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A member registered Jun 03, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hmm, interesting. Maybe it's just my browser. Anyway thanks for providing the litterature. I now have something to read before going to bed.

I actually ate one apple today, and I think I'm still fine. However I don't know if it was "the apple" featured in this game, so I may not be so fine in the future.

Thank you for pointing out the flashling lights, very careless of me to not think of that earlier. I've added a warning.

As for the AI stuff, I think the tech is interesting and the fact that the models look like shit fit the game very well, but I get that there are ethical considerations to using AI art.

Yeah! I found the sussy impasta fruit.

Very nice idea, and I really like the effort you went to to create so many different newspappers.

I wish the sound was amplified a bit more when you point your flashlight at someone, as it's currently a bit too hard to detect the bad melon.

You sure had an idea an executed upon it with style, and I like all the small details. Overall, defo a banging game, as the kids say.

Oh dear god the music made me laugh so hard. Did not expect that from the screenshots or anything else on the page. That shit is banging!

The game itself is pretty nice, if a bit simple. I like that you took the time to make the screen shake slightly when you collect a fruit.

Anyway I'm gonna go headbang until I break my neck now

Definitely reminds me of some old flash games I played as a kid. Like one of the good ones, the diamonds in the rough. Very challenging. Even though the levels are only 20 seconds, it feels very punishing to have to restart from the beginning, but equally rewarding when you actually finish the level. Very good game!

Nice! Surprising amount of depth in the game, and very satisfying once you get the hang of it. The music is very SNES-era Final Fantasy OST like, which I very much appreciate.

Pretty simple game, but still surprisingly difficult to manage flapping you wings while shitting (just like in real life). The art is very nice!

Looks neat and it plays pretty nice as well. Very impressive that there is an online leaderboard. For some reason the game is silent for me, but that could just be something with the engine not playing nice with my browser.

At first I mistakenly thought that the point of the game was to press shift to teleport between worlds, in order to get a higher score. It took an embarrasingly long time until I figured out that I was actually just restarting the game over and over, but as a consequence of that I did manage to see a lot of different levels, which was nice (:

(1 edit)

Okay, so first of all, the link to the complete list of software, including links to full source code, does not work. Yeah, I bet you didn't think anyone would check that, did you? Well I did! I wanted to see the full list, and I could not, to my immense dissapointment.

Okay, but for real, this game is neat. I like how you managed to make a visual novel 20 seconds long, and the battle-style actually makes it feel tense, so you read as fast as possible.

The best ending is number 1. Very relatable (as a non-doctor).

Yes. Tax evasion!

Them graphics are pretty good. I like how there are multiple songs, which makes the game less stale when you replay it, however the songs don't really match in terms of intensity.

My main gripe with the game is that it is very difficult. I don't think I could beat it in a reasonable amount of time, so I will not attempt to do so, even though I very much would like to see what happens if you evade taxes for more than 20 seconds.

I really like the fact that you made a little trailer as well. The trailer was cute, and weirdly well-edited for a 20 second game (:

Cool idea, and those graphics sure do look banging! It took a while before I understood how to play, and I couldn't get past the second level (maybe because of the web version I guess?) but I liked the idea of making a RTS game 20 seconds long.

It's a nice concept. The pixel art, while it looks nice for the most part, makes it difficult to read which way the arrows are pointing, but I guess that's just a limitation of the platform, and the fact that they are different colors kinda mitigates this issue, but there's not enough time to learn which color corresponds to which direction in twenty seconds. But overall, very polished execution of a very nice idea. Good job!

Pretty simple, but it was nice. I like how you made the switch on the turntable the start button. Looks very clean, and the music is nice when you beat the game.

I think there are a couple of bugs in the game. I managed to get a score once, but after that no score was shown, and also the restart button disapeared, so I had to refresh the page to restart the game. It does look good, though, I'm sure with some instructions and some other issues ironed out it could be fun.

I do like those robots. Got a couple of different endings. I like the way the paintings were used, it made the mood feel very unique.

