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A Bullet Hell In Which Your Biggest Enemy Is Yourself
Submitted by Zelger98 — 1 hour, 8 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 14 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Are you using any third party assets?
I made everything during the jam

Are you using any AI generated assets?
No AI everything done by hand :D

Did you use BulletFury?


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Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

As music producer I can say that music is awful


As a non music producer I can say it is fine for a first time. 


The game's super fun, the levels give you plenty of way to be creative about where you'll hide and use the rebounds to kill your enemies, and the different enemies are a real (different) threat so you really have to as you're reaching the last levels.


Very nice UI and bouncing bullets mechanic! An endless mode to riddle the screen with my own bullets would be neat.


Wow, that's a great idea.


I had this same exact consequence idea in mind but my teammates shut me down D:

You seem to have made that concept work great as every upgrade also contributes to your own demise! However, in terms of gameplay loop and pacing, I felt that the game starts way too slow as I didn't start seeing enemies on my screen till way farther into the game.

Developer (1 edit)

You mean the enemies walk too slow? Or are their spawns too slow?

Submitted (1 edit)

A mix of them spawning too far, your projectiles flying too far (makes sense though cause you do want them sometimes ricochet back at the player), and enemies spawning with low HP. This picks up later but early on I felt like I was just spawn killing everything. Them spawning too slow and the density of them is probably also a factor.


I felt like for a game jam the difficulty should be low so that the most people could enjoy the concepts and I tried giving the player some time to get used to the RICOCHET mechanic. I also made enemies move twice as fast when off screen.


Really good game. The rebound mechanic is a great idea, art is cute, sound design is cool, UI is awesome and the gameplay with powerups feels rewarding. Enemies design is really good, I enjoyed last level enemies a lot (shielded guy and tanks). Great job!


- get ricochet or infinity / - shoot everywhere / - everyone dies

Cleared level 4! it's quite satisfying to listening enemies's death sound effects.

though the game freezes when I try to play level 5... (maybe WebGL issue?)

Anyway I really enjoyed the experience. Nice concept!


Many thanks for the feedback! I forgor to add level 5 to the build setting so it is unplayable right now :(

Jam Host

Doing God's work finding submissions to disqualify 🫡 I'll give this a go later but wanted to thank you!


I enjoyed this a lot. The combination of the rebound mechanic, rouge-like upgrades, and being able to roam around a large level makes it stand out from other bullet-hells. The polish on the UI is also outstanding




Did more damage to myself than the enemies 10/10 😎👍


That's the point :D


Good fun, well done!


I am my own worst enemy. -> This is how I would sum it up. :D very polished game, I liked it, nice graphics and music. Of course, the first thing I did was hit myself. I enjoyed myself. Also - very good UI


o, i meant to comment here and not the main page lol. i like it!! :3 good wibbly wobbly animations. the textures a shimmer a little tho. like on the edges of the walls it appears the antialiasing is doing something weird when the camera moves. (i played the webgl version). good job overall tho!!


Nice entry! I had fun with it.


Glad you liked it!


Nice submission! I like how you have to switch back and forth between shooting and playing it safe to avoid the storm of your own bullets. Enemy design was great, fun animations and good looking bullets. Dog mech in level 2 was creepy and wrecked me. Upgrade system felt good but wish it carried over between levels so i could continue a specialized build, although I don't know how that work factor in to the replayability of the levels. Overall, great job!


Thanks for the feedback :D. The "dogs" name is grizzbot.