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Chess Kind OfView game page

For GameDev TV Game Jam (not very creative or on theme sorry)
Submitted by Sarah Rawlinson — 2 hours, 38 minutes before the deadline
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Well, that's a bit unusual submission for a jam, but given that you didn't have much time to make the game, it's nice you decided to participate and challenge yourself with implementing chess mechanics. Some features seem to be missing and I'm too bad at chess to be able to really rate the AI, but overall it's a good job for 2 days.


You did this in just two days? Nice!

It's an interesting take that the game shows the player possible moves for a piece.

It would be nice if it showed which move the computer made, as well. At the least some indication it did make its move would be in order...

For some reason I associated the grey of the computer's side more with being the black pieces but this explains why the positioning of king and queen appeared odd to me...


I wish I could create chess in 10 days, well done.

Submitted (1 edit)

Well done on recreating chess! I think that must have been fun to do. While the AI did fall into my trap one or two times, I think it overall responded pretty well to my actions.  I could see it really taking me down a peg if given a little more time to tweak. Thanks for sharing!

Edit: Oh, and nice choice for music :)


Nice chess game, but i haven't the patience to finish a party :)


I think "Chess but worse" is a bit unfair of a name, I had fun with it and considering the time that was spent making it it's pretty impressive!

Keep it up you're doing great :) 


how is this following the theme?


Nice game, Well done on getting a chess AI working. nice submission. 


Awesome game, the AI can be  a little bit reckless from time to time but it's a lot of fun, the music is amazing 


great work! congratulations! keep it up!


Implementing chess in 2 days is an extreme accomplishment. Props to you. I was working on chess for weeks without a working AI. I love to see the code.


Thank you :)


Fun implementation of chess. You get another vote for implementing casting :-) Great job for two days of work. How did you do the AI?


I didn't get round to castling yet but thank you. I did my AI by having a controller class and the AI inherits from that. The AI is given a list of moves and orders it by the value of the move and takes a random move from all moves that are equal to the top value. A value is assigned by if a piece can be taken then it adds on the value of that piece and if the piece that's moving can be taken in the next move it should take away the value of the piece. I also added a value if the piece doesn't move and can be taken it adds the value of the piece to the move. I'm still not sure if all that works because when playing the AI still does some moves I wouldn't expect it to.


You made chess. That's not an easy thing to do. I know that by experience.


Thank you. Yeah I didn't find it too difficult but the stuff I still need to do I'm finding difficult working out check for instance. I've nearly got pawn progression working in my development version but no choice at the minute it just picks a random piece. I haven't even looked at castling or en passant yet. I also had to do a drastic refactoring after my boyfriend looked at my code and called it spaghetti lol.


I hadn't played chess in a long while, that was fun.

Some random thoughts:

  • I like your choice of music for this game, it goes very well with it.
  • The chess assets look good!
  • Did you do the AI by hand? it's not a particularly strong chess AI, compared to professional chess games, but if you have done it by hand it's actually quite impressive!
  • Perhaps some kind of animation only for the AI pieces could be helpful to track their movement. I wouldn't use it for the player pieces though, instant movement feels better for those (for me at least).

Very good job, even more so considering your time constraints!


thank you for the feedback. Yeah i enjoy problem solving so just built it all from scratch. Looking how other people have made theres would have taken the fun out of it. I'll look at making the pieces move slowly instead of instant thank you :)


Excellent work. A fully functioning chess game with pretty good AI. I was kinda hoping some kind of twist, I thought something will pop out of the screen or something after I win but it just says black piece win.  There is no story in the game and it does not exactly follow the theme. Despite that pretty amazing coding skills there to create a chess game. Well done.


Thank you for the feedback yeah I wanted to tie in the theme but ran out of time although I didn't have any idea for story.


Things I liked:

-Chess is fun and you have a lot of the core mechanics down!

-Music was fun to make the mood more interesting and engaging

Things to improve:

-let the pieces slide or move into place instead of instantly moving. Will help identifying what move the enemy team chose

-enemy team can still move even in checkmate. I won by capturing the king which felt weird, but that's a small thing haha


-You did a really good job making chess! This was awesome! Keep up the good work!


Thank you for the feedback I'll try and add the sliding chess pieces at some point :)


I like chess.  Played for a while and it then said black won.  Wasnt in check and I'd just taken the black queen.  Weird.  Was a little hard to tell what moves the black did without studying the board.  Try to make it more apparent.  Fix the castling.  Was a little hard to tell the pieces apart and what they were supposed to be.  Also, not sure how it was tied to the theme


Thank you for the feedback. I'll keep that in mind when I work on this next. yeah I know it wasn't tied to the theme but I had two days and instead of spending a long time trying to come up with something creative I just thought of something that I would like to do and ran with it.


I like me some chest once in a while :D Where does the "worse" come from? It's a totally okay chess simulator! Yeah the computer does take every bait, but so does my wife! Buahahaha!

If you have the time, play and rate mine too, please :P

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you the worse just was because I hadn't implemented full chess and left out castling, en passant, pawn progression and detection of check.


Great work on knocking this out in only 2 days. Well put together and good music choice!


nice for 2 days. I won in 1 min :)

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