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Toybox AttackView game page

Get the toys past the cats and into the toybox!
Submitted by beautiepie (@beautiepie1), ghostentity12 (@ghostentity12) — 44 minutes, 34 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 39 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It's a tower defense game but instead of defending, you are attacking.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We used pre-existing audio

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What an incredibly polished game, it took a second to understand the gameplay, but once i did, i had a blast; great art, music, and concept


Thanks so much! Glad to know you had fun!


such a cute idea, and absolutely adored the music as well! It took me a bit to realize that I was supposed to time when the toys get released haha 


Thank you! Glad to know you enjoyed it!


very cute game with a cute story behind it!

I personally did struggle quite a bit with winning! looking at the screenshots though, it seems that the cats are randomly generated? So I might've gotten RNG-screwed by getting a cat with a very long-range attack right at the start.

I think it'd also be cool if there were more different abilities for the toys? Maybe a slower toy that takes the damage of nearby toys, or a toy that shoots stunning projectiles, or something else!

Still, the art is very cute and, albeit small, I really liked how the tooltips were still in theme!


Thank you, glad to hear you enjoyed!

You're correct, the cats pop up in different towers each time you play, and the white cat can definitely end a game if you aren't prepared for it. The ball of wool can counter it pretty effectively with its stun if you use it right though! 

Thank you for the feedback and additional item ideas!


I love the graphics! the game is cool, and the music is great :D


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Cute art! But maybe a little slow paced for me


Understandable! I'm glad you liked the art!


-Enjoyment:  It was fun and chill! I liked that I could time the release of the toys!

-Creativity: Catastic idea :3

-Presentation: Super nice cat art and UI!

-Neat game indeed!! Please check out my non-creative entry when you can :D


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it :D


I like the cat theme so much. Also, the strategies possible with stunning towers seems cool opens the genre of reverse tower defense by a ton. The first couple levels made me wish for a fast forward button, while the later levels seemed too difficult, but overall that was a really fun game.


Thank you, glad to know you enjoyed it. Thanks for the feedback!


I'm very impressed by how complete you were able to make the game in such a short time! A risk with this type of game is that you won't have much to do while the wave is running, but you solved that by being able to send units whenever you want. Some balancing issues for sure, and a little hard to understand how each unit will act, but overall super fun! 


Thanks, glad to hear you enjoyed it and thank you so much for the feedback!


ok this was awesome, i love kittens, great take on the theme. Good luck 10/10 from me!


Thank you so much!


I get that the game is meant to be relaxing (atleast the music gives that impression) but I wish there was a way to increase the game speed after the toys passed all of the cat towers.


Thanks for the feedback! That definitely seems to be general consensus, haha


I've seen a lot of submissions where you play as the invaders in a tower defense but in terms of concept and strategy this one has been my favorite so far. There are actual pros and cons to each toy you can send and enemy towers are very distinct from one another. Could use some more polish and QOL stuff like a speed up button, but overall this was pretty solid.


Glad to hear you enjoyed, thank you so much! Definitely seems like we could have left a bit more time for balancing and polish haha


Hey, nice little game ! Like others I do feel like the later cats make the game a bit too difficult, but other than that it was an enjoyable playthrough :)


Thank you! Glad to know you enjoyed it, and thanks for the feedback!

cool idea  really solid game but i think its little too hard


cool idea  really solid game but i think its little too hard


Thanks for the feedback!


cool idea and the art looks good. I feel the balance is a bit out, and could maybe run a bit faster but otherwise good job... good luck with the jam :)


Thanks! Definitely seems like we needed to implement a speed up button haha


Cool game! I actually had the same idea, but then I changed it later. I know that it's a really small detail, but if the text on the tutorial (or anywhere else) was black, the players could read it more easily. Otherwise, good job!


Glad to hear you enjoyed and thanks for the feedback!


Solid concept, nice theming.


Thank you!


Game looks really solid


Love the theme of this game! Its purr-perf, a-paw-able, fur-riffic!


Thank you so much!


Cute idea! I think it just needs more cats at the beginning to make it a little bit more challenging.


Thank you! We definitely wish we had a bit more time to balance the game more haha

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