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A member registered Jul 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hi, sorry if I haven't responded, I haven't checked itch for a while now (mainly because I was busy with university and all of that). I will add you on Discord as I would love participating in other jams with your team sometimes (and, remembering how cool your game was last time, I cannot wait to see what you'll come up with!). Tho recently I'm still pretty busy with my studies, so I cannot assure I'll be avaiable soon...😅

Reviewed! Great game! :D

(2 edits)

Wow, this game's really fun! It's so satisfying to get better and better rewards by diving deeper with your divers! This game is incredibly simple, but perfect for what it is. The sound effects are great and satisfying, and the whole game loop is incredibly fun. The game can be obviously be polished and improved more, like with more strategic treasure placements, or improved graphics, but as it is for now, it's perfectly good for this game jam. Great job! :D

(1 edit)

Sorry if we haven't been able to rate all games you guys sent me, I had been a bit busy in the last times and we were not expecting so many replies! Anyways, good luck on the final placement on this jam! ;D

Reviewed! :D

Very interesting game concept, with a really great starting idea (I liked a lot the concept of "forest of grief") but for now a bit too simple. I understood the theme, but it doesn't really fit an action rpg as this in my opinion. If the enemies or challenges could be more "psychological" I think that would align more with the game's vision. The graphics are fine, but sometimes they feel a bit detached from the experience. A style personal to this game would make the difference in my opinion! Obviously a soundtrack would be great too (I understand if you didn't have time to make one for this tho), maybe theming itself around the stage of grief as the player reaches the next level. The concept of the game itself is very interesting, but it's implemented in a way that it blends with other rpgs that have nothing to do about it. Overall, nice job on the idea, the game has potential! :D

Reviewed! :D

Nice game! I really liked the dubbed phone call at the start, and the whole exploration side of the experience! Although I found the controls a bit too slow (I didn't find the button to run, if there was one). This didn't really hurt the overall experience for me, but I admit it might get a bit boring after a while. The graphics are fine for the game jam, the only thing I could complain about for now is sometimes the torch lights up objects too much and you can't read or see what's on them, like the TV inside the lab, other than that they could obviously be improved a lot. Also the option to move the torch around would've been cool.

So overall, I'd say this is a good game! From the experience side it's an interesting horror/exploration experience, I'd see this game as one of those horror games that pop up from time to time that everyone plays, if it would get polished a bit, and extended. Nice work! :D

Thanks for playing and for giving feedback! :D

Reviewed! ;D

Really nice game! I liked a lot the main mechanic of the game, the snapping. It fits so well with the theme! I don't know if you based it on real psychological  studies or just thought about it for this game, but it's so interesting either ways! The critiques I could point out for this game are the player wall collisions (if you hit a wall, you stop immeadiately, instead of sliding along the wall like in many other games, that can be slightly annoying in a level full of walls), and the fact there is not any real cooldown or challenge about using the snap, making it pretty spammable.

I completed the game really quick due to this, but in any case, the experience and the ambience alone make this a great one! I would love to see the concept developed, as psychological backroom-like experiences like these really fascinate me! So great work on this one! :D

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! Music will be added in an update, we hope on making the ambience feel even more alive with it! ;D

Thanks a lot for the feedback, I'm glad you liked the grappling mechanics! The game will be surely polished a lot more in future updates, and we plan on fixing all the things you listed, and more! :D

As for the checkpoints not working, did you click on "Retry?" or "Reset Level"? Because if you did I don't blame you, many got confused and the menu will be reworked to be more intuitive (many, including my friends who playtested, said it looks like a title).

As for the sound effects, a theme and new reworked sound effects will be added in a future update! (we did the sounds last second, other than the death, rope, wind and walk sound effect, it's all me doing noises with my mouth and edited in audacity haha)

Stay tuned! ;D

Reviewed! :D

A nice game, the models are nice, and I liked the overall esthetic and ambience!

