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The game is not finished yet, so I set the end of the game at the end of the first year (full game will take 8 years before your sentence ends).

However, you can still continue playing without any issue. Your character will age and get different sprite every year, monsters and dungeons will still work and you can fight Mr. White as many times you want. 

At the end of the first year, you get a shitty ending (those are just placeholders) depending on your stats and things you did. If you then check the "UNLOCKS" option in the main menu, you will see all the stuff you unlocked and some hints telling you what you have to do to unlock more cheats and outfits.

You only unlock new cheats / outfits at the end of the first year. You can continue playing your save after that but you won't unlock anything new. Also, every save has unique number, so you can't just save two weeks before your game ends, unlock one outfit, load the save, raise different stats and try to unlock different outfit. The game will give you new unlocks once per save.

(1 edit)

STR increases your damage with melee weapons.

DEX increases your chance to hit. It also increases your chance for critical hit.

AGI determines how fast your action bar fills and your chance to dodge attacks.

INT increases how much damage you do with blood powers (magic).

Weapon skills increase your damage and hit / critical chance.

Trade skills have no effect on combat at all.

All ranged weapons should have hidden accuracy and speed stats. Automatic weapons have higher speed and rifles + schotguns have higher accuracy. High speed makes your action bar fill faster and accuracy increases your hit chance. For example, the dragunov rifle has much higher hit chance than any other weapon and you will rarely miss with it.

(1 edit)

The story is unfinished and ends soon after you make the choice. It has no effect on anything right now (chat UI color changes but that's about it), but if you choose one of the generals, you will be able to call them to your party. Suong should also be in her powered up state if you chose her. Joining White does nothing right now. He will still let you get ichor powers and sell you items even if you didn't join him.

All of this will change in the future however and there will be pretty big consequences for joining any of the four characters.

I should update the control screen. It is somewhat outdated. Here is the official control list:

Button is the generic button name. It coresponds to generic controler buttons. If you are playing on a keyboard and the game says "press the R button", then you have to press "W" or "Page Down". Bear in mind that sprint speed at the start of the game is really slow and barely faster than walking.

If you press F1 in game, you can change these controls a little bit.

I don't have that part planned out yet. Marriage is something that will left for the ending and you will only be able to have the romanceable NPCs as a boyfriend / girlfriend. I might make them move into your house at some point but that feature is not coming any time soon.

could you make another outfit that can make you look normal to people

I had that idea in the back of my head for a while, but I didn't bother implementing that just yet. Once the faction system is in and I add more factions, diguises and bribing will be a thing.

weapons like stronger and faster attacks

This is already partialy in the game. Dragunov rifle for example has a large bonus to accuracy, so you almost never miss even with bad stats. Knives attack much faster than other weapons and so do automatic weapons. Not all weapons have these bonuses yet, but I will get to that eventualy.

Demon Dragon could be a few different things, but I think of fire, wind, or water

Mutations will be more or less "realistic". These will change you physicaly in a way that makes sence, so there will be multiple animalistic mutations and other mutations like different skin color or extra limbs, eyes and stuff like that. Wind, fire and elemtal powers like that are reserved for "blood powers" you get from joining the church and Mr. White in the future.

Could you make a mutagen for the unlimited upgrade mutation so that it isn't random

Mutations will get an overhaul in the future. Once I add more mutation types, you will have some kind of way to choose from them so they won't be entirely random. I'm not fully decided how that's going to work just yet, but it is planned.

And will people be romanceable when you get older, like George and Helena,

George and helena will be the main romance options. I will be adding few more romanceable characters in the future, but you will only be able to romance other kids your age or certain younger NPCs.

could you make certain people not talk to because of your morality?

Morality will mainly affect the way you talk to people and your actions in certain events. In the future, I will be removing large portion of choices from events and your character will respond automaticaly depending on your morality. People will never treat you differently depending on your morality, but they will respond to your previous actions. If you had low morality and you did something bad to them, they will remember that. If you have low morality and you talk to someone you never met before, they will treat you nicely since they have no idea that you are evil.

