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A member registered Jun 14, 2021 · View creator page →

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Hey didn't join the Jam but I'm always interested in 3D godot games, I liked the concept and in a week you guys got a lot done, if you continue adding a jump to the robots so its not so easy to cheese the pathfinding could be good, made it to level 16 before I killed myself with 9 splitters and 1 bomber, maybe I didn't notice but the explosions getting bigger with each bomber would be cool too. 

When it comes to Lag mine only really did for for 2 seconds which I would expect loading everything in that instant and then after that played fine, so Idk if my PC adjusted or what but it does seem intense at the start, having a menu while scenes/assets are loaded in the background could be a way to make that smoother for people at the start at least

Wow I actually had an idea to make a 3D version of a game similar to this literally have the project named Castle Defender ready to go for the next jam I do. This is cool and you got a lot done in a week, submitting at the final hour ! I hope you continue it!

the delayed animation is a nice touch for balance but and I like that the arrow still works against the other enemies just not as well, music is also great! could be expanded on in the future power ups and healing and stuff great game for the jam!

Top tier art. Easily the best stills in the Jam that I've seen. You got some skills!

Wow very creepy, spot on with the folklore theme, the music and even the little sounds here and there really sell the creepy vibe, the art style is very creative, stop motion always made me feel uneasy.. so I was sufficiently creeped out lol

The visual drum beats are a nice touch to tell the player where not to look, I visited Hawaii a few years ago and heard of this I think my friend said you were suppose to laydown and cover your eyes and let them pass or something, pretty spooky, actually so cool to see it as a game.

Nice simple fun, the graphics bringing a nice funny vibe. I got a score of 201 on the last night( I assume that night went on forever and it was how high can I get the score. The piano music in the menu is top tier btw. Good job submitting 10 hours before the dead line too!

nice fun game! made it right around ~2400m which felt pretty spooky, I had a strat where I rolled my sub along some terrain to get angled just right and once I got deeper that killed me lol, after reading some comments I'm guessing the gravity multiplier going up made my strat a death sentence lol fun game tho, I wonder if you secretly have a monster at like 5km  or something crazy.

2k and on if you don't have 4 flash lights you'll be having a bad time you can only see light sources that deep

Wow amazing! The art choice is great, and the music was really fun I could jam out to that song for a while. The polish on the game is really good too, any time I see a leader board I feel is above and beyond for a game jam. Also the silhouette scene was a nice touch of polish.

Yeah so I tried to make it a little puzzle but ended up making it VERY specific, basically you need to be a flat rock, become the medium rock between the ram and the platform, then go over to the much bigger rock on the left go back to where your flat rock is and become that rock. to make the jump... I didn't intend for the flat rock to be the only one that can make the jump but that's pretty much how it feels and even then its a small window lol But Thanks for playing! I'll for sure be updating it a bit after the jam

Very nice art ! Seems like sometimes I couldn't place the offerings once I picked them up. But nice game! the day/night cycle looks good with the lighting. Very polished 

Hope you continue this! there needs to be a resurgence of tactic games. Good job!

very cool! I've always liked the idea of trying to make a tactics game in godot.

I really like the style choice, the shader or whatever you are using to get that cell shaded heavy border effect is cool.  I'm not sure if I was able to dash through the fire or maybe I just take that hit, but slayed the dragon and stood over its corpse with my endless injuries. Amazing job for only a week of Godot!

* I had the same issue with web compatibility, its rough

Cool story, sells the vibe for sure, I got killed twice, rip,. I liked the PSX graphics look, and the audio is really well done, the noise of the storm, the talking, also I'll admit I was spooked by that  unnerving noise I heard before dying. 

* also screen where you show the jam theme and wild cards is nice, I'll probably start doing that for future jams!

Wow very impressive, playing all of the games in the top 10 and this should be higher on the list for sure great game, and a lot of mechanics implemented! 

Nice game! you really showed you dont need to go crazy with assets to tell a great story. The music really sold it for me too, very cool and fits the tone of the story.

Thanks for trying it out! On the actual game page we listed the controls in the game, we  didn't see a way to add them to the submission page
So if you don't know to click 'B' (a lot) then yeah you can only really spin around,  definitely still unfinished and unbalanced though so we will work on it in the future. 

  • mash B while in the market stand to make burgers (That's your ammo by the way)
  • WASD and mouse to move (W always goes to the cursor), 
  • LMB to shoot
  • hold M to open the buying menu and use the LEFT and RIGHT arrow keys to select which upgrade you want. Get $10 to upgrade either your ammo capacity or save up to $20 and build a turret! 
  • E to place turrets if you have them
  • SHIFT to sprint 
  • SPACE to jump....cause why not

We didnt get everything in we wanted so the menu screen is the splash screen and yeah currently there's no end to the game...

Nice the music really felt like I was being thrown back into the 90s.  The art has a nice old feel to it as well. Sometimes I think I clicked the wrong movie and it took me a moment to realize I could use the computer to just see what movie I had selected so nice design there.

**I did notice at first when I played the game I could only see the basket of movies spawning in and none of the background shelves or computer on the left loaded. I needed hardware acceleration on for my browser to render that stuff (which I should have had on anyways testing a bunch of web games) but just thought Id mention it in case others see that issue.

Very cool! I like the locked camera angle and the music. I felt like either the sword could be longer or the animation lock was shorter before you can move again after swinging, I found very hard to kill something without taking damage. Great game though ! 

Nice the music really felt like I was being thrown back into the 90s.  The art has a nice old feel to it as well. Sometimes I think I clicked the wrong movie and it took me a moment to realize I could use the computer to just see what movie I had selected so nice design there.

**I did notice at first when I played the game I could only see the basket of movies spawning in and none of the background shelves or computer on the left loaded. I needed hardware acceleration on for my browser to render that stuff (which I should have had on anyways testing a bunch of web games) but just thought Id mention it in case others see that issue.

Thanks for playing!  Yeah we may have rushed a bit at the end and didn't get a chance to really balance the game. It was suppose to give an almost stratagem (helldivers) feel, where you have to let go of the mouse and cant move to open the menu and buy something.. buuut overwhelming  is accurate lol

I think you can squeeze through the door as the first mouse and just win?, and  I with the pink mouse when you unlock the door theres another pink mouse, Im not sure I ever beat the game the way it was intended, resident evil camera was a nice touch to raise the difficulty lol

I think the game crashed when trying to exit but other than that solid game, very cool way to make something that seems simple tough

Same, was hard to play without reading the tutorial

very deep, joining the lost souls together that need help with linear algebra