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Strive for Power

Fantasy Slave Management/RPG Erotic Game · By Strive4Power

Body and Portrait packs v2.9(UPDATED 28.05)

A topic by AK|Phantom created Jun 09, 2018 Views: 255,647 Replies: 99
Viewing posts 1 to 43
(28 edits) (+8)

Include old LeLurker's body and portraits packs and The Butler's  Scars Unseen  AFriendlyMoose tannuki ArcherC WiredBrainWaves Kazama's etc.
Most image made for full hd(****x1080p for body and from 200 to 400p for portait)

Recomended to play with: Improved random portraits

Others packs: because more is better =D

Due to reorganization, lot of pics didnt include in current version, i`m working on it.  You can download second part now.

Newly added pics gonna be mostly x1080 x1200 x1320 x1440 x1560 to fit ~3:4 in resolution. Bc its best for vanila ingame resolution and quality. I try to keep at least 300x300px for portrait resolution.

Please, keep in mind: I do it on my own, mainly for my own pleasure. Also i`m busy with my mod(gonna be post soon first version)

U can see new folder named "Exposed" its for body pic during intimating. Gonna post code separated as upgraded IRP mod.

Total count 4173 + 78 images.

Low Quality(recomended for potato pc)

By saying LQ i mean compressed to png8, it save a lot of disc space(~60%) and RAM when loading in game by little losing in quality.

Use downloading as ZIP!

Folder v2.88 in: MEGA

Decryption key: -Y9TxtbU8KwtYM4UwsU0WA

Don't forgot - in begginig

Old version v2.5 in archive: MEGA

CRC32: 4ED9B20E
SHA-1: C7A824EAE87A163678C81CB3DFF13B08ACEA54D9

All images error free "Error: Known incorrect sRGB profile"

Good Quality

Total count 4168 + 78 images. 1.76 GB

All-in-one v2.9

First part in archive: MEGA FilesFM Pixeldrain

CRC32: 000C6C4B
MD5: DEBD285A4693A1F50FCAD65F4A32495D
SHA-1: BE6E41BBF6FE295C497749E7D2AD5B2978C005B3

If you ALREADY has v2.8 then download only SECOND part.

Second part in archive: MEGA FilesFM Pixeldrain

CRC32: A8E63806
SHA-1: 3CE1E3FA0CC55A811F221EB38A1C493601810F4C

Old version below.

Here is v2.8: MEGA

CRC32: 5A145406

MD5: 7101D68C33C2EB48D14D0D5E89231B76
SHA-1: 3EE12C3697FA904CA007DAC1E6A8101113946383

Here is body v2.5: MEGA

CRC32: B8715EF0
MD5: 1DEF7AD9C55081787BE35BE89D6AEE1F
SHA-1: 8A9831DC7DC70C0B36DFD99DE84EA38871BFD47A

Here is portraits v2.5: MEGA

CRC32: 71F8B994
MD5: 5FEBB86F1AA35A15E8A707AF6B299DFB
SHA-1: 28F93CB168C626E8CBF1793F2D59D89FC7E7E487


  • "Where i need to place them?" - "C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Strive" or %appdata%\Strive            -     press win+r keys and paste it or just type in address bar.
  • "I'm Mac user, how to install pack"- See post here
  • "What changed?" U might ask me? Well, there a little moar photoshop magic and around 122+ more than in old version.
  • "Where are u hide all this 4 month?" - Real life happened, with tons of work, big bills, lost healths, less sleep and not too long ago my lovely kitty is die T_T. Ima still doesn't have enough free time for enjoy game(play from version 2.7.2 an(not to mention another things like lack of sleep). 
  • "Do you gonna add moar image?" - Yes, i have downloaded around 5 hundred new pics.
  • "Do you gonna merge you pack with others?" - Maybe. It's not neccesary since there is exist awesome Portrait Pack Editor by Kyler2. This tools allow easer change tag for any pics and provide compatibility with any exist packs.
  • "What tools are u use?" - See list below.
  • "Where are u find so many pics?" - See below.

