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Delete all ADULT games

A topic by Perplexed Dev created 78 days ago Views: 2,328 Replies: 54
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(1 edit) (+6)

I swear I typed in E to search for economy games eroge and erotic popped up I tried to click economy and the mouse slipped and flashed. This is so stupid I lowkey want to bleach my eyes. after what is seen @leafo this has gone too far please I'm only 14 prevent others from experiencing what I just did.


Make sure this setting is unchecked (it's unchecked by default when you create your account)


The setting does not matter, if you select eroge as a tag. And many other tags. I remember complaining about this to support and in forum, but iirc it was dismissed on the basis, that people that selected the adult tag would want to see the adult games. And that there would be the 18+ confirmation dialog. Disregarding that the hover screenshots and many thumbnails are not sfw as well, in addition to the 18+ dialog being a saved setting that you might have allowed and then forgotten - you cannot clear that confirmation in settings.

(1 edit) (+9)

I don't know what to tell you, maybe avoid selecting nsfw tags on accident in the future?


I just wanted you to know that your advice is undermined by itch not making that setting work as expected. In theory your reply should have been enough, pointing to the setting. But sadly the setting does not work as expected.

(1 edit)

I typed e and the mouse slipped. and my settings look the exact same as yours(except dark mode)

Admin (2 edits) (+2)

I believe there may have been a miscommunication. A change has been deployed and it will now no longer auto-complete adult tags if you don’t have adult content activated or visible when typing in the tag drop-down on browse games (eg. /games). There is still nothing stopping you from manually typing in any tag and navigating to it, and viewing an “adult tag” will remove the default filter that is applied. Our stance is still that if you manually navigate to a page of a certain kind of content, then you will see that content.

Our stance is still that if you manually navigate to a page of a certain kind of content, then you will see that content.

My stance is, that options in settings should work as advertised.

  • Show content marked as adult in search & browse

You made a workaround. But at least removing the tags from suggestion box if not logged in and having setting enabled is a tad more consistent. 

So maybe adjust that setting's wording so people will not be surprised. A (unless selecting "adult" tags) disclaimer or something like that.

As long as all the content is technically legal for minors, even if they (or their parents) would prefer them not to see it, that's fine. 

I honestly really think that should be checked by default.

Not every Itch user is an adult or interested in adult games. (I have check it because I don't want to feel like a baby)

I just reread the option. I totally thought it did the opposite of what it actually does. 


While itch is not aimed at kids or teenagers (like gamejolt apparantly tries to) default setting to on would be just wrong. That stuff is for opting in, not opting out.

(Itch is aimed at people wanting to play or create indie games. That is not something I would attribute to teenagers in general. But maybe I am mistaken and some kids do not play on their xbox yelling insults at strangers ;-)


There is a problem here. And they refuse to acknowledge that it is a problem. I told support, but obviously the issue was dismissed.

The content setting is ignored! Yes, ignored! Whenever you select some arbitrary tag that is deemed "adult".

This is not acceptable behaviour for a site setting. It does not do what it says!

While "economic" will not even pop up as soon as you type "er", both "eroge" and "erotic" show up with "e" alone and will disable the setting about not showing adult content, when browsed for. 

This is very, very, very bad design. It puts consequences on non-actions. You did not consent to see the adult content, just because you mistyped a tag or did not know what the tag meant. Or seriously, what new gamer knows what eroge stands for?

This needs to be fixed, itch! The setting must be adhered to, no matter of any selected tags. It does not matter if the tag is selected intentionally or accidentally. The setting should work in either case, since the site cannot know. It cannot know if the user knows what the tags stands for, nor if the tag was selected intentionally.

Also, if you de-select the setting ( ) Show content marked as adult in search & browse, the cookie for accepting the 18+ dialog has to be cleared! You could also replace the dialog with a simple warning message, since people do not tend to get younger, but if they configured itch to not show adult content, it stands to reason, that they do not want to see it without explicit consent, even if they previously acknowledged to be 18+.

... may contain content you must be 18+ to view.

Are you 18 years of age or older?

( ) Remember my setting for this browser

(1 edit) (+3)

I talked to them over discord, they're aware of this issue, it seems this is a non-trivial problem, the way search-by-tags work is not the same as just a regular search (in which is age protected).  Hopefully this gets fixed soon.

Tag "search" works just fine with the nsfw protection. It is just as age protected as it advertised - with the exception of certain tags.

Try it with this one (setting on and off)

And then try that one (setting on and off)

It is obviously an arbitrary list of tags and to my understanding they would just have to clear that arbitrary list to deal with this issue. Or did they hardcode that list somehow? It "works" for adult, erotic, eroge and some others, even non featured tags. Curously, it does not work for sex.

Also, I told them about the issue in April, almost a year ago. Request 152691.

And as a reminder for anyone wanting to try all this, if you have adult content released yourself, you cannot deactivate the adult setting for your account. Just browse for it without being logged in.


yeah, "adult" tag should only be visible if you're logged without restriction, or at least age there should be login request before results show up.

