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A member registered Apr 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you ! I loved your game :)

This was so confusing at first and I really worried about your mental health during my playthrought. After that I saw a comment talking about rabbits and I understood what you were doing with this game.

It's an interesting approach.

I must admit : this is a lot funnier than expected. Great entry !

If I didn't see the other comments about the fake crash I would have thought the game broke and never waited for the end.

The statue following was unclear for me of maybe I'm too old to play vidoegames lmao

anyway cool entry ! 

That feels like a lot of work for one week, I would like to know how you manage your workflow to have so much done is so little time.

This is obviously a great entry

The labyrinth flash game meets the world hardest game glash game !

Tips for your future creations :

- Movement of you player character still lingers when you let down of the movement key. This is because you use physics Rigidbody to make movement but don't reset velocity when Player stop pushing WASD

- Hitbox of the player character feels too big. Don't hesitate to reduce the radius of the collider so the player don't get frustrated by pixel perfect collision resulting to a game over.

Other than that, nice submission !

you got it ahah!

I also wanted to make more before the deadline! I’m happy you enjoyed the experience :)

Trying your game soon!

I couldn't agree more I wished I got a lil bit more dev time to work on a sound design :)

(1 edit)

Hey ! Thanks for the review ! We were inspired by Faith by Airdorf Games and how this game can handle horrowr with very little assets and details.

You are right about the main menu thing. I indicated the control on the main page of the game, sadly if you download it on the submission page you miss it and I think several other people will have the same problem you had :/

I'll try out your game this week end !

Hey ! this time around I got someone much more talented than me to draw the assets, I'm pretty happy with the result :)

Thank you for your kind comment I'll try out your game in the week end

Iron lung really was an inspiration for this one, hey?

It's overall a good game, every mechanics is polished so it's pleasing to play, however there's very few horror elements to it.

The game is full a good little idea, the ever changing house was entertaining. I couldn't finish it due to the lack of ammo at the boiler section.

Excellent excecution for a platformer, unfortnately it's not really horror-themed.

I beat 4 levels, the game is really hard and emulate well the old NES game design, well done.

I enjoyed the game, I'm just sad it ended before showing anything horrific. controls are good, I like the aesthetics, well done !

Also my girlfriend wants to know what is the music playing in the car !

The concept is good but there's some error on the words, it's not always clear which word to chose (I got stuck at the music festival one), feedback from the game is inconsistent, sometimes it generate a bad image and sometimes it's just a noise.

I also feel like this game is inspired by Simulacra or maybe another of the same genra, so I think you could take some ideas from there, because with your concept you can make a creepy game

You did something : creating a creepy atmosphere in the first seconds of gameplay, unfortunately, you did nothing with, the game consists of collecting and reading notes, there's no scary events happening except some door closing behind you and I got no clue what to do after going to the basement.

It really feel like a missed opportunity in his current state, but I think you can expand upon it and make something great !

It's very simplistic and there's not a lot to do, but I love the concept of time loop with more insect each time you loop, I don't know why, I think it's very creative.

This entry shows a great concept, but I honestly think it's not really well executed.

Waiting for the input to register then update the image is entertaining at first, but it quickly become long, especially if like me, you missed some intersection in the path. You can also do several movement before updating the image, and that way you can avoid some scares entirely. You also can't rotate in this game, I think you did it by design but the environment feels like it should be explore with a 360 degrees view and not just stuck in one angle, the only moment where this work is during the long "BEHIND" corridor, but it mostly just impede the field of view.

So, in my opinion, you should be able to rotate and the image should update itself after each movement, and the whole process should be quicker.

I commend you for releasing an original entry, but in the end I didn't have much fun with the game, even if I really tried to. 

I came to demolish, but I was surronded with sphere then got killed by ghosts after placing invinsible turrets, I'm very confused.

The game is pretty but there's very little to do, and the only thing to do is not even clear. It's very lacking but with graphism like that you could rapidly make a good atmosphere out of this preview.

This game feels like the chaotic version of five night at freddy's

I'm a big fan of this one, what a fun approach of the horror theme !

I had a blast going throught this ride, it's really well, congratulation !

But I still want a picture of myself >:(

Excellent point'n'click adventure, I had to say you don't have to spoil everything with text (like when you pick up an item your character say "Hey I can use them like that"), player can figure out and it doesn't stop the action.

The pixel art is beautiful, the discretion mechanic is clever, and the parts where you need to escape the monster are tense !

By the way, it's funny how your monster just look like the one in my game, but drawn in pixel art :p

This game feels heavily inspired by Pathologic, I don't if it's the case ?

I like the settings and the horror coming from this dystopian city, Pathologic proved you can add more mystic element in a game like that, so feel free to go deeper into horror if you intend to expand it.

Overall I had a nice time with the game, it was original and complete.