TOOLS i use for creating pack:

  • Firefox for browsing xD
  • Photoshop CC - for croping editing smoothling etc...
  • Notepad++ - for editing bat files and filelist.txt
  • Portrait Pack Editor by Kyler2(dude, you are awesome!) - for tagging
  • PNGgauntlet - good for compressing images, + user friendly and allowed any named files to be just drag&dropped in programm,+ has "overwrite original" so the no need to dump all pic in one folder to optimize them. Must have. In one word. =3
  • WinMerge - When looking for missing or missplaced files.
  • Visual Similarity Duplicate Image Finder - for looking for duplicates =D
  • WinRar 5.50 for making .zip (BEWARE winrar version older than 5.0 doesn't open .rar created in newer version!)

HOW i use them:

  •     First need to find =D List of sites below.
  •     Gonna Photoshop. "Magic wand" for selecting background with Tolerance from 8 to 42. Before deleting apply "Selecting/Modification/Feathering with radius from 0.5 to 0.8. Press del from 6 to 10 times. Dont forget about clearing corners. If image contained artifacts(jpg/jpeg/etc) Than use Filters: Reduce Noise with parametrs based on pics artifacts, mostly 3-??10 80%(keep high bc we dont wanna to lose too much small detail) 3-25% 3-80%. Than Smart Blur radius 0,6-0,8 and treshold from 3.0 to 20.0 mostly 6.0-8.0 and 15.0. Trimming image from transparent pixels. If pic more than 1080px in height image size than change to fit. Save as .png
  •  Okay, fine, use PNGGauntlet for better compressing and RIOT for migrate from png24 to png8.   
  •    Next step is to make headshot in PS. Compress potrtraits, proper tagging in Portrait Pack Editor(thx again for utility). Checking for duplicate(not necessary)
  •    Zip result. Upload on MEGA. Take vacation.

For work upon others packs i first do additional steps:

  •   Check for duplicate with exist pics using 97% similarity. Than with 93%. Than 80%.
  •  Just put folder in PNGGauntlet and check
    "Overwrite Original Files"(Don't forget to backup!), for a little less bitsize, u can change in options compresing by Optipng from o1 to o7(gonna take lot of time). Press "Optimize"  
  •   Place body pics in %appdata%\Strive\Bodies. Portrait pic in %appdata%\Strive\Portrait's. Run Portrait Pack Editor and tag/retag pics.
        All done i hope =D

Sites and other sources:

different booru sites like: etc. - lot of pics from here. - lots of fury pics from here sometimes.

And for looking similar pics. Also etc.

When search i`ma use similar tags like: transparrent_background simple_background solo 1girl 1boy fullbody nude futanary etc. based on search engine.

Conscious flow and revelation: Sorry about my english, i`m not native speaker. Time: For photoshop ~30 pics i spend ~16 hours(all day). I play Strive4Power from version 2.7 and still didn't kill wyvern not to mention golem? =D Partly that bc ima creating mod, that mean lot of testing/working with code and almost with every new game version i need to merge/and sometime rework every file.

All images found in internet in open source, if you are artist or owner of original and wanna to delete pics from pack contact me here in

I dont own any of them, pack made for personal use and not commercial use.

Hope you enjoy this =3

(1 edit)

you should upload again, both files are corrupted.


(1 edit) (+1)

I use Winrar 5.5 for making archives. Versions lesser than 5 dont open rar created in newer version. Sorry about my terrible english =D

Sorry of I'm a bit late to the party, but I just wanted to point out that  the MEGA and FilesFM links are no longer valid. 

(2 edits)

Also, congratulations on making the oldest necropost by replying to a post that was made 3 years, 6 months, and 9 days ago. You beat out the previous record by 7 months and 3 days. If only you had looked at the more recent comments to the topic, you could have avoided both.

(3 edits) (+1)

Updated, + ~60 new body and portrait, taurus some elf pair lamia lot of dragonkin pair of demon a little of cat&wolf

Minor update with swaped places for 2 pic from taurus to centaur and 3 files renamed.


>Recomended use with LeLurker's body and portraits packs

Can anyone link to this? I've seen the portrait pack linked on the main download page, but I've never seen any body packs (besides this one).

