong. 

If you mean being able to use party member skills by pressing Q and W in the menu, that is intentional, just not comunicated to the player.

The unintentional thing is that the MC is listed as "Hero" rather than whatever their status page says.

You are right. That entire panel show shows unused things, like the database class names, or character level, which stays always 1. I will fix that.

(1 edit)

Ghouls have Noclip enabled. They're already nearly impossible to spot first in the darkness, and now this BS. You can't even fight them without being stupidly overpowered. I'm also still getting a mood penalty from killing animals despite having killed 50+. Great Coordination Lv.1 increased my max wellness level to 10 despite not having taken the perk.

Ghouls are supposed to be the game over enemies for majority of the game. Player should only be in the caves for a short amount of time and when you hear the growl, you know it's time to leave quickly.  Noclip is a workaround, because the engine has no pathfinding and this is a simple temporary fix. Ghouls will be worked on more in the future. One simple solution to make them slighly easier to deal with is to make them glow a little in the dark, so you can see them coming.

Animal killing no longer affects the mood loss. Morality now does. Once your morality goes to -10, you should stop getting mood penalties for killing animals. Morality can be lowered by killing humanoids or animals.

I checked and I don't see any reason why great coordination should affect wellness. Is there something else you did before you noticed the wellness increase? Joining the church increases wellness for example.

Something like this:

Doesn't make them completely visible, but your eyes can see the red light moving on the screen and you know there is something coming after you.

Legitimately cannot find it, even zoomed in. Are they meant to appear after only three room transitions? It made getting the Fire Bloodstone far more difficult than it would have been otherwise. On the topic of Ghouls, consider renaming them Wraiths due to their ability to walk through walls as well as putting them on the front layer so they aren't obscured by the terrain.

It's not perfectly visible, but you can see the red glow moving while in game. But I can adjust it and make it more visible no problem. My goal is to just give a hint that something is there, not to make them light up like a lightbulb.

This is how it looks when I increase the brightness

Their ability to walk through walls is just a placeholder until I get some form of pathfinding working. Without that, they would be completely useless and not dangerous at all. Once that happens, they will walk around obstacles like you would expect them to.

The lit-up version is much more noticeable, but still not obvious at a glance.

It's much more visible when you can see it actualy moving in the darkness.

Love how I've been called a butcher despite 97% of my battles not involving humanoids.

Yeah. That dialogue is very old. It's from a time when the game only tracked number of battles and not actual enemies killed or their type. There are more things like this in the game that I will have to change at some point.

There is a trait with the same name that you get at -100 morality, which allows you to get meat from humanoid enemies.

(1 edit)

Not sure if this is a bug, but I cant seem to be able to farm. I go to the box, the UI for planting appears, then I press z or spacebar and nothing happens. I already managed to plant 1 potato seed somehow, but I cant replicate it.

Edit: I have managed to find the way to farm. Still, it would be great if the game had a guide where one could check even after the tutorial/tip appears.


There should be a popup that appears above your head when you open the box that says "press shift". I will check if it's still there later today.

But yes, the entire learning experience will have to be redone. Tutorial will be split into multiple sections that you can start or play again whenever you like and I will add a screen explaining key mechanics just in case the player forgets them.

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Another thing that would be extremely helpful is a "crafting list" of sorts, to know what objects require what skills, crafting tables, and requirements to be made. For example, how the hell does one make nails? Yes, I know its probably pretty easy and i'm dumb for not figuring it out, but in a game so complex like yours, people will most definitely miss stuff like this. If there was this list, then I would be able to see what skill and crafting table is needed to make them to begin with.

I don't see any reason why not. The game already has a bestiary. Having similiar system for items seems reasonable.

I feel like right now, most crafting recipes make sence, since there is not that many of them. The nails for example, can be bought from a blacksmith and he also teaches you how to make them. Said blacksmith also has every crafting station he needs. Furnace for smelting ore outside his house and an anvil to make items out of metal. 

Same goes for most crafts. Farmer has a seed bench and he and the hunter also have an oven. Machinist has a lathe and the herbalist has an alchemy table. 

It might seem overwhelming at the start and the lack of explanation and tutorials doesn't really make things better, but the world is not that big and you will find all crucial trainers and crafting stations quite quickly.

Just saw a new veresion coming out, but since I just beat  0.37.3. yesterday here I'll report some bugs seem to have near the end.

Once after the choices and leaving Mr.s White's bunker, multiple maps no longer scroll.  

Seem choosing different characters get different maps stuck, one has the church map stuck while another one works.

The bug inherits to a new game. When going to the cut scene where player meets Helena and the priest, nothing happens and the player is stuck at that map. 

Also curious how to get the new game bonus inheriting character imprint mentioned when beating the game. When starting a new game, the character now has 6 attribute points to spend but cannot find the other features mentioned.