I would love a potential demonic mutation

More muttations are planned. There will be more animal mutations, but also "proper" mutations. Things like extra limbs, eyes, stuff like that. Demonic mutations like horns or or different color eyes and skin are something that I would also like to add.

an adventures guild

This one is also planned. You will be able to join the mutant hunters (The green guys that attack you if are a mutant). You will be have pretty much any role in that guild that makes sence. Cooking food for guild members, making and fixing their equipment, healing the wounded and so on. It will be a place for pretty much any character, not just combat focused ones.

multiple skill classes

Don't know what you mean by this. I will be adding weapon specific and "class" specific skills in the future, so you can can develop your characters in more ways than just raising physical atributes, getting better equipment and raising weapon skill.

better understanding of character events like when they start and there time

This is something I have on my to-do list, but I can't really think of a good way to do it. The easiest way to do it is by making the world map icon of that location different color if an event is happening here, but I would rather make this more organic and "real". But getting information about event locations from other NPCs doesn't always make sence.

They also mention the need for church membership for post-mutation interactions with other people

This should be already in the game. If you mutate, some NPCs will not talk to you. If you join the church and wear the robes, they will start talking to you again.

the potential for military membership without siding

You will be able to join the Russians or Germans only through the main quest. However, there will be three more settlements you will be able to join no matter your main faction.

have a variety of different mutagens maybe some that don't reduce mood

More mutation sources are planned for future locations, mainly places that mutate you slowly if enter them without any protection like gas-masks. However, prety much all sources of mutation will still lower your mood in some way, since the process of mutating is painful and not pleasant. I could add a trait that will change that.

oh yeah i don't know why you cant fix your mood before the day is over when you hit -100

Going below -100 mood means game over. It is entirely possible to "soft-lock" your self, but this is quite difficult to do. You would have to be addicted to multiple drugs and have no money to buy more before the end of the week.

You can't accept a schedule that would lower your mood below -100, so you can't get game over that way. There is also the basic rest option that costs no food and gives you one mood point, so you can't get stuck that way either.

Anyway, these are all the options to raise mood in the middle of a day I can think of:

  • Working out with george
  • Recreation in your hideout (sunglasses icon next to a tree)
  • Talking to NPCs (George and helena give you more mood)
  • Drinking alcohol, doing drugs and smoking
  • Eating expensive food

Then there are some options that depend on your morality. If it's low, you can kill humanoids and animals to get mood bonus. If it's high, you can kill abominations to get mood bonus. 

have an item or skill so you can get that prevent mood from ever being negative

I could add something like that as an ulockable cheat, but adding this into base game would make more than half of the systems obsolete in a way. I could however add a warning that shows up if your mood is getting low. This is already in the game, but it shows only at the start of the week. I could make it show up after every battle or event that alters your mood.

i have a good idea for a kind of bad and good perk  you sacrifice all stat points down to 0 but u gain a lot more you could make those 2 separate

I have something like this planned for the new ichor powers. One of them will multiply your stat gains from all sources and one will multiply your skill gains.

Added new save format:

Each character you make will have separate 5 save slots. You can make as many characters as you want. Icons next to her name and the right panel show some small details to help you identify how far into the game your character is (These are taken from your last save for that character, not your overall progress). Your previous saves should work fine. These will be moved to the -OLD- folder.

Small QoL feature I've been working on today.

I wasn't happy with the limited amount of save slots on offer, but I also kinda liked the limitation in some way. To make save management more forgiving and pleasant, I implemented "save profiles". Every character you make will have its own save folder with separate save slots. Each character still has only five save slots, but the amount of characters you can have is pretty much unlimited. 

This system will detect and move your previous save files into "-OLD-" folder. Here you can load your old characters. Saving the game while playing those old files will create new folders depending on your characters name.

Yeah. I still have an insane amount of work to do, but I'm getting there. Also, I'm patiently waiting for ToK steam release. Good luck.

I had a some free time today so I did a proper check. 

