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LightLineView game page

Top down space shooter
Submitted by GalloPintoGames (@games_gallo) — 8 hours, 10 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1253.3183.318
Art Direction#1353.4553.455

Ranked from 22 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Deleted 364 days ago

Thank you! glad you enjoy it! I apreciate that you mention the level design xD

I'll make sure to check your game. 

Deleted 364 days ago

a fun shooter! you could use more checkpoints lots of progress is undone if we die!


Thank you! yeah is kind of frustrating to die, but you dont look cristals and you get to upgrade, sometimes is actually faster to just die to get back to the checkpoint xD


Cool art, nice music and gameplay!


Thank you for playing and your comment, I'll make sure to check your game.


There definitely is a retro, arcade feel to the game which I liked the most. It took me back to the bygone days when we played contra and other such games. Rated it 5 on all factors. Well done for creating such a beautiful game.


Thank very much! I'm glad you enjoy it. 


Video commentary:

Developer (1 edit)

Thank you very much for the video commentary! I need some balancing and there are a lot of bugs, glad that you have some fun with it.

I ended up scaling a lot of things to save time.

PS: sorry for the high volume xD 


i like the game it's interesting and makes you explore, great job


thank you! that's the idea, to have a little bit of exploration


Great game, lots of fun.


Thank you for playing and your comment 


Everything works and ties together quite well. I'm assuming the connection to the theme is through staying in the energy circles. One improvement would be to have the controls reflect the orientation of the ship (W for forward, instead of up).


Thank you! thanks for the feedback I'll try that, for me feels more natural the way it is, but still thanks for the comment.


A challenging game that is fun to play.  The artwork, level design and gameplay are all really good.


Thank you for playing and your kind words 


A little hard to master, but a solid and consistent design. Nice work!


Thanks for playing and your comment! thanks for the feedback I'll make sure to balance it after the voting week.


nice game but a little too tough for me without progress being saved more frequently (i never survived long enough to see a checkpoint). a couple of minor issues like crystals spawning within the rocks and a little more Instruction like mentioning that we can blow up boulders would have gotten me off to a cleaner start. meanwhile, i enjoyed the atmosphere , concept and game play but, in the end, i just wanted to chill with the roaches, listen to the music and kick back (so i did :) ).


Thanks for playing! agree, It need some balancing, I did some but there is still a long way to go.  The idea of this game is to be a little bit misterious and have the players explore and try stuff, with that said I didn't had time to add instructions that why I had them on a single screen haha. I liked the roaches too xD


I found this game somewhat therapeautic to play, with the calm upbeat music, and the satisfying shooting. I do wish that you could shoot with a higher rate of fire, or charge up your shots for bigger, faster bullets. It might also be cool if shooting the bullet caused the spaceship to move backwards a little bit. My team actually made a similar spaceship game for our previous game jam with some of these mechanics I'm talking about, I think your game has more interesting level design, but might be cool to try each others games:

I somewhat agree with what others have said about balancing. It was a really cool idea to make the player prioritize being inside the circles of light, however it seemed a little overbalanced. It made the game more challenging for sure, but its not that fun to be reset to the previous spot simply for staying out of the light too long. Its more fun to be reset because you messed up during a fight with an enemy. So my suggestion would be to give more energy by default, or make the upgrades to energy be worth more energy, and then make the enemy AI a bit faster and smarter, so the difficulty comes more from the fighting and postioning yourself in the light is still important but it won't be the primary driver of difficulty and challenge. 

I hope you do keep improving the game because I think its a really cool concept. 


Here are a couple more minor pieces of feedback. I think adding hit stop, camera shake, more pronounced particle effects and sound effects could go a long way to make combat feel more visceral. I'm assuming you are making this in Unity? (Sorry if this is too much info or you already know all this stuff, just trying to help)

In unity for hit stop effect, make a coroutine like so:

And you can call this with StartCoroutine(hitStop(x, y));

I would call this whenever a player bullet hits any object or enemy, I would make x = 0f, and y = 0.05f. Similarly, I would call this whenever the player gets hit by anything, with x = 0.2f and y = 0.2f.