Enforcing  to avoid explicit content in thumbnails is also a solution, but that may trigger a rage storm from nsfw devs


In theory there is this dialog when entering the game page. At least when on a fresh browser session without cookies. But hover screenshots will still pop up, even if you hide the thumbnails. Also the thumbnails are what enable you to quickly sort games into categories. If you make devs hide the nature of their game, unintentional visits to game pages would increase. Also there are devs that have such content yet did not use itch for months or years. They would not update their thumbnails.

This might be naive, but since it is only certain tags, those tags must share a common attribute like being on a list and that list should be modifiyable, even if the mechanism can not trivially be disabled. So delete the tags from that list or remove that attribute, problem solved. That would be a solution that might not solve the underlying mechanic, but all of the symptoms. 


You could just ignore it. It is the internet after all nothing is off limits these days. I do agree though some of the games I've seen are downright peverted. Dudes need to go out and get some real vagina that will cure it. 


What ticks me off, is that there is an option on a site, that does not do what the option says it would.

Let's look at another option. Infinity scroll. (x) Disable auto-loading next page when browsing.

How would you think about this issue, if this works for most tags when browsing, but as soon as you enter "horror" tag, your browser would load the next pages automatically, without you clicking next page. Or vice versa. You usually scroll to load pages, but suddenly when browsing for "visual-novel" you need to click next page.


Maybe don't use such language in a topic started by a minor complaining about unchecked adult content. No offense.





Deleted 69 days ago

How sensible of you to use words like that when it's explicitly stated that the OP is 14

thanks I wasn't talking bout the OP I was meaning the ones behind all this eroticism fetish stuff. 14 ain't young. It's young enough to legally work full time 40+ hours. Not as if they are a child 



I agree that adult content should be filtered out even when you're searching for specific tags - you should not have to know which terms are "all adult content" to keep them blocked. This is a bug that deliberately shows adult contents to people who have selected the "do not show me adult content" option, including minors. 

Someone (not a minor) should do some research into what tags can bypass the "don't show me adult content" option.  (If you search for ren'py, will you see adult ren'py games? Or is it only if you search the tags that definitely mean explicit sexual content? In which case... wow, that is a STUPID feature.)

If people want to see adult content and are dismayed when their searches for those tags come up blank, the page can have a message that says "You have this setting blocked in your profile options. To see these results, you will need to check the box that says..." 

When I search on Steam, I often get results that say "4 titles have been excluded based on your preferences." (Or 12 titles. Or 37 titles. I have a lot of popular game tags blocked.) If I want to see those results, I can adjust my settings.

the tags that definitely mean explicit sexual content

All tags have a fuzzy meaning that lies in the eye of the beholder. That is not only an issue with adult tags, but for tags on itch in general, since the developer choses the tags.

Also, just because you tag a thing, does not mean you will show it in graphic detail. It is debateable, if pure text games should be considered "nsfw", even if they deal with such topics and thus could tag them. But even with graphics, you can have topics without showing them. There is a reason why you used the explicit qualifier.

Also, the current tag descriptions do not even spell out that it is explicit content, for example this one


Usually containing sexual themes, content or more. Not safe for work most of the time.

Which tags ignore the setting is arbitrary. But it is not tags you typically find on games aimed at underaged players. Except horror maybe. But that is another discussion, how much horror a game can have before it has to be marked as adult. (the horror tag does not ignore the setting, but by the logic for the mechanism, it should).

I'm aware it's fuzzy.

I meant, games whose tags would normally make them blocked by the "don't show me adult content" filter, but are viewable in a tag search.  (I'm also aware that games tagged with something like 'sex' does not mean there is actually sexual content; accurate tagging is a whole separate issue.)

If there are games hidden from general search by the adult content setting - those games should not come up in a more specific search or tag search. I'm not concerned with where draws the lines, but the lines should be the same no matter what kind of search is being done.

Tags do not make them blocked, I think you meant that they normally would be blocked by the setting, because they are marked in their meta data as adult.

You are concerned that there might be tags one does not know what they mean and suddenly they unlock the adult content. Eroge is the only one I can think of. For that matter, even nsfw and other common adult tags, since we are talking about juveniles and at that they might not even be fluent in english. Otherwise, the tags are what adult games use to make them visible for people looking for that content. And a few explicit tags. The surprising thing is more, which typical adult tags do not ignore the setting.


Search Suggestions: Feliz Navidad 🗿

Yo I gotchu bro, imma make a browser extension for you that hides all adult content on any website, just gotta use a bit of JavaScript

How are you going to hide "all adult content?" Not all websites label it, and those that do, don't all use the same methods. I'm not sure's labeling is visible from the outside, other than the tags on the games.

Just let me figure it out.


Be wary of offers to install software on your machine that claim to do the impossible. If "block all adult content" were something easy to do, we wouldn't have entire industries built on providing filtering services to corporations. 

