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Whale EaterView game page

Puzzle game about exploring a living, breathing whale
Submitted by Moraguma (@moraguma), amorabot (@amoradmora) — 1 hour, 48 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 169 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
You use a grappling hook and a harpoon to influence and be influenced by the world. You need the level to move and the level needs you to move

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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I really enjoyed the level design and the way you managed to slowly ramp up the puzzle complexity. Really great job!


Fun game and original setting!


Holy shit, where do I begin. This game feels exactly like something I would play for hours on sites like miniclip or kizi back in the day. This has levels of polish that you would expect from a game that was developed over weeks or months, not 2 days. The puzzles were difficult and they really made me think about how my actions would affect the terrain and allow me to get to the next screen. It feels extremely satisfying to find the solution to each room. The concept is great as well. 

The one bug I noticed a few times is being able to avoid getting crushed by movable terrain by harpooning it right at the edge and being pushed to the side instead of crushed. Usually ended up breaking the levels collision though so it isn't a reliable way to cheese a room. Overall, I would say you did an outstanding job and created a great game with cool puzzles and an awesome vibe!


Thank you! You know, working on the levels I also started getting a lot of flashbacks to old flash games. You could definitely say a little bit of the atmosphere was inspired by those

(1 edit) (+3)

This game is awesome. The puzzles were created with a bunch of creativity! Gratz!


Well polished game! Congrats! The sfx was soo cool! The art is maginificent! Nice job!


For my taste, you can softbock yourself far too easily and far too often.
But that is nitpicking.


No, no, I think you're right! I've been reworking a few levels this week based on what I've seen from people playing. Trying to considerably reduce the places you can get stuck and are forced to reset. Updating it after the voting period is over!


Loved the game. That is one of my favorite games I have played from this game jam. Well Done!


Such a well polished game, everything feels extremely satisfying


Really nice game, looks good and is pretty fun to play, if a little bit buggy occasionally lol.


very very cool puzzler. I enjoyed it a lot


Amazing design, gorgeous levels so smooth and gore-y :) Love it!


THE GOOD (what i liked, and what stood out for me):

so overall, the game was well polished and had a very sophisticated idea and artstyle. there were sound effects for most things and the game in general was very lenient, which is something I enjoy!

THE BAD (what i disliked, the bugs, and other problems):

I think that the game could do with having more flexibility in terms of player readability for the puzzles, so tilemapping could possibly be improved a little. no bugs, hooray!

THE HARSH (stuff that would just make the game better, usually just personal opinion, don't take it too heavily :D ):

maybe some cutscenes? or a storyline? that may have been useful



The game is very polished and the puzzles it presents are very good, I loved art, you are very talented to be able to make such an interesting aesthetic in just 48 hours :D


This game is amazing. It can easily be a full release game. The presentation is brilliant. Not much to say about this game other than its good.


Very nice platformer with unique mechanics. Brilliant to "join" the player with the level in this way, very original, love it ! :)


One of the best games submitted so far!


WOW! What a wonderfully animated and scored work with wonderful SFX and great concept. I am not a huge platformer but this game did it for me for sure!!!!


This is some hot work, definitely a contendor for top 100! Awesome job!

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