(1 edit) (+1)

I couldn't replicate the map getting stuck. I will need more help with that one.

  • Does it happen only after the last cutscene, or are other cutscenes triggering it?
  • After watching the cutscene that breaks the scrolling, save, turn the game off and back on. Does the bug still happen?
  • Does the scrolling get stuck and can you still move around, or does the entire game freeze?
  • What maps did you found that stop scrolling?
  • Did you watch the cuscene from start to finish, or did you skip it?

Answering atleast some of these should make it easier for me to track this one down.

As for the bonuses, start a new game and go to the area with the bridge guard. There should be a new cave entrace near him. There you will find all bonuses you unlocked.

Thanks for the reply, hint for new game+ and the game. 

  • Does it happen only after the last cutscene, or are other cutscenes triggering it?

It happens after the trio walks out of bunker, then following them once out that first map (I think that map has a lizardman is there guarding a car battery one) has scrolling disabled, but fast travel still works. However fast travel to church if I choose Suong has church map stuck too, so I chose the Russian and had the game finished.

The game doesn't freeze, just the character can walk out of screen not transferring to different map (or trigger event in new game), turn off the game still has the bug. I didn't skip any cut scene. 

There (Mr. House place) I think I also noticed something different. When pressing esc (or q, not very sure), an extra menu hud would appear from the regular one iirc. Seem to get different color and texts. It looks like the tutorial hints if I remember correctly.

Should I upload the save somewhere? 

(1 edit) (+1)

When you leave the bunker with the others, there should be another cutscene where you talk with the russian general again. Does it trigger?

Anyway, nothing wrong with sending me the save files. You can send it to my e-mail:

I think I found the issue. Uploading 37.5 now. Try to go through the cutscene in the bunker again. If everything goes  right, you should see new cutscene play after leaving the bunker for the first time. If it still doesn't work, then please send me the save file.

It works properly now. :)

Found another bug.  Billy and Suong aren't treated as friends in ending rolls (would still help to build house) therefore don't unlock the trophy.

The unlock says : "Finish the game with more than two friends", which means you need atleast three people with relationship above 49. If you had only Suong and Billy as a friend and didn get the unlock, then everything works correctly. If you had more people with relationship of 50 and more, then something is broken. Please check again how many friends you had and if you had 3+, then I will do some digging and see what's wrong.

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Hi, this is my first time commenting on Anyway, weird that when I'll collect tomato on Billy farm and it give a beet??? So yeah...

Oh and how do I use Helena ability to heal outside the battle? If you know what I mean.

(1 edit)

I will fix the tomato / beet problem. By the way, it's only a visual glitch. The window reports you got beet, but you actualy get tomato as you are supposed to. Thanks for reporting it.

Skills can be used outside of battle by going into the "Skills" section in the menu and pressing Q / W, PGDOWN / PGUP to scroll through your party members. Not all skills are usable outside of combat though.

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Thank you!

(3 edits)

Heyo, your game is really good!
I found some bugs:
When fighting drunk there's a chance to this happen whrn attacking with a melee weapon

For some reason whenever I use a Speed Potion I use all of them (And still gain only 1 mood)
(Here was suposed to have a link) 

And, is possible to go through the wall here

How the heck I messed up this bad trying to record... later I will try to send the actual video (or gif) of the Speed Potion bug, sorry

No problem. Take your time with the drunk melee video, I'm going to sleep now anyway. 

In the meantime, I fixed the double potion consumption bug and the map collision error.  If you find any more spots like that, posting a screenshot will be enough. No need to spend time making a video.

Thanks for reporting those bugs. I will most likely upload new version once I see what the drunk glitch is about and fix it.


Drunk Melee

The shield gives sword xp, is this a bug?

Only now I realised your nick is Mr.W name (or his name is your nick I supose) really cool! (Sorry for the off-topic)

(1 edit)

The weapon level pre-start boosts are giving 10 levels instead of 5 per stack.
And I found a way too specific bug: If you fast travel at the exact same time a battle will start, you will fast travel and then the battle will start with the battle background of the place where you are now and after the battle ends the game will crash. (Honestly don't know how I pulled this off) The crash mesage also mentions "scenery" or something, I don't remeber clearly.
Is possible to clear the good Kobold Cave using firecrackers, instead of you escaping, the kobolds will disapear

(1 edit)

The specific bug


      Task sucefully failed =w=




(3 edits)

When you skip the introduction you start with no craft points (All crafts, not the skill crafting). And the things get a bit buggy, like, the encounter NPCs appear normally but the bandit for the +1 craft skill appear only the week after.

Also, don't know if it was suposed to happen but the beach cutscene won't happen if someone is on the party.

