Thanks so much! this was made in Unity
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Recent community posts
Hey lotusfrag,
Thanks for the feedback and support, as a few people have had this same issue with this I want to get a fix out as quick as I can. Both suggestions are great fixes. An Exploration mode would take some work but A Cheat Code option to pause the herd can be available in the next update.
Thanks again for playing!
Hey Tweetious,
There was a problem with the approval of the DLC but finally they are out and Available Now. Each DLC Weapon and Vehicle are $1 each. There is a Vehicle Pack 1 and a Weapon Pack 1 each for $4.99.
Unfortunately we were unable to provide a Season Pass kind of thing. Lots more DLC choices are coming soon. The upcoming Online Mode might dictate what comes out next with the DLC. I would also love to start working on some fully fledged Expansion Packs.
Stay tuned! Lots coming soon!
Hey Jmor,
I don't want to promise too much too soon, what I can say is that the online multiplayer will start with a single mode; Two opposing teams with their own bases. Players will build, fight zombies, and attempt to destroy each others bases.
Thank you so much for the feedback and support, So much more new stuff coming soon!
Hey Kyleisawsme,
I think the best way to grind for bones would be in the church because the coffins randomly drop bones too. Not sure what happened with the save file but your bones should definitely be saving. I'll look into lowering the price to the Master Key a bit. The DLC should be available on the PS4 in a few days. Stay tuned!
Thanks for the feedback and support!
Hey Duckling,
The zombie sheriff appears randomly in 8 different spots around the farm. Look for a zombie with an arrow pointing down at it. If you do a lap around the town you should be able to spot him. Entering and exiting a dungeon will reswpawn and reset the zombie sheriff again.
Hope this helps,