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A member registered Dec 17, 2015 · View creator page →

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Thanks so much! this was made in Unity

Hey SappleEatApple,

To Obtain the DLC you summon it through the Pause Menu. Press Options/Start/Pad to pause the game then use the top buttons (L1,L2,R1,R2) to navigate to DLC. From here you can summon the DLC anytime while outside.

Hope this helps,


Hey TheKinkyPixi,

I'm working on getting a fix on this problem out as soon as possible. Stay Tuned!


Hey Napodyn,

Thank you so much for this feedback and suggestions, this really helps me out. I'll get these fixed as fast as possible.

Thanks again,



Thanks for finding out how to recreate this, really appreciate it! I'll try to get this fixed as soon as possible.

Stay Tuned,


Hey Kevinttebayo,

No the DLC are different weapons and vehicles you can use like an Ak47 or a Chopper Motorcycle. I'll have more information on the Online Mode Soon.

Thanks for the patience!


Hey Alexiana,

Your survivor should drop the weapon where you die, unfortunatey the weapon is erased if you go into an indoors location or if you die inside a dungeon.

I'll try to make the weapon stay around atleast outside, Thanks for the feedback and support,


Hey Mormatmayhem,

The house is supposed to turn back into a tent. I'll look into this problem. Thanks for the feedback and patience,


Hey Phatkewi,

I'll try to get to the bottom of this problem. Thanks for the feedback,


Hey Phatkewi,

I'll try to get to the bottom of this problem. Thanks for the feedback,


Hey Blazeingfury,

I don't want to give it all away but maybe it has something to do with that big bone?

I'm trying to find all the bugs please report anything you find even small stuff. 

Thanks for the feedback and support,


Hey Chaf,

I'll find out whats going on with that and get back to you. Thanks for the feedback and support.


Hey KittyCatrina,

Thanks for reporting this, I'll look into what happened.

Stay tuned!


Hey DarkestGamer,

Unfortunately I'm trying to get the Nintendo Switch release out first. The Xbox version of the game will definitely arrive eventually.

Stay tuned!


Hey Artxipaws,

Did you try entering and exiting the church? I'll try to find the source of this problem.

Thanks for the feedback,


Hey Kolliz,

I will get some information on the Europe Release very soon. 

Thanks for your patience, 



Sorry for the delay, I just have a lot of work to do and responding to everyone takes a long time. I will get you an update on the Europe Release very soon.

Thank you for the patience, 


Hey Gman,

How were you able to break the bottle? The bottles should start with the tutorial. I'll try to recreate it and fix the issue, Sorry about that.

Thanks for the feedback and support,


Hey lotusfrag,

Thanks for the feedback and support, as a few people have had this same issue with this I want to get a fix out as quick as I can. Both suggestions are great fixes. An Exploration mode would take some work but A Cheat Code option to pause the herd can be available in the next update.

Thanks again for playing! 


Hey HecticDog,

It will be on Xbox eventually, I'm trying to get the Nintendo Switch and Online Mode out as soon as possible.

Sorry for the delay! Stay Tuned,


Hey Xertos206,

This game started as a Homework assignment actually. It  has evolved definitely, but the goal has always been a zombie apocalypse with toys on a table. Hopefully it separates itself enough from other games and continues to evolve. 

Thanks for the support! Lots more coming soon!


Hey Tweetious,

There was a problem with the approval of the DLC but finally they are out and Available Now.  Each DLC Weapon and Vehicle are $1 each. There is a Vehicle Pack 1 and a Weapon Pack 1 each for $4.99. 

Unfortunately we were unable to provide a Season Pass kind of thing. Lots more DLC choices are coming soon. The upcoming Online Mode might dictate what comes out next with the DLC. I would also love to start working on some fully fledged Expansion Packs.

Stay tuned! Lots coming soon!


¡Muchas Gracias!

Estoy intentando arreglar este problema aun. Si le das reversa, se arregla por ahora. Muchos arreglos y mas viene ben pronto. ¡Gracias por jugar!


Hey Noahsihere,

I'm working on a Cheat Code to pause the Horde, hopefully it will help you out. It'll be available soon.

Thanks for the feedback and support,


Hey Jmor,

I don't want to promise too much too soon, what I can say is that the online multiplayer will start with a single mode; Two opposing teams with their own bases. Players will build, fight zombies, and attempt to destroy each others bases. 

Thank you so much for the feedback and support, So much more new stuff coming soon!



Hey Fastfoxisreal,

Are you on Computer or PS4? The computer version is a little behind because of the upcoming STEAM version. it should be out very soon with all the new updates and Bosses.



Hey Shibadoge,

Did you try both windows versions? The new Steam version is almost ready to launch. Hopefully it will solve your problems.



Hey Kyleisawsme,

I think the best way to grind for bones would be in the church because the coffins randomly drop bones too. Not sure what happened with the save file but your bones should definitely be saving. I'll look into lowering the price to the Master Key a bit.  The DLC should be available on the PS4 in a few days. Stay tuned!

Thanks for the feedback and support!


Hey Duckling,

The zombie sheriff appears randomly in 8 different spots around the farm. Look for a zombie with an arrow pointing down at it. If you do a lap around the town you should be able to spot him. Entering and exiting a dungeon will reswpawn and reset the zombie sheriff again.

Hope this helps,


(1 edit)

Yes, the armory itself is unlocked using the key from the sheriff. The back section is unlockable using the Master Key available randomly from the Merchants.

Hey Diehl,

Yes the switch port is currently in production, Should be available soon


Hey JT50,

Yes the cheatcodes should be working on PS4

Hey Minihuey,

I believe the update fixed this problem, hopefully you haven't had any other problems.

Thanks for playing! Lots of new content coming very soon,


Hey, the new update is finally out! Hopefully this fixes all your problems, Please let me know if you find anything new.

Lots more coming soon! Hope you enjoy the bug fixes and new Bosses.



Hey DBT,

On PC it should be ALT or CTRL, you should see the Interface Icon change, the PC update is coming soon with the Launch on Steam.

Thanks for the support, Stay tuned!



Online multiplayer coming very soon! Currently in the works along with much more new content.

Thanks for the support, Stay Tuned!



Could you please let me know if this problem still exists in the new PS4 Update? I fixed all the bugs I was able to find.

Really appreciate your patience and support, So much more coming soon!



Hey Everyone,

The Update is finally out on PS4 and should fixed most if not all your problems. Please let me know any new bugs you find.

Thanks so much for the support! Hope you enjoy the new update and Bosses, So much more coming soon!



Online mode is in the works and coming very soon,

Thanks for the support,



the update is finally out on the PS4. Please  let me know any new bugs you find, I fixed all the ones I could find.

Thanks for the patience and support, so much new stuff coming soon!

Hope you enjoy the new update and bosses,
