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One Room - Don't Get CaughtView game page

Submitted by ChrisPham — 4 hours, 20 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Adherence to the Theme#8793.7143.714

Ranked from 28 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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That was utterly thrilling and suspense as hell
it's amazing how quickly I started yelling "no no no" at the screen, and how many times I did

I think it would be better if the enemy starts a bit more boxed in so I have a chance to position myself in the beginning, that way I feel it's a bit more my bad choices that screwed me rather then the level I got generated at the start
Maybe add 2 seconds during which the enemy wakes up, so I can et just enough of the lay of the land before I start running in utter terror
Otherwise I overly rely on the RNG to survive the beginning

This game makes me uncomfortable, I'm angry, only 3s left I win :(  


The idea of the game is good, but the core problem is with the speed of the enemy. It start moving too fast from the start. I think, it would be better if the enemy gradually increase movement speed with time.


We've want the game to be intense right from the start, we've tried slowing the enemy down but it just don't feel good or fun, when the enemy speed is really high and the player can feel the tense, it feels better when they juked the enemy and getting longer survive time everytime they play, most of our players does get a bit of frustrate but it only took them a few more time until they crack the game. I understand that this does not happen for every player and some might be frustrate but its our target. What we should've done is, I think, add an easy mode for more casual player and if they crack the easy mode it'll give them more motivation for the standard or even hard mode. Anyway, thank you for playing and for your feedback, we appreciate it <3


You can make the enemy speed up pretty fast, I don't say, that you need to make max speed lesser, just make the start less intense and gradually increase speed.


It's hard. However, the game has the potential to be some kind of section of a bigger game :)


Thanks for playing!


Wow, probably the hardest game I've ever played! :P I like the concept and the simple art really grew on me :) I also LOVE the music! Did you find it online or make it yourself? This concept has a lot of potential, good work! Also I didn't manage to beat it so I can't say anything about the ending :P But I had a lot of fun playing it! Kudos for making a simple, fun game :) Keep up the good work!

Also thank you for posting on my topic :)


Thank YOU for making the topic, we made the music by ourselves, it was meant to be even better cause we originally planned to have it rise to top as the countdown reaching zero but we didn't have enough time. Thank you very much for playing and for you comment, so far yours is the best comment we've received for this game and we appreciate it a lot <3


You are very welcome! :) Wow, you guys did a great job! The music is fantastic! :D

Aw, you're welcome :) Keep up the good work!


Now this is a really hard game! I managed to beat it but I feel I got lucky with the map layout (I was able to loop the chaser pretty easily on that map layout so you may want to add some random variety to their movements).


Well, really cool game following the basic concept of chasing cat and mouse. Visual-wise, done very nicely, absolutely love the fonts used for this horror theme and the background looks neat too, especially the lime lights effect, love it. It is really impressive that you guys came up with the original music for the game, it really suits the theme. Firsthand expression was like "damn, this game started at a God-tier super Saiyan hard nightmare mode", to be honest, not a bad choice and the only reason that kept me playing it repeatedly. However, the ending was not really rewarding after dying like 20+ times in order to beat the ghost, more can be added to that. Overall rating, 11/10, would not play again as I would rage quit and destroy my keyboard.


Congrats on making your first game. I think the enemy is too fast, which makes the game very frustrating.


THIS GAME IS SO HARD BUT IT FEELS SUPER TENSE AND IT'S GREAT! In the end it was to hard for me and I had to cheese it by running around a platform. :') Cool little game though! 


Thank you for playing! Balancing the game was a really hard since we only have like one non-dev tester xD

Deleted 4 years ago

I'll upload and link the HTML version later ^^ 


Here's the Mac version! Hope you like it


Plays out a bit like ultimate tag, which is a fun concept I don't think I've seen much in games like this.

I did find though that whatever AI the enemy uses discourages coming up with different routes through the space and encourages finding one loop up a long wall that you can repeat over and over. 

I appreciate the music and look, though the lines on the character were difficult to see at game level zoom.  The game could also use a bit more of an ending/celebration for victory,  but was overall an interesting couple minutes :)


Thank you very much for your feedback <3 We noticed about the looping problem too but when we increase his speedrate the game just turn a little bit too hard xD and there are 24 combinations for the level so we thought that would spice things up.
Anyway thank you for playing, your comment means a lot.