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A member registered Jun 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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I'm from another game jam & I'm impressed to discover this game! Gives me determination my next game jam must be 2D pixel based!

(1 edit)

How come a talking planet can be so cute? How did you come up with this idea? Love it!



(3 edits)

Thanks for your support!

Your suggestion are all valid and I will definitely work into it in the near future! 

Here is the storyline of this game as a prelude:

There were a intelligent humanoid race created out of human biological test curiosity. They fluorished, until human race decided to pick up the fight over the Earth stagnant resources, and they lost unprepared over human armed with tactical nukes. The remaining humanoids scattered under the Earth crust, relying on the geothermal energy and other animals living next to lava, to live. They built cavern mazes for the sake of defending against human attacks. Some traits of humanoid families were on the other hand manipulated by humans and loyal to human forces. They fuel suicidal covert ops mission with their own manpower due to their personal strength and agility advantages. They are notoriously recognized as genocidal Cavernivores.

This prelude describes you as a brainwashed protagonist assigned to storm a cave of humanoid slaves, attempting to stop a potential revolt.

Mouse aiming / Mobile touch joystick aiming / XBox Joypad stick aiming, sounds very great! Hit-and-run mechanism was also initially a skill I wished to add as a Sword Upgrade and pretty much the rest of the weapons (double sword skill is actually a workaround) Then I need to revamp my animation logic by AnimationTree (otherwise I cannot separate body and leg animations) but I don't have time to do for the jam yet. :D

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Death Stranding - Rat Edition, well done with the plot generation! The F2F animated title screen got me & would like to see more! LIKE!

(9 edits)

Already rated 2 days ago but add some comments here now

Stunning graphics! Always feel the warmth from the sun! So relaxing yet exciting gameplay! Brilliant animated stage transitions! Clever and creative! I feel like I am watching a National Geographic documentary - life of a pixelated rogue planet

Theme 5/5

Graphics 5/5

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Physics experts, Game developers, best match ever!

(6 edits)

Thanks for your support!

I just successfully fixed its highscore system! When you beat the game, your heroic name shall appear at the highscore board - ranking by how quickly you defeat the boss!

In an actual Roguelike perspective, the game was far from being complete:

- Much treasure hunting needs to be added, but in my game there are only Golden aura pickups available

- Much more enemy varieties need to be added -> bats, dragons, soldiers with actual armor equipments

- Even weapons should be more extensive -> how about a family of guns , pistols, SMGs, rifles, snipers, bombs - and how about picking up a whip as well as swords - make it feel more like Indiana Jones

- Different runtime character states like: Stunned, Poisoned, Sleepy, etc.

- Corridor traps!

(33 edits)

Thanks for your support!

Yes you're right! The enemies AI feeing a bit slow is both my intention and a workaround. The AI sensitivity in fact represented by how frequently an enemy updates its path to the player by running A* pathfinding. If enemies always run the A* pathfinding, then the enemies will always stick to the player without any rest. That'd be a real difficult mode.

But the main reason is that the NavMesh A* pathfinding is a CPU killer and I didn't know of any way to optimize. The larger the map is generated x more enemies on map, the more likely the game is going to get laggy. Thus I did 3 things:

- Make map generation smaller in room / corridor sizes

- Make AI pathfinding less frequent

- But I am able to discriminate different AI's reaction time (green guys react slower, red guys / boss react still fast enough to catch up with the player) Attempt to keep the boss intelligent enough.

Also If playing in browser feels laggy - maybe download offline version and try again - usually performs better!

Oh wait - you mean - you are able to beat the boss with like 2-3 tries? Man that's awesome! You're a legend! You've nailed it. In order to optimize the defeating time as well as conserving precious hitpoints, one should skip unnecessary fights as demonstrated in my walkthrough video. 

And there's one roguelike thing I have missed putting in - the presence of corridor traps, spikes, rope plants, poisonous mushrooms, speed mushrooms, locked exits, teleportations, sentry cannons - which should be able to enforce speedrunning players into some battles - prevent players to run freely while allowing 3rd-party methods to execute the enemies. This would preserve some fun for pro players. 

A a big con for Roguelike games is there's no way to conclude the officially fastest speedrunning time other than by luck - the same applies to Minesweeper speedrunning. My solution is to hold time-limited competition events with Fixed Seed Numbers so I have Fixed Proc Gen Maps for fair judgement

Thanks for your support!

I just successfully fixed its highscore system! When you beat the game, your heroic name shall appear at the highscore board - ranking by how quickly you defeat the boss!

(2 edits)

Good game you have got!

"yeah it's like the platforming version of geometry dash."

Yes, reminds me of the nightmarish Retry and watching ads over and over!

(2 edits)

Classical game logic and brain-challenging! Fun! Reminds me of  "Chip's Challenge" - Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows 95. Long gone my childhood :(

OMG I am stuck at the "Start" button

(OSX Catalina)

OMG still stuck at "new game" button ...

(OSX Catalina)

(1 edit)

Finally able to play it on OSX

I will give it a relatively high 4/5 rating at Control - A full experiment of AnimationTree & Ragdoll Physics makes me satisfied! 

(2 edits)

OSX works now!

A bunch of Steve Jobs clones of the Apple Inc. resistance! LOL nice crowd control and the live news atmosphere, and love the Paperboy style presentation, hope the riot soldiers exert some more challenge against the crowd though

(3 edits)

Meteors Stopped: 106

Great music and gameplay combination! I feel like this could evolve to become a very exciting rhythm game :D  Rhythm Tengoku - Earth Defenders Edition

The only con - the screen is horizontal, some meteors fly from top and bottom of the screen makes me panic all of a sudden, so Unfair! :(

(3 edits)

Finally able to play this game on OSX

This game actually looks beautiful and stunning! The lighting and shadows makes the atmosphere outstanding! What an art! Graphics 5/5!

