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Spirit GuideView game page

You are a Spirit from the Spirit World, interacting with the beings in the realm of life, as you quest for more power!
Submitted by mbalrog6 — 14 seconds before the deadline
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Ranked from 62 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Kinematic Controller, MidJourney to create most the art.

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A really interesting mechanic here!  Totally understand the overscoping problem but hope you come back to this for more levels because there's definitely room for more puzzles.  I was also amused that I could die in the game over screen :)

Is this the controller you were using?  Movement was very smooth, so I'm genuinely interested for future projects.


Yes, I did allow for death in the GameOver screen because I did not have time to disable it in that screen. I submitted with 14 seconds to spare. Your comment definitely brought a smile to me. Yes, that Kinematic Controller from the asset store is what I used. It use to be a $50 asset then Unity bought it out, they made it free. It is a very good controller, It is meant for 3d but I just froze the z axis and restricted movement of all my 3d rigidbodies to the x, y plane and froze rotation in everything but the z axis. 


Oh, I hadn't thought about locking those planes/axis - clever!


This was really slick! Love the concept, and pretty well executed! I got stuck on the second level lol, but that is because I am soft of brain. 

a shame you didn't get the chance to polish it more, there is a lot of potential! would've love to see more! well done!


It is not that you have a soft brain. I realized I was only going to get 2 levels and had to cram more then I should of to introduce new mechanics in the second level. It seems I put to much to fast in that level. It is entirely my fault. Thanks for playing and all the nice complements.


Loved the art, it's very cool that you're using AI to help with quick game creation. The background switching mechanic was really cool, there's a lot of potential for puzzle-solving there. Floating and flying around felt super cool, and I like that its duration was indicated by the visual effect, very cool. Good work with the voice acting, too, it helped sell the experience. 

I unfortunately didn't get very far though, I wasn't able to solve the puzzle in the second room, I'm not sure if I was supposed to move that idol up to the upper barrier or if there was something else I was supposed to move, but either way I couldn't get it to work. :(

I'll probably go back again later and try some more though, the aesthetics and presentation are worth the asking price.


You are good. The idol is not needed in the second part of that level. It has more to do with dimension shifting to solve. Good luck if you go back and try again. It was a good experience I had with MidJourney. I will say it is better at making the props and platforms then at trying to get it to help with character stuff. Though, it is really good at giving you character concept art or silhouettes. This means you can use it as a spring board if you were stuck on how to design a character. Thank you for your awesome reply!


feels like a blackthorn prod game kind of. pretty neat using Midjourney to make the backgrounds. 


Yes, I thought of the sprite masking because I have seen Blackthron prod do it before. That is a good catch. I have been wanting to see if I could use AI to help me create some art. I found out that it is great at getting you 3/4 to 4/5 the way there for prop assets. It is not good at making characters. It is super good at spring boarding your concept art ideas however. 


Beautiful art, and a neat idea with these energies if perhaps a bit complicated for a game of this scope! Tricky puzzles, and this game is one reason why I really need to get a controller :) Very well done!


Thank you very much for playing and giving me your feedback. This is the first time I have tried to make my game controller friendly. If you do decide to get a controller and you are in the USA, I recommend the "EasySMX Wired Gaming Controller, PC Game Controller Joystick with Dual-Vibration" only $20 USD in the states from amazon. I like being able to use it for games that play better with controllers.


Yeah I miss out on quite a bit of games wo a controller. Thanks for the recommendation. I am not in the US, but they do ship to Norway :)


Very nice the dimension shift effect, a fun puzzle game!

Commands are a bit confusing, it took me a while to figure out to press "Space" to have the doll moving in my direction, maybe some visual clues could help players figure out how to interact with their surroundings. With some more polish I could see this turning into a full game. :)

Nice job!


That shader and mask effect look great!


Thank you, I appreciate the feedback. I just started doing the Shader stuff this last week. I am happy it turned out well and that people are liking it. 


