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LastshiftView game page

Last shift in stand factory, build as many stands as you can!
Submitted by dmbsk โ€” 1 day, 4 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 20 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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tileset:, sounds: pixabay, character:

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Nice job!  The visual readability of some of the platforms was a little difficult at times, but a really neat game!


It is a very good and cool game in terms of the concept of music, art, and story. 

I enjoyed playing it :)


Very FUN and UNIQUE idea on this game! AWESOME WORK!!! GREAT ART!!! NICE MECHANICS!!! This was a fun challenging game. Loved it.


Thank you, I will explore it more!


It's all worth it when I get paid. 


Pretty polished game! It takes a bit to get used to how it works but the mechanics are engaging. Well done.


Thanks you! I am happy that you like it.


The idea of making the character move slower based on how many objects he grabs is incredible. Ruined my plan to take everything in one go haha! As someone has already said, a sound effect for when collecting materials would be very useful, at first I had a bit of difficulty understanding until I saw that it was increasing at the bottom right. Anyway, really nice work!


Thanks for playing!
The max speed is the same (I was even thinking of making it that a fully loaded character is actually faster as you load more), the character just needs more time to accelerate and has less friction - so you slide more.
I need to explore more pickup methods I don't like this one tbh, as I thought it would be cool but jumping on the pad seems like a boring chore it should be more engaging.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It took me a second to get the hang of the game, but once I understood, it was super fun! The visuals are super cute and I liked the color palette you used. I noticed I was jumping higher in some cases but i didnt realize the things had different weights until i read the comments; that makes it even cooler! I found it a little hard to see what i could jump on and what was background...and then i realized everything is basically a platform lol. maybe you could add a sound effect to indicate that you collected something for your backpack, as this would make it more clear that standing on the platform actually did anything. good job on the game, im definitely going back to play it again!


Thanks for playing!
I need to make it somehow transparent for the player that items have different weights.  Maybe just simple text +3kg on pickup which slowly disappears, I will need to do a few iterations on that.
Yeah standing on the platform is not clear enough that something happened, I am thinking about moving to pick up to some different mechanics I have a few ideas now like moving it just to the interaction button or even some kind of mini-game (like picking them actually from the ground so you have run around to pick them up or catch them in the air)
I am thinking of finishing it to the full product, I will let you know!


Sounds great, thanks!


This is a really excellent game, congrats! I hope you plan to continue development on this and publish it on steam or something, I think it has a lot of potential 


Thank you! Yea I think I will do it starting by refactoring the game jam code LOL and making it work on multiplayer and scale a a lot better.
I can see it as a party & discord game to play with friends, the same "spot" as overcooked.
I will let you know!


Really cool game - the colour scheme and general art style are great, and the mechanics of deciding whether to go for everything at once or collect things in batches is a really fun concept! I did find it a bit hard to jump in some places where there were overhead tiles once I hit 'slow mode' as I was jumping too high for the speed I could build up, so wonder if it could be worth playing around with lowering the jump height along with the speed - though it's a good punishment for trying to pick up too much stuff at once ๐Ÿ˜‚

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing!
The idea was to make it hard and punishing when you are very loaded so you have to plan your route when you want to collect a lot of stuff.
So for example, you go for things that are hard to get at the beginning and leave easiest at the end when you are pretty much full.
Also making it back with a full backpack should feel super rewarding!

I am thinking about adding a local/online coop&versus and exploring idea more


Yeah that makes sense! Would be interested in playing a longer version of this - wonder if it would work to have some items weighing different amounts too that you'd need to factor in when deciding what order to pick things up in :)?


They have different weights
Rod: 1, Wheel: 2, Plate: 3
Wood: 1, Steel: 2

So for example:
Wooden Rod: 2 (Rod + Wood)
Steel Plate: 5 (Plate + Steel)

But it is not explained in any way to the player which is of course bad, but I just noticed this problem when reading your comment, thanks!


