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Sitelock Update

A topic by leafo created Nov 23, 2019 Views: 16,501 Replies: 92
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I'm not going to update itch every time my game is updated, also the lock makes the referal broken. 

So why don't you guys just add a "embed external game URL" for HTML5 games next to the zip/html file upload and make it easier for everyone?

Admin (1 edit) (+1)

So why don’t you guys just add a “embed external game URL” for HTML5

We want people to upload their games directly to our platform and not use the “External link” feature. External links can break and tend to provide a poor user experience. (They break our apps ability to auto-update, we can’t track when files are changed, people provide links to things that aren’t direct files, it’s hard for us to verify that links are still correct and work, etc.) We will be deprecating external links for downloadable games in the future.

I’m not going to update itch every time my game is updated

Just like downloadable games, if you want to update your game you should upload a new build. Depending on how technical you are, you can automate this using a CI provider and butler.

also the lock makes the referal broken

Can you explain? The sitelock code does not change how games have been embedded, it’s a script that runs after the game is loaded that checks where the the iframe is located.

I understand and respect the decision, just note that it does come at the cost of risking to have outdated games because of the upload process. 

About the referal, I mean that the google analitics referal list shows "" instead of the usual link. Not a big deal, and I think it's not hard to fix.

Free game, same issue, 160 days later :/

Is there any fix yet? I periodically stumble on this kind of issue.

Could you please fix that?

Hello! My site is And when you open your game on it, I get this answer:

I bought it and I'm loading it from but it says I can't load it. I'm using FireFox on Linux. isn't working while on itself.


What browser/extensions are you using? I don’t see any issues testing on Chrome with no extensions

Oh, nevermind, I got it to work by turning off Smart Referer! Thanks for reminding me to check what addons I had, I hadn't thought any of them would mess with it like this.

(1 edit)

Hey I think this is what is causing my issue ( with flicksy (, which relies on being able to fetch its own javascript source code. I'm not trying to access it from outside of itch at all, but the javascript code seems to end up on a different origin to the page that's actually running it when you launch it from the itch page. Is there a way to disable this?

I tripped over this because my code assumed that the only script tags in the page were my own--I have an issue ( where I described how I'm working around this now, but it would be good to have a less hard-coded way to do this. 

(1 edit)


I'm having trouble running any of the web-based games.

An example is

I've seen people mentioning the Referer: header so I captured it with the network tab of the developer tools:

Referer:<possibly sensitive bit>?page=53

... which looks intact.



Edit: using Firefox on Windows.


In this case, the referrer will not matter. It’s possible you’re using some privacy extension or browser setting that is preventing the browser from operating normally? You may want to try temporarily disabling those things to see if it makes any difference. An alternative approach, you could try running the HTML5 games in our app, as it will let you download a local copy of an HTML5 game.

Hope that helps

Thanks for the reply leafo.

Yes, I'm using umatrix in the browser and privoxy in the router, but I'd already tried bypassing both those.

I'm not really an 'app' sort of chap, so in the end I've installed a different browser on a USB stick for use with itch, and games are running OK on that. It's like using a dedicated app, but with more buttons & switches exposed.  You can never have too many buttons and switches!


Tim ... this is hitting issues. I'm not the developer, but the customer. Am very  much about privacy, so won't be turning off add-ons. Can't believe how broken is suddenly, especially when have paid for things, and devs need to have games easily seen and accessible. Terrifying to click through into my Library, then onto a purchase, and to see 'you're not on' plus a huge red square. Was it specially designed to look hacked and worry people? Seems so, as the relevant notice is in smaller print, and actually took a while to see. I'll need to not use anymore,  but will support devs who direct me to a secure link/site where I can support them/make a purchase. 

It won't let me play cuz it says i hacked it when i played on the site pls fix this

ok you probs kno why im here so bai

(1 edit)

No, we don’t. You didn’t mention the exact issue you’re having.

Hi there, I'm trying to sitelock my html5 game so I made it only run if the domain is "" which works in the browser. But today I installed the itch desktop app for fun and noticed the game does not run. Are there any other domains I need to check against?


Nevermind, I just realized it's because HTML5 games need to be downloaded and installed locally to play it through the app. It seems that my music mp3 assets are exposed. Is there anyway to obfuscate that? (Or is there something I need to do outside of prior to building my files?) Because I spent a lot of time composing and producing those soundtracks. Would be sad to see them get stolen and used elsewhere.


This is not possible, I’m afraid. Any files the game needs will be downloaded and thus on the player’s computer. And security through obscurity has been shown to never truly work. Your best bet is to send DCMAs every now and then.

Hi everyone! I'm a bit of an idiot regarding this sitelocking mechanism so here are a few questions:

- Is there a procedure to perform to protect one's html5 game or does the autolock actually run automatically?

- My game (dracunite for the lowrezjam) has been stolen by a bunch of sites... So... I was assuming that if the autolock is working automatically... It no longer is or these sites found a workaround it. Is there anything I can about it?

thanks for any help!

And the culprits I found on the first page of a google search...


An older version of my game has been stolen by some of the same culprits you list. But then I discovered sitelocking and it's been fine since then.

To my understanding, you just have to check what domain your game is hosted on. I don't know what framework you're using, but in Game Maker Studio 2, what I do is first grab the domain using

domain = url_get_domain();
if ( domain == "" || domain == "" || domain == "" ) {
    legit = true;

Then I ask the game to run if "legit == true", otherwise, display a UI that shows my game's logo, URL and an explanation that you can play it on "" is the domain to check for for

Hope that helps.


Thanks! I'm using godot and I'll try to implement something similar to this!

(1 edit) (+1)

Hi, I've been trying to make my game accessible via source code but am getting this error:

"You're seeing this because the site you loaded the game on tried to steal or hotlink it from Play the original game safely & securely on"

The game is on itch though, and I am the owner.

Is it possible to resolve this please so that the game can be included in other collections via source code?

Here's the game/link that brings up that notification ^

(1 edit)

Hi, I'm getting the sitelock issue on (among several others), using Firefox Nightly. This issue even persists after turning off all privacy extensions and disabling Enhanced Tracking Protection for that page.

EDIT: The solution was to turn off network.http.referer.spoofSource in about:config, but that is not a long-term solution to the problem.

I tried playing a Dr. Ludos game & it brought me here

I'm using firefox on ubuntu with an adblocker and I can't play games on

I completed  and it did a thing and then I got the site lock notification

Hello, I got the game through a bundle but when I come to play it it just keeps telling me I should be playing it on  I have tried it with adblock and everything else disabled.  Is there a way to download the game by chance?

 You would have to go the developer's page on and play it there.  Alternatively, you can download and play it through the itch game console.

Oh thank you! Could you link me to the console please? I just find games tagged with console when I try.

Download App -

Thank you again!

Hi! I'm using Waterfox. None of the browser games seem to believe I'm actually on I've tried disabling my addons; no luck.

Any idea how to fix it?

Hello! I saw this for the first time today. For months I’ve got used to open the iframe in a new time to avoid javascript sandboxing errors (indirect call to null and others) that prevented many games from loading. It could be firefox third-party tracking protection and/or privacy plugins that cause this. It was fine to get these errors when the workaround worked, now I’m not sure what to do.

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