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A jam submission

Scale CubeView game page

Play with the powers of the cubes.
Submitted by Samx — 7 hours, 21 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
In Scale Cube, you have to play with the effects of cubes which always relate to the notion of scale.

Development Time

96 hours

(Optional) Please credit all assets you've used
Music1 :
Music2 :
Font : Roboto

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Very nice visual design and gameplay concept. Personally, it felt a little too difficult for a jam, and frustating when you've got your boxes to the perfect size, but then accidentally nudge them as you try to jump on. Perhaps giving a couple of extra boxes per level would help with this, meaning there are backups if things go a little wrong. Giving access to all levels really helped on this front though, and the whole concept definitely has legs as a full game. Really good stuff!


Thank you very much for your comment, it’s very nice! :)


Cool concept for a game about scaling objects, though I got really frustrated with the green box stage and stopped playing there (skill issue perhaps... I tried different approaches as well), not sure if it would make the game better but it could use a front or side view to check on the sizes of the cubes, just to know if I should add a touch to the scale or not.

The character rotation to the direction could use some work as well, though it isn't really game breaking, just feels weird jumping front while my character is looking backwards (hope I made that clear ^^).

Other than that, awesome vibes, love the music and the fact it loops, each feels more bopping than the last, also love how difficult it may be, rather than simply pushing blocks to the right size.


Thank you so much!  It's a super detailed comment, it's really cool to see what's wrong and what's right!


really cool mechanics, havent come acros these this jam!


Thank you very much for this very kind comment :)


Really really cool mechanics, it was super fun to play, i really struggled on the first level compared to the rest! :rofl:

The perspective of the game, I did actually enjoy it, made it more fun with mouse control definitely, however, lowering the camera a bit would probably solve the comments I see related to the camera lol. 

Overall really fun game, I enjoyed playing it, good job! Keep it up. 


I thank you very much for your comment!! :)


the mechanics were pretty interesting. it'd be cool to see more puzzles made with them. the isometric perspective made it hard to tell where i was, but being able to rotate the camera helped. i think a perspective camera might work better here


Thank you very much for this comment, for the camera, many say the same thing, so I should actually change that. ;)


It ran at a very low frame rate for me and I have geforce 3060, not sure why. I couldn't review the game.


I'm sorry for this inconvenience, I don't understand why either. Thanks for trying.


Liked the challenge but agree with other commenters. Having to restart a level because you scaled something just a bit too much can be annoying. Otherwise the rotation in the main menu could be remove since now it's a game in itself to be able to click on the level you want :P


Thank you very much for your comment!


Desptite the "placeholders" the game has its own style and works well ! A replay button could be a good idea when you missplay ! Like others, i'd change a bit the camera angle !


Thank you for your comment, to restart you can press the "R" key, and the camera angle could be changed but don't forget that you can press the right click to turn. :)


Great music implemented! I love it so much !

( turning is like warcraft lich lol )

I like the idea but the view really gave me a harsh time orz. I wish to experience the chanllenging levels in a more smooth way. Still a great game and I love it! Good job!


haha thank you very much I really appreciate the comment :-))

There is still some polishing work to be done.


Love the art style choices: why use programmer's art when you can just use a cube? :D

Other than that the game needs a little bit of polish, it's kind of frustrating having to restart a level because you scaled a cube a little too much because you mistimed a jump, I have no idea if it could be better to implement an "undo", or have the cube scale faster, or have the ability to freeze the cubes in place once they are in the position you need them to be


haha thank you very much, and regarding the gameplay, it is true that there are still little things missing. Thank you very much for your comment.


I like the ideas here but I think that it can take too long for the cubes to be the size you need and with the perspective making it hard to judge how big we need it to be, it can be easy to go over and have to start again, making it frustrating. Even if it's just cubes, the lighting and colors work really well on the visual side.


Yes I used an orthographic type camera for aesthetics but it may not be the best idea in terms of gameplay... Thank you very much for the comment ;)


I really like the idea but for me it was very hard to see if i can reach the floating object which sometimes equaled to restarting the game.


Thanks for the feedback :) Yes I will have to work on that.


The first level is a good introductory one, maybe a bit too long to get to the solution and also quite hard to see how much the goal is floating, will definitely try more levels, curios to see the other mechanic you came up with!


thank you very much for your comment. :)


Very cool idea but needs a bit more polish. It's hard to gauge the distance and scale of thing relative to the final platform. I must say that the game logo text looks really nice.


haha, thank you for your comment ;)


The idea is great but I just struggled a bit with the controls and getting the cubes to do what I want. I think the isometric perspective makes it look cool but it becomes really hard to judge distances between the goal and my cubes. Would love to have a side view perspective on the level.


Ok thank you very much for your feedback, it’s great!


Nice little puzzle game! The visuals are simple but clean and polished and I like the relaxing music in the background :)
The gameplay mechanics are nice too but the location of the end platform probably add an unnecessary layer of difficulty. It's hard to tell how high it is and it's a lot of trial and error to get the correct size for the cubes.


Thank you very much for your comment, it’s a pleasure :))


The controls are a bit janky but the idea is solid. If you work on the game-play a bit more, like simplifying the controls perhaps and maybe some hand holding or tutorial with visual guides, then this can turn into a great game. Looks minimal and neat, good job on that!


I would definitely add the controller. Thank you for your comment! :)


the camera perspective made it a bit tough to gain perspective, but neat idea!


Thanks for the feedback! :)


Great game! Very smooth, polished and interesting.


Thank you very much for the comment :-)


For me the puzzles felt more tedious than challangeing, especially if you accidentally move a cube a bit too far. The graphics are well... simple. I couldn't judge the distances well making the puzzles more annoying. I would have considered using a custom solution istead of the physics system. (It would mean a lot if you would rate my game if you have the time)


Ok thank you for your feedback. I'm going to go check out your game :)

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