Alcogone doesn't remove the Drunk debuff =w='

George's chat does nothing, he gains friendship by the first interaction with him in the day. A bug I like but still a bug is that you can chat with Helena even after reached the limit so you can always raise her stat, and is what I do =w=

Also, on a run of mine that all saves corrupted after my laptop suddenly shut off, I unlocked Suong on the interaction tab that have "Ron the Rowdy" and "Billy Stone" and I wasn't able to unlock again, I thought it was friendship but... no(?)

(1 edit)

Well that's a lot of bugs. Good job finding and posting all of them.

Fixed the drunken bug, but it's a placeholder fix. The entire section with combat calculations is a huge mess and I will have to remake it from ground up one day. The crash happened in rare case only when you missed  / glanced an attack so for now, you will do 1 damage instead of crashing.

Speedpotion double use was fixed.

Shield had indeed wrong weapon type asigned. I changed them to blunt.

Starting weapon perk bonus has been adjusted.

Fast travel combat crash is something that I think is a quirk of the engine. I had similiar crashes, when the game just hangs when you turn it on and throws some kind of error. This happens like twice a year to me though. Battles taking place after teleporting has the same roots I think. I tried to fix it and I think it worked, but I think it can still happen if you are very, very precise with the timing.

The entire kobold den section is horribly outdated and I will be redoing it once I put the faction system in the game. For now though, I just disabled escaping from these encounters.

Most cutscenes don't happen unless you are alone. They don't have any time limits so you will see them eventualy. This was done simply because adding all dialogue for different combinations of party members you can have would drive me mad.

Alcogone removed the drunk negatives partialy. You can drink again and NPCs don't think you are drunk anymore, but the state still remained on you. I fixed that.

Crafting points at 0 is intentional. Skipping the start puts you at your tent and refusing the tutorial. Doing the tutorial moves you one week forward. That's why your crafting points were filled.

Both chat options for Helena and George have been fixed.

Those dialogue options like "Billy" or "Suong" are not working properly. Most of them have no text or the way you get them is way too obtuse. If I remember correcly, you can get the "Suong" topic by reading the post next to Billy's door when he is visiting her. No NPC will tell you anything about that topic anyway, except maybe the bridge guard.

Again, thanks for all those reports.  I will upload new version in about an hour.

Wow, it's really cool to see a dev so dedicated. Keep with the good job!

I'm a bit sad that Helena's chat got fixed but well, it was a bug. If I find any other bugs I will make sure to report!

Is this suposed to be here on the week 5?

Other thing I forgot to say last time, the group of 3 Kobolds of the Kobold DG stop appearing after they are killed, as these are the only entities I don't see respawning I was wondering if it is a Bug.

Isn't here...

Guess I gained a Ichor Container for free =w=

Kobolds not respawning was a bug. I fixed it.

Ichor spawns right from the start. When you pick it up, it takes about a month for it to respawn. It has like 4 different spawn locations so it is not always at the same spot. Once it spawns, it stays at its location untill you pick it up so you can't just check one location every week and hope for it to move there.

(1 edit)

Ooh didn't even know it respawns. All the times I've seen it was on that spot


Hi, second time for me to comment.

So why does the UI turned to grey when I interact?  Did I press something or the game force to turn grey?

And I forgot to say this, when I select Helena skills, the UI looks like this.

Skill window will be fixed in next version. Thanks for reporting it.

As for the UI turning gray, I will need more information about that one. Screenshot would be perfect.

There are a few instances where UI turns gray that I know of and all of them are intentional. First instance are screens like building window or work window. 

Second instance is the choice or number input window.

Reason for this is simple. I don't have the graphics finished yet.

The last instance is tied to the main quest progression. After finishing one of the dungeons, your UI changes depending on your choice made at the end.

Those are all intentional. 

If you mean something else, then please provide a screenshot and I will look into it.

I see, thank you!

(2 edits)

Hello, seeing that the game will get a new update I remembered a bug I forgot to report and some things I don't really know if are a bug but I think are worth to mention:
- The Wolf don't consume the meat to follow you
- You can take Carnivore and Vegan at the same time, don't think it is intended, but seeing this, I thought would be cool to have a quality like ARFID that make you loose mood by simply eating. It would be the same thing as taking the 2 qualities but less contradictory.
- No shotgun boon? (I wouldn't really use, but seeing that shotgun is the only weapon without a pre-start boon)

That's all I remember by now, I was going to play more to se if I find any more bugs but I haven't had much time lately...

(Sorry if something I said in this or my other comments is a bit confuse, english is not my main language, to say some phrases I am using Deepl, please ask for clarification if you don't understand something I tried to say.)

Thanks for reporting those. Wolf and was fixed. Shotgun perk was in the game, but it wasn't showing up because of a typo in the code. 

Carnivore and vegan are partialy intentional. I could make them exclusive, but I like the idea of making a character who doesn't like eating pretty much anything.

As for your english, it's fine. I have no trouble understanding what you are trying to say.

Hi, got some weird bug here.

These group of Koblod disappeared when they touch the player. Hope I explain enough.

