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The GorgeView game page

Submitted by Distru121, Cragi-Sandro4316, Ale_Ciao, TornadoEv — 4 hours, 50 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1533.4093.409

Ranked from 93 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The game is based around going down a mysterious pit, in a sense, diving deeper inside the earth.

Did you write all the code and made all the assets from scratch?
The graphical assets are made from scratch by me and my team, but some are not, like the sound effects.

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Really enjoyed the game, I feel the tutorial could have had some visual reason for dying outside of the area and some background music would make it far more immersive. There could also be more of an incentive to use more of the controls, since most of the time the way down was by grapple (I never really used the dash) - an alternative would be to build the entire game from the grapple, removing other mechanics. Everything else is excellently done!


Thanks for playing ad for the feedback, it's very useful! We just wanted to implement the other features to make players more at ease, just so one can descend the way they like, but i admit there is no real "reason" for them. We will surely think about implementing a way to make them essential to the game, as we would like each mechanic to feel useful and original as the player goes on. Stay tuned ;D


Very cool grapple mechanics. Graphic and sound were on point. I especially loved the expressive character animations. The only critique I have is that I couldn't see below me very far. I ran into a lot of spikes that I didn't know were there, and it became frustrating pretty quick.


Thanks for playing and for the feedback! For now the fall is pretty trial-and-error, but in the future we plan on adding something to let you see a bit of what's below you.


Really like the artstyle of the game! I found the game to be quite challenging as I felt like I wasn't in full control of my character. I think the movement could use some iteration, especially with how I cannot control the horizontal movement of my character at the apex of my jump. The camera being really close to the player makes it hard for me to figure out where I'm going, which is made all the more scarier by the fact that the level is randomly generated each time. Small side note but I would appreciate if there were some light EQ done to the sound effects so that it doesn't get grating on the ears with repeated plays.

In any case, I can definitely see myself coming back to this game once it's been polished and iterated over. Keep up the good work!


Thanks for the feedback and criticism! Sound design will be probably redone better in a future version (along with options to reduce audio), and we also plan on making what's below more visible with a better camera zoomout! Stay tuned! ;D


I made a grappling game too! I really like this version of grappling hook mechanics. The art is nice, and the sound is pretty good. I would've liked some action music in the background though. My main critique is that a lot of the time it feels like I'm jumping blindly and hoping I'm going to land on something just out of frame, or else jumping blindly knowing that something is out of frame from a previous playthrough. I think adding the ability to descend with the grappling hook(similar to how you have the ascend with right mouse ability.) There would of course be a limit since the grappling hook's rope can only be so long. That's my only big suggestion. Great job overall :)


Thanks for the feedback, really appreciated! It seems like for now that's the main complain, so we'll think about adding that feature in the future, maybe paired with a camera zooming out to let you see what's below! :D


This game is awesome!!!! The audio and the game feel was great, although I didn't really make much use of the walking mechanics I would simply just jump and grapple 😆 Overall very enjoyable game.


Glad you enjoyed! Yes, the game is mostly about grappling and jumping, but we thought of implementing the other mechanics as well to make the players feel more at ease. You never know when you will need a super duper mega ultra cosmic hyper cool double-jump! ;D


Gotta say, I love how the game looks! The added intro cutscene was a fun touch along with all the other visuals within the game itself. The swinging was well done too though the fall speed seemed a bit too fast for my liking. Ended up dying a ton of times because of that. But nonetheless, amazing work on this project!


Glad you liked the game! It is supposed to be pretty difficoult, but we also plan on making some quality of life features in the future to make players able to better react to obstacles below, like the camera zooming out and going below the player the more you fall :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Only complaints are lack of mid air control and the camera is a bit too zoomed in. Especially when the falling speed is high, it's hard to see and react to obstacles below you.