(1 edit) (+1)

I will add links to post above


Forgot to change links for previous update so they follow to old archives =D


Thank you.

(6 edits)

I`m abandon my separate pack, now i`m maintaining cumulative B&P .

All-in-one pack(MEGA)

Curent image count body+portrait: 847 + 846

% of complete: 90 female

5 male

1 futa

In progress!

Latest changes:

all pics renamed, deleted 3 duplicate, fixed incorrect names and little other things

  • ready : fix "incorrect sRGB profile",
  • ready: rename all body and portrait to have same one
  • ready: delete duplicate body again
  • ready: gather all body in one folder
  • ready: gonna resize image bigger than 1080p,
  • ready: delete duplicate portrait again
  • ready: gather all portrait in one folder
  • ready: compare filelist of body and portaits to find missing one
  • recheck all again
  • ???

Also there is a script for assign portrait more randomness and also assign body image with same name. Its for latest public version 0.5.15d


"0.5.15d Advanced random portrait and auto full body image loader.

This does two things:

.Somewhat more complex algorithm for selecting images from image pack.

Search goes in stages: All_Imagepack_Portraits->Sex->Age->Race->Hair_Colour->Natural_Selection

(When original script was ONLY looking for "Race")

If stage result is 0 images, it takes previous stage results for correct one.(Worst case scenario, this way you may get illogical or repeating images but at least it won't be blank)

.It gets portrait image path and checks if full body image with SAME name and same path but in "Bodies" folder exist, and auto loads/applies it.

With this you can basically forget about Manual body/portrait changes. Well depending on how vast your image pack is.

It works fine(almost) with "The Butlers" image pack from OP, two folders have different names halfkins and taurs, I think, they need to be the same for body auto loading to work.

Some info for possible image pack creators.

Name your portrait/body images so they have those "tags" in their name, in any order, separated by spaces. (Script looks ONLY at FILE name for guidance, folder names are ignored, if you want you can dump all images in root Portraits/Bodies folder)

Sex - Male, Futa, all others auto considered "female".

Age - Loli applies to "child" and "teen"(just because) all others considered "adult".

Race - Full list as of now: ["Human", "Elf", "Dark Elf", "Orc", "Drow","Beastkin Cat", "Beastkin Wolf", "Beastkin Fox","Beastkin Tanuki","Beastkin Bunny", "Halfkin Cat", "Halfkin Wolf", "Halfkin Fox","Halfkin Tanuki","Halfkin Bunny","Taurus", "Demon", "Seraph", "Gnome","Goblin","Centaur","Lamia","Arachna","Scylla", "Slime", "Harpy","Dryad","Fairy","Nereid","Dragonkin"] remember, no spaces, just omit them. ex: BeastkinCat

Hair_Colour - Those are all default colours you can encounter in game so far: ["white", "green", "purple", "blue", "blond", "red", "auburn", "brown", "black", "jelly"]

If devs won't change much with updates you can try using this in future versions. Manual copy-paste of changed code is your friend here."


Update 07.12


so... which is the last updated version? just let a link in the first post with the name "updated" or something, it got me confused.

Since you are trying to keep the portraits together and as the game last public ver can auto-assign portraits, you may want to consider talking with maverick, so that the game load the portraits based in a standard name/structure, something like:

***race - **beautyRange - skinColor - hairColor **hairLength - eyeColor *n

*the portrait/body number, so that it doesnt get the same name... plus may use some randomness in case there are more than one char with the same characteristics

**optional/the standard looks range, like: unsavory, bland, average, cute/hairLength range: short, shoulder, waist

***the sex, just assume that everyone is female, if male, add the male word (something like: maleRace)

as of now is random, its kinda weird having females with males portraits and viceversa, hair and skins randomly assigned... to the developers it should just take a little work, like a loading function to do the trick.

(1 edit) (+1)

Latest version of separate pack didnt change. All-in-one todays, in my commentary above.

