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Bound in the Wizard's SchemeView game page

Due to some kind of sorcery, you are no longer welcome among your own kind.
Submitted by Pusio — 1 day, 18 hours before the deadline
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Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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AI of enemy beasts, especially when boss decides to destroy all decorations because a fruit is stuck behind a tree.

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Aww poor little purple kitty :( Cool game by the way ;)


Nice game, enjoyed playing it.  Great story and nice intro.

Found it a little too hard though, once an animal had spotted you it was almost impossible to break free and it's game over. I also didn't know how much health I had, so it would be cool to perhaps have a hud element or health bar to show that.

Good concept and I like what you did to fit the theme, great job :)


Hi, really cool game, I found it quite hard but it fits perfectly the whole concept. You nailed the theme of the jam in my opinion, and gave more of a sad interpretation, I went for a darker one in my game. Very sad and rough game. I like the art style and the combat being very difficult at the beginning.

Well done and good luck with it <33333


This game is really addicting. Well done, really liked it!


Really enjoyed this game! Intro was super sad, but then once I realized I had to take things into my own hands I started being the destroyer of nature and just went full rage against that first tree. Oh boy  was I disappointed when I saw a bunch of  other creatures rush to grab the fruit I had spent SO much time getting down that tree. Screw them, I just started attacking all of them. That pretty much summed up my first play through...

Second attempt, family still angry at me for no reason, that's alright I don't need them. Finding some fruit, other rabbits rush it that's alright I'll share... That's until I found those sneaky snakes, what is wrong with you guys, can't we just get along? I guess not... I took one down, then had that snake's brothers come and chase me down - that's allright I'm not afraid I'm just running in the opposite direction until I find my kind. That's right, you wanted to take me 2v1, how about we take you down 3v2! Good meat, nice taste, I'm starting to grow up a bit... I'm now feeling confident to wonder further... Maybe too confident, as I'll end up becoming dinner for a few wild boars down the road. That was my second play through...

I played that game a bunch of times, and really was impressed by the depth of it, the various rich behaviors, the grindy path to becoming more powerful, all within some very cute pixel art and a nice well-themed melody.  Really great game!


Very nice graphics! I got killed a couple of times tbh, but had a good time


Very cute game, poor little dude(Me dying alot was my own fault(i am just bad at the game maybe next time i wont die as quick xD)


I must admit, I kept playing this much longer than I intended. Ocelot king seems to be a bit overpowered compared to other three, but otherwise it is a great game, well done!


I felt a little sorry for the main character :(

The gameplay was different to other games in this Jam...I like that. And it's really cool that the camera slightly moves with the mouse

Great job here !

The unique graphics and calm music allowed me to get lost in the game for over forty minutes, running around, devouring all the fruit I could find. The lack of UI and clear objective made me lost at first, but with time I realised it gave me freedom to do what I wanted. And so I began pulling spiders into bears, cats into spiders, staying close enough to snatch their meat once they are defeated, but far away so that I don't get struck down by the enemies. I want more :) 


Had no idea what to do for a while, so I just ran around hitting trees and eating fruit. Then I saw that the other animals attacked each other and also interacted with the environment themselves, and realised this game was much deeper than it looked (inspired by rain world?). I loved how if someone is chasing you, you can get some other animal to fight them. My only issues would be that the progression is a little slow, and a clearer visual indicator for my health would be nice.


man, i had no idea what i was supposed to do. i just got killed by everything. skill issue i guess


If you play it fast you will lose. If you chill, take your time to scavenge for food and grow up a bit you can start challanging normal monsters. Or you could pull the enemies to attack each other, because every faction of beasts is enemy of the other faction. You can also pull bosses to kill eachother.


Cute sounds and visuals, although it's sad this little guy has to kill its own family :'(


Wow, that was weird.