Really well done! I love that you also included a tutorial! Thats oddly rare... Controls felt great as well, and the graphical style was quite charming. Every game should feature pet-able kitties! Great work!
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Amazing graphics, and the controls felt smooth. The having to grab and look at different parts to do anything system kind of frustrated me a bit, it made it feel difficult to do simple things, like I couldn't figure out how to use the ladder fast enough to get back into the elevator. Other than that Awesome job!
Really fun game! I would love to play this a lot more, but something about the view and the 2.5D style with the controls makes this game really painful for my hands. I'm gonna guess this is more for controller play than key board and mouse. But besides that this was really cool, I loved the style and could play games like this forever!
Tiny, mischievous space gremlins have infested Boiler Room 8, scurrying between furnaces, steam valves, and a gravity generator, sabotaging anything they can get their little hands on. Your job? Keep the boilers running, prevent the gravity generator from failing, and hold the ship together until the automated gas purge can clear them out.
Tiny, mischievous space gremlins have infested Boiler Room 8, scurrying between furnaces, steam valves, and a gravity generator, sabotaging anything they can get their little hands on. Your job? Keep the boilers running, prevent the gravity generator from failing, and hold the ship together until the automated gas purge can clear them out.
Rated! And don't worry about it, standalones have won these things in the past. Its really just a difference in quality over quantity of the ratings. You'll get less ratings from a standalone, but you'll get more quality ratings, people who only play WebGLs often rush through them just so they can post their link in the comments. I've done both in these jams before, and while I got the most with my WebGL builds, I also ended up getting the lowest ratings of all the games I've done. Just focus on what gives the best experience for your game, thats gonna get you the good ratings.
Amazingly done! This was really addictive. When the quota hit 9 something bugged out, I could just keep sending things through and it went to like 15/9. Up to that point it was really fun and well done. Only thing that really bugged me was having to put the tools down before doing anything else. Great work!