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Virtual Nomad

A member registered Aug 19, 2019 · View creator page →

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nice little racer, ben. enjoying it so far and looking forward to more. 1 suggestion is to close the gap coming off turn 1 on Rotate 8 so we can’t get stuck/find our way off course which is easy to do when whipping around the curve image.png otherwise, good fun. thanks for sharing :)

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Congratulations, All! The Results reflect an exciting photo finish to the Jam and it’s been a pleasure participating in friendly competition alongside each of you and I thank you for that.

Where FUN is always paramount for me, I want to thank Rheia @ RheiaGaming for her wonderful Playthroughs and massive contributions to help form the small Community we’ve all enjoyed here and on Discord.

And, thanks to Robert for his help in spicing things up with Prizes @ along with TheGameCreators & AppGameKit Studio. Please do support these folks as they all truly support and inspire Indie Devs like us and have for many years!

Speaking of Prizes, the Cash is my own contribution and I want it shared in a fun, fair but meaningful way that exceeds what I originally offered, as follows:

🥇 $40

🥈 $30

🥉 $20

🏅 $10

I do hope you’ve all had some fun and made some connections that will enhance your creative endeavors as you all have for me!

Thank YOU!


thank you for the feedback, OC. and, i didnt realize there were keyboards that stopped at F10. i will account for that going forward as i want to make it more inclusive. Watch for a post-jam Update :)

otherwise, i acknowledge there is some disconnect in the controls/game overall as each minigame was developed separately and i tried to stitch them together as best i could to make it all feel properly “packaged” as one but did fall short. in the end, i’m happy to have provided some FUN and am enjoying the jostling competition on the leaderboards :)

thanks for your review and giving it a play :)

no problem and i’d love to play any of your games so please research how to export unity games properly so we can enjoy them.

i’ve followed you with the hope that you will someday make them available :)

i wouldnt have found this game without you. great vid, great little game, Dishcan :)

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and the final 2 vids:

Thank you, Rheia!

i’ve enjoyed it and hope you all have, too :)

nice playthrough + great minigames = i have ladders to climb. good work, ansel :)

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the embed isn’t working for some reason so maybe this will help:

meanwhile, i have ladders to climb :) nice work, isaac!

was worth the trouble if only for the crowd cheering me on :)

not sure why you’re yelling at me but:

well, i do wanna see what it’s like so do get it packaged up? at least you’ve knocked some rust off and i hope you keep it going. i’ve followed to keep an eye on that :)

WIN builds are acceptable, as well?

oh no!

Arrows + (either) Shift = “extreme”? alas, i’ve added controller support here in the 11th hour with the hope to provide a better play option :)

hi, OC. no idea if you’ve already begun on a submission or have knocked enough rust off to code 3 minigames in the final hours of the jam but i’m rooting for you. if it falls short of the requirements, submit it anyway where not all competitors “make it to paris”.

i watched some of the olympic trials and sometimes focused on those trailing the pack where all effort witnessed is inspirational to me. they knew they couldn’t make up enough ground to quality but left it all out there none-the-less. if it’s a true OlyGames effort, i want to see it!

hi, A_A and welcome :). if you have time to resolve the control issues, please do so we can better enjoy your submission?

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651kb exe with zero indication that it’s an OlyGame? it appears to be a unity project with missing files while purporting to contain a single minigame = DQ’d.

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ah i think it’s resolved SOMETIMES by pressing [R] to Reset. looking forward to climbing the leaderboards :)

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hi, A_A.

Cathleletes Of Olympia looks COO (get it? :) ) but once the starting gun fires, the cat lays down and nothing i do (WASD/Arrows+E) urges it up and into the race (all sports).

i know cats do what they want, when they want but am i missing something?


i’ll send one right away. please note that we recommend thorough handwashing of our sweaters soon after each performance!

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⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Best Friends!

As I passed the display some weeks ago, our eyes met & we smiled, knowing we’ve just found our new best friend. I even knitted my little chainsaw the cutest fuzzy sweater for those quiet brisk nights when we walk downtown!

We find small crowds there to perform for and when the music begins, it’s the grandest ballet as I spin and lead my partner firmly through the air, to-and-fro, again and again, before cheer echoes briefly in the streets.

Then, when the final note fades into moonlight and we’ve taken our bows, we can see from the glistening, unblinking eyes that we’ve touched their hearts in a special “forever” way. And, our own feel a warmth in being shared with them, too.

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another by RheiaGaming

OlyGame: Dinghy Sports

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always great to watch you climb the leaderboards. your skills are vast! thanks for helping Ralph live his dreams!

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Please share any Entry Playthroughs here.

I’ll start with this by Co-Host @RheiaGaming :)

OlyGame: Hamster Games

Be sure to Subscribe for more!

hi, reeveho.

submissions will be locked during the voting period. we want this to be a friendly jam but since there are prizes involved, the deadline is a hard one.

once the voting period has ended, feel free to update but do enter whatever you have completed beforehand.

Help Ralph fulfill his OlyDreams of competing in a variety of Sports/mini-games against others from around the World!

  • Skeet Streak
  • 60 Sec. Scramble
  • 50mm High Hurdle

Kickass Playthru by @RheiaGaming:

Available on WIN & Web:

Come Join the FUN!

did you know that Mr. Cookies has a cousin named Ralph who dreams big? Thanks for the inspiration :)

your emojis brought a bit of personality and fun to my Hamster Games and i thank you for that! :)

who said competition can’t be serene? short of memorizing the courses (if they are static), some on-screen feedback re: direction toward next off-screen gate or staging area would be nice. otherwise, gameplay is unique and i appreciate that some control remains in the water’s hands :)

great pack and Uplifter makes a great theme song for Hamster Games. many thanks!

Feedback to improve the game(s) welcome!