In my opinion, tho, the game feels a bit bland after a while, as the only things encountered are the occasional fish that kill you, or sometimes an item. The items are also pretty useless in my opinion, I mainly used the gun for fun to not get bored, and the flashlight isn't really needed currently, as the dark depths present no enemies, and you can still see pretty well in the dark. A way to make these useful would've been nice, like enemies you are forced to shoot at to proceed (maybe enemies that follow you), and enemies in the dark you cannot see if you don't catch them in the flashlight. The overall story doesn't make much sense, but I got why at the end of the game...and I think actually leaning even more in the "dream-like" strangeness of the story that unfolds playing through the game would've been perfect, as it would fit the theme in two ways: diving deeper into the ocean, and diving deeper into a dream/mind!

As the final critique, I found the controls a bit slow, as it was pretty frustrating returning back because of exploring a passage with nothing in it.

A very cool game, with some sides to polish, but a great starting idea! Keep it up!

Thanks for playing and thanks for the feedback!

Thank you for including us! Also I'm glad you had fun with the game! :D

Hi, thanks for playing and leaving feedback! The death menu will be completely overhauled in a future version, some of my friends who playtested the game had troubles too identifying it, so it is not only you who experienced it

Thanks for the feedback! We also plan on making the features you've mentioned better, like making the level larger, and improving world generation. Stay tuned! :D

Reviewed! Thanks for reviewing ours as well! :D

(1 edit)

Wow, this one is incredible, I am blown away how it has been made in just 7 days! The atmosphere is perfect, the graphics are mindblowing (I expected nothing less from a game made in UnrealEngine!), and the experience is very well crafted!

Tho I have some critiques, like the fact that oxygen times and resources are very tight. In my first playthrough I've gone straight for the torch, having only the first oxigen tank upgrade, and I essentially softlocked myself, as I couldn't go any further to search for more resources due to the limited oxigen, nor I could search on the surface where I already took all of them.

In my second playthrough I've gone straight for the max oxigen upgrade, and even with that, upgrading to the torch was very hard. I would've liked a mechanic like Subnautica, where if you end up losing all your oxigen, you still have 3-5 seconds to get outside of water to take breath. I've died many times when I was just a few meters away from the surface, and it got extremely frustrating pretty quick.

Beyond this, this game is just perfect! The mechanics are straightforward and well implemented, also a thing that I liked a lot was a fully functional options menu!

By the way, in the ending, I'm almost sure both characters die just because there wasn't realistically enough oxygen to dive so deep and then return back lol

Thanks for playing and taking your time to review the game in-depth, every critique helps us a lot in making the game better! Yes, for now the descent is very much trial and error, but we plan on flashing out each mechanic in a future update. We'll probably rework the player controls and the dash (making them more like Celeste, where you have more control over where you are going), and polish the level generation a bit better, to make it possible to have the character fall for long distances!

Thanks for playing! The tutorial has a checkpoint at every explanation, so the player can try again and again with the mechanic without losing progress. Tho I must ask you when you died, did you press "Reset Level"(start from the first checkpoint) instead of "Retry?"(start from the last checkpoint)?

Many told us "Retry?" looks more like a title, so we plan on making the death menu more intuitive with future builds! :D

Reviewed! Didn't get them either at first, but after a while it's pretty fun! :D

This is a very hard game to understand, but when you get the concept, it's pretty fun! Graphics wise it's a bit confusionary and could still be improved in my opinion, but its mechanics are fascinating: the "rune combos" are surely a neat concept for a game! Tho, those could use some better implementation as the concept is still a bit rough (as well as a more comprehensive tutorial on how to use them), I think maybe having more visual representations on what runes are effective against what enemies, more rune-based puzzles and maybe even some bosses that use the rune combo mechanic would be a step in the right direction. Ad for the theme, it's just the setting which I really wanted to be more explored: maybe descending deeper the enemies will be a lot more eldritch, and the setting darker? As of now, I couldn't really see the theme implemented in game, other than visual features. I think this game has a lot of originality for a game done in 7 days, and if used well, it could evolve in a very interesting way. So good job on that! :D

Thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed! Sounds will probably be updated in a future update ;D (will go along with a soundtrack, probably)

Reviewed! ;D

(1 edit)