I very much like the idea behind this game, and the fact that you included some story from which the idea came. Very interesting, I'm glad I learned something today!

Neat! Very well balanced, where I was able to figure out what was going on and just barely beat the game within 20 seconds, with a couple seconds to spare. Most things about the game are very polished, and I can tell there was a lot of effort put into the smaller details.

As a previous commenter mentioned it feels kinda off to have to aim while moving, but the current way of doing it definitely adds to the challenge.

This is the Dark Souls of romantic worm-based panda control simulators (RWBPCSs). The ending was good. The beginning was also pretty good, but the ending was also good. Although my brain was broken I could appreciate the story of discovering oneself in the youth period and finding love and passion. The part about continously dying violently is also very relatable.

Also u are very good at sing. I wish I was good at sing.

The end of the review

or is it?

Yes it its'

(1 edit)


The music is good. Also it feels good to play


Yeah, I like this! Very calming. Very comforting. The art is charming and the sound design is really good! Not much to complain about

Also, the snail animation rules.

I make the best Custom Drinks in town!

Okay, so some things are kinda weird (like the mouse cursor being off), but you managed to make a pretty nice, chill, vibey experience anyway.

Awesome! I love the narration and the little scene thing in the beginning. As others have mentioned it is pretty easy to cheat, but other than that the challenge level is very reasonable. The music is also very good!

Neat! Took me a while to realize you had to focus to know where to go, but once I did it was nice. I don't like the font, it was a bit hard to read, and I also don't like that the text doesn't always wrap at the correct place.

The platforming itself is pretty good. I like how heavy the gravity feels

Very simple idea, but very polished, which is exactly what a jam game should be! A bit slow for my taste and the extreme mode seems a bit too impossible for my taste, but the game does exactly what it sets out to do!

Great game! really good music, and very nice autumny art as well. I actually disagree with the others about the animation speed. While frustrating, it adds some challenge to the memory games and forces the player to actually pay attention and try to remember instead of relying on speed.

Also, it's impressive that there's a functioning leaderboard. I'm proud to be at the bottom of it (:

Pretty fun and an interesting idea. Would be nice if there was sound, but still a very good game!

Huh, that's interesting. You should be able to return to the main menu by pressing space, but I guess if keystrokes don't register them that wouldn't work. It works fine for me in Safari, but I'll see if I can solve the issue on other browsers as well

It's a shame he had to gain consciousness in a shitty Toyota. Reminds me of my childhood.

The game is quite difficult. You could call this the Dark Souls of Outrunny Talos Principle-likes. What saved me in the end was the fabled snek-technique.

I liked the way the jokes used the game mechanics, like the meaning of life and the trolley problem and the ending. That was nice.

Worth noting that text does not seem to appear on Firefox or Safari for some reason.

I was unable to beat this game on account of a lack of friends and the fact that MacBooks do not have a right CTRL key.

Nah, I'm just kidding, I'm a fuckin gamer who can remap keys and I don't need no friends. All it took was a bit of sick gamer skills and entirely neglecting the right half of the screen.

Visually the game is truly photorealistic, because it appears to be made out of photographs. While this alone is cool the subtle flickering of the candles provide a slight dynamic feeling to an otherwise still scene. My main gripe with the game graphically is the lack of visual communication of the game state to the players, however it can definitely be argued that this decision is intentional. For example, it is not possible to immediately interpret what material is required to fix a room (this could for example be done by altering the textures of the cracks depending on the required material using colors that are immediately recognizable in the peripheral vision), however the fact that this is not immediately obvious further increases the amount of required communication between me and my hypothetical friends, which definitely increases the fun factor. The same thing goes for the number of remaining uses of a material, however I'd argue this applies to a significantly lesser degree.

In terms of audio the serene music is very nice and calming and the victory fanfare is fun with a fun little flare at the end. The instrument choice also makes it feel unique compared to the usual bombastic arrangement of horns you may usually hear in a piece used in this type of context. I haven't heard the game over music because I'm a fuckin pro gamer and I don't lose, so I can't comment on that, but unfortunately the music that plays throughout most of the game is relatively subpar compared to the other musical arrangements.