This is such a cool idea!! The energies were quite trick and it would be nice if it showed on screen so I didn’t have to scroll down all the time. They were also a little tricky to get the hang of but I still really enjoyed it!


Thank you for playing my game. I am glad you enjoyed it. 


I love the visuals and aesthetics!! The "manifest" effect is so freaking cool looking. I liked the mechanics but I got stuck for a bit on the second stage. It took me a long time to realize that tiny little object before the blue haze was un-polarizing me, I only noticed it because I tried activating my power and then saw it move and was like "oh there's an object there". 


Thanks, I am glad you like the effects. I had planned on adding a particle effect that indicated when something affected your energy. So that there would be some more feedback on it. I envision like sparkles that went from the object to you, or visa versa. It definitely would have helped or maybe a glow from the statue. Thanks for the feedback. 


Very ambitious and interesting. I thought the game has a bunch of potential. I bit confusing, but I understand the time crunch. I think I bugged the game out after the first portal. The guy you need to collect negative energy died somehow and then I couldn't get past the barriers.


So they can fall off the edge and die if they fall to far. It can only happen when approaching them with the opposite energy type as their aggressive state for the dark guys and the flee state for the good guys stops checking for the ground. I was think that could be used for a puzzle but did not get that far. I am guessing you approached him with a light charge while he was near the edge. That or he bugged and missed the physics check for the ground.  Thanks for playing it.


Very ambitious and interesting. I thought the game has a bunch of potential. I bit confusing, but I understand the time crunch. I think I bugged the game out after the first portal. The guy you need to collect negative energy died somehow and then I couldn't get past the barriers.


Its not bug free but its a very lovely game and I like the mechanics that were implemented. I think you did a good job guys.


Thank you for playing. I did not have time to test a WebGL build. I did the WebGL build 30 mins before submission, plus I knew there were some bugs I just could not get to them in time, but figured it was mostly playable. I appreciate your feedback.


Well done really liked the power ability and the art


Thank you, I am glad you liked the power ability. The art was mostly and MidJourney. 


The shaders are awesome, the visuals are great(can't believe most of it is made by ai!) but this kind of game definitely needs a tutorial. It seems you tried to add too many mechanics, and all those mechanics are just in your head, I cannot automatically understand what do with this little feedback. I also read the mechanics but still  couldn't figure out how to progress. Next time, just make sure to add a tutorial


I just saw your reply to one of the posts below, I think this jam doesn't block you from updating your game(at least on you should learn if you can add a version with the tutorial texts, and then I will make sure to play it again!

Developer (1 edit)

I added some tutorial text and some visual feedback to a moveable object. It might be better now. You may want to turn down the music and up the SFX. I added speech audio to go with the tutorial text. 


I agree whole heartedly. It needs some explaining to get the mechanic's down. I added the mechanics got them working but there were issues that took more time then expected. That's the story with all games right, well that should not be an excuse but it did mean that the level crafting got left till the very end. It will see about putting in those tutorial blurbs as soon as possible. 


Very atmospheric not my sort of game tho :(


Great vfx, sfx, and music, and great aesthetics, but the mechanic is a little bit confused, but generally great job.


Thank you I am glad you liked the aesthetics, sorry the mechanic's were a bit confusing. 


Really nice art style and I like the bubble effect for handling the different dimensions.


Thank you, I really appreciate that. I used a sprite mask, on three circle sprites that warped into ellipses of slightly different sizes. Then I spin them different directions at different speeds. This gave a kind of warble effect on the edge.


The mechanics are super cool and the game is fun to play.
I really liked it!


Thank you for the nice comments. 


This is really cool and fun though it was hard as heck, I kept struggling with the power mechanism and tried to go the wrong way at first, but that's all user error. Beautiful art, I wanted more levels but I understand the time crunch!

Would love to see your thoughts on my submission if you have a chance. Very well done!


Probably not user error, I ran out of time an did not get to put the  tutorial comments in on my first two levels, which were there to help introduce you slowly into needing to use the powers. However, without those comments, it is likely a bit rough. Thank you for playing it! I did enjoy your game, Nice work!

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