Thanks. Fixed the bug. New version with all the bugfixes and work system overhaul should be uploaded tomorrow.

(1 edit)

Only Bug I found so far

Oh, wait, is the trait edit from Quentin suposed to add the effects instead of replace?


Thanks for reporting.

Yes, perk reset is supposed to add to your stats. It will change in the future into normal perk reset like in other games, but for now it makes for a interesting way to get stronger.

Hmm... Now I will need to resist the urge to mess around with it =w=

(1 edit)

First time post a bug report, got into Mr. White bunker for the 1st time, encounter the first enemy and get this, any idea how to fix this? Thank you

Is it happening with every enemy you ran into, or just one specific enemy? If it happens with only one, then please post a screenshot with its location.

This enemy  when I enter Mr. White cave, after the dialogue  and Suong leave the party, I go left and he's there.

I can not progress since he block the way forward without a fight, you can't miss it.

(1 edit)

Thanks. I found the problem and fixed it (Hopefuly). I will upload new version in about 10 minutes (0.38.2 - beta). Download it and simply overwrite your old game folder with this new one. All your previous saves and unlocks should stay and work. Write again if that fixed the issue or if it's still broken.

Thank you so much, it works wonder.

Glad it worked. If you find anything else or if you have any suggestions, don't be afraid to post them. I don't have much time these days to play through the game in depth, so any unreported bugs will stay in the game for a long time unless someone reports them.


I will, I enjoy this game a lot.

Go to open the cave with dynamite but the character was block by enemy (which spotted me) lock the game in place because the animation can not be finished.

Thanks. Fixed the issue.

Thank you.

I found out that if you use a firecracker while fighting a ghoul the battle will end and begin again.

I didn't have much time today, so I did only a quick check and didn't find anything out of ordinary.

Is it specific ghoul that restarts the battle instantly, or are they all doing this? If it's specific ghoul that does this, can you describe the map where he spawns so I can find him?

(1 edit)

It could just be the ghoul in the church caves doing it ill test it again while getting a recording so its easier to explain and possibly fix (got the vid just uploading it now)

Obs seems to dislike this game for some reason

I had a some free time today so I did a proper check. 

All ghouls behave like this. I fixed it and they should work properly in next update. Thanks for reporting this.


Hey, firts time here, so i find this erro with the wolf as party member tring to use the item menu in combat.

The error


Thanks for the report. I fixed the issue. 

I will release a patch at a later date, since I don't think this is a progress stopping issue.


So this may be some nitpicks but, i can't use the oven in Soung house, despite having bought the "use oven" in Sougn Favors tab.

Also i think that the first letter of the alchemy bench should be in upper case:


Thanks, fixed both issues.

You don't have to bother reporting gramatical and other text related issues, since the game is full of these and will need a full text check at some point anyway. Still, if you report them, I will fix them.


ok man, just wanna say that the game is awesome, depite having to grind so much, keep doing the good work.

(2 edits)

ei, i'm sorry if i'm being annoying for reporting these bugs and errors each day that i find them. I'm doing in this way wile i'm playing so i don't forget to report them. 

So saing this, i think that the trader in riverstone and the kobold shop that sells stone and wood is in some kind "linked"?  

Like if i sell fish for the kobold one, them go in riverstone, and talk to the trader he will also sell those fish for me.

The only difference is the Discont Rate. (sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native english speaker) 

(1 edit) (+1)

You can "spam" this topic as much as you want. Every bug you report will help me make the game better. It doesn't matter if you post one very long post, or multiple short ones. 

As for the shop, I accidentaly gave these two the same ID. It is now fixed.

When i try to fix the water wheel this error occur, and this box appears. After the text (7 days later)

ok now it's working fine. The bug is not happening anymore.


There was and issue with the water wheel. It was using parts the old upgrade system. I fixed it. Thanks for reporting this.

(1 edit)

Hello it's me again. If i try to recruit Roman the game will crash and show this: (I have the flavor and the skill Charismati girl btw)


I found a exploit with the quest (Tax the abe). I can tax multiple times the same person by just talking with Petrus. Sadly i can't finish the quest either, i find it ironic.        It works like this:

1- Be with the initiate clothes and talk to artisans (Marcus as example), ask about the quest "tax the abe". 

2- Then go talk to Petros (he will repeat the same dialogue as when he gave you the quest) 

3- Repeat 1 = Infinite money glitch

I'm 100% sure that you all ready know this. When i drive the motorcycle, the sprite will change to the default one, like the girl will be with a pink outfit and a red hair, indepedent of the clothes and the color of the hair that the mc is currently wearing.

other things that I don't know if they are intend as part of the gameplay mechanics or bugs; 

Billy is not selling rope anymore, and i can't finish the Well construct (because i use all the rope i find with shortcuts)

 I don't know where to find animals and i can't find no one selling them, not even Billy. (i have the barn constructed)

I can't use the "Old fridge" despite having, Basic eletrical and Steam Power generator (I think this one is not implemented yet)

btw why there is a BunnySuit in the game? (I know that you add it because you want but, the mc is 10 year old when the game start, and why did you put PDEF: 25 in it?)