***race - **beautyRange - skinColor - hairColor **hairLength - eyeColor *n  -- no beauty, no hair length, idk about skin. all other gonna be in future update when/if someone or i modify script

*the portrait/body number -- does nothing

**optional/the standard looks range -- no way, bc its changed during game

***the sex -- almost all curent images is female, later gonna add futa, then male. Its a huge lot of work so dont wait its soon.

One of player already created script for auto assign random portrait and same as portrait name body

(1 edit) (+1)

All-in-one updated 07.18

Ima too busy with work. Also my potatobook overheated so dont wait any big update too soon. mb in couple of next week. =/

(1 edit) (+1)

Just first run game with this random portrait script, since in all-in-one only 2 male pics all new male slave have them xD

KK, plan changed, first need lot of male pics =3


female part work smoothly


this might be a silly question, but how do i choose the file its puling from, it doesn't seem to matter what i type in the path or directory lines the outcome is 1 of 2 predetermined outcomes


the standard path is "C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Strive" both portraits and bodies files are there... if you are having troubles selecting a new path, you can use the default one, just copy the pictures there.

userName is the account you are logged into assuming you use windows.


Shortcut for where you should put Bodies and Portrait folder  on windows OS.

%appdata%\Strive            -     press windows key and paste it or just type.

(2 edits)

Possible for you to add butt and breasts size load option to constructor script?

Edit: NVM, just found who made the script. 

The script is really buggy, and if it's just me having the problem, getting help would be nice.

a lot of the time, the portrait/body will have nothing to do with the character, especially seraphs,more than half the time it not actually a seraph portrait/body, it's things like portrait/bodies under fox, human, bunny , wolf, fairy even Arachna at one point(not exclusive to only these, it's been a lot of different things at this point).  however when it starts doing this i don't know.

when i first wanted to test out the new feature with portrait/body, i just made a new game - sandbox,  and then made the servant a race i wanted, to see if it would work, and it would assign correctly.  Even after making a new game - sandbox, a few times it would still assign correctly. but once i started playing a game, in the beginning it would assign correctly, but after a while it was like the game would become courrpted, and once it assigned incorrectly once, it would start assigning incorrectly more and more. 

sometimes just restarting the game would fix it, but if it did fix it, it would just be for a while, and it would start assigning incorrectly after a while again.

I did copy paste the elf and demon portrait/bodies into the seraph folder because there weren't that many seraph ones, and changed the names of the both the portraits and bodies so they matched to seraphs also. like instead of Demon-black(1), i renamed it ElfSeraphDemon, as going through all the of the names one by one would take a lot of time.

which is working ( when it actually chooses a portrait/body under the seraph race)

I'm thinking the ordering of filtering could use some tweaking. If it's a male, right now only 2 things match, so it filters it to those 2, then applies the rest, so apparently all males should be dragonkin...  After sex, it does age, so if it's a child or teen, it filters to Loli, and suddenly a bunch of races don't even match. I'm not sure Teen should be matching to Loli.  I'm thinking of changing it so it filters by race first, that is at least the one that bothers me the most when it doesn't match.

(1 edit)

Hi. I was wondering where I'm supposed to put that script you linked to.

It goes in Strive for Power\files\scripts\characters folder

Hey AK. There's a small but well done portrait/body pack on the fenoxo forum Strive thread, made by Scars Unseen. Thought it could be added to the All-in-one pack (If and when you have time). There's only one or two images that are duplicates.

Gonna look, thx.

(2 edits)

I've modified the script portion into a mod for 0.5.18:

Version 0.2!sXxmDAqZ!hmiE948bEroR3U2naD3vpNdnlVAh9Rfi2Ckf9l4YmDw

I've modified how the selection logic works in this version, info.txt details it further, but now race takes precedence, and it won't set a portrait for a male unless it can find a portrait for that race that has male and not female.

  1. Extract into your user mods folder, "%appdata%\Strive\mods" (Alternatively, run game, click mods, then click "open folder"), but may need to re-run to see mod in list.
  2. Run the game, click mods
  3. Click "randomportraits" so it is enabled.
  4. Click apply, game will exit
  5. re-run the game, mod should work now.

