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A member registered Jul 08, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

I dont think its weapon based, i think its because you need to hold E and we forgot to specify. Let us know if it persists (if you try again!) Thanks for playing

(edit, this issue has been fixed and will be published when the jam is over :) )

thats odd. Well there's a download available also. 

No problem, I really appreciate you coming back to play more!

there are further hints below the game if you get stuck

a door opens to another room, find it and you'll find an altar. There's only one object in that room, but you'll need two of them for the altar to accept it :)

that's awesome I'll have a look.

And yeah, I should've mentioned the interaction issue. With the fuse box for example we couldn't use E because the sink below it can be interacted with too. I'll add a disclaimer. 

hello thanks for playing. You can find hints in the description of the game, the wrench is on the floor in the "bookcase room" :)

yeah I got the rival twice in a row so I lost, but I played again and won so it's all good!

haha okay thank you. Honestly I tried getting myself stuck there immediately after you posted a comment and I couldn't do it haha

totally agree with your comments, we should have changed this near the end. Apologies that it was confusing, thank you for playing through!

The art is cool and the effects reflect it, well done

This is great, nice work on the puzzles and the art involved and of course the audio fits perfectly

I'm not even sure how this happened, the game goes much further than this point as you havent yet completed the third puzzle...

We tested extensively and couldnt get stuck here. By chance, was this in the browser or on the exe version?

Cheers for playing!

This is a totally unique take and I really like it

This was hilarious, nice job

It felt a bit meh until you got the gun, it feels so impactful the visuals are great. If you really made all these models, that is impressive.

Walking was a bit slow and it would be nice if the camera followed the character :)

This isn't bad, The graphics are unique and the concept is very cool. 

I spent way too long playing this, its amazing. Nice job. So well made and polished

This is so cool, its well made too!

i really like this, it could be so much better with improved graphics. Felt fun and interesting!

This was alright though Im not sure it was really fitting the theme, what does faith do?

This game is brilliant and it took a few tries. My first go was impossible as I gained no followers for two events in a row and lost shortly after.

Have to agree that the lack of reloading visibility was annoying but it was cool otherwise!

This game is weird to say the least but highly amusing, nice work

I really liked this, the art is incredible and I really wasn't expecting it to be a 3D one. My game did eventually crash in webGL but thats my fault for not wanting to download.

If i could suggest somethin, a skip dialogue button. I dont want to ignore it, but I dont want to wait for it to finish typing either lol :)

These are some good puzzles that led to some good laughs, nice work

Interesting idea, kept losing my food to pesky snakes. Good job!

I'll admit i didnt bother with the how to play section but I understood after 13 in game days before i shortly succumbed to a bear attack. Very innovative theme here, nice job!

Very cool, love the art style and how smooth everything feels

Ah my bad, its a tough one. I've added hints to the description of the game, hope this helps if you play again

thanks! And yeah, but in the end it is more of an escape room style game and we really didn't want to give the player everything. You're supposed to click around to find out what you can and can't interact with. You're supposed to walk up to objects and see if you can carry them. 

Did you manage to finish the story? If not, where did you get stuck?

I should add, the fuse box is above the sink

ah, well after the power goes out you're instructed to go to the fuse box in the kitchen. It says follow the blue wire, which can be seen running along the wall at the top.

Does this help?

hey, there is a tutorial but it's very brief. I agree it could be improved but I didn't have a lot of time. Thanks for giving it a go

oh of course I'm not upset about it or anything I'm just excited on your behalf that yours is so good!

That was epic, good job.

It was tense as hell near the end. The last enemy drew an attack with 3 damage and so did I (randomly with only 3 attacks / 6 cards), I only had 3 hearts and he only had 2. I was actually worried I'd get that far and lose.

This is a great game, well polished and the concept / theme implementation is fantastic - way better than my own submission. Can't praise it enough. I don't often play until the end of a game!

Nah you're right, you cant, the idea is the AI is learning, so it will not accurately reflect your lever's positions. It will try to lower or raise a value for you but it isnt precise. If I had made less combinations, it would've been more fun I think. Teaching them to learn dishes means they will recommend dishes which are worth more, straight away. But with 256 possible dishes, its basically pointless.

Live and learn, I'm glad you gave it a shot

Locking one or two is a good idea. I should've done that. I agree the bars at the back should be in the right order. They aren't massively important to gameplay but I get its confusing

Thank you

Ohhh do you mean the levers?