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A member registered Sep 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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I loved the idea and execution overall! 
The ship building feels satisfying and the controls feel really unique and functional.
The music works really well and the art looks really good!

In terms of feedback:
I think, while the ship building is really cool, it can be a bit annoying to have to build a ship at the start of every run since it can take a while. Maybe it would be cool to have the option to run with that same ship or build a new one, although I understand that might cause people to not engage with the ship building or just try to get the most "optimal" layout.
In my first run it seems like I built below what is actually permitted? I had secondary thrusters one level down from my main one, and I got stuck and couldn't even take off lol!
The lateral stabilizers felt a bit too jumpy for me in the context of the game. They work kind of like a dash but I think it would feel a bit better if they worked more like your other thrusters but for your sides. I feel like that would leverage the familiarity the player builds with the thruster controls to have a more "reliable" component.

Great entry, keep up the good work!

Oh crap, was I dying this whole time? The end was kind of a shocking reveal lol!
The main mechanic of seeing portal through enemies is fun! 
I liked the art, it feels pretty, cute, and cohesive.
The music and sound matched the art and gameplay pretty well!

In terms of feedback:
Sometimes I would just walk around impatiently until I found the portal before the enemies passed over it, resulting in me getting some pretty quick levels that felt kind of lucky!
I felt like the button level could've been communicated a bit better. Since most enemies are colored shapes, I expected this colored shape to also be bad. I ran for a bit around in the first level that introduced them before I decided to risk it by touching it. Maybe it could have a different sprite or something!
In terms of the music, I think it fits pretty well, but it feels a bit distracting when the loop is ending because the fade out is a bit pronounced. To fix this, if you got the file from somewhere else, you could search "How to create a seamless ambient loop" in Youtube to see a more detailed explanation. If you made the music yourself, you could just print/bounce export the file with the final reverberation tail, import it again in your DAW, then cut the final reverb tail, put it in a separate track, and put it at the start of the file. This way, when you loop it it'll be seamless, since the final part will match exactly with the audio tail while continuing to play the main part.

Very cool concept and entry, keep up the good work!

Very cool idea!
I particularly liked the music, feels very arcade-y.
The concept in itself is very creative, I like it a lot!

In terms of feedback:
I feel like the gameplay can feel a bit "solvable". Eventually I figured out I could beat pretty much everything by angling myself correctly and walking backwards a bit after every hit. Nothing can touch you if you do that, so maybe having some different enemy behavior could work very well here!
It feels like the rewards enemies give you are a bit small. I got two upgrades into attack in the fifth wave, point by which I started to feel like I should have another weapon or something. Maybe those could be linked to levels or be degradable weapons or something, because it felt like I needed to have played a lot more to get to them!

Very cool, keep up the good work!

Really cool entry!
The gameplay feels good in each individual mini-game, it's a good mini-game collection. I got second in the first minigame and it felt super good.
The art all looks good and coherent, it's a good touch that you can customize your character.
The music works pretty well, and some of the voice clips you used have this "SUPERHOT" quality to them that works very well.

In terms of feedback:
Maybe naming your inmate should be obligatory, the first time I played I missed that and then my score got entered as an empty field. Saw others like that, too!
The aim in the basketball one felt a bit off. Maybe the character is angled to the side, but I found the best strategy was to aim for the upper right inner corner and then move a bit up.
It'd be super cool to be able to select specific mini-games and repeat mini-games after you've played them. I would've liked playing some of them again, but going through every one in order would've been a bit much for me.

Overall, very solid game! Keep up the good work!

Really cool entry!
The game feels great to play.
The game looks good, the mix between 3D and top down works wonders, and the addition of height also works really well.
I would've liked some music, but the sound effects work!

In terms of feedback:
It seems like the tutorial can only be played once. I accidentally exited earlier and couldn't play it again, so I had to guess my way through the real game.
I was really confused by starting with no weapon, since I had no way of opening the crates. Then I eventually saw the pistol and it started to make more sense for me.
Because of how guards work, it is possible for them to touch you, push you around, and shoot you but still miss you. Maybe this is because the projectile spawns inside your collider!

Solid entry, keep up the good work!

PS: I think it would've been cool for this entry to be a WebGL build! It definitely means more people will play it. Is there any specific reason you built it stand-alone?

Really cool entry!
I feel like the gameplay was very fun and engaging!
The art looks great, and the music is appropriately kooky.