Mod works by replacing "func randomportrait(person):" contents with what is in the mod file, leaving the rest of the character constructor alone. Thus as long as the mods continue to work the same way, this should work with future versions, without worrying about the rest of the file.  I did have issues when randomBody function existed, the mod code seems fragile and was inserting in an empty function.  Collapsed it down into the main function and all is working.

If you want to revert the mod, I haven't had much luck from in-game.  Guessing this will be fixed later, but for now can revert by

  1. exit game
  2. Delete FileOrder.ini from "%appdata%\Strive\mods"
  3. In game folder, copy contents of "Backup" to "files".

Could you give an example of a perfectly named portrait to take full advantage of this mod? e.g male-adult-scylla-blond.png

I don't know if the words have to be in a certain order or what.

Also, do you know if the new mod support system allows you to change absolutely any script in the game? (If one were smart enough to do so)

(1 edit)

The text can be anywhere in the filename, or directory path. It gets list of all portraits, then checks against their file path for the following to shrink the list down. If any of these shrinks the list to 0, it disregards the results and uses the prior list. So like, if Sex returns 0, then it returns back the full list. That's why you don't see Female in any of them. The search is case insensitive.

  • Sex - It starts off looking for female/male, which seems flawed to me. Any file with female will be matched by search for male. I think this code needs to be updated to exclude female when searching for male.  I think that's why the current packs in here are female only.  I could tweak this so it checks for male/futanari, and if not present, it assumes female? I think this would work better.
  • Age - If age is Teen or Child, then it searches for Loli.  Not however, it does not exclude Loli from adult.  Could be updated to also exclude Loli from adult, or function in some more advanced way.  I'm open to suggestions to tweaking my mod version of it.
  • Race - Searches for race, It removes the space from Halfkin and Beastkin, so it matches on HalfkinCat BeastkinCat, etc.  It treats Halfkin* and Beastkin* separately.
  • Hair - Searches for hair color

Lastly, it checks if there is a matching Body image.  It basically wants an identically named file in the Bodies folder, and if so, then it sets the body image to that as well.

Note since it searches the entire path, if you name multiple races, etc.  then a file can match for multiple.  Maybe useful if you think one applies to multiple.

Edit - Using this further and thinking about it, it really bothers me it doesn't filter by Race first. When it filters on sex/age first, the entire race section can be excluded before it gets to it, so you get a lot with the wrong race and that bothers me more than other mismatches.

In the packs in here, there's only 2 male files, so if it's a male, suddenly it'll get a dragonkin portrait/body.  I almost prefer that if it can't find a male portrait for appropriate race, it doesn't set one at all. So I'm going to tweak this to specifically want male and not female in a file if it's a male, and if it can't find any, it doesn't apply.  futanari will fallback to unspecified still.

Then it filters too harshly on Age i think. If it's teen/child, it suddenly limits itself greatly.  I think it'll be better if it excludes Adult for Teen,  and for Adult, excludes Loli. Avoids big mismatches.

Link above modified, has details in info.txt of the selection logic, which I've modified to something I like more.  Additionally, I think the code is a bit easier to read or adjust both sequencing, or specific rules it follows. If you have suggestions, let me know.

Nice work :)

SexiestManAlive is working on a HUGE female portrait pack. That is going to have pictures named with gender, race, hair color, breast size, skin tone, and butt size. It would be great if you two could get chatting and come up with a standard file naming method that will pull images correctly. Don't know if he is working on a script too or not.

I agree that race should be searched for before age.

Problems might arise when 'body parts' have the same color (eg brown skin and brown hair). So long as everyone is on the same page with naming files, this shouldn't be an obstacle. Maybe agree that skin tones need altered name like brwn, bluu, greeen etc

I think just appending Hair or Skin should be sufficient. I'm thinking in that case, it'd be best to instead read through the file list once, cache it, and then do more complicated analysis on the name to capture out attributes.  BrownHair BrownSkin = specific attributes, Brown without a qualifier however is treated as hair.  As long as everything is consistent, I'm sure I can make something to match it. Biggest thing is to make sure the body matches the portrait path.