All ghouls behave like this. I fixed it and they should work properly in next update. Thanks for reporting this.

I didn't have much time today, so I did only a quick check and didn't find anything out of ordinary.

Is it specific ghoul that restarts the battle instantly, or are they all doing this? If it's specific ghoul that does this, can you describe the map where he spawns so I can find him?

Construction progress now shows up in the week report window. This means all the features I wanted in the version 0.38 are there.

I will now start slowly working on the faction system. I will wait about 2 weeks before releasing the final 0.38 version in case some bug reports show up or if I find any my self. If nothing crops up, then I will release the full 0.38 version.

So if you find any bugs or have some suggestions related to the schedule system, don't be afraid to post them.

Once the 0.38 version is fully released, I will start fully focusing on the faction system, starting with the church. I will talk more about this system once I have something to show.

This path adds the construction option to the schedule system. If you encounter any crashes or serious bugs, please report them. You can download some of the older versions to play while you wait for me to fix the issues.

This is how the construction scheduling works:

  1. Start a project. Get all skills and materials you need.
  2. Project board will now show as green check mark instead of the black hammer. This means that everything is ready and now you just have to schedule some days for the construction.
  3. Go to the schedule menu by entering your tent or bed.
  4. Go to construction tab and select the specific project. The number of days you need to schedule is displayed in the middle bottom pannel, in this case it's two days.
  5. Number of days you need to schedule that is displayed in the bottom middle and bottom right pannel will get lower with every day you set.
  6. The project will be finished once you schedule enough days to reach "0". Project name in the bottom right pannel will turn green. You won't be able to schedule more days to this project so you don't have to worry about wasting days by accidentaly scheduling more days than necesary.
  7. Accept the schedule. If you number of days equaled to "0", your project will be finished. If not, then you will have to schedule the rest for the next week.

Next version is now in the final testing phase. All construction projects should be in and should work. Now I just have to test things to make sure there are no crashes or major bugs. You can expect next update this friday, if everything goes smoothly. Here is how the construction system works:

  1. Start a project. Get all skills and materials you need.
  2. Project board will now show as green check mark instead of the black hammer. This means that everything is ready and now you just have to schedule some days for the construction.
  3. Go to the schedule menu by entering your tent or bed.
  4. Go to construction tab and select the specific projects. The number of days you need to schedule is displayed in the middle bottom pannel, in this case it's two days.
  5. Number of days you need to schedule that is displayed in the bottom middle and bottom right pannel will get lower with every day you set.
  6. The project will be finished once you schedule enough days to reach "0". Project name in the bottom right pannel will turn green. You won't be able to schedule more days to this project so you don't have to worry about wasting days by accidentaly scheduling more days than necesary.
  7. Accept the schedule. If you number of days equaled to "0", your project will be finished. If not, then you will have to schedule the rest for the next week.

This system gives you more freedom with your schedule and it gives me more freedom to make construction projects more interesting. All projects in previous versions either took no time to build, one week or one month. Now they can take as much time as I want and you are not forced to put entire week into doing nothing but building. You can build a "7" days project in exactly one week, or you can work on it slowly by scheduling only one day for seven weeks.

If everything goes smoothly, then next test version should be released towards the end of this week. There will be some minor things missing, like construction progress not showing in week report window, but everything else should work without problem.

Gathering option will have to wait, since this will require expanding the map and bunch of other stuff. Once construction is released, reported bugs are fixed and all the small missing things are added, I will start properly working on the faction system.

Construction work is progressing nicely.

Still penty to be done, but the main system and mechanics are finished. Now I have to edit all the construction projects and adjust their values in the database.

The report screen is now practicaly finished.

Last thing to is is to overhaul the tutorial and test everything. If I don't encounter any serious crashes, then I will release the next beta version. I will be doing some more testing after that and fix any bugs I or you find. After that, I will add construction to the scheduling.