Thanks for all these bug reports. It really helps.

Crash while recruiting Roman has been fixed.

I did some shufling and fixing around and the "Tax the able" quest worked for me now.

Driving sprite is "supposed" to work like that. I will make them work like other character sprites sometime later, since editing those sprites takes quite a bit of time.

Rope is meant to be a rare resource. There is a recipe but it was disabled for some reason. I put it back in. You will learn the rope recipe with "Basics of survival".

Billy should be selling animals. You need to have the barn built and you need to have 10+ relationship with him. I did some editing to those conditions since there was also a minor mistake that prevented him from selling the animals if you had the quest for buying him a new shotgun.

Electricity upgrade was broken. I fixed it and now you should have 25 energy storage together with a basic windmill. The fridge should now work too (Interact with the storage box to install it)

Bunnysuit was supposed to be something like an easter egg / joke. When it was added, it required really high stats to trigger that quest so it would take you several years to actualy get it. I didn't update that quest in some time so it is easier to get now. I will be changing the requirements in the future.

Again, thanks for these reports. I will upload new fixed version shortly.

Thanks for clarify my doubts, so i think i can't buy the animals because i have this quest from billy, and can't make rope because the recipe is missing, well as you said  "it was disabled for some reason". Thanks anyway.


Version 0.40.2 , which I uploaded few hours ago, should fix all of that. Download it, overwrite your old version and your old saves should work fine and those problems should be fixed. Billy will start selling animals and you should get the rope recipe, together with the working fridge and other fixes.

As for the suit, there are other outfits that work like you proposed. You can't wear them if you are too young. I just never got around doing the same for the bunnysuit, plus the sprites are already in the game. In the future, the suit will be most likely removed and it will stay as a reward outfit for finishing the game in certain way.

(1 edit)

Well talking about the bunnysuit again, you can prevent the player from buying the bunnysuit from the tailor, like make that she simply doesn't sell it for the mc, because she is not old enough. i will stop talking about this topic because is a neatpick of mine. Well i will make a review of the game when i finish it. i know that Sinathir is not finish yet, also i need to test orther skills that i didn't choose. maybe i will do a tierlist about the skills that are available at the start of the game, and the ones that you can get from the mutations and the karma mechanics.

Eae, here is a list of Errors and bugs that i found:

1° If you press F12, and press Continue the game bugs out.

2° Now that i have more rope i understand why i don't have a rope in this shortcut. It's broken, i can't use it, and now i can't retriever either.


3° This boss is stuck (i don't think he is suposse to guard this place like this).


4° I think this is a bug btw and not a feature. So apparently the Soviet Bunker doesn't count to the Dungeon limit per week. (And I think it should count, because i can farm this place like a motherfucker and have 100+ Mysterios Syringe, Ancient metal and, Power sorce. I am not even count the normal loot of this place and the amount of guns. Plus theoretically i don't need to fight any monster if i don't want to. So why i can choose if i want to fight or flee a battle? And why the fight just apper out of nowhere?)

5° Some chest appear as the default one and then change to this lockers if i open them, and some don't even change. Examples; 


6° Now that i talked to "Walter White" and now that I have given his letter, Soung still haven't change to her "normal stats" and has lost her Hunter Skill. Her like this is so broken that i don't think that dis is intecional, like she is fucking hard carring me like a monster truck. She is steam rolling every fight and can kill alone a Ghoul and Quentin White with essy (Probably). 

7° Both of this 2 Quest are still showing after i have finished does.


Now Some minor bugs;

8° The bike got stuck in this place (i can't ride it). 


9° This camp fire i is the only one like this. (I may have lit it on fire at night, i don't know)

10° The Shrines of wellness doesn't make a sound when i give 50 silver. (have i wrote this phrase right?)

Btw im Sorry i was supposed to report these bugs yesterday but I forgot. some of them I wrote a while ago in a txt and forgot to report them. They are the last 3.


Thanks for reporting these.