It's possible someone could build a browser plugin that blocks all adult-labeled content on It won't also work on Steam, or drivethrurpg, or youtube, or vimeo, or AO3, or tumblr, or twitter, or bluesky. They all use different methods to label "adult" content. (And they don't all agree on what "adult content" is.)

Blud I get it, just let me figure it out.


There is a way. It is an experimental method implemented in modern browsers. The Content Styling System, CSS. But you need a user Styling Extension for that. I prefer Stylus for that.

You can import this code snippet into such a styling extension. This will block ALL adult content. It is akin to xxx meaning adult stuff. Maybe you can activate it with javascript too.

@-moz-document regexp(".*.*.*") {
    body {
        display: none !important;

Thx homie, so yeah, imma do that

I have not found the adult marking yet, and I am dabbling currently with extensions and with game filtering. It is meta data and you do not see that on the game page, nor on the browse thumbnail. Although I did not search for that information specifically. The wrapper they use for adult confirmation dialogue is gone, once clicked away. And that a game is non adult, is evident because it was displayed to you in the first place - hence I consider the whole issue as a bug. Trivially you could just modify the browse url. But why bother. They just need to delete the tags from their exception list. Or how am I to believe they implemented the feature in the first place? It is a feature and it has a configuration. It has to. Even if they cannot remove the feature just like that, they should still be able to configure it to do nothing, if no tags are on that naughty list anymore.

There might be a easier way, I could implement a fork of GPT 3 to scan the site and hide any adult content

That's cheating ;-)

Yea but it’s the most efficient way

I do not think I agree with you on the meaning of certain words... ;-)


-- And they don't all agree on what "adult content" is. --
And there you got a very good point. Since "adult content" is also a bit subjective.

And let's also be wary of false positives, as some words may imply "adult content" while in fact it's not. I've been banned on Twitter for 14 some years ago by a bot-moderator for using the word "trigger", as that was a death threat. (I was using that word in a completely different context, though).

Indeed, as soon as I see software packages of which the developers claim the impossible, I personally walk away as fast as I can.

Perhaps more to the point, if you've selected not to see adult contents, why are you being shown 'adult' tags.  It can't be that hard to maintain a blacklist of adult tags and simply remove them from the tag selection, then filter out any adult games that make it through in the normal tag search (i.e. furry or cats).

(2 edits) (+1)

The system itself works quite well. And it does not involve tags at all, only the meta data. A game does not even need tags.

The issue is, that the system is ignored for certain tags. They implemented a whitelist so to speak. The fix is not to implement a blacklist on top to cancel that whitelist, but to remove that whitelist, as the configuration has to be done by the setting and not by the tags.

Oh, and half of the games tagged furry are adult games ;-) They get filtered out just fine with the setting.

As to why there are tags in the suggested list, that are common adult tags in the first place, including literal adult, well, we can speculate. Maybe they had too many complaints from people browsing that tags and not seeing any content. But instead of displaying a message that people might need to make an account and activate adult content (or changing the suggested tags per setting), they "fixed" it by having that whitelist. Or any other reason that seemed like a good idea at the time. (One should also not forget, that you can land on tag browsing by clicking tags on a game page, so tags need not even be in the suggested tag box.)

Also, there are games with some common adult tags, that are not adult games. As in, they have to be marked as adult. Maybe they even had at one time a mechanism that would add the marking based on tags, for developers that forgot to mark it in meta data. But strictly speaking, you can have the tag erotic, without the game being a M or AO rated game. It is only tags. Once could argue that the tag might be incorrectly applied. But even the suggested tag definition on itch for erotic only says: Usually, and most of the time.

For everyone saying the bad setting is stupid if u search it up: search suggestions exist blud.


Icthio Is A Free Site People Can Create And Games Without Having To Pay Money Like Steam And That Is Where The Issue Starts Because The Is No Paywall Icthio Is Bening Overrun With Bad Or Shitty Games Like Those So Called Adult Games Which Are Porn Made For Men That Can Not Catch Girls And The So Called Horror Games

(1 edit) (+1)

A lot of sites are excluding 18+ and inappropriate stuff altogether because of  rules of payment processors. There's the possibility that Itch decides to get rid of Those So Called Adult Games Which Are Porn Made For Men That Can Not Catch Girls in order to maintain big processors  (Paypal and Stripe.)

I don’t see why that’s a problem

it's definitely for men who can't catch girls that's for sure. Jeez gotta get out and have a dip not hid behind a screen. No wonder they can't find any

Thank y ou Bud

This seems like it should be really simple to fix.  If a tag disables the NSFW filter then filter out the tag itself if the NSFW filter is turned on.

Itch tag system in general is flawed, I really think is a priority to improve. Just the fact that one can't put a tag to not show is something very bad. Itch is for so many kind of games, and I think that's amazing (This is the only game website with that principle, I think) but precisely for that a good tag system is crucial. It has many years as it is so I don't know then they gonna improve it.


This was such a wild, and interesting rabbit hole to read.