I also noticed there's an issue with Elf vs DarkElf. where Elf will match all DarkElf currently.  Also wondering how best to handle DarkElf vs. Drow.  Visually I'm not aware of any difference between the two? Thinking it makes sense for DarkElf and Drow to accept protraits named for either. Or should that be left up to the portrait pack to name the file with both?

Drow's have blue, paleblue or purple skin while Dark elves have tan, brown or dark. So I'd leave it to the portrait pack to name both.

Sorting DarkElf from Elf.... I'm not sure it's worth it. Their eyes have slightly different color ranges, but surely that's not a big deal. Maybe just work on adding sorting by skin tone, and leave that to sort them. Any DarkElf labeled with brown or dark skin color wouldn't be assigned to a normal Elf, because they never spawn with that skin tone.

moved this topic to Portrait packs
(1 edit)

Im`a alive xD Update 11.05.18

See main post, bc i`m too lazy to do maintaining of different packs. So its now only all in one which gonna include ALL in one xD

A little about what i`m gonna do next and questions:

  • Gather all exist body+portrait packs in one. Dunno about pack from other games such as Jack-o-nine-tails. What did you think about this? I will try to keep authors tags.
  • Release LQ - Low Quality pack for people who have problem with free space/potato pc(like me xD) - by saying LQ i mean to compress images like that do SexiestManAlive
  • Release with pack some bat file for automated compresing by user [delete_spaces>run_optipng.bat>return_back_spaces](in pack, bc i dont know how to make automated creating filelist without junk and then using in optipng.bat =/ ) Mb you know how to do that? Please help me =D
  • In total i have moar than 2200+ pictures, minus already done ~1200(divide this number by ~3 bc: bckps,diffvers,originals,finalver,and just junks like acindentally downloaded site page xD)
  • How about making SFW pack?
  • My TODO list of ideas for my mod a little increased (a little, so naive) so if i'm miss pack update that doesn't mean im dissapear again, its might mean im all in modding. (Or dissapear again xD)
  • Okay guys, there is a question for all of you, include just users:  If exist clothed and nude/partially nude version of picture - Do i need to include in pack BOTH/ALL files or only nude?

Download links are not working?

links updated


Files have been removed from MEGA.

links updated

Somthing wrong with LQ-pack 2.88 

Any attempt to download whole pack by browser leading to error.

Using MEGASync shows there a 29 body and portrate picks that cannot be downloaded

(1 edit)

Do  you download whole folder as folder or in ZIP? I checked as ZIP and its downloading is just fine.

(2 edits)

Whole folder as ZIP for first 5 tryes, then tryed only portreits, then install megasync, and it kept show some errors, but today it's dowloaded fine....

Well, problem is solved =D Enjoy your game =3

Does anyone happen to have a copy of the profile pack? The links are dead...

links updated

Is this project still going?

Yes, i`m still alive and finaly found some some time to work upon.

(2 edits)

How are u guys&gals? From last time i`m literary drow in work and rl problems. But finaly can find time to work upon pack and mod. Also, after 2 years, i`m finally reach one of game ends =D Right now i`m gonna update old links because write this msg when in work and didn`t have latest pack on that pc. Well, in that moment curent count of imgs 2.600+, bc added&tagged&sometimes edited packs from ArcherC, WiredBrainWaves, Kazama's, and ~300+ totally new(and now 20% better cropped) by me. I`ma retag almost all pics so they can be more various and (sometimes) better fit. Mainly, at least 1/4 of new img is futa + a little of males(to be clear: i`m talking about mine additions). That bc i`m not into guys ans so, but for you i`m trying to tolerate =3.

P.S. deadline for me to upload new version is 04.28.2019

Updated 04.28.19

Updated 05.29.19

Next update gonna be separate and contain only new pics

Est. time end of next month, mb second after or third =3

Hi, Could you, please, upload the latest version of the pack -the good quality one, if possible- to another download site? or, for exaple. Mega likes to cap my internet speed to 20 kb/s even after making a new account, for some reason.