  1. This is an  engine related issue and as far as I know, there is not much I can do about it. There are ways to to fix this error, but it would take a lot of time and efford. Simply put, I will get to this one later.
  2. This rope is a little different than others. You have to interact with the tile under the rock with rope tied around it. This is simply an oversight and I will change this spot to work like the rest of rope rocks.
  3. That boss is indeed supposed to just stand in the doorway. I will be doing more elaborate encounter once I get to overhauling that area, but for now, this just ordinary unavoidable boss fight.
  4. You are right, this is a bug. Next patch will make the soviet bunker count towards the dungeon counter.
  5. That's a visual bug that happens because the are is not fully finished. I will fix it once I get to overhauling that place.
  6. That migh and might not be a bug.
    When you talked to Mr. White, who did you decide to join? If you joined Suong, then she will stay in her powered up state forever.
    If you joined anyone else and she still has those high stats, then that means she's bugged.
  7. This looks to be connected to a bug you reported earlier. When you were resetting the "tax the able" quest to get more money from people, the game was giving you more of the same topic. I fixed that bug in previous patch, but these topics still stayed in your dialogue options. New playthrough shouldn't have these duplicates.
  8. That's a bug, but it will take some time to fix. The game gives priorities to events in front of you instead of events you stand on. This means that the bike can become unusable if you park it in some very specific spots (There is one event above you and one in front of you . There is no way to get on the bike and like in a direction with no event, meaning the bike is pretty much stuck). You can simply advance a week and the bike will return to your house automaticaly. I will probably add a button that will let you turn your character on a spot as a simple fix.
  9. Yeah. That campfire lighting was broken. Fixed it.
  10. Also fixed this.

Again, thanks for finding and posting these. Some of these bugs must have been in the game for months or years, but you are the first one who bothered reporting them. Thanks. It really helps.

You're welcome. So about the topic, yes i decide to choose Soung, but i still think that she like this is abitt broken just like i told in the report. About the  "That boss is indeed supposed to just stand in the doorway", Some times when I get to this area he just comes at me, and other times he just stands there. That's why I thought something was wrong.  But anyway have a great day.


Suong being OP is only temporary. So far there are no consequences for joining any of the main characters so I decided to give the player powerful companions. As I expand the main quest, you will have to do more to get the powered up Suong, the generals, or to access Mr. White's shop.

As for the boss, the soviet bunker is randomly generated to a degree. It consists of roughly five locations and each location has three variations. It's quite possible that there is one variation of that room where the boss sprints after you.


Upon selecting roman for the work options, i get the prompt of "Script 'Scene_Schedule' line 2033: TypeError occurred. Cannot convert nil  into String"

There was an error in the favor database that was causing this. I fixed it and will be uploading new version soon. Thanks for reporting this.

Hello, I started playing on version 0.39.1, and moved to 0.40.2 recently (then attempted it again in 0.40.3). 

I know church joining conditions have changed, but I'm not really sure if it's a bug. Petrus keeps telling me where the church is located instead of giving me a test like the questlog tells me. I read the notes on all three shrines, but it doesn't change Petrus' dialogue at all.


I go there, but the church's entrance is locked (as it always is when you start the game). I tried throwing silver inside the tree hole as I did in 0.39.1 to open it, but to no avail, as it just wouldn't open up the option to throw silver inside it.

Maybe I'm just being stupid and I'm doing something wrong, I just thought to report it just in case.

I couldn't enter the church normally since moving from 0.39.1 to 0.40.2 either, but I had already joined the church in my previous save, so I just kept going to the church through the rope near the hideout, since Helena opened up that entrance for me. I can't go through it in my new save though.

A bike related bug too. This one thing happens to me in 0.39.1 as well. While the game doesn't even let me near a cave entrance with the bike, I can get stuck in certain entrances, like at the entrance of Tadeas' house in the swamp. If I get off the bike and move from the entrance, I just can't retrieve the bike, because moving to that tile would make me enter the house, and exiting the house will still put me in front of the tile the bike is stuck in.

Maybe adding a door there would fix that issue, as you can't open house doors when riding the bike.

Also, not really a bug, but something I found funny. You can enter the shower when riding the bike. Nika will ride the bike inside it, take a shower, and get out, still riding the bike. I don't think that was intended, but it is very funny.

(1 edit)

Thanks for reporting these.

Church joining has changed a lot and compatibility between old and new versions is shaky at best.

If you loaded your old save where you already joined the church, then you should have a new "armor" in inventory called "Church talisman" or something like that (you can equip it in the "Other" slot). After that, go to the spot where the door used to be and interact with this spot:

The door should open now. If it doesn't work, try to equip / unequip the talisman. If you don't have the talisman at all and you finished the quest in the older version, then that's a mistake on my part.

As for the entrace bike bug and the shower but, I will fix these. Thanks for reporting them.

Yeah, I have nothing like a talisman in my inventory in my old save. And in the new save, I can't even be recognised by the church at all, so I didn't get the church armor in the new save, neither the talisman, nada. 

Anyway, I really love your game, it gives off that 'silly but serious' vibe that I often fall in love with in many stories. Keep up the good work, and never abandon this gem of a game.

Thanks. I don't plan on stopping developing this game anytime soon.

As for the bugs, I fixed most of them. If you really want to, I can upload new version with a cheat code that will give you the amulet.

Please do. The only alternative I have is to load a save on an older version, join the church, and then load said save in the latest version. 

