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A really interesting mechanic here!  Totally understand the overscoping problem but hope you come back to this for more levels because there's definitely room for more puzzles.  I was also amused that I could die in the game over screen :)

Is this the controller you were using?  Movement was very smooth, so I'm genuinely interested for future projects.

Yes, I did allow for death in the GameOver screen because I did not have time to disable it in that screen. I submitted with 14 seconds to spare. Your comment definitely brought a smile to me. Yes, that Kinematic Controller from the asset store is what I used. It use to be a $50 asset then Unity bought it out, they made it free. It is a very good controller, It is meant for 3d but I just froze the z axis and restricted movement of all my 3d rigidbodies to the x, y plane and froze rotation in everything but the z axis. 


Oh, I hadn't thought about locking those planes/axis - clever!