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Muffin Makes Games

A member registered Dec 28, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! 

Thank you for your feedback!! I’ll have a look at your game when I have a moment!

Thank you! 

Thank you for your feedback!! I will make sure to look into the restart bug, thank you! And yeah as I was play-testing I also kind of got into the rhythm of things with the overlapping rectangles, but I kind of like it. I thought if I ever expand on the idea I’ll experiment more with it and see where it takes me. Thanks for your comment!

Thank you! 

Glad you liked it! 

Thank you for your feedback! You do actually gain more fuel from the gold blocks. I wanted to make the UI communicate this more easily but I ran out of time. 

Hey, great high score! Thank you for your feedback, I appreciate it a lot!

Thank you! 

Thank you for your feedback! I will address all of these issues in patches after the voting period. 

Thank you! 

Thank you! Yeah I will definitely re-balance the difficulty after the voting period is over. 

Cool and unique combat system, great game!

Damn that was a masterpiece, nothing else to say. 

Great little game. Enjoyed the unique feeling combat and the tight level design. Great job! 

Thank you for your feedback! I will definitely balance the drilling to be easier in the future. 

Thank you for your feedback! Yeah the drilling  definitely should’ve been easier. 

Hey! Thank you for the feedback! I didn’t encounter that bug so I’ll definitely do a bit of playtesting when I have a moment to try and figure out what’s up. 

Yeah I definitely made it too hard. I got used to the drilling after doing it so much whilst testing I didnt balance well for new players. Thank you for your feedback! 

Very cool game! I think the attacks look really cool. Good job! 

Cool game. Very satisfying and the minimalistic art style adds a lot to the experience. 

Really good submission. The graphics are very minimalistic, but feel very clean and work well together. Great job! 

Very good! Felt very satisfying to memorize the patterns and get deeper and deeper. Also, the graphics and music fit perfectly.  Great game! 

I really enjoyed the graphics and the feel of the game! 

Cool game! Definitely a good foundation for future work. 

Cool game and a pretty unique implementation of the theme. 

Very cool, feels really full of features for a game jam submission. The swinging and jumping feels very fast paced and enjoyable. Great job! 

I really like the concept of having to pick up your weapon after throwing it. Makes the combat feel more engaged. 

Cool game! Progressing through the game and feeling more and more powerful definitely feels very fun and satisfying. 

Very enjoyable. A surprising amount of depth for levels with only a few components. Great game! 

Great game! The graphics are amazing and the mechanics are enjoyable. 

Enjoyed it a lot! I think the movement mechanics definitely make the submarine feel weighty, which adds to the experience. Good job! 

Thank you for your feedback! I have been having issues with the web build. I'll try pushing a patch since not being able to see the tutorial is pretty game breaking lol. 

Good job, I enjoyed the atmosphere the visuals, audio and dialogue combined to create. 

Really cool and satisfying. The feeling of almost losing and then dashing downwards is very satisfying. Great job! 

Cool game! I think the visuals match the audio very well, and the snappy movements interact really well with the challenging level design. Definitely a solid foundation for a cool longer project. 

Great game! Love the kenny assets so always happy to play a game that uses them. 

Cool game! Enjoyed the simple aesthetic. Made me feel like I was playing an old school web game I'd play on the school computers. Good job! 

Great game! I enjoyed how dynamic the dash made the movement feel. It was very enjoyable jumping around the levels eviscerating the enemies. Good job! 

Really great game, feels like a very complete package for a game jam game. Good job!