Good game! Nice ambience, easy to play and a nicely crafted experience! I loved the fact you start by falling into a pit, my platformer experience just tld me to jump it, but making it the main entrance like told by the npc was just a touch of class! Only complaints are the fact you can attack only if not moving, also without a cooldown, making the heavy and normal attack essentially the same. I also spotted some visual glitches in the character's sprite when attacking, and some glitches in the controls (like the fact you can get stuck on walls), other than that, the character controls and feels great. The levels were a bit empty and the enemies weren't really threatening, and the game can be a bit repetitive at times, are looking for a dog, guess fighting off hordes of monsters isn't the main priority here. Also I actually liked the fact it wasn't very hard, it made it a cute relaxing experience. Overall a good game to dive into, you want to get to the ending of this one! ;D

Reviewed! This one is great! :D

Oh, also shooting a normal enemy with the disabling bullet crashes the game (I found out in the middle of the run T-T)

This one is a great game! I liked a lot the concept of diving deeper to fight mechs, also the fact fishes are essentially aiding you in your mission by providing light! I liked the dub a lot. I loved the fact that there's a minimap: I tend to get stuck on levels, but with this one it wasn't the case! The big mechs are so menacing when they appear, and they made the fight truly epic!

Some critiques I have now: first of all, the player feels slow. The controls seem a bit too slippery, and I had a very hard time dodging bullets, but I get this might be part of the difficoulty (and the theming, because obviously in water it won't move as fast), so maybe adding a dash or run-like ability would be nice to have. I liked the fact there were two projectiles at first, but at the introduction of the disabling bullet I began to think maybe a second projectile is just confusing. I found myself using it only in a few occasions, and due to its long cooldown I mainly used the more spammable bullet. I would think maybe merging the disabling bullet and the big bullet would be optimal, maybe balanced by a slightly longer delay between firing the big bullet and the small bullet, so the player would have a choice of using the bigger, useful but slower bullet and wait a while before he can use the small one, or use the small, spammable one, that cannot disable shields (and would not be encouraged to hold both mouse keys to shoot both at the same time). I would also like to know when the big bullet's ready, maybe a visible timer or loading bar would do.  Also one last small small nitpick: the big mechs look blurry most probably because you didn't put "filter mode" to "point(no filter)" in the mech's sprite in Unity, but this is easily fixable by either doing that, or scaling the big mech's sprites.

The music is great, tho I would've liked a more action music for when a big mech appears (but I understand it's not easy to compose in just 7 days).

Overall this is a great game, I could see myself returning to it if it ever gets updated! The gameplay loop is very fun, and the mech designs are simple but perfect! Great work, can see it becoming a bigger game! :D

Reviewed! Nice game! :D

A really nice game, the main gameplay loop is very fun! I loved the concept of the fishing minigames and how you have to search for the fish in the sea's depth. My only critiques are the hook is a bit slow during the catching minigame, also many of the fishes, when caught, don't correspond to their name (for example, when I caught a manta, it said I caught a guppy), but i can see this done due to the limited timeframe. More consistency with the names would fix this easily. I would've also liked a bit more of a challenge, as most of the times the minigames are just "go to fish"->"go up", maybe some other distractions or obstacles in more advanced stages would've been interesting! The pixelart and animations are a bit strange (the starting animation where I didn't really know who I was of the two characters, the trees that sometimes look like carpets of grass, and some other assets that could be sprited better, but that also comes with the chosen graphical style of the game). Also there are some other smaller things that could be fixed, like the boat sometimes going on land (glitchy collisions with land tiles), but as for the rest, it is a nice game with a great potential! keep up the good work! :D

(1 edit)

Thanks! Glad you enjoyed! :D

Really nice game! I liked a lot the increasing difficoulty, the gameplay is fun, and the graphics and animations are really well done! One problem I had, tho, is it's not very clear when you can hit an enemy, and the slash's hitbox, making hitting enemies conststently very hard. Other than that, it just needs a bit of variety in the landscape going deeper, and that's all! A nicely done game, great job! :D

Hi, thanks for playing and leaving feedback! In future versions we'll think about adding more sections where every mechanic will be equally useful. Stay tuned! :D

Thanks for playing our game, glad you liked it ;D

Thanks for playing our game! Audio was added in the last hours of development so it is not perfect at all, but we plan on adding much more ambient sound (and even a soundtrack) in a possible future update! :)

Thanks for playing and for the feedback! :D

Thanks for playing and leaving feedback! Yes the death menu was slapped together without much thought, in hindsight (my friends who playtested the game told me the same criticisms). It will be improved upon in future versions by making each button more recognizable! :D