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A jam submission

Size ObsticalView game page

you're a playtester in a early build of a game and theres some bugs that needs to be "fixed" with a scale tool.
Submitted by fel59 — 2 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 49 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
you change tha scale of cubes to solve puzzels

Development Time

96 hours

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I liked the game, but how do you solve level 075?


idk, was to hard for me


phew, so i'm not the only one


im the dev...


the real ansser is that, you are supposed to put the cube on the button (with the "elevator"), then get it of while your in the corridor and push it with the side ways elevator.


Cool! I like all the error references.


I liked this. Reminded me of Q.U.B.E. The animated model of the scale gun was very well done!

The puzzles could have used more fine-tuning and variety. Essentially it always boiled down to "scale this block horizontally to push another block on a switch, then scale this block vertically to push yourself up". Also I cringed at all the spelling errors XD

Overall very nice entry for such a short jam.


i am terrible at making levels. and english is not my native language. tho good feedback. should sharpen my english skills. good that you liked it :)

i stopped right before i would press “delet project”


I really liked having the narrator messages talking to me based on what I did in the game (and their love of cheese) and the scale gun was cool (e.g. with the floating scale gizmo inside). I did like the puzzles (e.g. having some blocks that would only scale in one direction) but the puzzles requiring pushing blocks with your character physics (it seemed like e wasn't actually supposed to work) was a bit frustrating


maby i should have added the e feature (yes, it was not supose to work becuse i was lazzy). and the chesse idea was from the premiere chat when everyone was spaming chees into the chat. tho at first the moon was maid of chees tho in the release you can't see the moon. :)


Fun puzzles, great job on this game.


I got my chees you stupid good funny gmae. Real fun, I liked the humour of chees. Concept of a gun that shrinks items is not new, of course, but still great game!


if i hade a creativity stat, it would be zero :)


yo this game is so cool and it's really smooth because my pc can't run 3d games, looks like minectraft custom maps

also is this the end.... I'm stuck in dark room with chess


oh, thats the end. i didn't make that clear enouth. im also suprised it ran so good. i gues my optimization worked. (im using backed lighting and thats why there are no realtime shadows. also some other optimization) :)


oh man you should add season 2 for this game, season 1 is short but it's good start

For example: poppy playtime

Also you should do impossible to upload on steam if you wanna make season 2

I'm following you.


now you can wait 2 years until i finish another game :)

Submitted (1 edit)

Fun game! Has the Portal vibe and lots of humour from the game. Not sure what to do once we are at the cheese room when  you can resize the cheese.


that's the end. shoud have maid that more clear :)


Glad we had a talk in such way. The tricks are worked pretty well, good job!


This Meta game is very interesting, and the gameplay is also great.


Creative! Feels like you've had a good time making this game!


Was a good lot of fun!
very creative narrowting, making the experience enjoyable, a mix of Portal and The Stanley Parable. Good job!
Would have liked some kind of prompt in the end to show it was the end, I spend way to much time trying to figure out what to do with my big chunk of chees, not that that had any impact on my rating of your game, it was fun!


i wanted to add a prompt in the end but i was to lazy to make a timer to start it :)


Nice humor, snazzy, like a jammy portal.


really funny game! It worked for me fine on the web version, though :) I like the funny comments of the person or roboter or what it is. Made me laugh


Definitely hit the Stanley Parable-esque vibe. Good job!


Very good! Very good! I like the writing. It felt very Stanley Parable-esque.

The idea is also very creative. It did get a bit annoying in some puzzles, but for a jam game this is really good!


Awesome story telling. You have something that could actually be a real game. I hope you keep working on it :D


Very amusing! The dialogue made me giggle!


The writing was funny and the puzzles good!

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