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What are the biggest things you learnt and took away from this jam?

A topic by One2ManyHats created Jun 24, 2022 Views: 557 Replies: 20
Viewing posts 1 to 13

For me, this is my third game jam I’ve ever entered, and usually my biggest problem is that I scope way too high. For this jam I focused on a simple but effective gameplay loop, working on a few mechanics initially and began building the experience almost right away.
In another jam the advice was “build a game you can finish in a 3rd of the time, use the rest for polish and extra content” (I’m paraphrasing of course lol). 

Having this advice in the back of my mind was helpful. I didn’t follow it perfectly though, and definitely did have to rush to get some final things put together, but I’m proud of finally scoping a little better and making a more polished experience.

I’m excited to hear what others have drawn from this experience :) Jams should be a place for experimentation and growth. I hope you all had that!


Similar. The best games all have a similar thread - one core concept polished to the max. As many commentors correcty pointed out to me, I made too much of a hyrbid of ideas. The bits that felt best were diluted by other parts that were additions after I made the core mechanic work. 


I thought yours was very polished tbh! :)


For me, it is don't be afraid to make messy codes (in my case is spagetthi blueprint as I'm using Unreal) as long as it works. Then polish it if you want to take this project further.


Yeah, at the start of the jam I was trying to keep everything meticulously organized, but by the end the whole thing was an illegible, disorganized mess, haha. But the people playing the game don't know that!


Oh I'm definitely on the other side here. During jams I usually throw clean code out the window in favor of speed, which I did this time too, but by the end of this jam I really regretted it. The code became super spaghetti and slowed things waaaaaay down, so much dumb debugging that could've been prevented. For me the biggest takeaway from this jam is to  assess if a refactor is worth it or not, rather than just charging forward with messy code. Not to say that allowing for some mess isn't ideal during jams, but there are a few core systems in our game that in hindsight should've been refactored right away.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Agreed! Sometimes spending a little extra time writing some efficient and clean code can really help later down the line. I don’t do it for everything, but I do like to do some refactoring and cleaning up some parts even in jams. Not sure I could say the same for a 48 hour jam though lol


While this was my second game jam, it's the first one where I did any amount of programming. In my other one, I only made music for a couple of games, but I did everything myself this time, so I was able to learn a lot. 

For starters, getting people to play test the game before submission day is a good idea. I wasn't sure how to balance the difficulty of my game at all. I knew I was biased because I'm the one who made the game, but I didn't know exactly how much to offset the difficulty because of that. A number of people said my game was hard - and that was the entire point, I didn't want it to be easy - but I don't know just how hard is TOO hard, you know?

Second, I learned that there's nothing wrong with changing your idea. I had basically completed the game about halfway into the jam, but then I realized that I didn't have a connection to the theme at all. I brainstormed for a while and decided to drastically change the gameplay in order to be more fun, and have a connection to the theme. It was stressful, and I didn't get time to polish much as a result (I had to redo most of the code from square one) but it was worth it. I feel more proud of what I put on display than what I had initially made. 

I also learned that there's no room for perfectionism sometimes. I tend to get bogged down by this a lot - I often don't even start projects when I have an idea because I am so deeply caught up in every single detail when I'm conceptualizing, but with this jam, I learned that sometimes, it's more about getting something on paper and figuring out the details later. You don't have to polish every piece of the system before putting it to work.

Finally, I learned that I am my own worst critic. This is something I already knew, and it's always proven true, but this served as a nice reminder. I was convinced that my game was utter garbage, and not worth playing. Totally thought mine would be the worst game submitted by a mile. But apparently, people actually enjoyed my game, and I'm really proud of that! It makes me feel a lot more confident in my abilities moving forward. I know my submission has a number of problems and it's far from perfect, but for once, I feel like I can make something that people would enjoy playing, and that's a super motivating thing to feel. 


strongly agree on letting people play test your game. No matter how perfect you think your game is, they will always find bugs in your game in a way you did not expect. But that is only doable for week long jam.


You learned a lot, good for you :)

Sometimes during a jam it’s difficult to get people to test your game. But testing it yourself is definitely worth the time too. 

I made a conscious effort to make small video clips and put them on Facebook to show its progress. Sometimes during those recordings I found some issues. Maybe because I was trying to play it in a different way, like I expected the viewer would play it.


Taking drastic decisions. I got positively surprised bu cutting features or just implementing fast without second thinking.

Although it may be an issue for scalability, when I look back at my current game project, I just think I should stay simple in my mechanics and just polish them instead of piling them up because I want some features I like from another game and so on.

Also I'm now trying to think my project as multiple smaller ones. While I was already dividing tasks and decoupling code, I think my workflow would benefit by considering the inventory, for instance, as it's own project that will function by itself instead of being a system for my game. I already created a dedicated unity project for that now haha

The biggest take I'm guessing by doing so, is to not overthink, to get straight to the point when I'm working on a feature. I'll see if it is as effective as I expect it :P


Export for WebGL


Definitely seems to help get plays. But I don’t fully know how to optimize for it :/


This was my third game jam I've participated in but the first I've ever actually finished and submitted.

The thing I learned most from this jam was that I should really be less anxious about showing people my game. I had finished my game and was considering not submitting for fear of people finding everything stupid. I eventually managed to say screw it and just submit the game because someone close to me said that whatever happens, whatever people say, they can always teach me more, and what I want to do is learn how to be better. Upon submitting I was pleasantly surprised by the amount of positive reception I got and it brought me to near tears.

More importantly however, I was shown issues with the game, simple issues I could have solved in 5 minutes. If only I had shown my game to others beforehand and had them catch it, then I could've fixed it. The issue with not showing your games or work to people is that it stunts your improvement. You can't learn from your mistakes if there is no one there to point them out to you. Moreover, if I had shown my close friends and family the game, they could have told me things to fix so that y'all wouldn't have to.

I really need to learn to get over that hump of anxiety and insecurity and just show my game to people, let em try it, and learn from what they tell me.


You definitely don’t need to be anxious. What you made was incredible and very innovative! Be proud :) I wanna see what you make next


I learned two things, mainly, one from the feedback on my game and the other from looking at the other submissions.

The first is that no matter how obvious I think a concept is it has to be clearly spelled out in the game instructions or a tutorial or an on screen prompt or better yet all of these ways. Same goes for the commands, no matter how intuitive I think they are.

The second is that unless it's impossible there should be a properly functioning web build, with the right resolution and all the features working, and well thought cover image and game description: in the last two days of the voting phases I filtered the submissions to only show those playable in browser and picked the ones with interesting covers.


mainly how to do game jams since i have never tryed it befor, som other stuff like itch io pages to.


Using a game jam to test your engine isn't a good idea. I believe I made a really decent game. I'm saddened that not everyone was able to see for themselves  :/ I made some decisions that led to the game not being able to run on a wide variety of PCs and that's disappointing 

For me I learnt how to make a good game without being on my computer all the time. Plus this game actually turned out better than my previous gamejam games

i had a lot of trouble with puzzle design, not very many levels, cuz i wasn't sure if they were good.


but ppl seemed to like the levels, which is good, so i learnt some puzzle design.