But overall, very cool game. I liked the grappling mechanic

Also didn't know Mario had another twin

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for playing the game and giving feedback! There is a dash you can perform mid air you can use to propel either right or left (but only once while in the air), as for the rest, air controls are in fact pretty limited. The camera was initially planned to zoom out and move downwards when you were falling fast to make you react better to obstacles, but I couldn't find a way to make it look smooth. It is planned for a future update tho! :)


Ah, I should have actually completed the tutorial instead of quitting into the real thing


Very cool! Took me a while to git gud, but once I did I finished it quite quickly ^^
Fun game, good job!


Wow very nice, glad I found your community post! First didn't notice I could play with ZQSD, made it much easier. Great game nice audio and good design. Lovely artstyle and when you get the hang of it, the grapple is your best friend haha. GG


A very difficult but very fun game when you get the hang of it. Its hard but not frustrating way, the core mechanic can be master with practicing! very satisfying when I pulled off some sick move! Also very polished! I just wish there're something a bit more in the audio tho!


Thanks for reviewing our game! The audio was done in the few hours we had left to upload it so it's not the best, but I'm glad you got the hang of the mechanics! :D


I'm not sure if you catch the stream but there're some bug cause some platform to have spike hidden on the side of the other platform near it, and its hitbox can hit you even tho you're on the ground.


Oh yes, those are the worldgen bugs mentioned in the game's page, it happens sometimes. We plan on fixing everything in a future version to make spikes and hazards more visible!


Gool Game 

Why does a player look like Mario?:]


Because it's his long lost cousin, Gigio :)




Yes, the spikes are sometimes hard to spot. But those that take anything away from this game? no. Great graphics, amazing sound, newspaper headline on death... I don't know if there is something at the bottom of the pit or not, but I had fun diving down there


Thanks for playing! :D

What's at the bottom is still unknown as of now. The Gorge still hold mysteries...


Great game! Only critique is that the camera should be more zoomed out, and the spikes should be easier to spot. Those are the only two flaws I found, and this is for sure the best game I've played from this jam so far.


Thanks for playing and giving feedback! I'm noticing those are some of the most complained aspects, so we'll plan on fixing those in a possible update, all critiques are precious to us! :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

ok, starting off.
artstyle : YESSS
gameplay : YESSS
procedural levels :  YESSS
overall : amazing  ! ! :applause: 
my only feedbacks are maybe make the camera look downward as you fall and make spikes more visible.

also i keep reading it as "The George"


Thanks for playing, and thanks for your feedback :D! The camera zooming down was planned, but couldn't get it to work smoothly. It will certainly be present in a future update!


This was a WHOLE lot of fun to play, The tutorial is well designed, and the transition between scenes was a really cool experience. You listed bugs but honestly, it was too much fun falling and grappling to notice that for me at least lol. However, it would be nice to add a map or set the pre-zoom camera a bit further so I can see where I am jumping too. Besides that amazing submission!


Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Glad you had fun with the game! :D


This was so great, I loved the art! The grapple hook really changed the feel of the game and it facilitated some pretty awesome moments! Really liked the main menu transition into the game. It is very impressive how many things you were able to implement in this while keeping it functional in such a limited time! Really well done


Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed the mechanics! We tried making it as complete as possible within these 7 days, glad we seem to have succeeded! :)


The grappling hook was a fun mechanic and the graphics look amazing. Great submission!


Very cool, feels really full of features for a game jam submission. The swinging and jumping feels very fast paced and enjoyable. Great job! 


game is cool I liked playing it good job!
the only problem is that I don't know where to go cuz I see nothing

but overall it a good game


Thanks for playing! The descent is mostly trial and error, also the camera helps you see farther objects by zooming out if you are falling with a high momentum.


Pretty fun game! I enjoyed the mechanics of having to swing around while getting down, the spiks were very hidden and I didn't even notice them at first. I feel like they could be more prominent, as I am constantly running into ones I hadn't seen. But overall the artwowrk was nice and it had a good feel to it, good job!

Developer (2 edits) (+1)

Thanks, glad you had fun with it! Yes, the obstacles are a bit unidentifiable for now, we'll work on making them less hard to see on a possible future update! :D

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