Also, not really a bug but possibly an oversight. I know you made caves particularly dangerous to the player at the beginning of the game even with companions, as getting hit for 10% or more of your Max HP will reduce your wellness. The thing is, if I have, let's say 20 Max HP, and get knocked out, I'll get back on my feet with 1 HP if my companions win the fight. Of course, getting knocked out will reduce my wellness if I had full HP, but staying at 1 HP and letting your companions carry you while exploring the caves negates wellness loss, as the most HP I can lose is 1 HP, which is less than 10% of my Max HP if its value is 20 or so. I can just keep healing the others and keep going without fearing losing wellness, as well as avoiding the self healing limit altogether. 
Getting knocked out should cost the player wellness as well, or else they can just chat and hang out with adults strong enough to carry them, and no penalty will be given to them for entering a cave they're clearly not prepared to face. I know you've said the combat system is something you have not set in stone in your head yet, but I think that's something to consider.

You can download the newest version (0.40.4). Go to the inn and interact with the painting on the picture. Put in the following code and you will get the church amulet and thus finish the quest. This should fix most problems.

As for the 1HP cheese, this is something I was thinking about a lot in the past and I decided to leave it as it is for now. If I make the penalties for dying too high, then players will just save before each battle and reload if they die and lose too much wellness. I was also thinking of disabling saving in dungeons and caves to make them harder, but that comes with a lot of issues too.

I have an idea for an injury system. If you, or an NPC die, you lose let's say 25% of all your stats. If you die four times, it is game over. NPCs who die four times will be removed from your party. Skipping the week in any way will reset your stats back to normal. This system should make repeated dying not worth it, but will not affect your character long term like wellness loss does. save file got corrupted somehow. Dunno if it's a bug, or I messed up something. I can play it if I hit "Continue", but if I go to "Load" and try to load this save, or even try to save while continuing with this save, the game crashes, and gives me this message. 


I'll give you my save just in case it helps to see what's the problem. It's not much of a loss of progress, as it's not more than 30 weeks if I recall correctly, but it's a save that I only used in v 0.40.4, so compatibility with a previous version is definitely not the problem.

It's some kind of time related error. The game couldn't get your current windows time and date and just gave up.

I have no idea what could have caused it. Could be the game hitching crashing when you saved it, maybe you changed your timezone from previous save time,.. No idea.

That said, this is just an exception that should have no bearing on the integrity of your save file. I made a workaround that will show and "ERROR" text instead of the save date. Saving and and loading should work. Right now, I'm trying to think of a way to release this fix as a patch and not as a entirely new game upload.

Couln't find a way to make this change into small patch, so I released new version with some additional changes instead. Your old save files should work now. Tell me if something else breaks.

By the way, don't know if this is a bug or if it is real but damn. I think that's a record.

Yeah, it works now. Dunno what happened there. 

And yeah, that's normal. I only have this old netbook at my job on which I play it, so I just leave the game running when I get customers. My oldest save breaks the 85 hour mark, haha.

Burn Angel reporting himself here to give his report about bugs. Again.

Going inside Mr. White's hideout while on the bike is not a problem. He's cool with you riding your bike around him. But don't you dare get off the bike while you're in his hideout, or he'll cause the end of the world. Quite literally. 


This silly boy dissapears from the dungeon if you run away from him.  

Using either a firecracker or a smoke bomb on his encounter will despawn him from the map, thus making even his encounter not dangerous to the player, so there's absolutely not a single dangerous thing in the abomination dungeon.  

None of these bugs are really gamebreaking (although the Mr. White's hideout may make people lose unsaved progress), so it's okay to leave them be and fix them on v0.41. 

(Gosh, me alone have made you release 0.40.4 and 0.40.5, haha)

Fixed all those issues. I will relase a patch sometime later, since these are not really game breaking bugs. 

By the way, keep up the good work reporting these. Without people like you, this game would be even bigger mess.

Reporting some minor glitches. 

Is the Flying Tumor considered by the game as an abomination? Because it doesn't give the mood boost that you get from killing abominations when you have the Banisher of darkness trait. You only get +2 from the Hungry Abomination and +2 from the Mutated Abomination. 


I don't remember if someone pointed it out already, but the battles in the first and second sections of the abomination dungeon have no background, just pure black. 

In the cooking menu, the recipes show you the basic mood that food gives you, without changing it if you choose to have either the Carnivore trait or the Vegan trait. 

Here, the recipe tells me Cooked Beans gives me +10 mood, but having both the Carnivore and Vegan traits drops it to -20.  


Something that I couldn't make a screenshot of, is that sometimes, the first enemy you fight in a dungeon or cave system will become confused after killing it instead of being despawn from the map. It's not necessarily something bad, as the first enemy isn't something dangerous most of the time, but it's still something to take into account. 

I was also testing the skills a player can get from the ichor containers. I've noted that the regeneration skill only works on a killing blow - I'll explain myself. 