In terms of feedback:
As others have commented, the onboarding could be a bit better - my first few runs I didn't know what I was supposed to do, and then it took even longer to realize I could flip the pieces. Something that could be improved if you continue working on this project!
I think the intro scene with your names goes by a bit too quickly and the spaceship is a tad too big. I couldn't see any of your names!
I liked the game a lot, and I think it works great as is, but I'll just throw out some ideas if you were to continue working on the project: maybe there could be a way to get some lives back? Like maybe a collectible that a chicken has to pick up? Maybe there could also be a more permanent way of redirecting bullets or something like that, as well as of stopping the chickens. Maybe also some sorts of new chickens that act differently and give you more score, or something like that!

Very cool, keep up the good work!

Cool entry!
The idea of pressing a button quickly with your mouse seems like an interesting concept for a platformer like this.

In terms of feedback:
The speed of the character is a bit high, in my opinion, which can be fine if the game is designed around it. In this case, I don't really feel like I'm ever fully in control. There's a bit too much gravity, so jumps feel very quick and difficult to control. Overall, I don't think I'd have a problem with this game feel if maybe you popped the camera back a bit, maybe gave it some damping so it didn't follow you perfectly and instantly, and maybe stopped it from going past certain coordinates in the level. It can be a bit disorienting for it to follow your character perfectly while you jump since jumps are so quick.
I think the gaps where you have to crouch aren't really too evident. You can only know they're there because you can't move past otherwise.
You could maybe recreate your levels using tilemaps, it feels a bit odd to have ground tiles used as objects since they also have inconsistent sizes and stuff.
The music seems a bit quiet!

Keep up the good work!

Really solid entry!
I think the gameplay feels very snappy, and the decision between staying alive and getting more points is definitely very present throughout the whole game.
The aesthetics are coherent and look pretty nice!
For sounds maybe you could've added a sound effect to shooting your pistol, regardless of whether it impacts an asteroid, but other than that, it's solid!

In terms of feedback:
I think you could implement more vertical follow-through in your jumps. What I mean is that sometimes, if you hit your head when jumping, your character loses momentum and falls, which makes jumps feel a lot more punishing (which might be what you're going for, though!). It's not uncommon for platformers to allow your character to hold their vertical momentum for a short while if they hit their head to avoid this issue, or they'll round out their platforms' colliders a little bit so that you'll slide smoothly if you still have some momentum. This allows your game to feel a bit less punishing if you're a bit off in your jump, ultimately resulting in the game feeling a bit more fair.

Very cool entry, keep up the good work!

Very cool entry overall!
The graphics are amazing, and everything fits together very coherently.
I really liked all the little effects, like the camera shake when the boss hits you and stuff like that or the light getting brighter as you reach the exit. It makes the game feel really polished and professional. 
The lack of sounds or music is very unfortunate though, I feel like it holds the game back a lot.

In terms of feedback:
In terms of game feel, I feel like the jumping feels a bit sluggish. You get used to it, but it feels like there's a small delay in between you pressing the button and Dante jumping. Same goes for the attack: it feels like you can attack much much faster than the animation shows you. At first I was fighting with the animation, and then realized I could spam the attack button much faster and everything became a bit easier.
At some points you require the player to dodge and then jump in a combination that can feel a bit finnicky at times, but I thought it was a cool gameplay idea!

Very solid game overall, keep up the great work!

The gameplay feels quite snappy and responsive, good job. I could see this being a bigger game and handling really well.
The varying assets make the game feel a bit weird, but given time to make some assets, I think it could look good with a style similar to the one for the playable character.
The lack of sound is unfortunate, though! 

In terms of feedback:
I think you could balance the negative modifiers a bit better. Because most of them last for so long, you're heavily disincentivized from picking dash attacks or ranged attacks. I did pretty well just sticking to sword damage whenever it showed up, since it seemed to be less penalized. Also, it doesn't make a lot of sense that the upgrades that just increase your cooldowns by 50% last the same as the ones that just stop you from using those abilities altogether.
Obviously the time was really short, but I think a game like this relies on having a lot of content and more abilities for you to play with, sort of like a Hades or Curse of the Dead Gods kind of thing. So if you plan on continuing this project, I think you could add some more variance in the enemies and abilities you can get!

Keep up the good work!

Got 191.7!

I think the atmosphere and the graphics are really well done. The old TV effect really suits the game well, coupled with some nice visual flourishes like the screen shaking whenever the monster is nearby, or the background moving in sort of a parallax-like way. That caught me by surprise the first time and gave me a nice spook!
I also like the stamina mechanic, since it forces you to try and remember the map and have some items on hand in case you can't get to a bed.

