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A member registered Feb 25, 2015 · View creator page →

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I'm so happy to hear you guys have fun nd spending so much time on one of my games :O thank you!!!!!

Wow! thank you so much <33 that means a lot

Yay cool! I barely see people using construct, although it just rocks!! 

Thank you for your honesty. I appreciate that. You are right. Maybe I should work on the sound for post jam.

Thanks a lot. I always had so much fun with the barrels back then in DKC =D

Thanks so much. I really appreciate people enjoy my game even more when they get addicted to it (in a healthy way of course, haha) 

Today, I even implemented a simple online leaderboard for the post jam version :) 

Haha whoopsie. You know my game better than I do :D 
Maybe I will get back to you for post jam version :)

Thank you :))

I really like the game. It is simple but challenging and the idea of changing color palettes and also mechanics is very cool! The graphics and sound is really nice!

I didn't get the chance yet to play your game, but it is stunning that you programmed a real GameBoy game that only runs on an emulator. Theoretically, you could flash your game on a cartridge and play it on a real handheld. Now that is authentic!!

What a cute ferret. Really nice game. Controlling the ferret feels really smooth and the jump/dodge is cool I could roll around all day :D. It's so awesome you can squiek ✪ ω ✪!!!!  Also the tutorial on the ground is a nice idea and works pretty well. Nice job!

I love rythm games and I  just love to see a rythm game as a Game Boy! So nice! Only thing, at the beginning, I didn't get how to play the notes. maybe the game need a bit more explaination. Nevertheless, it's a cool game. I like the visuals while playing the songs. Well done!

Really good and nice game! I had a lot of fun. I like the challenging difficulty that reminds me of Castlevania. The nice yet limited graphics gives the perfect GameBoy aestethics.

Wow, just amazing! Everything looks stunning. And the idea is so cool. It feels like shoooting Bubbles in Bubble Bobble. I loved that game and I love this one! It feels really well thought out. The "reloading" mechanic in form of chewing your gum is really nice. I also love little details like the indicators that show you which bubble will disappear when you chew. Would be cool to see more of that game in the future :)

(1 edit)

That is a really neat game. Really interesting to see a tower defense as a Game Boy-ish game. And I like the idea of using animals instead of military weapons and towers. Good job !

Hey thank you a lot ! Haha I wasn't sure if I should put a switch or boolean in it to start acting like a normal barrel, but then I totally forgot it when I run out of time :P

Thank you, that means a lot :)

Thank you ! Actually, I created the transition by accident at first, when I just randomly put that logo above the first barrel in my test environment. It stuck there when I start playing and then I realized how cool it would be if the main menu is in the actual gameplay :P

Thank you :))

Nice game! I played something pretty similiar when I was a child, it's name was mover :P I like the puzzle, they can be pretty challenging but not impossible. You got a good balance :)

This game is perfect! I could totally imagine to run it on a Game Boy. It feels very polished. The graphics are really vivid and the usic fits very well. I love how you imitated the hardware restrictions, the transitions, password feature and so on. It feels very authentic. And the most important part of it, it makes a lot of fun :)

Nice and cute game ! Everythings seems really polished. I had a lot of fun :) The palette feature is a great idea. Reminds me of the Super Game Boy for SNES.

This nana is badass! Really cool game. I like the fast-paced action and the granny doing not so granny things :D A score would be nice to compete with others.

Really cool! I like the style and atmosphere. It is quite challenging, but It's fair enough. Good job :)

I really enjoyed the game :) One lil thing. The background and foreground could be more seperated. I had this moment, where I couldnt see if I can jump on something or if it is just the background. But overall, nice job !

Nice and charming action platformer! I like the graphics and animations. Well done :)

This game feels so authentic! It feels like I missed a great game in my childhood :P Really cool idea. It makes a lot of fun.

Thanks! I really appreciate that!
The game needs indeed a lot of bug fixing :'P

Thank you so much :)
Yeah, you are right! I could imagine to integrate animations that indicated when and where the cactus throws his sting. I will definitely keep that in mind !

Hey thank you I'm happy you like it =)
There is a lil upgrade system, maybe you didn't saw the upgrade shop in the village (I guess it's hard to find when you don't know where) Maybe I need some description and signs in the game :)

Thank you :) My goal was it to make something different to the random encounters in classic JRPGs that are sometimes slow and timewasting. Hope I can work that out and make it more action-packed and even faster.

This is a brilliant game! I like the controls and how intuitive everything works. The game won't need any more pixels. The sign language in the backgrounds is a really great idea.

Hey thank you very much =)

Looks like I turned on the godmode (psst, don't tell anyone!)
Well, I was in such a rush, generating some SFX in the last hour that I literally forget to insert my death function xD There should be a lil animation of the hero dying and you would end up in the village again, with loosing some EXP and Gold.

The post jam version will get all the little details I planned but missed before the game jam ended. It will even get a proper ending, with an endboss fight, so there will be  a proper game experience :)

This game is awesome and works so well in 64 pixels! It felt like playing an old unknown C64 game :P Good Job! I want to order sushi now XD

Nice visuals and fun gamplay! I like the effect the shi makes when you move quickly from one side to the other :)

Very minimalistic but it has the right look and feel! The screen shaking gives the game some really nice and immersive effects! A highscore counter would be really nice. I think jumpin on W or Up would be easier to control instead of Space. Good job!!

Fun and cool game. I like the atmosphere and gameplay. The theme and music is really funny and the animations and effects (like the slime trace) are well done. It's also well balanced. It was a lil challenging but not to hard.

This is one of my jam favorites so far!
It looks really cool and fits perfectly in the 64x64 resolution. I like the idea and the realization. The music is consistent. Everything feels pretty polished like if the game would be in a late development phase. The Tutorial could be a lil quicker. But Tutorials aren't that easy, especially in 64x64 pixels ;)

At first I ran into a problem. I couldn't use the scroll wheel cause my browser (Chromium Edge) was still scrolling the entire page. But I figured out when I hold CTRL while scrolling (like you do to zoom in and out on websites) it worked just in the game.

Really nice platformer. I like the feeling of the dash attack. Well done! Would be cool to see more levels and enemies.

A really crazy game! Do you know this fly swatting game of mario paint for SNES ? Trying to hi those tiny little pixels made me think of hitting the tiny flies :D

Nice and simple RPG. Makes fun to explore the map, had some collision problems tho. The graphics works pretty well for low resolution!