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Alex β˜•πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦

A member registered Apr 21, 2018 Β· View creator page β†’

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Congratulations! First Break was my favorite submission to the Jam!

You can still add screenshots to your page / add a link to your steam page or trailer. You just can’t edit your submission.

πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ just saw the news too! Guess we’ve got a couple more weeks to go

Killing softlocks, always clutch

On my end I’ve been holding off on developing more content. But, I have squashed some pretty major bugs and juiced up the game a bit based on player feedback.

The feature I’m most excited to push is my new punch in camera.

Just getting started with LΓΆve2d and interested in lisp languages? Check out love2d with fennel!

A minimal setup can be found at:

What this setup provides:

  1. Build scripts for Mac, Windows, and Linux
  2. Included build tools to target HTML5 (Limited to LOVE 11.4) (example)
  3. Fennel Macro searchers!
  4. Error handling (boots you to a recoverable error screen)
  5. The latest version of fennel (1.4)

Note that this setup can be run on windows with mingw, but is primarily aimed at linux development.

Where to Start?

I highly recommend checking out the blog posts by Phil Hagelberg about his use of fennel for his 2018 submission Exo Encounter 667. The source for which can be found here

There is also a built in REPL on the languages home page that you can test out the language!

Games Made Using Love2D and Fennel

This is not an exhaustive list! I can include your game if you comment below.

Other resources:

Recommended Libraries

You don’t need any libraries to make a game! The ones mentioned here help solve specific problems.


  • Provides functional style functions, e.g. reduce, map, etc.
  • Provides some nice to haves that are not available in the lua standard library like lerp and split (for spiting strings).


If you need sprite animation, check out ANIM8!


Bump is an axis aligned bounding box collider. It has a bunch of useful built in presets for triggering actions following collisions. If you’re writing a platformer (without ramps) I highly recommend bump!


If you use want to use Tiled ( check out the Simple Tiled Implementation! It works well with bump.

(1 edit)

Appreciate the feedback!

The fixed camera and limited controller cap the dynamics. In the future I may add a few more frames or particles to make the animations a bit more fluid and add a dynamic camera that will punch in when you speak with NPCs

Something like

Not a full trailer, but I did make my cover image a gif showing off the game

Priority management was a big issue for me. I spent the first week getting the art style and systems locked in. It wasn’t until the second week that I had solidified my concept and the last few days before I had the actual story beats down. Not great for a narrative game.

If I were to do it again I would start day 1 with the narrative and work backwards from there to just implement the subset of systems I needed.

The editing in your devlog was top notch

Thanks for playing! There was no resolution of the murder in this teaser. I’m going to be releasing the four other days in phases

Thanks for giving it a go and for the feedback! I realized finding NPCs might be an issue so I made them glow in the dark last minute. I also had them all come through town eventually to chill at the inn or the fire by the inn.

This is my lesson learned too. Getting a lot of good feedback now. I’m used to writing a jam game in 2-4 days. With 14 days I should have got feedback much earlier

Glad you enjoyed it and thanks for the heads up! I’ve got a fix ready to go

Glad you enjoyed it! I’m working on a rewrite for the questions text to make them more concise. It should fix these long string issues

That was quite enjoyable! I thought I was done and then there was a whole basement section! I like how you saw oil lamps before you got the oil so you knew there were paths to go back to.

Nice little RTS. I’d love to see keybinding for actions and some sort of indication of the state of the robots.

Thanks for giving it a go! That’s interesting that the screen didn’t move as you went down. I noticed that in some browsers (Firefox) the game frame rate was abysmal on embedded GPUs and at anything below 30 the camera movement became jank. On windows if the bottom of the game is cut off press f11 to go into full screen. Which should adjust to the size of your monitor.

The cat is very cute.

Lovely pixel art animations throughout

Cute game! I really enjoyed the cold effects around the snowmen.

The game is adorable. I really like the subpixel shading on the players cloak.

Gameplay wise it was very intuitive. I ended up sticking with the bow throughout.

The presentation and audio were fire.

Very on point. Liked the artstyle and the smooth camera movement.

Neat Idea! It took me a few playthroughs to get the hang of it. Having powerups in rings was a nice touch, chill until you got the one you needed.

A very relaxing game! Took about 30 minutes to cover the whole playable area with flowers

That was a blast! The ambiance was on point.

Neat concept. I loved the sounds you used for the text.

I ended up with a very disappointed cat.

This was a fun little puzzle platformer. The music was beautifully suited for the game.

It would be nice if there was a float above the player indicating which button to press when they were by an object.

Patched out the repl in the windows version. The executable should work now

There are such tasty things to eat down deep in the well

Looks like a fusing error :/ Try unzipping the .love file and running love directly in the extracted directory

Very interesting game! I enjoyed reading through the source and seeing how you integrated fennel with the playdate api

Saw that this morning when I was going through source

Nice! Got the latest binary running on ubunutu 22.04 with no problems. I really liked that last puzzle. Took me a hot minute to figure out!

Impressive game! AppImage worked like a charm

Neat game! Worked like a charm in Chrome but couldn’t get it running on firefox or brave.

Yep! just a few more pixels verticaly. I could differentiate the cards when I focused, but it was a bit difficult at a glance to see what was in a card stack

Fishing in mid air πŸ˜‚ secret bonus skills

The game really shines once you start playing a bunch back to back with the same person. I’m not sure how to capture that essence in an AI player.