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Hi everyone! I'm a bit of an idiot regarding this sitelocking mechanism so here are a few questions:

- Is there a procedure to perform to protect one's html5 game or does the autolock actually run automatically?

- My game (dracunite for the lowrezjam) has been stolen by a bunch of sites... So... I was assuming that if the autolock is working automatically... It no longer is or these sites found a workaround it. Is there anything I can about it?

thanks for any help!

And the culprits I found on the first page of a google search...


An older version of my game has been stolen by some of the same culprits you list. But then I discovered sitelocking and it's been fine since then.

To my understanding, you just have to check what domain your game is hosted on. I don't know what framework you're using, but in Game Maker Studio 2, what I do is first grab the domain using

domain = url_get_domain();
if ( domain == "" || domain == "" || domain == "" ) {
    legit = true;

Then I ask the game to run if "legit == true", otherwise, display a UI that shows my game's logo, URL and an explanation that you can play it on "" is the domain to check for for

Hope that helps.


Thanks! I'm using godot and I'll try to implement something similar to this!