Small update. All character favor data and jobs should be in the game. I decided to delay the addition of construction so that I can release this update sooner. There is still quite a bit of work to be done and I will have to rework the entire tutorial to reflect these changes, but I should be able to finish the update in the first half of the month. Unless something unexpected happens.

And the schedule window will now let you leave without accepting the schedule.

I found the starting glitch few days ago and fixed it. Thanks for reporting it though.

As for the schedule crash, I fixed some crashes some time ago, but I want to make sure the one you were having is not something different. If encounter it again, then please report it.

(2 edits)

No problem at all. Negative reviews that areconstructive and not just "your game bad" are good. They make me think about the game game more and help me make it better. Positive comments are nice too, but they don't help as much since they are usualy shorter and less in depth. They make me feel happy though and that counts.

Fast travel costs food because I wanted to limit it at the start of the game so that new players have to explore the early maps a bit before they just teleport everywhere, so the way you feel about it is intentional. This goes away however once progress in the game and food stops becoming an issue. You will think twice about teleporting if you have only 10 food left, but not think about the cost at all once you have 300 food. I usualy put a custom travel point in the swamp to make getting there faster. Unlocking the signpost when you enter the village is a good idea, since I also forget to unlock it from time to time.

The random events are a whole new topic that bleeds into other parts of the game. The game has a real problem with the amount of stuff you can do each week, which makes playtime baloon out of control if you decide to play optimaly. I fixed it partialy with the activity limits, but there is still more I could do. The hints for these events you talked about were in the game at one point, but I removed them for some reason. I will work on them again and see how it works out. By the way, the event locations are not random. They cycle each week in a pattern. As you play, you will memorise this pattern and be able to find the event quickly.

Sprinting perk is there to give you a head start and while it technicaly becomes useless in the late game, since you will reach the top speed by other means even without the perk, it makes early game faster and more pleasant. Sprinting has only two purposes. Travel faster and avoid enemies. It fulfils the first purpose nicely, but fails at the second one a bit since there are not enough enemies around and because you always have a full party with you so you don't have a reason to run away in most cases. Besides, there is a way to reset your perks later in the game so you are not really stuck with bad perks forever.

Traps for dungeons are something I will be adding for sure.

Billy is really stong compared to you, but he is still one of the weakest companions you can get. Abominations in the caves will destroy him and stronger enemis like wild pigs and the bear will also beat him up. There will be some limitations to NPC recruitment, some NPCs will refuse to follow you at certain times because they have other things to do for example, and some NPCs will leave after certain amount of fights. I want to make Billy weaker in that kind of way instead of just lowering his stats. He will still help you and he will still be rather strong, but you won't be able to clear the entire map with him right at the start. But I still want Billy to follow you pretty much right from the start just so you can see how weak you are without him and how strong you got once you can start exploring alone.

Kids are the only NPCs (except for Billy) that follow you right from the start. They are also the only NPCs that actualy get stronger over time. The way this is done is not great, but the idea is there. Their stats get higher by simply passing time and you have no inpunt on their stat growth. I would like to change that at some point.

Seeing wellness loss is something I will be adding. Wellness as a whole is still not very well explained or shown to the player and needs more work in that department.

Shops getting unlocked later is also an option and I think I will be doing that for some of the NPCs. This a problem though mainly because the games economy is borked. Once I get it in the shape, it will work fine. You won't be able to buy everything from the start since you won't have enough money to do that.

It is possible that battle XP is bugged, but it "should" work slightly differently from what you said. If you hit an enemy, the amount of damage you dealt gets directly transfered to that weapon XP bar, 1:1. If NPC hits the enemy, you get XP to both equiped weapon types, but the amount is 1:10, meaning you get much less XP from a single fight if you don't deal any damage. The fact that it doesn't count the second weapon skill gain towards the cap is a bug and will get fixed. The reson this works like it does is so even weak characters who can't even hit anything can still progress their skills a little, but actualy going out alone and killing things by your self should still be much more rewarding and faster. Billy is strong and kills most overworld threats without problem, but you still gain less XP when you have him kill everything, so you still want to get strong and stop relying on him, just so you can kill the enemies your self and get more XP.