It was a nice little puzzle game even if the inventory is not very ergonomic. Story is nice, and the art got a nice style to it, I feel the sound is a bit lacking to really set an atmosphere but it's alright.

nice work !

It looks like the intro of a full-flegde game. I would say the voice acting is a nice touch but it clearly lack emotions, it's like the actor reads its text without knowing any context about the game and it sounds robotic.

Steering the wheel is entirely useless, I tried to crash just to verify if there was a point in this feature and I don't think there is.

Other than that, it makes a great job at introducing a story, but feels very lacking on his own.

It's very rough around the edges (so it's sharp?). You have a nice concept but it will need a lot of work to make it enjoyable.

Mouse sensitivy is very low by the way, but the aesthetics is pleasing, feels like a ps1 game were the texture move when you're around them.

good title screen too !

This creature awoke my arachnophobia and I hated it, good ambiance + graphics tho

The A cell went to zero after a long time of waiting  and I decided to put my cell at zero after nothing was happening.

I feel like I didn't understand the game, but I'll say it's a good concept but it's very slow-paced

This one is quite an experience, hey?

At first I thought it was a weird PT clone with no indication, so I was never sure what to expect and it succeed in creating a feeling of dread.

But then come the first puzzle and I didn't figure out I needed to check in the game files to crack the code, so I was obligated to repeat the same sequence three time in a row before giving up and looking for the solution around.

The lack of indication and the weird atmosphere help to create something very unique, but the cryptic puzzle tend make the experience frustrating in the end. So this game really act as a double-edged sword.

All in all I enjoy the game, and I will give you credit for the original idea.

I think, and it's coming from someone who despise visual novel, that it is a clever and interesting, well-document story that kept me interested from the beginning to the end.

The two protagonists were well-written and their relationship was believable, the actual plot was similar to Junji Ito stories (which I'm very fond of), and the choices really impact the story so it made me think I was really investigating the mystery.

What I don't like about visual novel is the lack of interesting visual, which help to emphasize the text. Your game has an interesting artistic direction and don't throw too much reading at once, everything is very digest.

I just think you could have gone further into horror elements, because it feels like the game end after much build-up, the mystery is "solved" before protagonist encounter real difficulties in their investigations. But maybe time limit was the problem here ?

I encourage you to continue the development of the game, I think you can make a greater mystery, more investigation mechanics, you have in fact everything to make a great game. 

It was simplistic but it was fun to figure out the loayout of the store while being chased by SpookerManager, the fact that the list of items is random really help to enjoy every attempt, nice work !

I just saw your edit, I'm glad you gave it a second chance !

Mirror looking more like a glass than a mirror is a feedback I got from several people, so it's definitely something I'll check, I need to understand how to make a good mirror, and good graphics in general considering this is the main flaw of my game.

The levers opening the gate was also something misunderstood, and I concluded it was because of a lack of direct link between them (like cables starting from the metal door and going to the levers). Also, several people didn't get the large gray rectangle at the beginning was a gate, it's still part of the graphics being lacking.

Anyway, thanks you for taking the time of playing and reviewing the game a second time !

Thank you for the review! Your let's play was very thorought and you gave a lot of attention to my little game, I'll try it your game soon ! :)

This feels like a protype for one monster mechanics from another game (Regenerador from RE4 or shadows from Alan Wake) than a whole game.

There is too little ammo, Gun can be imprecise at time and camera flash feels not wide enough.

Tweak the balance of the game and I think you'll have something fun and arcade-y.

This is a nice prototype for a platformer game unfortuantely I think it's not in the theme of this jam

This is a gorgeous and finally an unreal engine game that does not weight 2 go+.

But as you're trying to add your bricks on the backroom's wall, which is a very known universe nowadays, I will be picky on some stuff, which I hope will help you to expand the game if you wish to :

- Backrooms layout is a lot more random and weird, yours is geometric and repetitive, so you lose the sense of disorientation that comes with that type of structure.

- Light needs to be very noisy.

- backrooms are yellow, yours are green, but it's not a bad idea to stray graphically from what is the standard, don't hesitate to add more original thing !

Here you go, I hope this was constructive, I had fun with the game regardless

Excellent game, very original and the drawing is on point. Lasted exactly the right amount of time to not entirely get used to the mechanics.

You never know where you will land when pressing spacebar and this randomness is what makes this experience so special, congratulations

(1 edit)

I like the sound of the shotuns, shooting those zombies is satisfying. However, there is too little ammo for the number of enemies and this enemies are so fast you can't really outrun them to shoot them from a distance.

Nice death sound tho

I've delete the answer to not spoil future player, if you have time please try my game once more, just so you don't leave with a bad impression because you couldn't finish it. I noted my puzzle could be misleading and I'll do better indication in my future games, thanks for the feedback.

I'll test your game soon !