The main game music actually sounds really good if you listen to it with your headphones placed on a table about 2 feet from your head. This is because it renders the bass inaudible, and the percussion instruments and the harpsichord melody are very competently put together to create a feeling of stress and tension. Placing your headphones at a distance also makes it less obvious that the song is just 4 bars long and doesn't loop properly. If the instrument choice of the bass had been something other than a thin, stuttery sequence of 16th notes playing over and over this song would have been really good. I assume this choice was deliberately made to increase the feeling of stress in the players, but Hannes, bro, have some confidence in your melody writing. The song is already tense af even without the bass.

For a second I decided to put my gamer prowess aside to intentionally lose and hear the game over music. It may actually be the best track in the game. Very devastating and atmospheric feeling that truly captures what it's like to get trapped in a basement (speaking from experience).

Uh, anyway the game is fun, even without friends, and I imagine it would be even more fun when you have to hectically communicate with another human being (if you're into that kinda stuff and don't automatically start crying because it brings back bad childhood memories).

Uhhhh, the game is fun! I liked the game! But you should make it playable on Mac without needing to remap the keyboard. Oh, and also you can just beat the game by alt-tabbing and waiting 3 minutes. Oh, and also sometimes the music seems to loop even before it's done I think.

Mmm, yes I think that's it!

That's all I have to say!

Ah yes, unfortunately it's really hard to crash a web game, but it does crash on desktop if that's any consolation

Yeah, even at age 10, Billy can bench two plates.

But really, I have no idea why the AI gives everyone massive racks.... It's weird

Oh, I'm not really sure. I think it was pretty late in the game. The reason I fell was because I couldn't find an arrow that pointed me in the right direction, so I just kinda took a leap of faith.

My goal when making this game was to ensure that at least one person thought they kinda liked it, so I'm glad I could achieve that goal. Thank you for playing!

Ah yes, truly. Thanks for playing!

I mean, who didn't hurt me?

Nah, but for real, I just wanted to make something weird with the weird AI-created 3D models.

Yeah, I don't know why, but when I exported the game the mouse sensitivity increased for some reason.

I liked it! The writing was very good, the music felt atmospheric and fitting and the storyline was interesting, despite being short. I like what you did with the writing on the hoverbot.

One small quality-of-life improvement that would be nice would be to make the "continue" button on the text boxes reveal all the text if clicked before the text has continued scrolling, like it does in most other text-heavy games. I think the text scrolling speed is a bit too slow, so at many times I instinctively pressed the continue button expecting to see the full text faster, but instead I accidentally skipped the dialogue.

Anyway, it's a cool jam game and I think it could be an interesting game if further developed into a full experience.

Also, unrelated but based on your profile it looks like you are Logan from Tek Syndicate? It's very surprising to see a game made by you in a random game jam all of a sudden.  I used to watch your stuff like a decade ago and it was a huge inspiration for me to study computer science, so it's good to see you're still doing cool stuff!

Oh hey! I also shower yes days a week.

This was a great game! I played the entire thing, even though it was kinda long. The characters and writing were very charming and the art looked great.

I was a bit lucky that I accidentally crafted the hammer, otherwise I think it could have taken a while for me to figure that out, but other than that all the puzzles were reasonably challenging, where I didn't have to brute force anything, but I also had to pay attention to what the characters were saying.

Overall, great game! Probably my favourite so far.

Thanks! That was the intended reaction... I think. To be honest I don't know, my summer brain is weird.

I had a good time! Very stressful, but still very fun. One small thing that I think would make the game much better is if the time paused when you were reading text. Currently it's impossible to actually beat the game while actually reading the text instead of just looking for where to go next.

Funny writing! Not much to complain about. I didn't expect the [spoiler] horse to be brought up so late after making that decision, so I was pleasantly surprised by that.