Whenever an enemy dies, I would call it for longer: x = 0f, y = 0.3f to really emphasize it.

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

In unity for a camera shake,  I would make a coroutine like the so:

and again you can call it using StartCoroutine(cameraShake(...));

You can make your own functions for decideDuration() and decideStartingMagnitude() and magnitudeOverTime() and inside those functions return whatever numbers you would like for each type of camera shake. You most likely want to do a small camera shake each time that the player fires a bullet - if its a bullet the player charged up, then do a bigger camera shake. You also may want a camera shake each time a bullet hits an enemy or object, and whenever the player gets hurt. And lastly a big camera shake anytime anything explodes. 

Again, sorry if this is too much info, and please don't take this as me not liking the game - I liked the game a lot and would like to see it get even better. I'd be happy to playtest if you make a new build. 


THANK YOU! thanks so much for all the feed back. so much to talk about, I played your game and I was impresed of the level of polish I liked the details of the particles and the camera shake. 

I definetly agree that the game needs some balance, I didn't have enough time and I'm planning to update that. Believe it or not the enemies used to respawn more quickly and you loose even more energy outside the light on earlier version jahaha. 

About the effects a particles, yes! there are a LOT of things that I wanted to add (animations and particles effect, hit effects and more) but I didnt actually thought about the camera shake, thats a great addition to make it feel so much more satisfying, thanks a lot for including a way to make it because I haven't done that before :)  

I really appreciate you taking the time to write all that, I'm going to make a version with some new stuff and without bugs, also I'll love to add more weapons and upgrades like movement and even shield, I have a lot of ideas for this.

Submitted (2 edits)

Great, let me follow you, and if you would like, I'll check out a new build if you put it up. My username is 'rsaamar' in the lost relic game jam discord, feel free to message me there.


Awesome! I'll  follow you too and let you know when I get an update version for this! thanks a lot, I'll send you an invite on discord as well. 


lol, the roaches are funny. Pretty fun game, I enjoyed it.


Thank you for playing and your comment :)


I would like to play for longer, but I'm starting to fatigue from all the short respawn timers.
Overall, very nice presentation! Could just use some more balancing.


Thanks for playing! I agree, I made some adjustments to the respawn timers but did't had enough time to balance it, I'll make sure to revisit that, thanks for the feedback.


Really liked this! At first I enjoyed exploding a cockroach from a distance, then nearly had a heart attack when another jumped out at me from behind a rock :D

Please put a horror tag on this game, its no simple space shooter... but did like exploding them definitely.


Haha the roaches, I messed up the rotation but the result is so fun! I wanted to add animation to the legs to made them extra creepy, probalby going to add that later, thank you!


Really just an overall nice game to play. Great job and a good submission to the jam. Well done!


Thanks a lot!

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

Hi. Its very good.  Polished. It's nice to play.


Thanks for playing and your comment :)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Movement felt very good and shooting stuff had a lot of juice to it. Clever use of the game jam's theme! Overall a more than worthy entry to the game jam. One small critique: if you force fullscreen, please let me exit with ESC.


Thanks a lot for playing the game and your comment. You are absolutely right, making it run on window would be an easy thing to do to give players option to close the game, but didn't occur to me 


Love the title screen! Also a fan of the art style. I experienced minor audio issues when shooting and would also like to see a pause menu implemented. It is satisfying to shoot things and fun to move around, very solid game!


Thank you very much! Yes I didn't polish the audio that much. Pause menu makes a lot of sense, I'll implement that for sure.


I hate roaches, but in a good way!  Very satisfying shooting at them. Good music and controls


Thank you! hahaha the roaches. I was going to fix the rotation but they move so funny! I decided to leave them like that.

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