In terms of feedback:
Maybe adding a way to skip the intro and death text would be a good idea, since you'll likely be seeing those a lot! Plus, the collider on the monster sometimes feels a bit too large. The first time I died, I felt like I was at a safe distance, but wasn't.
I think you could do some really creative things with the audio! Given how spooky and dreamy the visual aesthetic is, you could maybe add some reverbs and delays to your effects to add to that dense, hazy atmosphere you've got going on. Maybe you could add some more dense and dark ambience layers, too!
I would've liked a less "happy" sound when you don't have enough space to put in your inventory. It was a small thing but it definitely took me out of the experience a bit because it sounds a bit out of place.

Nice game, keep up the good work!

I really like the concept!
The art style, while a bit crude, adds a lot to the charm and humor the game goes for. I enjoyed it a lot.
The sound works well for what you're going for, too!

In terms of feedback:
As other commenters have said, it would've been cool to have some sort of mechanic that you need to do quickly, but I understand time constraints can be really harsh sometimes. It seems you had this exact idea but couldn't execute it in time, it'd be cool if you did it after the jam!
It felt a bit odd that you put a lot of work into the dialogue to have some satire, but then the game revolves around trying your hardest not to read it. Maybe an idea would be to have those minigames allow you to skip the conversation, but if you don't do them in time you have to sit through the conversation going at a set speed?
It would be really cool if you added some sounds to the dialogue, like some 8-bit babble or just you doing some nonsense sounds into the mic.

Overall I liked it a lot, and it's really cool that it's your first jam game! Keep up the good work!

This game looks absolutely amazing! I love that you made the camera go all the way back down to the start when you lose, it definitely gives the game a sense of space. The 3D and 2D mix works really well here. as does the lighting and all the small particle effects you have flying around. The aesthetic is top notch!
The music is really good, and works very well with the visual aesthetic. It has some instrumentation choices that definitely add positively to the whole videogame vibe lol.

In terms of feedback:
I think the jumping can feel a bit floaty at times, which I think you designed around given that sometimes there's really wide spaces in between platforms. It feels responsive enough and it's something you can get used to, but maybe it's something you could take a look at if you continue to work on this game.
I feel like sometimes it's inevitable to take some damage. A monster will spawn moving away from the platform you need to jump on, and since the screen is slowly moving up, you can't really afford to wait. This makes me feel like the game sometimes just decides to take a life away, instead of making me feel like I messed up. This can work if you design around it a bit more, like maybe making you jump if you touch a monster so there's a balancing act between moving and keeping your health up, or maybe having more ways of dodging the monsters. Just some ideas!
Having no sound effects was a bit unfortunate. I feel like it could add a lot to the game feel and overall aesthetic! It would make everything feel more alive and responsive :)

Very good entry, keep up the good work!

Really cool gameplay, well thought out series of gameplay moments at the start to teach the player how stuff works!
The visuals are great, the lighting is very well done and gives off a very nice sense of atmosphere.

In terms of feedback:
As pointed out by other comments, sometimes you die because the monsters keep their previous position. Also it can be a bit hard sometimes to run by the ghosts that fly around since it's difficult to tell where they're going.
It could also work really well if you added a small musical cue for when the tension music ends. It can feel a bit choppy if the music just ends abruptly if, for example, you switch rooms. So maybe adding a small cymbal or some other sound that fits your atmosphere and putting it right as the other music cuts off can add a really big sense of completeness to the soundscape.
It seems that when you get a game over the game gets slowed for your next playthrough. I had to reload the game a bit when I lost!

Great work on this entry, keep it up!

Super cool entry!

The concept was innovative and pretty cool for the theme. 

Gameplay wise, I feel like there are some things that could be done to make the game feel a bit fairer. There are moments when you are just dead and there's nothing you can do. I think the escape invincibility mechanic helps a lot in this regard, but it can feel a bit unreliable given how there's no indication for when it's about to end. What if maybe it was on a clearer timer, or if it relied on a meter that drained at a set rate and then the player can choose when to stop using it? Idk, just ideas that came to me.

The art is beautiful and feels very coherent all throughout the game, great job!