Alchemy is not in ideal spot. The UI is pretty bad for one and the recipes you can get are not that useful for the most part. It has some nice things, like addiction removal potion, speed potions and mutagens, but it needs more. Wellness potion would be a good addition. Another way to raise wellness is exercising in your hideout.

Graphics as a whole are still placeholders so I don't bother much with fixing minor glitches like that because I will be reworking them at a certain point in the future. I already made original graphics for some dungeons though.

Scheduling in 0.38.3 has some issues. I fixed them for the full release. Previous versions should work normaly though.

EDIT.: I downloaded the 0.38.3 version and scheduling didn't crash for me. Could you please tell me more about that crash? Did you skip the tutorial? can you post a picture of the schedule that crashed the game and a image of the error code?

Again, thanks for writing all this.

Thanks for writing such a long review. It's the more negative and critical, yet constructive posts that help the game the most. I will try to justify some of my design decisions and explain why things are the way they are.


Big theme of the game is "progression". That's probably the best word for it. You start the game as someone who is absolutely useles in pretty much every possible way (Unless you pick perks to remove specific weakness). This includes movement.

You base movement speed is super slow and "sprinting" without the "sprinter" perk is almost a joke. However, this changes as you play the game. 

Your sprint speed increases with your agility stat. The higher it is, the faster you get. On top of that, gaining all major mutations will also make you faster. Not to mention you can buy / make speed potions that also make you much faster. There is also a quest that gives you a small motorcycle that will again increase your movement speed.

I decided to make your starting speed so slow for two reasons. One is the "progression" theme, where your starting speed is incredibly low, but can get about twice as high towards the endgame. To me, this makes the game more satisfying since I can actualy see the results of my numbers getting bigger and makes the difference between starting character and endgame character much bigger. Second reason is exploration. Since the player is so slow, he will spend more time traveling through maps and thus make it harder to miss certain details. It forces the player to explore the maps more because they want to find shortcuts / optimal ways to travel.

The negative is that this lasts only for a little while. the slower movement speed will get boring and tedious towards the midgame. You already explored all the maps and found all items and shortcuts but you still move quite slow. The solution for that is the fast travel system alrady in game.

Your review makes it look like you missed the fast travel system, since it pretty much does what you suggested. 

There is a board in front of your hideout and there is another one in Riverstone. Interacting with them will let you fast travel between them, but you have to pay with food every time. There is also a player waypoint system. You can create your own fast travel points from the radial menu and travel to them at any point in the game (as long as you are in an outdoor area). 

All these tools make traveling much less of a chore in my opinion. You will get more fast travel waypoints as you play and combining them with other shortcuts you opened and board fast travel will let you reach pretty much all major areas very quickly. When I play, I quickly create a network of fast travel points at important locations so I can spend less time walking, I open all the rope shortcuts I can and use them too. And as I play longer, I get access to speed potions and the motorcycle, which makes traveling even faster.

Also, sprinting has one other important use. It lets you run away from chasing enemies. If you get it high enough, you can pretty much zoom past all the abominations in the caves without them catching you. Get a speed potion and the bloodstone quest becomes much easier.


Right of the bat, I agree that all dungeons are horribly balanced. There is no denying it. 

The first kobold "dungeon" is a relic from the extremely early days and I will be changing it completely in the future. As you said, the way it railroads you and pretty much kills you if you enter it unprepared is pretty lame. Doubly so since it is right in front of your hideout and I bet most players died to the scavenger, reloaded the game, entered the cave, died again, turned the game off and never played it again. By the way, I'm not sure if you are aware, but you can befriend the kobolds in that cave and get a companion. Don't enter it for the first few game weeks and new NPC will appear near your hideout and give you a simple quest.

Spider dungeon will get a slight rework. I will be giving it the same luck system the other kobold cave has. Loot pool of both these locations will get rebalanced to be less overpowered. One way I want to spice the spider mine is to add a few enemies with "eyes" so that dodging them and ninja looting the entire place will be slightly harder.

