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A member registered Jun 22, 2019 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Oh by the way I’m curious about how you implemented the particle streams specifically the collisions. For my game I first wanted to detect collisions with the flame particles, but it didn’t seem possible to get some sort of collision info from the GPUParticles3D, understandable since this runs as GPU code it can be hard to get this back to the CPU. So I just tweened an Area3D mimicking the visuals.

I glanced over your code under scenes/collisions but it’s a bit late, I’m too tired to properly understand something that complex 😅 You compute some sort of collision area based on the positions of the particles? I’ll take a look at the project tomorrow it’ll probably make more sense with the full picture.

Hi I struggled a bit to get things started but you can watch my playthrough here

(Valve Index on Windows) I had to recenter my play area because the broom spawned outside for some reason things were weird. I think I have to redo my room setup now 🥲

I had to stop at some point because of motion sickness, I gotta work on getting my body/brain used to this kind of experience. And I had played the Syneed one before which was also bit motion-sickness/weird-feeling inducing 😅

But nice game overall and probably really fun for the VR gamers who can take it. I remember playing a bit of “V-Racer Hoverbike” on Steam which is similar.

Hi there! The boss-fight was really cool haven’t played a VR game like that before. Hope other players do try it and don’t miss it.

I played your submission during my stream you can watch the playthrough here

I had some trouble with the gun orientation not aligning with my hand properly and had some trouble understanding the rules of the game exactly (what do I hit on the enemies? should I dodge with my head/body or is my hitbox the gun? etc).

And cool a e s t h e t i c s, kinda synthwavey (❤️)

Hey there I played your game during my playtesting stream you can watch it here

It was a really original and cool idea! Got caught off guard having to sing live 😄 I do sing as a hobby (mostly Metal, both clean and saturated voice) but am a bit out of practice for some time now. Good polish overall and actually got a lil jumpscare at the end.

I actually wanted to include a similar mic feature in my own submission to make people do like a “HAAA!” in sync with their punches to increase the power of their flames (I think it’s called “Kiai”? I have never done martial arts).

And uuuh.. don’t mind me making a reference to a famous French comedy sketch near the end in freeplay mode. It’s about monks making cheese with… a special kind of “milk” 🗿

Hey I tried playing your game but unfortunately couldn’t get it to work. I just get a black screen. Can see what happens here:

(Valve Index on Windows)

Hi there I played your submission during my stream you can watch the playthrough here

I struggled a lot with flipping the pages of the book, I’m not sure if it’s bugged or if I just didn’t understand the motion needed. Valve Index on Windows btw.

Otherwise cool idea and nice models/art style! I liked the concept of being “buried” in the moundcastle.

Hi I tried playing your game with my Valve Index on Windows but it didn’t want to start due to the permissions check :/ Not sure if it’s easy to fix but if you do I can try again. You can check this video to see what happens:

(4 edits)

Hi there I tried your game during my playtesting stream you can watch the playthrough here

I completely failed to understand you had to grab the balls with just the trigger so I kept grabbing the world and getting utterly confused, until some time during the playthrough when I finally got it.

I was still unsure if I succeeded in solving the puzzles but I think I did. Cool concept, bit “out-there” but in a nice way. First time I interact with a VR game like so. Got a bit motion-sick, I gotta get my body/brain used again to weird ones like that. And very nice visuals and music!

Hi your game was second in my playtesting stream session, you can watch the playthrough here:

I think visually it’s the best-looking one I’ve played! The timer was a bit too difficult at first. But after idk a dozen customers to try things and learn mechanics (and getting into the right mindset) I got the hang of it and could have gone on almost forever. Cool vibes of Overcooked & and other such games!

I just had a little problem with weird collisions with the table or something. I think I had the same issue with the interactables demo of Godot XR Tools.

Hey I started my playtesting stream with your entry, you can watch the playthrough here

Really cool aiming mechanic and well-implemented it was intuitive! Good polish overall.