In terms of sound, I really liked the music you chose, but I feel like your choice of sound effects could have been implemented a bit better. For example, the cue for the evil hand pops up a bit late, by the time where either you've seen it and dodged it, or missed it and died. Some other things might include a sound when you switch lanes to give the player some more visceral feedback to their actions.

Overall, great job! Keep up the good work!

First off, this game looks gorgeous, congrats on that! All animations look fantastic and the general vibe fits really well with the animations for the story. Although it can be a bit disorienting because of how the 3d models and 2d sprites interact sometimes, with a bit of tweaking and maybe a shadow for your character it could be fixed.

Gameplaywise, I thought the game was pretty engaging. Hitboxes can feel a bit larger than they should be, and the wall jump thingy can feel a bit odd at times since you fly up really high when doing it. This sometimes left me feeling like I wasn't really in control, but it's nothing a bit more balancing can fix.

The music you chose suits the tone really well. I would have liked to see some sound effects thrown in there too, since it can also allow you to have a more visceral understanding of how your character functions. Things like having a jump sound that's timed to how high you can go or things like that go a long way in making you feel the game more tightly.

Overall, I liked it a lot! Keep up the good work!

Really good concept!

I think you could polish it a bit more. Currently, I feel like there's very little time to put the prisoners back, especially when multiple escape at a time. Maybe if you could shorten what you need to type from "put x in cell x" to something like "john cell 14" it might help a bit, as well as making the prisoners a bit slower.

I really like the atmosphere and visual aesthetics. It feels very old school, and it is very well presented.

With a bit more polish and maybe some more mechanics to engage with this game could be great!

Keep up the good work!

This was a very solid entry!

It looks good and it controls well. The only thing I could think about suggesting would be to add the option for the player to shoot by holding the mouse button down. It gets kinda tiring to spam click that way, but other than that it feels great!

Keep up the good work!

Super fun game! Incredibly difficult but in a good way!

I'm having a tough time coming up with some sort of constructive feedback. The game really works great as it is. I don't think I'm the target audience for this game, but I can appreciate it nonetheless.

Keep up the good work!

I liked it a lot! I didn't quite understand what the green bar at the right was until suddenly a bunch of acid got to me and I died at 880 lol.

As with other comments, maybe a way of seeing the acid a bit more would be cool. Maybe you could make it so that if the acid is on screen it gets a lot slower (using camera bounds maybe)? I think that often times it is enough to see the acid so that a player will get spooked and make a mistake, especially if the acid is already fast so they're seeing it constantly.

Great entry, I hope you continue to expand on it.

Keep up the good work!

Solid entry!

Gameplay wise, I think it would've been a good choice to either give the player a bit more field of view, or make the robots a bit slower. It currently feels too punishing when the player doesn't have all of their abilities, I think it should be the other way around. There's not much you can do if you took the wrong route and a robot spotted you.
Loved the touch that computers have a toggle switch for your abilities lol!

I hope you continue to expand on this! Keep up the good work!

I enjoyed the concept! 

Would have loved the option to move with WASD instead of arrow keys only.
I don't know if it's me but there's something that feels kinda clunky when you move down.
Maybe it would be cool that the FBI do something to you, like hold you still for a bit or something. Currently I don't think they do anything except chase you.

Keep up the good work!

I loved this!

I think the connection to the theme isn't too strong, but I loved it regardless.

Sadly there seems to be a bug, I don't know if it's just me. I can't interact in any way with the garbage bags, so I can complete every other task except those two.
The gameplay itself is what shines the most here, all the little minigames feel really good and tie in really well with your concept.

I would love to see this expanded upon! Keep up the good work!

I like the idea, it's a cool take on the tower defense genre.

Sadly, no sounds or music! :(

I think the biggest issue right now is that the game feels a bit "solvable". It feels like there's never any reason to pick a fairy - they die really quickly and their speed isn't really too much of an asset, given how the best strategy is to bunch up your units. You need to send them way later than your other units, point by which they're probably vulnerable to the turrets your other guys have already passed through.
It would be very nice to have some more content and randomness in the cards. Because you don't want fairies, you don't see the social media towers too much. This could be partially solved by making the cards select a random buff and a random debuff when presented. This would also allow you to group effects by "rarities" or "power levels", so that you can get a very powerful unit (something that heals nearby allies, for example), at the cost of a more powerful tower, such as an AoE unit that disincentivizes the "always bunch units up" strategy. It would also allow for more robust interconnection of your current mechanics, so there's more ways of interacting with different unit types.
Also, small issue: since you're often spam clicking to keep your units of the same type spawning together, but the buttons disappear and move if there's no more of that unit type, I often ended up sending a unit I didn't want. Maybe you could disable the interactable field on the button instead of disabling the object so that this doesn't happen! 

