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A jam submission

TeruelLoversView game page

Submitted by Javier Morales Dev — 3 days, 3 hours before the deadline
Rated by 24 people so far
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Godot Version

Wildcards Used
Transfer Takeover

Game Description
A top down shooter where you fight against hordes of different enemies

How does your game tie into the theme?
The story is based of a Spanish myth


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Participation Level (GWJ Only)
This is my first time

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The pause when you are attacking is too long. I liked the art and the music, and the basic concept of the game. I think if you want to stick to the one hit kills you, the enemies should have gone down with less hits too. Maybe the switching mechanic would have felt more valuable if you attacked the wings creatures with a bow that killed them in 1 hit, and if you attacked the ghost and rhino with the sword it was killed with 1 hit? 


Wow those really tiny chickens, bats and other really puny enemies can really take the player out in just 1 hit, eh?

I thought the switching character mechanic was interesting but it was rarely useful.

That's because they take so long to shoot the arrow, that I should be really far from any enemy first, then carefully aim it at an enemy.

The best I could get is to aim at a specific enemy with the arrow and then switch immediately to the knight and go directly to the enemy, with the arrow giving just one extra hit.

Overall I think it's a good submission but I wonder if restarting from just a one hit death and just having the score without much else like you have it now, might be an element that keeps the game too abrupt and very limited in how many times you can play it again and still find it fun. However, I think you did a really good job on this game!


the delayed animation is a nice touch for balance but and I like that the arrow still works against the other enemies just not as well, music is also great! could be expanded on in the future power ups and healing and stuff great game for the jam!


I really like the art, the music, the concept and the story. though i do have some small critiques:

> The sword sometimes feel very clunky and annoying to use especially since it doesn't seem i can slash upwards

> The attack animations feel kinda slow, not that big of a thing but still kinda annoying

> The fact that you're one-shot, its just annoying that one of them just gets a bit too close and then you're done

Overall though, very cool game i really liked the way you used the wildcard and how the game felt.

Well done, good game :D


TeruelLovers has a nice concept to it because I can control between the 2 characters and kill all kinds of enemies. I somewhat had trouble with pressing my mouse to attack sometimes because of the way the attacking cooldown works. I can still kill enemies without too much trouble but maybe the cooldown was a tad bit too long for me to attack another enemy that is close to me. The score and highscore is a nice feature, especially after I got killed by the enemies. The highscore saves my highest score and I play again to improve my score. Nice job making this game work!


Nice job, I like the little animals and character art. Some level design, an objective, or at least a leaderboard could make the game more appealing.

Submitted (1 edit)

I really like the characters but I also had a lot of trouble lining up those arrows, my guess is the dumb widescreen monitor messed up the math.  This was an issue with the web version, the downloaded version worked just fine.
 Would have loved to play with a gamepad.  Super happy you put a skip intro button so it's quick to retry.


I like the concept of switching between characters based on enemy types, that was really cool. I had trouble firing arrows with the archer character though, how does aiming work? It seemed to fire in a random direction


I had the same issue.  From another game, I realized that the web version can read the mouse position wrong, the download version aims as you would expect.


This was fun! I liked how hard it was and that you could change characters!


love the art style of the characters, and story concept!


great animations and controls!