The skill tells me I heal myself for lvl % damage + lvl of the skill. So, since I have that skill on level 1, if I deal less than 100, I should get 1HP, 100-200 damage would be 2HP, etc. The thing is, unless I kill an enemy with a hit, I don't regenerate any HP. For example, let's say I hit a Mutated Abomination for 300 damage. Mutated Abominations have 400HP, so hitting it again will deal 100 damage, for which I would regenerate only 2HP, not regenerating any HP for the first hit. Sometimes, not even 1-hit kills will make me regenerate any HP. Non kill hits towards enemies with a huge amount of HP (like, let's say the Abomination Brute) will make me regenerate HP though.

Thanks for reporting these. I won't fix most of these for the next update, since I will be releasing it tomorrow (If everything goes well), but I will get to these after christmass. 

The final dungeon is unfinished and very rough. That's why it uses random encounters and switches artstyle half way through, together with all the other issues.

Quick update on the regeneration bug. I couldn't replicate it. I attacked a scavenger with a knife, dealt 2 damage (non-glancing hit) and regenerated 1 HP. I hit him with dragunov rifle, killing him in one hit and regenerating some HP. I raised his HP to 3000 and kept hitting him with different weapons for different values and I always regenerated. I put some NPCs into my party, tried again and everything worked as it should. 

Only time I didn't regenerate any HP was when I did a glancing hit. This counts as a miss so it doesn't regenerate any HP. 

If you have any more information I could use, please post them . You ichor levels, perk screen, stats and weapons. Or you can just send me the save file that did this.

Alright, here you go. Uh...don't mind the 105 hours mark, haha.

I did some quick testing on multiple enemies with your latest save.

Killing enemy with single hit always regenerated you. Hitting enemies also regenerated you, no matter how little damage you did.

Only time when you didn't regenerate any health were when I changed your STR to negative value, which is understandable, since this is not supposed to happen under any circumstance and you would notice something else being wrong, since enemies would stop dying if that happened in your playthrough.

The other instance when you stopped regenerating were glancing hits.

These hits don't count as normal damage, so they don't trigger any regeneration and I don't think they even count towards your XP limit.

It is also possible that there is some enemy with broken elemental resistances and you keep "healing" him with ordinary attacks, in which case you will not regenerate anything. 

If you notice a specific enemy that doesn't let you regenerate, please tell me.

(3 edits)

This happens when I try to accept the schedule for the next week, and I have no idea why.

Found the issue. You can bypass this error by NOT doing any scheduled activities with Suong. I will release a patch later today.

Okay, Thanks


I asked for a Seed Bench from Billy, but he gave me an Alchemy Bench instead.  

Sometimes early on I was able to make seeds on the Basic workbench next to the tent in the Hideout, but later I wasn't.  I don't know if was doing something differently each time.

I don't know if it matters, but the synopsis after the first year where my character chose to leave the island said she hadn't made any friends, but the construction screens were showing Friends: 1.  That would be Suong (60.0) I suspect.  (I also don't know what it means to have a friend when you are constructing something in the first place.)

One time when speaking to an NPC my character gave her surname as Volkova instead of what I entered at the start, but she gave the correct given name.  I don't remember which NPC she was speaking to, sorry.

Looking through the thead here I see people being exact about the bugs, so I'll try to be more helpful if I post again.

Thanks for reporting these.

Alchemy bench instead of a ordinary bench was a bug. Fixed it.

Basic rock bench allows you to make potato seeds, but nothing else. Once you upgrade it, you can't make any seeds on it. This is intentional, but not ideal. I wanted to add a way to switch between different workbench levels while crafting, but never got to it.

Friends ending requires you to get 2+ friends. The game doesn't make this clear, since the endings are placeholders right now. This will change in the future. Friends in construction menu will lower the time required for constructing something. The more friends you have, the faster will you finish building.

Having your own surname is relatively new feature and it is quite possible i forgot about some instance where the old surname is still used. If you could tell me more about it, like the NPC, location or cutscene, I would apreciate it.

Again, thanks for reporting these. I will probably release new version in a week.

Recently started playing! saw one bug and another unclear case (sorry if the text is a little unclear, I'm writing through the translator)!
when trying to build a simple ramp on the beach where Bill usually stands, an error occurs after the dialogue!
and the second case, after receiving a document on city citizenship (quest 'papers please', I completed it), I don't know what to do next, I can ask Billy about the document itself, which I don't have in my inventory! at the same time, Billy is not interested in this document!

Thanks for reporting these. The first bug will be fixed in next version, which I should release at the end of the week.

For the quest, if you gave the papers to the Mayor, then you finished the quest and that's it. The rest of the questline is not finished yet. You can still wait for the dungeon raid with the generals, but that questline is also not fully finished.

Hello! I encountered the same bug again, but this time when trying to interact with the motorcycle when it broke!

Thanks for reporting this. I will release a fix with the next NPC patch.