I realize most of this issues are probably due to time constraints, but I encourage you to keep working on this project, the idea is very solid and has lots of potential!

Keep up the good work!

It feels a bit unfinished because of the lack of art or audio, as well as some visual indications, such as taking damage. Also, your canvas isn't scaling properly to the current resolution, so a lot of the game UI is cut off if you aren't playing in fullscreen!

Keep up the good work!

I like the concept, and I think it would come out great with a bit more polish!

Here's some of my feedback:
Getting into the game is kind of hard, and it took me a few minutes to understand what I needed to do. It isn't immediately obvious that you need to defeat all of the hands before being able to continue to the next level, especially because in your description you say that the player should avoid the yellow lights! There could be some visual indication if the player can move on, such as a lock on the door or the door not being visible until the player can get through. I got to the door a couple of times and was confused when I couldn't move on.
Also it might be a good idea to have some sound effect and a brief pause when loading the next level. The first time I went through, since I wasn't sure if I could enter the door or not, I immediately fell to my death in the second level because my inputs carried over from the previous level.
I think it's not good that the game kicks you back to the first level if you lose. It makes getting back to the harder levels, on which you will lose a lot more, more frustrating than necessary.

The game looks great and the music choice is good. Hope you continue working on this, keep up the good work!

Absolutely loved it!

It looks absolutely fantastic, from start to finish. The music was well handled, given the filters you applied to simulate space. The controls feel appropriately drunk, and the concept is really creative!
At the start I was kinda lost until I saw the pink ring around my character. That was a great decision.

Great work on this project, keep it up!

Good idea and concept. I liked the gameplay moment when I had to ignore a collectible by jumping over an obstacle and coming back later. The concept is well suited to this sort of mechanic, if you plan on continuing the project it would be cool to design around it!

Would've loved some more sound effects generally. The game feels kinda quiet despite the piano (which I think was beautiful, but a bit too dramatic for the gameplay part) because of this.

The issue with the viewport somebody else mentioned is true! You definitely need to play in fullscreen.

I don't see too much connection with the escape theme, although I loved the encouraging quote at the end.

Keep up the good work!

I think this game has lots of potential - it looks great and some of the controls feel good.

I never once saw Roary, is this a bug or was I moving too fast through the level? I also stopped hearing his roars after like three times.

Gameplay wise, I feel like the camera is always moving, even if you hold still. I don't like this because it forces you to constantly readjust your mouse, even if you just want to hold still and move forward. It also feels kinda weird to have the canoe move in 4 directions depending on where you're looking - maybe having it rotate to would feel a bit more natural for a canoe than having it strafe.
There's also a weird camera issue if you look backwards. It might be a good idea to remove the player character model and just have the bow, so that you don't see the camera clip into the model. This could work since it doesn't seem to serve any concrete purpose!
The bow feels good, and the arrows feel like they have weight. It feels good to shoot the bow and it is satisfying to adjust your aim correctly.

Sound wise, I think the game feels relaxing due to the music and birds, but I think you're intending for it to be a bit more intense because of Roary, so maybe you could take a look at other music choices, if that's a feeling you share!

Keep up the good work! Good entry!

Loved this game!

Not much in the way of feedback, tbh. The art is beautiful, the gameplay feels responsive, and the music is great. I just think you could add some more content and this game is looking really good! Also maybe I would differentiate the laser sounds a bit more, to know what's what. It could be really useful to have more distinct audio cues so that the player can keep their eyes on their spaceship while knowing what is being thrown their way.
Small bug: it seems like in my second run, no powerups were spawning. Maybe the scene isn't being reloaded correctly?

Keep up the great work!

Super hard game. I can definitely see the appeal of a game like this (like QWOP for instance)!

I didn't get too far, but the game looks great and I imagine that for a player that takes the time to actually learn how it works, it'll be super satisfying.
I think you could work a bit more on the sound, but, otherwise, super solid entry.

Great work!

The game feel is really good. Driving just felt fun!

I think the stuff on top could be worked on a bit more. For example, it might be a good idea to have some more ways of gaining time back. I don't think that it's entirely possible to get more than two deliveries as the game is right no!

Obviously with the time constraints and everything, there's some stuff you just don't have the time to do. But what you have here is very fun! With some more polish and mechanics, I think this can be great!

