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Sunscreen VampireView game page

"Sunscreen Vampire" PirateJam15(Shadows & Alchemy)
Submitted by Ds12q, ajaassel — 1 day, 2 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Artistic Style#9703.0003.000

Ranked from 1 rating. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Judge feedback

Judge feedback is anonymous.

  • Loved the game! The gameplay is a little frustrating, because the light doesn't give you enough time to actually grab some of the needed ingredients before you die, so there might be a need to change the strength of how fast the vampire dies, just a little. I'd also like to see some ambient sounds and you could absolutely have some fun with the audio with a base like this! I understand the simple art style you went for, but it almost feel like placeholder textures for some of the aspects of the game, you might want to adjust a little. Keep up the good work, this is definitely a gem!

Did you include your Game Design Document as a Google Drive link?

Seriously... did you include your Game Design Document?

Is your game set to Public so we can see it?

Tell us about your game!
It is 1876, you are Barnabos Callins, alchemist vampire living in a European city, and you have run out of sunscreen....
Now go out and stay in the shadows, collect components to create useful concoctions and find the ingredients to create another bottle of sunscreen.

Extra Notes
2 person team, adventure/stealth/crafting game, Unreal Engine 4


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The lack of audio is notable, but probably not something that really needs much mentioning

The movement on the overworld is quite cool, although the sun damage is extremely punishing and if I don't get the spacing right I'm just dead almost instantly

The alchemy system is great and I like the balance of the items, but going in to the menu to pick an item every time is clunky and severely limits their usefulness and fun outside of battle

I don't know if I'm a god gamer or something, but I literally never got hit by an enemy once in combat, and thus any need to avoid combat or use items or whatnot was completely negated by standing out of range of one of their movement actions and then one shoting them safely even when they are in groups

The style is great, the gestures are expressive and there is a feeling of character in the characters even without super detailed textures or whatnot

On the whole, I quite like how it's going, my primary feedback would be to make items usable by a hotkey or something so I don't need 3 clicks to panic smoke bomb or throw a second fire bomb


Thank you for the feedback.

Your comment hits several of the changes we have made for our "post-gamejam" update, so after the gamejam is over and judges have rated all the project, we will update the game with a lot of changes.

You can be assured that you are not necessarily a god gamer, the game was made significantly easier for the gamejam release, so people would be able to see more of the game and avoid getting frustrated.

The 3 clicks panic smoke bomb will be replaced with (most likely) a single key input, 1-4 for the usable concoctions :D


I'm glad to hear that and VERY interested in playing future versions of the game! Woot woot!


wow, it's insane how many systems you managed to implement in just 2 weeks.  the combat intro is pretty cool, but i found that the combat itself was too easy since you can one shot enemies.  overall, nice work!


Hey, I really like your game! It seems pretty well thought out, I really appreciated that you put the key binds at the bottom of the screen and that you also had a guide that marked off as you complete steps. It was super helpful and you are the only one that I have played so far that has something like that.

Submitted (1 edit)

Very nicely made, very much enjoyed this!  One shotting people got a bit redundant, would have loved a dynamic where the women ran from you and men/guards ganged up and attacked you if they got away.  One of the better uses of the themes I've seen in the jam in my opinion, good job


This is a really cool concept. The way you move and solve the puzzle of being in the city is cool. There are some things that could be better!

The camera when going into the cooking pot tended to not reset back, so getting out of the house was difficult. I think you should have the smoke bomb as a basic ability? It seemed too tedious to keep picking up mushrooms for it. 
You have to add music man, just something would have been better than pure silence :p 
It would also be nice to see what you need for certain recipes. 

The objectives to learn the game were a great touch tho! Made starting and learning a lot easier

The game has potential, sneaking in the city as a vampire, running from cops, using smoke bombs to move during the day

Nice game man!


That is some really great feedback, thanks :D

The cauldron issue has been fixed, so will update the game after judging is done. Together with some audio.


Sunburn for this guy is a real killer!