Hello, links updated, try now


any chance on re-uploading :P? megaupload seems to be failing. getting a 'temporary error' message each time i try to download :c been trying for weeks :c

(2 edits)

Ok, gonna do this, but what about MyFile?

UPD: Checked all links and they works fine for me. =/

i used MyFile and it worked fine :P i was just trying to get the low-res pack cuz now the game is running slow as heck :P thanks for putting this together!

First of all, I bow to you AK|Phantom for  your work and amazing collection! Very awesome, sir!

I love this game, I love that it's moddable and customizable and I love that people are adding stuff to the game!

Now I humbly ask: Is there a way for the game to auto-assign bodies/portraits to slaves in your mansion? I installed the "Improved Random Portraits" mod (also big thanks to the author of that mod) but I already have a savegame with quite a few slaves in the mansion. They have no portrait right now (even Chloe lost hers) :(

Will I need to manually assign the portraits? Or is there a smart function for the game to auto-assign to slaves you already own?

You are looking in the wrong thread.  Neither the portrait packs nor the vanilla game have anything to support auto-assigning portraits to existing slaves.
However, the Improved Random Portraits mod has exactly that:
"Added a "Random Portrait" button to the slave customization panel. Clicking this let's you re-roll a portrait for a slave."
If the button isn't present, then you have probably applied the mod wrong, likely the "randomportraits" folder is misplaced.

Ahh. Yes I found it now. Thank you so very much! :D

Thanks for your detailed guide :D

(1 edit)

Can you put this on some other site? I have excedded the max quota on mega and myfile is very slow

If you give it 24 hours, that quota resets. Not that I’ve run into that issue myself, of course. 😜

(2 edits)

Im slowly work upon so needed additions for pack, like males and futas, current amount of cropped pics is 423, which is mostly female(bc i dont like dcks other than mine xD). I hope when summer come, i will have more free time to work upon additions, also, in same free time i work upon my mod for strive, and gonna publish soon stable version. Also, i check for forum updates almost every day. Upd. I have 9 046 of pics to work =D, around 20 min. for every pic, crop 5-15 pics per day. Glad that not all of them need to be processed, bc some of pics has same character or just didnt fit for good croping or game.

If you'd like some help with cropping, you can delegate some of the pics to me. Though, if you feel you have a personal method and get results that you don't feel comfortable compromising, that's understandable as well. I'd say I'm decent enough though,

Yeah, i think about looking for help. I made separate folders with race related pics, like bunnies, cows, green skins(orcs&goblins), fays, futas, males, etc. Just tell me upon what you are comfortable to work, i will upload folder somewhere.

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I guess I'm basically indifferent to all the different types except futas (haha sry). If males are the ones you get the least work done on you can pass some my way, and, if you wanna be nice, some of the other girly kinds :)

If you'd like to proceed with this over Discord my name there is: New_Denim#7891

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Mediafire folder

Priority to crop: male, futa, slime, fay, taur, mermaids.

I try to primaily download pictures with simple backgrounds and full body standing characters. But, i can get carried away and download everything i consider suitable. So, if you think that cropping will take lot of time feel free to skip picture.

Upd. If you meet pictures with same character: take the best looking one, two with biggest&lesser boobs, two with clothed&nude version,

Here are some tips:  To find hidden white pixels at the edges, use a black background fill on a new layer. To find missing transparent pixels, use a magic selection on empty pixel, without anti-aliasing and contiguous, you can combine it with a subsequent fill. To avoid working on the same image, leave in the comments the folder you started working on, sort the images by name and work from the beginning of the list, I will do from the end. If you think that the picture is too complicated for processing, put it in a separate folder called "for later", if , do not overwrite the original, save the result in a new folder with the name "job done", transfer the original processed image to the "ready" folder. I'll deal with the rest.

Hey can you add me on Discord if you have it? It's probably a lot easier asking things or discussing things there if something pops up

Anyhow I'll start with both Male and Mermaid simultaneously.