And same goes for the small kobold dungeon. Right now, it gives you way too many good resourcess that can be sold for quite a lot and requires pretty much no efford to go through.


I find the fact that NPCs sell all the basic stuff a good thing, but the game right now is not big enough to make it really shine. The game is pretty limited right now and your max skill level is roughly 50, since there are no recipes for most skills after that. As the game gets bigger, this soft cap will get pushed up and reach roughly 500 in the final version. Right now, you can pretty much max all skills in a year, but later versions will force you pick one or two and stick with them. The fact that close to half of your skill levels are not really useful right now is a problem, but this will get naturaly solved as the game progresses.

NPC shops also shows you what the skills will do if you stick to them. The blacksmith sells tools and weapons, so naturaly you realize that you will be able to make these if you train with him. Farmer sells vegetables so you have a rough idea what the farming skill will let you produce. Inn sells some basic food so again, you have a rough idea what the cooking skill does. And (in future versions) even if you have no intention to raise some of those skills, you can still get the basic items and not be locked out of the basic content other skills offer.

Without the inn selling food, you would be forced to learn farming and cooking. It is still a good idea to learn those skills, since they will make your life much easier, but it is not mandatory if you want to just survive. Same goes for crafting, smithing, survival and so on. I want the game to alow you to "try" what these skills are about without having to commit to them from the star. The first year of the game is supposed to show you what all skills focus on and let you use some basic items  from skills you don't even have yet, just so you can decide with which skill you want to stick with.

All in all, what you are saying is true. The game is rather short and having NPCs sell pretty much everything you can learn and craft is a bummer and makes those skills less useful. This will however change as I add more skill levels and recipes, all of which will be absent from NPC trade inventories and make sticking with a skill more rewarding.

Adults in battle:
I admit the combat is very unbalanced right now. Some thing are underdeveloped, some are outdated and were not touched in several versions. However, the idea of adults being strong is on purpose. Again, it's the whole "progression" thing. You start the game with 10hp and the first follower you get is an old farmer who has 250hp. It shows the contrast between you and other people and shows how weak an useless you are compared to ordinary adults who are not even trained warriors. And it makes the moment you finaly get you HP above 250 that much better. You were just a child getting bullied by overgrown chicken and kobolds and you had to rely on old huntress and a farmer to protect you. And after some time, you got stronger and you don't even need them now when you go exploring. And if you take them with you, then you are the one protecting them.

Right now, it is unbalanced in a way that you can recruit the strongest NPCs way too quickly. That's what I'm working on with the favor system. For example, Olaf will now require 30 relationship to follow you. Billy will still follow you pretty much from the start, but everyone else will take more time to persuade. On top of that, I plan to add "quirks" to all NPCs. For example, Roman will ask you for a beer after every battle and will leave you if you run out. Marcus will refuse to enter caves, Olaf will be scared of spiders and his stats will be drasticaly reduced when fighting them and so on.

Not only will this give NPCs more personality, but it will also force you to actualy pick proper people for what you have in mind instead of always taking Zach, Helena and Valdemar.

The rest:

Helena and her healing is overpowered, I agree. I will be making her healing abilities weaker but I also want to add some other mechanic to make it more interesting. Like if you make her heal you too often, she will get upset or maybe she will feel weak the next day and won't follow you.

Sadly, control scheme is not something that I can easily change. RPGMXP is really old and limited in many ways and the only way to change controls right now is by pressing F1 while in game. And even then the options there are fairly limited. I will be working on improved control scheme and even rebindable keys at some point. But the controls right now are not so bad once you get used to them. The entire game can be controled pretty much by one hand if you have full sized keyboard (Arrows for movement, enter for confirm, num 0 for back, PGup/PGdown for menu navigation and other actions and shift for some other actions. All nicely together).

Perks are not very balanced and will get more attention for sure. As you said, some are free points. However, psychopath is not that great in the long run. Without it, the negatives you get for killing humanoids or abominations will turn into bonuses as time goes on so your mood will actualy increase when you fight. With psychopath trait, you will always stay at 0 mood bonuses.