  • Love the simple 3d art style, cool environments and the UI icons looked nice too
  • Really cool mechanics with sticking to the shadows along with the sneaking and turn based combat
  • The sun really takes you out! Maybe just a little more forgiving?
  • Not sure if you had time to incorporate sound or if it was just bugged for me? I couldn't hear anything
  • Love the premise, very funny setup for a game

Overall, a very impressive effort for a game jam submission with a lot of cool ideas!


Congrat on your entry! The amount of feature is impressive! The gameloop is coherent and I got immersed into the game. The theme is very well respected!
I would make 2  suggestions better introduction on how to use the cauldron vs transmuting (crafting items throught your inventory) and give some rewards when the player kill an enemy (maybe some item, even useless ones)

With a little bit more polish I could see it on Steam :)


Thank you for the feedback :D


Interesting mix of turn based combat and real time stealth.  I like the feel of it!  I also love the story, very funny!


I didn't expect this kind of combat. It is indeed looks really cool. Turning into turn base mode kind of reminds me of Baldur's Gate 3. The graphics are nice. I like the occlusion revealing the player's position. I wish this game would have some sounds.


Same, sadly had to choose between bugfixing and audio the last few days of the jam xD
Thank you for your feedback


I love it, there's so many cool features! I really like the overall style of this game, and the gameplay is so cool - I mean, fighting, crafting, sneaking - there's so much cool stuff! Wish there were sneak attacks tho, would be cool to sneak up on an enemy from behind. The combat could be a bit more challenging too I think. Some background music would be cool as well. But yeah overall great job, amazing quality!!
btw the enemy initiating a fight animation kinda reminds me of ace attorney xD


Very nice. The amount of content is really impressive for that amount of time.
The game has great style, like these cut in at the start of fights :)
The map is huge! I was never able to find a firefly.


Great art and mechanics. I loved the humor of your game, the vampire chase for a sunscreen, the goofy stealth movement. 
When I first went outside I thought it was a night because the light in the interior was yellow, and outside is a blue. And Since some parts is essential that you have a smoke bomb to pass, I think it should have be easier to find mushrooms.


Great game. Had no issues while playing it.
Cool mechanics and game overall.
Only thing: you can interact with things and still move, I tried to get back to cabinet but went outside.


Thank you for playing and the feedback.

Yeah that was a bug i thought i fixed but for some reason came back xD


Generally impressed that you've pulled of unreal web build.
Definitely, needs moar polish, like, ability to spin camera around with mouse and less hotkeys in general.

Alsom I think you've nailed the theme in a meaningful way.


Really like the style and animations.

Gameplay is fun, although it could use more of a tutorial. It’s hard to notice the hints with controls when they are on the periphery of the screen.


Great style and charismatic animations! 


Very nice & funny concept. Smooth animation
Some music / audio would help with the immersion.

The huge game size surprised me. Some optimisations could be good if ever released.


I really liked the concept of this game! When I first went outside I thought it was a night for some reason and proceed to die instantly :D


Really liked this game. imo it's the best theme interpretation I've seen so far for this jam. Nice gameplay and amazing artstyle.


Kudos for the story. As for the game it indeed is well done with interesting mechanics. Either you had a lot of things ready or you created them quickly. Either way - its great. Movement feels very smooth, effects and art are also well crafted and fit together wonderful. Even at this stage the game feels great and complete.

One possible thing that maybe could be improved:
If you activated cauldron, you still can move around and do actions. That creates some confusion and possible unwanted behaviors (I could walk out of the room. It didn't create any issues but possibly with other stuff or in long term that could lead to bugs). Possibly while player is doing something the movement should be locked ?


oh no, i thought i fixed that xD hahaha
Yeah I made sure it should not be able to break the game, but it is not intended no.
Thank you for catching that.

I have made a lot of these mechanics before so I was able to reproduce them relatively quickly.
I also did a bunch of testing beforehand to figure out how to get an UE4 build running on Itch, so that saved some time too.

Thank you for your feedback :)

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