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A member registered Nov 18, 2019 · View creator page →

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this is lovely!

I’d like to get it but I don’t want to use paypal at all. can you enable credit card payments on itch?

Ah you’re right! I had a memory of the difference between the portraits and the menu icons, and forgot these icons were not 8x8:

the tiny icons are such a great idea! useful for store shelves, inventory and menus, etc!

(this makes me think of the tiny pokemon body type icons in menus in gen 1 and 2, they were not great but also very cute. wonder if that would be an interesting idea for tiny monsters; maybe for an exclusive)

this is a very lovely pack!

could you update zip files? hard to believe but rar can’t always be opened on all platforms. thanks in advance!

super! I purchased the pack :)

yea I got it some months ago, was out for two weeks

love the monters!!

this is lovely!

do you have any plan to make a bundle of this tileset and the player sprites?

and could you enable credit card payments? (I don’t use paypal at all)

hope things get settled for you!

I would be curious to see a screenshot of the monsters you created

cute! could you clarify the nd clause in the license?

  • is it not allowed to recolour the sprites
  • is it not allowed to apply a palette to a sprite at run time
  • is it not allowed to edit then in your own game, without redistributing

could you enable credit card payments?

I do not wish to use paypal (even with the pay without account option – don’t want to give them my email address and credit card info)

could we see a quick example of the new character with background (world) tiles?

hello! great packs and thanks for separate sales! (considering which one I’m getting)

are you on mastodon? would be fun to have a way to get the bonus without logging on to the third circle of hell :)

hello! this looks like a great pack with overworld, dungeon and characters! do you have any plans to make bigger monsters (bosses or not – thinking about the walrus or mambo fish in link’s awakening)?

yes… ha ha ha… yes!

hello! can you say if the glyphs fit in 8x8 pixels?

love this squad!

404m! would have gotten further if the metallic blocks didn’t fall faster than I move :]

make sure to call your file something.gbc and your gb emulator should use gbc mode

trees and creatures! amazing

I can see the option, but even «continue as guest» to pay with credit card requires giving an email address to paypal

hello! could you enable credit card payments for your packs?

P8 carts are meant to be the development version, and P8 PNG the release format. you can upload the PNG to the lexaloffle BBS to let people play it there, download it to their handhelds or custom consoles, find it with splore and play easily!

lovely changes and cool plans!

I think you’ll have better placement in search results if you fix the typo in the page title and tag: rouge → rogue

is that first screenshot a yu-gi-oh pinball game? 😃

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we lived in a simpler age

we had hotlines, tip books and rumours

we were children and video games were magical – if there are 150 or 250 monsters and 8 cities and berries and eggs and a phone – why not mew or the pokérus

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what a nice pack with vibrant colours! are you using a specific (limited) palette here?

the links for the devlogs can’t be opened

could you add a zip or 7z download? rar is not easy to use everywhere :)

in any case, thanks for making a collection and putting the individual packs on sale!

I know about that, but I do not use paypal!

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info is here:

people buy with credit cards, and you will get payments from itch/stripe to your account (you don’t need a credit card)

hello! could you enable credit card payments in your profile? I’d like to get the bundle!

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what a fun group of creatures!

it’s great to see some nice 8x8 packs!

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do you mean the example here on the itch page?

on the lospec page I don’t see examples:

for lospec, I think the submission requires some examples to be accepted :]

oh I didn’t consider that!

alright then, I’ll have to download and configure all by hand