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A member registered Jun 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Aye pretty good attempt at castlevania. Movement felt similar with that clunkiness, but it's actually much more fluid from what I remember. The crouch unfortunately felt very useless as it didn't really work against any projectiles, nor did it really prevent you from getting knocked back.

Awesome game, love the boss fight even though the nes would probably chug if it threw that many enemies at you lol

Love the aesthetics which greatly represents the early nes era of games. The audio of the enemy's death got quite a jump out of me though lol

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Sweet power-ups (pure yellow is absolutely busted). I was hoping for a few more bosses to test them out against, but otherwise I had fun. Also ++points for not making spikes instant kill.

Love the presentation. It's unfortunate it's so short D:

Sweet game yo

Kuro just might be composed of 99% rubber ball

Unfortunate cursor bug but nice arts nonetheless

Sweet animations, especially when you tumble off the edge, haha

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Authentic nes experience that includes the grind, difficulty, and experience of dying a billion times at level 1. Love the arts and music too! If there is one thing I'd like to see added is a general continue screen as I keep forgetting to save and getting thrown back quite a few levels.

Love the arts and the music is kick-butt. Unfortunately, I ran into some crash after opening my inventory and equipping an item D:

One problem with that second level is I couldn't find a way to reset after draining the battery, but otherwise a great concept to expand on.

Im out here getting munched on by fish while my co-worker is just sitting there browsing reddit.

The chair was the real mvp by helping me identify what buttons to push as you can see the outlines through it.

This mad man out here drifting the heck out of that scooter

Tree secured

those damn spiders keep magnetizing to my face

Good amount of mechanics and I think you've set yourself a nice base to expand upon if you choose to do so. Oh, and I read the book so ++points ;)

sweet game and I love the retro beats

Kinda got stuck but I assume there's a way to scale the box bigger if you can scale it smaller.

No clue if it's a resolution issue, but obstacles kept appearing way below my dude so I didn't even need to jump ;p

Pretty smooooth for your first jam.

sweet beats robo pal

I love me card games and I wished this could have been expanded a bit more out cause my deck was looking sick.

Pretty good idea with the mechanic and I dig it, but the recharge time while holding teddy is a tad slow compared to how fast your meter does decrease. Also ++points for british teddy.

literally me

You may have lost the game, but you'll always be a winner to me. <3

Oh damn, pretty big scope for such a small amount of time

No one can beat my score of negative 750

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Interesting idea but damn I'm bad at the timing. I also killed the enemy's mothership on my first shot... which apparently is an instant game over D:

Pretty neat concepts with juggling the solutions. The transition between levels after meeting the objective does seem a little slow though.

I peed a little when space dogo appeared

Forget virus, invest in burger.

What a cute critter!

I'm not going to say that opening doors to random space entities is the greatest idea I've had, but they seemed so friendly.

Love the vibes. Really fits the theme of the jam pretty well.

The concept of this game is all over the place, rofl

Oooh I love the idea of this one. It's actually pretty dang fun when it gets more challenging, though it takes a little while to get there (but understandable)

Poor potato bro just need a little bit of sunshine

Great music and I love the arts.