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Sorry for delayed answer, i didn't use Discord outside of checking for update for few games and mods. If we gonna discus something related croping pictures to better do it in place where  everyony interested can see, this will help future enthusiats. Thank you for volunteering, this few days i'm busy with  IRL, 1.0d Aric's mod and lack of sleeping. Also, gonna be busy at least half of coming week. Especialy after taking shot of Vaccine in monday and 3 days after.

if your are still around here can you pretty please make an a link to another website

media fire is a b**** who only let you dowload one file whithout paying at time whithout paying  and just with a folder i have take a hell lot of time =(

thank a damn lot by advance

Does mega not work either?

those yes, was thinking those 2 website was about a different pack each, but well my english is shit so must have my head inside my ass (it's an expression here , hope it's the right word)

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Nooooo, it's gone :(
Edit: HQ pixeldrain link still works, hope it won't destroy my pc... But the rest of the links are dead.

yep sadly

(3 edits) (+8)

Bodies & Portraits -


the links are expired


The ones Koomongus linked above your comment work

Deleted 2 years ago

hey the link is not working

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Some do. As i wrote a few posts up, the good quality pixeldrain works, and there were updated links just two posts above from koomongous

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Hey does this work with Strive: Conquest?

Conquest runs on the same game engine, so it most likely works as a pack of images. As far as I know, that game does not have automatic portrait assignment so file and folder names won't matter as much. I'm not sure about Conquest's dimensions but they will likely scale images as needed.

Yes, but it doesn't have a random portrait mod avaiable, so you'Ll have to assign them manually

"U can see new folder named "Exposed" its for body pic during intimating. Gonna post code separated as upgraded IRP mod."

Hello, how to make the "exposed" folder work ? Where is the code for upgraded IRP mod?


The vanilla game does not support other image folders, and as far as I know he never posted an upgraded Improved Random Portraits mod.

However, there are some mods that can use such images, though you will likely need to rename the folder, Aric's and Ralph's mods (pre-modded v0.5.25 downloads) both support a "bodiesnaked" folder and the Intimate Pic Extended mod(last updated for v1.0a, but should work for 1.0d) supports a "intimate" folder.

Ok Thank you

I have several images that I have found off the internet that I would like to use. I have made cut copies for the portraits and renamed them all WolfGirl (because another post said to do this when adding images). All the images are PNGs. Could you or someone on this forum help me understand how to add images. Thank you in advance. 

-one more note when adding the images to the portraits/bodies folders, the images appear to be blank in game

Note, all advice I provide is for the first Strive, not Conquest.

Basic image info can be found here:

The "WolfGirl" advice is likely outdated as there is very little functionality to that text, though vanilla random portraits will use the "Wolf" for marching either the beastkin or halfkin. It's better to match existing file and folder naming conventions and add unique identifiers(could be as simple as a number) when file names collide.

Any images in the "portraits" or "bodies" folders will be available in game. When the paths and file names of two images matches except for being in the opposite folder, they will be considered paired and often be assigned together. Images are often placed in folders to tag images for use with the Improved Random Portraits mod.

As far as the images not being visible in game, I have very little idea. I assume this means that you assigned then to slaves and can see nothing. If that is the case then I would assume that the .png files are saved using the wrong color profile so Godot is finding a blank image. Normally this leaves warnings in the debug logs located in AppData, or you could try the Debug mod.

Thank you

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Just want to share this skin art, it has both bodies and portraits

All of them are in grayscale because I want it to be a lore friendly as possible(I'm a lore freak after all)

The resolution are mostly 1000x(Height)px for bodies and 300x300px for portraits, none of these art are mine, I just picked them up and edited them. Some of the picture are from low resimage so pardon if it is not too good. I try to maintain "Lore Friendly" theme from these picture, but it's hard to look for certain races as there are not many picture that can satisfy my standard.
Anyway, i did this for myself and I thought why not share, so here is it.


No longer avaiable :/

some links are DED

Some live

Does anyone know where I can find images of Beastkin Bird do not appear in the portrait files

Tribal Elves are also no longer in the packs I used to use when I redownloaded them.

seems to be down ?

repost plz?

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Done, haven't used multiup before but I believe it's uploading to other hosters rn. If no download's available yet, give it a bit.

Edit: Should be available now