I have the frame delta included in the calculation so even if framerate varies I think it should be fine, maybe some edge cases are unhandled.

I thought about the short-armed problem (or long-armed, could be awkward to see the flames produce too early in the movement). I wanted to include a distance-slider, and maybe measure it by asking to stretch your arm and press trigger. But yeah I want to rework the punch recognition method as a whole.

When I try your game in WebXR I get a pop-up “sorry your browser doesn’t support immersive VR”. Latest chrome on Windows.

Thanks for the specs, yeah loading shaders is an issue I think I used the Forward renderer for the PC export so they aren’t precompiled (IIRC it’s basically impossible for Vulkan-based renderers). Might be possible to compile as a loading step however, I think I saw something about it in Godot XR Tools gotta double check.

Thanks for playing! Yeah enemy presence could definitely be improved somehow. Glad you enjoyed the exercise!

(1 edit)

Hi there Snopek cool entry, well-polished! here is my playthrough of your game:

Really liked the Minory Report-like control scheme! Though I struggled a bit with aiming sometimes.

Merci ah je savais pas que tu as un casque VR aussi! T’as lequel?

(1 edit)

Hi, game looks great but is it just for Android Quest/etc? I have a Valve Index on Windows.

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Hi thanks for playing! Nice that you enjoyed the little cardio session :)

For the force of the punch I store the difference in positions of each hand over some frames, and I calculate an intensity based on some value I measured myself (IIRC intensity = minf(1, accumulated_pos_delta / my_max_constant)). but I didn’t have time to fine-tune it properly. So it’s not a very noticeable difference if you punch decently fast. At first I wanted to use RigidBodies but it didn’t seem very easy to do so in VR; and I’m a bit inexperienced with them in general.

Btw the punch is made just by hitting a StaticBody set 0.7m in front of you, attached to the camera :D I think it would be best if I detected a sudden “stop” in the movement or something like that. It was just my first solution and worked well enough for a jam game. Will try some gesture recognition when I find some time, would enable more complex moves.

I couldn’t get my Valve Index controllers to work with the WebXR export so it’s untested. I tried another WebXR game (Open Saber) and same issue there idk why. Game shows up but controllers aren’t detected basically. Also didn’t export for Android Quest properly, it’s my first VR game and I own only a Valve Index 😅

I don’t have performance issues but I have a beefy PC (RX 6950XT and Ryzen 9800X3D). May I know your specs?

(1 edit)

Hi! I have not streamed my development but I will stream entries from the jam at It should start tomorrow Monday at 17:00 GMT+1

If you’d like me to play your entry please DM @vikfro on Discord! It’s a much better experience if you can join in chat, but no worries if you can’t. I have done it ~35 times and counting for the Godot Wild Jam.

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image.png Bro why is that my first word 😭

Ok I got super confused at first I thought I needed to find anagrams and I could not find any. (Didn’t read the rules)

Then I did, and I still couldn’t find any. My brain was thinking either anagrams or swapping one letter without changing order, but not both at once. Like for “stob” I had “bots” and “stops”. Idk why but I couldn’t get my brain to adapt, but I don’t have a very normal brain. Also I’m not a native, that doesn’t help 😅 And I’m pretty tired rn.

Maybe give a suggestion of a solution when the time is up so that slowly you can learn more words. And the definition too. That would make for a great casual mobile game I think (there’s probably already some with that concept I suppose)

Wait I just got “gamin”, that’s not an English but a French word right? I’m so confused now.

Way too hard for me, but interesting take on the theme!

(2 edits)

Hi, wanted to stream the game today but couldn’t for reasons of Life™️

Great polish in art and music. Some juice here and there.

