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A member registered Mar 07, 2019 · View creator page →

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What are you talking about?

(1 edit)

It sounds like you are an artist for the project, correct? Are you credited somewhere in the project? You should be able to still list the project on your CV even if you arent in control of the page on, I dont think most employeers would really care about that.

Yes, what that guy did sucks, but it doesnt look like its against's TOS and I cant see how it would effect your career in the long run. That said, you could always talk to a lawyer to see if you have a case here. I'm not familiar with Polish copyright law, so I have no idea if a situation like yours would be handled more seriously than it would in the states 

What country are you located in?

I'm pretty sure ratings have a greater impact on a game's success over on Steam. I don't think it matters as much here

Please don't take this the wrong way, but was your logo made using AI? It

The anti virus is flagging it as a potential virus because not enough users have run it. This is a very common issue for indie game devs and most users know to just run the software anyway.

 If you're worried that this warning will deter users from playing your game, you can always make your games to run in-browser.

Very cute! You did an excellent job and I feel like this character could fit a variety of stories. Keep up the good work!

Could you provide more information? For example

  • What is the scope of the project? I.e. How big will the game be and how long do you expect to be working on it?
  • What genre is the project? Will it be 18+ (some artists feel uncomfortable being associated with adult content)?
  • What style of art are you looking for? Will it be pixel art? Anime? Realistic?

A new user has been spamming in the forums and I don't want to be notified when he posts. I've blocked him, but I still receive the notification because I'm subscribed to the forum. Is there any way to not see notifications when a specific user posts? Or will I need to unsubscribe from the entire forum?

As I said before, please stop spamming in the forums. If you'd like to interact with the community, a better way to do so could be joining the official discord or by playing games and leaving supportive reviews/comments.

I took a look at your comment history and I don't see anything that would reasonably offend a developer. Most of your comments are just pointing out errors that the average dev would be happy to know about so they can fix them. Either the devs who deleted their games need thicker skin, or the deletions are unrelated to your comments 

This should probably have been posted in Release Announcements...

I assume you're talking about backing up a save file for a specific game. I would reach out to the developers of the game directly, they're unlikely to see your question here

Of course! Let me know if there's anything you'd like me to add or change

I sell art asset packs here on and occasionally I'll get comments letting me know that a game dev has used my art in their project. I try to play these games whenever I have the chance and I love seeing the art I've worked so hard on being used by such creative developers.

If possible, I'd like to play as many games as I can that have used my art (and maybe feature the games on my YouTube channel) but I'm not sure how best to reach out to devs. Any recommendations?

was it a downloadable game or play in browser? or both?

An interesting concept and a kind of trippy game

What a fun little game! You did a good job on this

Looks great!

(1 edit)

If your project could use a little something extra for player's health or heart objects, you should check out my newest asset pack, Heart Animations. This pack includes 12 unique animations that are sure to charm your players. 

Best of all, this asset pack is currently 100% free (although donations are always appreciated).

I just checked it out, very cute! 

If your game has not been indexed after a reasonable amount of time, email the staff directly. Posting on the forums doesn't guarantee the correct people will see your issue.

Happy 4th! I'm planning on seeing a rodeo and maybe some fireworks 🤠

Are you referring to A.I. generated content or Adult content? Could you be more specific?

I agree. Uploading content that is not yours actually goes against's terms of service

Publishers are solely responsible for the content they upload and distribute on Publishers affirm, represent, and warrant that they own or have the rights, licenses, permissions and consents necessary to publish, duplicate, and distribute the submitted content.
The Company does not endorse copyright infringing activities or other intellectual property infringing activities and violations of may result in the removal of content if the Company is notified of such violations. Removal and termination of accounts may occur without prior notice.

Abandonware websites are well aware of the risks of using abandonware. For example the website My Abandonware both encourages users to purchase software legally (if it is available) and shifts all liability onto users for using their site.

We allow you to download old games for free, but we do not take any responsibility for downloads considered illegal in your country. Please try to buy the game first:, Steam, Amazon or eBay may be selling your game.

I should note that a lot of software that is considered "abandoned" is relatively old and the proper owners may be difficult to identify or contact. This is not necessarily the case on where many users who delete their content may continue to be active on the site.

(2 edits)

This past year I've seen atleast two individuals attempting to re-upload games that were not made by them (and do not belong to them) to "archive" the games on This is behavior is unacceptable, and I'm planning on making a video to discuss this issue.

But, I want to get your opinion before I make the video. 

  • How do you feel about people archiving indie games? How would you react if you found a re-upload of your project?
  • What if the game in question was removed by the creator? Does this change your answer to the previous question?
  • In your opinion, is there any situation in which it is morally acceptable to re-upload a game you do not own?
  • What preventative measures can developers take to prevent their games from being re-uploaded by a third party?

Thanks : )

Edit: Given the sensitive nature of this subject, I have decided to not make a video about it. Although I do feel it is important to talk about (which is why I will be leaving this thread up) I don't think I'm the right person to discuss it in a YouTube video. Thank you to everyone who provided their thoughts on the matter.

What inpired you to make the game initially? Was it a movie, book, or game? Try revisiting those things which inspire you to reignite that flame

I used to love watching Pushing Up Roses for her reviews of old school point and click adventure games, but she's since moved onto discussing art and TV shows.

A parody of a tamagotchi emulator that slowly devolves into a horror game as the tamagotchi creature escapes from its device and starts messing with your computer

Something I've learned as an artist is to take a critic's expertise and possible bias into consideration when receiving feedback. It sounds like a similiar approach ought to be taken when getting feedback from play testers, especially with things that are inherently subjective.

Part of being a creative is knowing when to cut your loses when a project just isn't working out. I look forward to your next project

Ha Ha clever 

That's to be expected on a website that has a low bar for uploading, but it's great because that means anyone, regardless of skill level, can share their projects with the community. I wouldn't want it any other way

Fire Ball is to fantasy games as fishing is to farming sims—both may not be necessary, but have come to be expected in their respective genres. Personally, any game that let's you blow stuff up with a fire ball is a win in my book

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Sorry if that came off as rude, I'm just genuinely confused. Does it have something to do with the device you're using, or do you just prefer title case? I noticed that you don't do it consistently either.

Edit: After looking through your post history I'm going to assume the title case thing is part of a bit. Carry on, I guess

Why are you capitalizing the first letter of every word? It makes your comments hard to read

It's just a stylistic choice. There's an article on TV Tropes that may give you the answer you're looking for TV Tropes: Ominous Latin Chanting

Boss fights are meant to be the hardest levels in a game (especially the final boss level). The music should hype up the player and make the level feel extra exciting 

Hello Nikki! It may be helpful for game developers if they could see examples of your work. Do you have a portfolio or maybe a social media that you use for art that you could link?

Are you asking why developers choose more impactful music for Boss fights or how to make music intended for Boss fights?