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A jam submission

LastStandView game page

Submitted by GoldenRusher — 13 hours, 33 minutes before the deadline

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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Game Design#1233.7263.726

Ranked from 95 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

In what way does your game fit the theme?
Its a bullet hell type of game, which requires players to make split second decisions and therefore is chaotic.

Did you write all the code yourself and made all the assets from scratch?
Everything is made by me, except music which authors are in the description.

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Fun game :) 

I'd consider adding a small delay on the shop and the ready popup as a safeguard for those trigger happy people like me. I lost the opportunity to buy/upgrade just before the boss fight which left me ill-prepared to take on such a challenging task.


Thanks for the replay, After the jam ends i will add this feature, sorry for that i had little time left and couldnt implement it fast enough 

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

I liked the game a lot! But it's prety hard, so I can't experience everything it has to offer. Maybe make an easy mode. Also make sure to normalize the input so you don't go faster diagonally. And the auto collect of power ups would also be nice. I also find it weird that the dash goes in the look direction and not the move direction. A longer dash would also be better. Cool bullet hell game with lots of replayabillity!


Thanks for the feedback, after the jam i will continue to work on the game and i may possibly add easy mode for less experienced players, I will also try to add other things you talked about, again thanks for replay ^^


pretty fun game, and the players speed was spot on! the shop was great too and the upgrades were nice. Great game!


Thanks for the repley, glad you liked it ^^


Ahh the fun of good old bullet hell style games :). Just keep running and shooting!! :D
Took me a while to get through to wave 5, but those attack made short work of me :P. Think i need to dash better :).
Great job bringing this together by yourself in a week. Well done!


Glad you like it, i was trying to not make it too easy and might have made it a lil too hard ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This game has a lot more depth and progression than I initially thought. There are a significant amount of unique weapons and upgrades. I got to the first boss but I wasn't good enough to get past him. 

A game like this could benefit from a more closed area, along with unique enemy types. That being said, the submission was a fully fledged experience with solid graphics, music, and gameplay. I'd love to see the game get expanded on!


Hi I plan to expand upon my game and maybe someday reales it as fully made Indie game, and after the first boss there are 5 more enemy types!  Again thank you for feedback and thanks for playing^^


I like your game , keep going up!


I will try to, Thanks for Playing ^^

Good job, it was fun to play


Thanks glad you liked it


Actually a really fun game loved every second of playing it, and the game looks fantastic (if you made the assets it looks soo good)!


Thanks, again Im so glad ppl like the game i made, all the assets except music and fonts are made by me, it makes me very happy to see players liking the 8-bit pixelart


I loved it, max score is 62000. One suggestion would be in non-boss areas I can go in a straight line and shoot backwards easily, a mechanic that will discourage that will make the game much more interesting in my opinion.


Thanks for the feedback, i see where you are coming from, I will remember to add it in the next update^^

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

It's really fun and I like the graphics. Good job!


Thanks glad you like it ^^


I love the lighting and the everything has a loomy type of feeling, very nice game!


Glad you like it!


Hey Golden! Congrats on finishing and submitting!

I see you were able to incorporate some of the feedback from the stream, nice! The enemies were a lot easier to react to with a slightly brighter screen and the ability to hold the mouse button instead of spamming clicks was a welcome quality of life change. 

I got to the 2nd boss (wave 10?). Progress seems a little slow, which is fine. However, you can still accidentally shoot the next level marker at the end of a wave. This happened to me multiple times in both runs I made, meaning I missed getting to upgrade my weapon when I had the money to do so. That felt pretty not great. The bosses could use a health bar or less health. They're a little long.

I really appreciated the enemy variety. They were small variations, but they made a huge difference. The start of each wave is super chaotic, but once you manage to wrangle them into a pack, it becomes a lot more manageable. It gives the game a nice peak and valley flow to the combat. You start with little control and work to gain control so you can finish the wave. Super well done. And I love the sprite art :)

Good job!


Hey CFHM, Im glad you like the changes, I tried to implement as many of your ideas as i could, but i didnt had enough time to implement timer for the next wave marker, i will try to fix it in the next updated version after the jam, Thanks again for the feedback  ^^


Wow you wrote everything i think about the game. \(^▽^)/


The graphics is cool and I liked the game :)


Thanks, Glad you liked it


Hi, well done. It feels kinda boring when the enemy hits you and i didnt realise that i lost almost all my health. looks very epic tho!

Would be awesome if you could play & rate my game aswell! Thank you, tiimo :3


Thanks for the reply i will try your game soon ;)

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Hey nice entry! One tip - you can clamp the magnitude of the move input vector so when you move diagonally it's not faster. Unless that was intentional then good cos it meant I could outrun the enemies :D


It was not intensional but thanks for the feedback will try to fix it later ^^


Very fun, i like sounds.




The gameplay is nice but a bit repetetive. Its extrememly polished. Well done!


Thanks for your feedback, I will try to make it less repetetive in the next update if i ever make one ^^


Enjoyed this, but im gonna add onto JuliusCube's comments.

  1.  Audio was a bit quiet for me even at full.
  2.  Art was really nice, the lighting really made it stand out.
  3. If you are going to work on it more, maybe add more of a "kick" to the guns, either launching you back or launching the enemies back. 
  4. The boss fight was kinda difficult, i know thats the point but i simply couldnt really see him at any point ahah, if thats intentional then ignore me!

Glad you like it, again i will take all the feedback into considiration when making an update for this game.


this game is my favoutite so far the enemies are so hard


Im glad you like it ^^


I found this really fun! Just a couple things I want to say:

  • Could you have made this more unique? There are probably a lot of bullet hell games like this one in the jam
  • I really liked the art! Also, make the coins look less like enemies like CFHM said on his stream. 
  • Could you have made it more obvious that the health/shield pickups are helpful and not just enemies/particles?

Other than that I don't have much to say.


Thanks for the feedback i will remeber to add/fix all these things is the nest version of it after the jam.

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