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Cursed RaceView game page

Race through the circuit
Submitted by VincentFoulon80 — 5 hours, 11 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Concept (gameplay)#912.4622.462
Cursed (theme)#912.3852.385
Presentation (visuals)#962.7312.731

Ranked from 26 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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I'm a bit prone to motion sickness and the rotating camera did make me feel a bit sick actually :D 

The game looks nice and the gameplay was good. I missed audio and would have loved to have some. But all in all a good submission that I enjoyed playing. 


Thanks for your comment !

A secondary camera mode by locking the rotation would be a nice addition, I just didn't thought about that.


Hey - really enjoyed playing through this - really fantastic first godot game/first game made! I think my main critical feedback would be to try to give the player a bit more warning about big turns (using arrows or the camera zooming out or something along those lines); I think this was done for some turns but it definitely felt like some of them had little warning. I think the addition of sound effects/music would elevate the experience a lot too.

Once again though, really awesome work. Congrats on the first game & jam submission!


Thank you ! I wish we could have more time to polish the game with sounds, minimap, etc.

We were not expecting that people would enjoy this game this much, now I want to make more ! ^^ Thanks for your feedback again !


I’m curious how you do the car physics in 2D top-down with Godot since my game also uses car physics but still in 3D 😣


In the most basic movements, the car accelerate and brake at different rates. In the game the brake force is stronger.

The pivot point is at the front wheels, and the  rotation force vary with the  speed. I used a second degree polynomial curve :


The resulting curve will be a float between 0 and 1. This value is a coefficient that will be multiplied with the real rotation speed. That mean the max rotation speed available is  when we are in the middle point between the max speed and 0.

But there is a twist: on the second half of the curve I add a "high speed rotation" value to the coefficient (0.3 is an acceptable value). The value is then capped at one.

The final curve is a standard growing curve until the middle point, where it keep at its maximum value for a while and then drop slowly to stop at the high speed rotation value.

I hope this explanation will help you with your 3D car physics :)

If you have any questions or if I didn't explain well some things don't hesitate to ask !


Thanks for the curve, that’s might help me to hack the steering. Will try to plot it this night to better understand it.

Ah yes, do you use RigidBody2D node? If yes, do you kill the lateral velocity too?

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

I used a KinematicBody2D for the car, and yes, I zero out the lateral velocity because when there is a collision the car is bumped away like a soap bar. Very funny though, a little less for the final user experience.

Developer (1 edit)

Thanks for your comments, Ganius Games, Tortle123 and jp00p. I agree with the three of you about the theme. The original idea was the car does not have brakes at all. We figured out that the game were missing something and quickly got boring. That's where we got the idea to implement several "curses". We also thought about implementing some sort of "possessed car" curse that would randomly turn the car but we found out it just wasn't fun enough and could ruin the gameplay.

It was fun to make though, we enjoyed playing around with the engine and hope we'll get better for the next jam :)


neat game, loved the concept, a bit more relation to the theme was needed perhaps


Nice game, assets, and I really liked the car controls, but I agree with jp00p! I wish there were more cursey elements. But great job, I really enjoyed it.


Not cursey enough!  Random car attributes are fun but they didn't feel like curses.


+ Nice game idea
+ Great use of assets

- No sound
- Hard to work out the objectives and curse while driving - maybe put them in one place?
- Got stuck with the no brakes curse and couldn't reverse


Thanks for your comment !

We got difficulties configuring the autotile feature of Godot so Jeremy decided to draw the map by hand, tile per tile.  We also got some troubles about missing matching road tiles so the circuit can sometimes feel a little bit "blocky".

We were kind of undecided about the UI layout and we finally chose this one because the objective wont block the player's view while driving and the curses are in front of the player so that he has the infomation near the critical part of the screen. The objectives were less important because they don't change between two playthrough.

The no brake and reverse bug was known, I admit, we were counting on the "die and retry" feel of the game and focused on other things.

The absence of music is due to the fact that we didn't prioritize it at all on the todolist and were scraped away with the approaching deadline.


Yeah I had issues with the auto tiling too... Can't get my head around bitmasks!


Man this is hard! I kept getting no brakes and running into something and getting stuck. I really like this idea. The curses and challenges were interesting, and I kept restarting to try and do it without any mess-ups. 

I think it might be easier if you could see more of the track, or maybe having a small minimap so you could see what is up ahead. Like on the part that mentioned the straight - away, I sped down that super fast but then it turned at the last second and I missed the time window.

Very cool and fun idea, thanks for sharing!


Thanks for your comment ! We are really glad you like our game ! :)

The minimap was planned but we did not have the time to implement it in the final release. We would like to implement more challenge types and even more curses but we have feature-locked the game early because of the approaching deadline ;)


Hey great job! Really liked the concept for this one - think it could have been improved by making the objectives a little more prominent, especially in regards to have you passed the objective or not. The way the camera follows the car was a little disorientating, a smooth follow might have been a little better. I also encountered a bug where the car could accelerate (often very quickly), without me pressing W.


Thanks ! I agree with you about the objectives not having some way of telling the player he got the objective or not.

For the camera I have configured some smoothing but I think that we got used to the way the camera moves and passed on this too early.

For the bug it's kind of strange, are you sure it wasn't a curse behind this ? (no friction for example) We didn't saw this while playing or maybe it's a web version exclusive bug feature ?

Again, Thanks for your comment !