Oh haha! I was trying to work out by looking at how much the weight bar was going up, but I didn't have it in fullscreen so missed that ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜†! Well I want to play again now with that in mind ๐Ÿ˜

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I thought I was being clever by just stocking up on as much as I could carry but then realized I was moving slower, that's a really smart mechanic! Loved the visuals and audio as well. This could make for a really fun party game like overcooked if you added multiplayer. Has a lot of potential. Great job!


Overcooked was one of my references :D. The game turns out to be a combination of overcooked and death stranding (lol) if comes to mechanics.
I will add local (split screen)  and online coop for sure!


This is awesome! Love the use of the tileset, and the gameplay mechanics were interesting and fun. Great job on this :)


Thank you, I like this tileset it is soooo friendly and industrial at the same time.
 Glad that you liked mechanics, I am thinking about adding local&online coop so you can collect items with friends or compete who gets more $$


I liked it! Love the whole atmoshere , vibe and minimal graphics. It was a great decision to slow down the movement so that you cant just go around and collect everything, which I tried playing the first time. Music is great, all and all nice and polished product. You should be proud! :)


Thank you! Yeah, that was the main idea so there is a strategy behind running around, also you can experience the same level in multiple ways.
I am thinking about adding local&online coop so you can work with your friends or compete for who gets more money.


Excellent Game. The board at the center tells you the pieces to collect and then you have to collect those specific pieces and their quantity and deposit them. Once you deposited them, you will get the new pieces to collect and deposit. It goes on till the time is over. Nice Minimum Graphics and good concept. Keep up the good work :)


Thank you for your kind words :D
Small correction: you can collect more items, but then the character feels heavier in controls.
You can decide your strategy to go one place and pick up the same item multiple times (which makes jumping harder) or zoom-zoom around the map with only necessary items


Great game.
The movement is so slippery.
A way to drop your inventory would be nice but I guess it's part of the fun.


I was considering dropping items. I was thinking of doing it in the way that you need to get to the trashcan. I could be multiple per level or just one.

I was slippery probably because you were overloaded with materials!
Without materials is should feel very responsive


Congratulations on your completing your project! I really like the premise and how you fit your game into the theme of "Last Stand". The jumping felt nice, although the movement felt a bit slow. I was definitely rushing back to deliver my last haul of materials. I really like how you included platforms that you can walk in front of or jump on, depending on where you are coming from. Overall, well done!


Thank you, it was a lot of fun.

Movement can feel a little bit slow, especially acceleration and deacceleration/friction when you are overloaded with items.
I guess I could do a better job of explaining the weight system (it a bit bugged tho), the more items you have the more sluggish the movement should feel.
Without items, it should be very responsive.

 It is my first game ever with a completed loop and my first game jam ever, your feedback means a lot to me!


"Last stand", lol. Joke aside, very nice reinterpretation of the theme. Moving around is rather challenging, but I think it's what make the game rather fun.


Yeah idea was to make it as challenging and rewarding by weight and points/salary system - if you pickup stuff character is "heavier" in controls but this is your decision to pick too much stuff and not run later for the same materials


This was a really fun idea- I really liked the idea of carrying all the junk around would make the character harder to control/more sluggish, so you have to make a choice about how much to carry and so on. 

I would have maybe made it more visually obvious that carrying more stuff made you 'heavier', like maybe have the character carry a bag or a rucksack, and when the inventory fills up the bag gets bigger? 

it was still lots of fun though! really cool idea, cool story, cool presentation! well done! 


Yeah, I thought about carrying more stuff more visually visible.
Like a big backpack with items, with like ragdoll when jumping,  with a facial expression on the character.


Real nice game to add a leaderboard to it! It's good you added a tutorial on the page cause otherwise I would not know what to do. You can always add text in the starter area of the game to show the mechanics. 

I had some trouble with getting up when my inventory was too full, I get that it makes you slower so it was doable. I don't know if it's something in game but the Inventory size bar isn't always right with the amount you have? Like I had 5 objects and my inventory was already halfway full??

Really nice game you should definitly tweek it some more after the jam! Good job!


Yeah about the weight, it is bugged...
I forgot that making the math of floating points is not the best idea.

The idea behind weight was to make the character feel heavier in controls, the bug ruined it a bit :/
I've noticed it 2-3 hours before my final time to submission after adding UI for the weight