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A jam submission

The Adventures of Radish Boy 2View game page

Become the pause button in this vegetable-themed puzzle platformer.
Submitted by jrschappert, strandie, 14SetsOfIngrownMolars, CobLikeCorn, Aidanpkln, jarch2, flooferdoodle, eleanort — 5 hours, 23 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 327 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
Tired of playing games? Try pausing one! This is a puzzle platformer where glitchy menu buttons are the only method of control, and the player is asked to become a pauser.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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The production is really good ! Loved that each puzzle provided a new feature/combination


Thank you chef!!


Amazing job, full 5 stars from me. Good puzzles, turning around what different functions do, great art style and humor, I am in awe


Wow thanks!!


Really cool concept and really well executed! The touch of humor is great


Thank you!!


Credit where credit is due, this game was not what I was expecting...  But I guess that's made me like this game more so.  I figured you can only control the player while the game is pause, but I didn't realize that it played into the simplistic controls.  I think that this game can be expanded upon, so I got my eye on it!!


Thanks superchocolatemilkshake!!


I really liked this one, very cool concept, the developer notes where fun throughout the game and the mechanics where easy enough to understand without too much explaining. I also like the idea that you made a game where each bug is actually a feature :-D




I really had fun with this game. I love the dev updates in each level. I don't think the role reversal theme really comes through for me, it's more just a reversal of the mechanism but I still feel like I'm controlling the main character in a platformer. However, separated from the theme, the game is really excellent with a brilliant concept that is executed extremely well to feel fresh and fun, with the humor perfectly adding to what is already enjoyable gameplay and puzzles.


Yeah there's a decent amount of comments about role reversal. Thinking of it as controlling things using the UI (non-traditional) vs. controls (traditional) is what I think of it. Thanks for the feedback though

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Edit: this game is awesome, go play it!

Rating: 3/10

Press Pause to Play had the potential to be an intriguing gaming experience, but unfortunately, it falls painfully short of its lofty ambitions. From the moment I pressed start, I was greeted with a sense of frustration and confusion, as the game's lack of controls left me grasping at straws. It's as if the developers forgot that games are supposed to be interactive experiences.

First and foremost, the most glaring issue with Press Pause to Play is its complete absence of controls. Yes, you read that correctly: there are no controls whatsoever. I found myself staring blankly at the screen, waiting for some sort of prompt or tutorial to guide me through the game. Alas, none arrived. It's mind-boggling how such a fundamental aspect of game design could be overlooked.

Even worse, the game itself feels like a collection of half-finished ideas. It's evident that Press Pause to Play was released prematurely, with numerous dev notes scattered throughout the game. These notes, instead of adding a sense of charm or insight into the development process, only serve as reminders that I'm playing an unfinished product.

One of the few mechanics that did manage to make it into the game is the titular "pause" button. However, even this seemingly simple feature is wildly inconsistent. Sometimes pressing the pause button would freeze the action, allowing me to assess the situation, while other times it would inexplicably skip entire sections of gameplay. This inconsistency made it impossible to form any kind of coherent strategy, leading to frustrating and disjointed gameplay sessions.

The lack of controls and the unfinished state of Press Pause to Play ultimately make it feel more like a failed experiment than a fully realized game. It's disappointing to see such potential squandered by shoddy execution and a clear lack of attention to detail.

Furthermore, the absence of any clear objectives or goals leaves players wandering aimlessly through a disjointed world. The game fails to provide any motivation or purpose, making it difficult to stay engaged for more than a few minutes at a time.

While Press Pause to Play may have had some interesting ideas, its execution is sorely lacking. With no controls, a plethora of dev notes, and an inconsistent pause button, the experience is frustrating and unsatisfying. It's clear that this game was released prematurely, without proper testing or development. Unless you have a burning desire to subject yourself to an unfinished and confusing mess, I would strongly advise giving Press Pause to Play a hard pass.


I really liked this game. Lots of humour :D Great game, with great presentation. 


Ngl u really had me at first lmao, thanks for taking the time to write all that ;)


I did an edit to make sure people will play it. Cause your game is awesome :D


I am sorry to have not met your expectations. As an apology I will personally send you 3000 riot points


Fun, creative, and hilarious. Great stuff! I really liked that certain buttons got removed sometimes.




Absolutely fantastic! Endlessly creative with the new mechanics each stage, and the text introductions for each change had such a great sense of humour. The art style looks just so good and is perfect for the tone of the game (appreciate the concept art you've shared in the comments too -  all the different versions of Radish Boy look great!).


Thank you!! Means a lot :)


Excellent idea! The explanation texts were fun and the puzzle game totally works. I didn't expect that much levels and enjoyed reaching the end. Great job!




This is really good ! Figuring out how to abuse each new mechanic was a blast


Thank you!!


"...decided to include a reset level button to prevent game journalists from soft locking themselves in the tutorial...".  Absolutely loved it!


Yeah we hate journalists


The way of telling the story while simultaneously describing each mechanic is really creative and immersive. The puzzle difficulties are also balanced really well. Unbelievable quality for a game jam game! 


Wow thanks!!


Taking "it's not a bug it's a feature" to the next level. Very creative well done!


I'm telling you it's a feature


So fun and creative! Wow, i loved this. The thing with the bugs being features? incredible! Good job :D




This game gave me flashbacks on how it's like to work with a project manager.
Amazing idea, amazing art, incredibly enjoyable i will send the developers my psychologist bill.


Thanks!! Yeah I'll take it thank you


Super creative, funny narrative, best game I've played on this jam!!!


Wow that means a lot!! Also please play Road Fighter II that guy made Ryu do the hadouken


Super creative! I had a lot of fun!




waiting for taorb3


We partnering with EA for that one


Literally turning bugs into features <3

This is in fact better than radish boy 1.


Radish boy 1 died for this

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