(3 edits)

Thanks for your support!

Feel free to ask me when feeling difficulty beating my game! So far only 1 friend and me have beaten this game. Will you be the 3rd hero?   spoilers: 8 floors total

Although the exit spawn bug was never my intention, I must mention this inspiration of my game:

Our games share the same issue - the exits may spawn just 2 squares next to my starting point 😂 thus allowing me to break my speedrun records - unlocking more Newgrounds badges

(4 edits)

and damn I must mention this game:

This game has the same music as yours

And this game is in fact the root inspiration of my game! This is the first roguelike game I’ve ever played. They even share the same issue - the level exits may spawn just 2 squares away from my starting point 😂 thus allowing me to break my speedrun records

(9 edits)

By me walking toward the wall , I could create a deathball of shooters. I love creating Protoss deathball army in Starcraft! I wish the queue companion could shoot as well simultaneously with the leader instead of just acting like a meat shield. That would ruin the game balance but I wish they’d die for some more meaning - But I just can‘t think of any better alternatives they should do, So let them be meat shields 😂

A mutation of Snakes, Nicely executed, This game is a piece of art

makes me think of a 2013 mobile game:

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ah, mini maps with fogs of war , yes I should be able to include this! Thanks it’s a very good idea for roguelike!

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Thinking back, the monster wandering habits to your stay command is sort of a human act - some children are active, some are quiet, some are always hyped up over new things, some are cautious to potential dangers ahead. Some are fat, some are thin

Then, I could imagine different monster wandering behaviors would gift them different skills and reactions you are able to assign or even procedurally generate e.g. A difference of movement speed, maximum hitpoints and Aggressiveness between each monster, that would determine how likely the monster is prone to hitting spikes when chasing a nearby enemy

more like The sims: Monster edition 😂 Low IQ SIMS are prone to electrocuting themselves by bathing  as well 

(2 edits)

Thanks for your support!

If you are able to defeat the boss, your heroic name may appear on the highscore, ranking by how quickly you finish the game!

But there might be a bug while submitting high scores to my server. In that case, remember to take me a screenshot, then I will help you enter the name into server!

If you feel desperate defeating it, look at the below comments to discover any walkthrough / spoiler!

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Thanks for your support!

About the audio muffling - it might be caused by the game performance hit spike during enemy respawnings and NavMesh pathfindings tasks. You might wish to download & play offline version, performance will get better than browser play. 

I may make the player able to shoot wherever he points to, that way the game will still be compatible with desktop/console/mobile envs, hopefully support 360 degree joystick to allow fine grained shoot aiming, and the game becomes more playable!

(4 edits)

Thanks for your support!

The movement and aiming control is actually one of my biggest concerns, I spent so much time on it still not getting it executed correctly, you hit the pain point! 

I may make the player able to shoot wherever he points to, that way the game will still be compatible with desktop/console/mobile envs, hopefully support 360 degree joystick to allow fine grained shoot aiming, and the game becomes more playable!

On the other hand, I may rather start investigating how to replace the current animation system with AnimationTree support - thus creating some Hit and Run ninja style attacks!

(1 edit)

Thanks for your support!

I intend to make the hit feedback as strong as possible. In order to know if the hitting is valid I could think of a few ways below:

- add tint blinking effects to the body who got hit

- show HP bar for enemies who got hit

- may even popup damage numbers dealt on top of every hit

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Thanks for your support!

Totally agree with you. That applies to my gameplay as well. When I was surrounded, I find it hard seeing my body so pretty much gave up resisting. This is not a design intention rather like a design flaw I could foresee since game development starts. I could think of a few ways to improve the situation:

- increase player’s capsule physics collided radius by a little bit

- add new skills for player to push back the enemies / sweep clear

- add new skills for player to immediately retreat to another spawning point of the map / go back up floors 

- allow zooming in the camera when surrounded

Thanks for your support!

It seems it’s due to the performance spike when creating new enemy Actor instance - quite a lot of resources are being loaded; Thanks so much for your error report! I have just got my Parallels VM set up for testing in Windows environment. Will update you when I have any more findings!

(2 edits)

Love the goblins having chipmunks voice actings! :D

And congrats your game has been premiered on JAM4CHANGE an hour ago :D

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This game has revolutionized my thinking of a typical strategy game design - it can still be playable & enjoyable, even without any grid system or rules. As a game designer I should always become more creative and think out of the box. Thanks for your inspiration.

A good demonstration of procedural generated battlefield!

My heart has jumped when being shot by the military officer! You got me! Interesting game!

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The characters pixelated look cute, and the UI is quite intuitive! I don't mind the poor readability of the font, that won't hurt my ratings for this game. This ARPG needs some brain power to play! Well done!

The con is the mouse rotation is too sensitive I cannot control the sword properly. Overall is a successfully scary adventure game.

3D environment but 2D paperworked characters - very much reminds me of Paper Mario - but pixelated. The art is likable!

(3 edits)

You sound like as if there is a mysterious game inside

Looks like a GDevelop game, what a pity he must have messed up the engine names.

Hold X for over 3 seconds and you have a black beam :D

Gore bloody effects always hit my heart, Graphics 5/5

This kind of combat system - everybody knows - is Pokemon! :D

Love the walking wobbling effects and graphics!

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This pretty much sums up how to start a revolution :D Wololo