Keep it up!

Super cool game. The art is beautiful and the music is really good too!

At first it was kind of unclear to me that there were more levels lol, I tried really hard to get everything I could in the first level.
The gameplay is very interesting in the sense that it creates a sense of risk-reward where trying to get more things will lead to you having a harder time getting back to the ship.
Would love to see some explanation of what the different gadgets do exactly. I tried using the laser for a while to kill a bug but I think that isn't possible lol!

Seriously, congrats on the art. It looks amazing.

Thanks a lot for playing our game and for your kind words, we're glad you liked our game!
You're right, the keypad definitely feels clunky sometimes. We had an issue with the way we angled our camera since the game uses 3D models. We're excited for the jam to end so that we can iron out some of that wonky click detection!

Unfortunately no sound! :(

The art is awesome, you did a great job picking out things that felt similar enough to avoid having a game that looks aesthetically incoherent!

I think the biggest challenge is mostly game-feel. Some things aren't communicated too well, like, for example, the small enemies' attacks, making it difficult to predict when you'll get hit. This gets a bit more troublesome in the boss fight, since he does more damage and attacks pretty quickly. You could maybe add some wind up time by holding a frame of animation for a bit, to communicate things more clearly to the player.
Jumping and movement in general feels a bit floaty. You could add a more dynamic gravity curve so that the jump feels snappier, as well as some acceleration time to the player's movement and stopping.
Also I found a bit of a bug: I hit one of the small enemies with the heavy attack and they started sliding backwards infinitely. It was kind of funny but it might be something you want to check out!

Keep up the good work, you could have something very cool with a bit more polish! :)

Thanks a lot for playing, we're glad you enjoyed it! The layouts are indeed randomized, so that the game is infinite and you can get ridiculously high scores. We haven't been able to yet, but who knows, maybe someone might!

I laughed a lot when I clicked on settings and then I read the tooltip that said "there's not actually any settings", lol.

I absolutely love the aesthetic and the music. Presentation wise, this game feels very coherent and charming.

Obviously some stuff is not finished, which I get is because of time constraints, but it would be cool to see something added to the shop, as well as different enemies and maybe more mechanics for the player to interact with.
Game design wise, (just my opinion!) it might also make sense to remove the i-frames the enemies seem to have, or make it enemy-specific. I feel like it makes sense for the player to have that so that they can come back from a bad hit, but it just feels a bit annoying on enemies because they can't actually do anything while they're invincible, so they're just kind of waiting for you to get another shot off. It makes the game a bit slower and less exciting. Another option would be to make specific enemies that can use these i-frames to do something like reposition or run faster at you, or something like that.
The start screen also takes a while to load up the buttons, which I thought meant the game was bugged. I almost closed the game then!

I hope you keep working on this game, it's a cool idea!

Hey nitqcute! Thanks a lot for trying out my game and putting it in your video, it means a lot to me!

I can tell you had some issues with the game, sorry about that! It figures, it was the first game I ever did for a game jam and it clearly shows lol! Pleasing the customer is indeed very difficult and unintuitive.

If you'd like to try it, I made another game based on this one about a year or so later. It's similar but, well, frankly a lot better. It's also called Cozy Kitchen and it features a lot more recipes, a more clear and intuitive game flow, as well as unlocks and stuff to keep you coming back. Let me know if you do play it and if you enjoy it:

I really liked the game! It feels like a very polished experience aesthetic and gameplay wise. The gameplay is satisfying and all the little effects, like the gun recoil and the dash animation are very well done!

In terms of constructive criticism, I think you need to have different SFXs for the dash and the enemy explosion. The game is currently relatively simple, so it isn't a problem, but if you eventually add more enemy types and the game gets more difficult, pressing the dash and hearing the explosion of an enemy can be really disorienting and confusing for the player!

Pretty cool game! I was breezing along until I missed a green platform and then stuff started to go downhill pretty quick. The game gets pretty exciting as it gets faster!

The art is really cute. The sound design is also cool (although maybe you could have some variations for the enemy eating a mutation, since it can get a bit repetitive once you're losing). I really liked the music.

In terms of constructive criticism, I often found the dash a bit unreliable (or, at least, I didn't really understand it, since sometimes I felt like it didn't take me to where I wanted to go). This makes the platforming a bit difficult once the level starts getting harder, so it might be worth teaching the player a bit before the game. 

Overall, the game works well! Keep up the good work!