You are right. Second wind was bugged. I fixed it for the next version.

Skills being less useful is something I talked about above. Just want to add that I will be adding more uses to skills so they are not just a recipe gates.

I'm really happy that you played the game and liked it enough to write all these observations and suggestions. Don't be afraid to write again if you have any more suggestions or bugs. I will definitely read them. 


Work is progressing well. I decided to add an option for favors you can pick repeatedly. For example, olaf will give you free ammunition as many times as you want (If you have enough spare favor points).

This will make raising relationship with different NPCs more important for certain types of characters. Billy will give you seeds, suong will give you some food, Tadeas will give you potions and so on.

Also, here are all the things that I have to do before I release new version:

  • Add favor lists to all NPCs
  • Add favor dialogue to all NPCs
  • Tie jobs / training and favor lists together
  • Do changes to maps reflecting some picked favors (Can't use some crafting stations without permission)
  • Rework the week report screen to make it work together with scheduling system
  • Add construction to scheduling system and change all construction projects
  • Playtest and balance everything

I'm working on the first four points together and all necesary systems are in place, but it's still going to take quite a bit of time to put everything in and double check everything. Week report screen will need complete rewrite, but that should be quite easy. Construction will be slightly more difficult. 

Can't give you any estimates as of yet, but don't expect the update this month.

It will give you an item that will instantly trigger a mutation and can be used over and over, basicaly allowing you to generate all major mutations and unlimited number of minor mutations. You can pretty much raise all your atributes to their max values by mutating over and over. It will take you quite a lot of time though.

If you have that item in your inventory, go to Mr. White and select services. This will reset the traits you picked at the start of the game and allow you to pick new ones.

Favor window is now pretty much feature complete and all the obvious bugs and shortcomings were fixed.

One of the shortcomings of this system was the lack of dialogue. This system pretty much removes need for any of the dialogue you got from some NPC when you raised their relationship level and they gave you something. 

Now you can just ask for those items directly from the favor window, which makes the NPCs feel less "real". 

I adressed this in two ways. First are cutscenes, which are already in the game and work quite well.

Second, I added two lines of dialoge for every favor you can pick. When you pick any favors from the menu and return to game, you will get multiple lines of dialogue depending on what you picked.

Is I said in the recent blog post, tying both the favor and schedule systems together and replacing the old work system will take some time. Don't expect any bigger updates any time soon.

Yes. I will be adding renown rewards and some dialogue from other NPCs when you repair the large bridge. Renown reward was in there at some point, but I removed it by accident when I was remaking the bridge event.

Thanks. Fixed the issue.


  • Most renown rewards were doubled
  • Beating MR. White will give you +10 renown every time
  • Reworked initial week dialogue system

Renown unlock / cheat is a good idea. I will add that into the game at some point.

In the meantime, I made some minor adjustments to existing renown rewards. Noticeboard quests now give you +2 renown, performing / begging gives you +1 renown and defeating Mr. White will now give you +10 renown every time. I will release this new version tomorrow.

Renown as a stat is not that important in curent version. It is a requirement for some quests / events, but you need about 20 renown to get them. Only exceptions are the cure quest, kevlar quest and the endings.

These two quests are supposed to be post game quests for people who decided to play one save file for longer than one year and the ending unlocks are challenges for people who are familiar with the game, so I don't count these as unbalanced, since getting these is supposed to take time and require knowledge of the game.

That said, there will be more ways to get renown. The new job system will have some jobs giving you renown and performing / begging at Riverstone will also give you some. On top of that, I will adjust values needed for some of those endings and quests.

Mutation in game right now is really barebones. 

I plan for future mutations is quite similiar. Mutations will basicaly become a skill tree. Every time you mutate you will get to choose from multiple options. First mutation cycle will let you choose from multiple tail options. Second give you multiple eye options and so on.

