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A jam submission

Static ClingView game page

Solve 21 levels of unique, electric puzzles!
Submitted by Team Bugulon (@TeamBugulon) — 26 minutes, 55 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Top Marks#1n/an/a

Ranked from 96 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The character can not survive without a connection to a wire or light bulb.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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you know what im gonna say

im just impressed of how well this game was made, how polished, how good were the puzzles. I'd be awesomed (if thats a word) of seeing new levels and mechanics on this game!


OMG!! This game is amazing. Such a cool and unique way of interpreting the theme of the game jam. I had lost of nostalgia when playing this game cus it reminded me of this very niche Batman game for Leapfrog called "The Batman: Multiply, Divide, and Conquer". So specifc, but this game is really fun. Can't wait to see this grow in the future.



Deleted 2 years ago

It should be illegal to make such polished games in game jams. Game jam games must suck! They need to be as buggy, unfinished and confusing as possible! How dare you publish a complete Nitrome-like game in under 48 hours??? You should be ashamed of yourselves)


One of the best games I've ever seen


Wow, just, wow.

I'm impressed on how good this game looks and plays! I've never seen such a style of game actually. The artstyle looks awesome. The only "negative" thing I realised was the difficutly curve. It wasnt really consistent in my opinion. The final boss had a good difficulty, maybe some indicators that the "ghosts" are coming. for me, I was focused on the boss itself and didn't realise those coming from above. Maybe in the screen of the boss. Overall pretty solid. I would've bought it if I foundit in Steam or something. You did an awesome job in those 48hours.


The sheer amount of content, style, clever design, polish... just... wow.

I cannot fathom making something this well-assembled within 48 hours, even in my wildest dreams.

This is absolutely, utterly nuts. You people are geniuses. 

Enjoy your top 20!


Yep, this is the most polished game I played during the jam!
Awesome work everyone of you!

Don't really have any negative to say, maybe some puzzles over stay a bit but that is just nitpicking!

Submitted (1 edit)

wow. Just wow. It's amazing how much you got done, obviously, but also how polished and fun it is. Many jam puzzlers suffer from either too much difficulty or too much repetition, but  every puzzle here is a quick "aha" moment and then it moves on to the next beat. If I had to come up with a criticism it would be that certain levels lacking a checkpoint made re-doing them slightly tedious, but I can also see how you'd want to have dying come with more of a risk during some of the platforming. There's a minor improvement to be made there to balancing.

Every member of this team is exceptional. Kudos on a guaranteed spotlight!


It's definitely one of the most polished game of the jam. It looks and feels like a finished game, with an incredible amount of content. Just amazing work, you're definitely going to the top 100, and most likely to top 20 !

The only thing I see a little bit lacking is the pacing, it felt like most of the levels just played themselves and I only were a spectator, the next step always felt obvious, which is great for tutorial levels, but not for the whole game. The only moment where it felt different is on the very last levels, where while the levels still felt a bit on rails, the purple gas mechanic felt a bit too frustrating, as it allowed absolutely no error. But the very last level was really enjoyable, it forced improvisation in a way no other level did. And the boss is really too punishing to be fun.


Great work! Just like everyone else said. This is amazing for 48 hours!


Looks, great guys phenomenal job, great one :D


This is absolutely amazing, and it’s mind-blowing how much effort everyone in the team put into creating such a polished and fun experience! Kudos to everyone!


Definitely a very polished and unique game, I managed to get through all of the levels except for the final boss which I found to be very difficult compared to the rest of the game. The puzzle design is great and the way that many of the mechanics were introduced is genius. The art, music, and sound effects were of extremely high quality as well. Great work all!

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