Training actualy works backwards. The higher your skill, the less productive days you get. Most trainers will have 0 success once you reach skill level 50. Mr. White should  be the only exception.

There should be a potion you can make and I think someone also sells it. Either Tadeas or Zach. Integrity should also raise on its own every week, but not by much.

Her face changes if you let your mood get too low. It serves as a warning to quickly tell you that you are doing something wrong. Once you get your mood above -50, her expression changes back to normal.

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It's newish feature. I limited the amount of certain actions you can do every week so that one playthrough doesn't take twenty hours of clearing all enemies and doing everything every week.

If you go to the status screen and press shift multiple times, you should get this:

These bars mean (from top to bottom):

  • Max amount of HP you can heal
  • Max weapon xp you can get per week
  • Max dungeons you can enter every week
  • Number of NPCs you can chat with (raising mood. You can trade and talk with anyone as many times you like)
  • How much food you can eat every week

All these reset every week. Those limits can be changed in some way. Weapon XP limit gets higher with the total amount of weapon levels you have, healing is increased by your hp and so on.

I'm in the process of creating new perks and increasing some of those limits, so this will get adressed. In the meantime, you can increase the amount of dungeons you can clear in three ways:

  • Joining the church
  • Giving ichor container to Mr. White
  • Getting older. One year = one entrace

Also, dungeons reset every time you leave them, which means that after you get your second point, you can clear one dungeon twice in a row with all loot reset.

You also need more than 150 humanoid kills. Kobolds and bandits count.

Alternatively, you can also get full points if you get 150+ renown, 20.000+ silver, LESS than 3 friends and having science as your highest skill.

If I remember correctly, once you get 150 humanoid kills, it will override any other skill you have and give you the assassin ending, so you can have for example farming lvl 500 and 151 humanoid kills and you will still get the assassin ending.

There are plenty of things I want to add. Most of these are still on paper and might not make it in the game, but quite a few of them will. 

  • House upgrades are planned. I want the last upgrade level to be a large mansion, so there is quite a lot of options I can add. Later stages will be similiar to skyrim in a way where you have multiple room types to build, but only space for a few of them so you will have to choose which ones you want.
  • Attacks on your hideout are planned, but I have to finish some systems that the invasions will depend on. I want to finish the schedule system. After that, I want to improve the faction system. Once that is done, you will be able to become enemy with certain factions, which will make them send assassins after you and even the aforementioned raids / invasions.
  • Once the schedule system is finished, I will be improving the gathering system, which means adding tools like chainsaws and jackhammers. On top of that, I will add a basic automation system, which will be:
  • Slavery / hired workers. You will be able to hire workers and capture prisoners. These will do some simple tasks for you, like mining, woodcutting or searching for scrap metal and random items.
  • Lastly, I want to add some kind of crime system. Stealing, pickpocketing or even robbing people.

These are the main goals for this year, but I'm sure they will change. I also want to expand the main quest a bit and add some things to do for characters that don't want to focus on combat.

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Resting spot and workout will get balanced for sure. Resting spot is there for raising skills while workout is for physical stats. Workout is better right now because it has bonus trait while resting doesn't, but his will get adressed. I will add a rest related trait, adjust some values and add bonus to reading books with Helena. I will also try to limit workouts slightly, so you get less stat bonuses if you exercise every week and more if you take weekly breaks from exercising.

As for quality of life, I have some plans. For now, there are fourways to increase your movement speed:

  • Motorcycle from the miniquest in the Riverstone Inn
  • Sprinting. You can switch between walking and sprinting by pressing "L" Button [W,PGDown]. The higher your agility, the faster you sprint
  • Drinking speed potions, which increase your sprint speed. You can buy them from Tadeas, or you can find the recipe if you explore the forest area north of the large crossroad before the first month passes
  • Getting all major mutations also increases your sprint speed

Thanks. The game is still unfinished and there is still much to do. I want to add three new settlements and multiple new factions together with plenty of locations and quests. It will take quite some time to get there but I don't plan on quitting any time soon.