Wow the middle button being space fucks me up. I am pretty good at rhythm games but do not like that scheme at all. Especially since I have a split keyboard, the space bar is not very centric it’s under on my left thumb. so I see a middle note coming up, and my brain is confused because it should be between X and N, and same regular distance than between each key. But it isn’t at all. But even with a regular keyboard, I would rather play with ZXCVB for instance. Too bad I can’t remap it. You can look at Maaack’s Game Template for next time, or make your own.

The hitboxes feel VERY unforgiving too. It would be better to have a scale of like bad - good - perfect. The rotating cheese make it specially hard. I would remove that honestly. It might be tied to the tempo, I didn’t try to check because I was so focused on not losing.

I think after 3-4 tries I got kinda used to it and managed to win first track. Then first timed the second, cool patterns in that one.

Ok nevermind I just noticed you can cheese by spamming all keys and win no problem, that might be why I managed to win second track :D

Not sure how the game fits the theme. The music gets altered somehow? I didn’t notice it, maybe I misunderstand your answer in the form. I guess one could “morph” a track with modulations, even dynamically if the music was synthesized live by the game. Didn’t read the dialogues sorry, not big on story in general; and didn’t feel like it right now. Trying to rate some more entries fast after this long week, would have read it otherwise. So just giving a 3/5 in that category to not misjudge

Solid entry overall, and welcome to GWJ!

(1 edit)

Hi thanks for playying and the feedback!

Yeah the controls are a bit rough, it was quite tough to implement. And since I got used to it while developing them, was hard to judge how intuitive they are, especially given that they are pretty unusual. I think the final version of the limb controller was finished on saturday or sunday, so not much time for finetuning 😅

We tried making the collisions forgiving to compensate, and with some polish in camera / level design it would be much better overall.

And yes I voiced the host Viktor Fromage.

(1 edit)

Game doesn’t run on itch desktop app but runs in Chrome.

Notes while playing: Good-looking sprites.

I may have seen this shader before, looks more like a lava lamp than water but better than nothing.

Bit annoying when the fish are stuck to the left you can not play them, if you press space it stops the tune. have to wait for it to loop.

So gameplay loop is very simple, maybe too simple? Feels very sandboxy. Wish there was one more mechanic, like moving some sort of cursor up and down to match the fish or like 1-2-3-4-5 hotkeys to hit depending on the top-bottom position.

Haven’t paid too much attention to the notes played, are they purely random out of a set?

Good entry overall, short good-looking fun.

(1 edit)

Hi! Wanted to stream the game today but new PC arrived earlier than expected so couldn’t.

Notes while playing: oh a wall of text for instructions, TL;DR

Good art

Ok, I put swords on sword and it attacked.

Can I not reroll dice? What is my agency as a player then? I think the game could play itself automatically round after round like a yolo casino dice autobattler. Ey, there’s a concept in that. (But probably already done tbh).

Oh ok so you need to swords to attack once.

The theme is a bit shoehorned I think.

Good sounds btw. No music though.

Hm you can interrupt the dice upgrade animation coming back in “hand”, so I accidentally upgraded twice in a row.

Hmmm all my dice are swords on the upgrade screen but it upgraded the heal anyway?

Ah so when the monster is upgraded, I need more dice to do actions if I understand correctly. The theme is less shoe-horned now.

Unusual that defense/block stays between rounds, but fits the difficulty/design of this one better that way.

Lost final battle - boss had 6hp left. I didn’t think very much about upgrading, probably should have upgraded less (I just kept upgrading until I got to ~40% failure). Haven’t really thought about it mathematically, but I think the skull downgrade is huge in impact compared to the upgrades.

Anyway solid entry, go make that Balatro-dice-autobattler I was talking about and good luck on winning the IRL casino of random indie millionaires.

(1 edit)

Hey sorry wanted to stream it but life got in the way.

Notes while playing: Woah fast movement. Graphics look nice

Not sure if I did first level as planned, I stacked the cubes and pushed them one by one

I struggled a bit on the tiny platforms (like the cubes) with the combination of fast impulse and no coyote time. The fall part of the jump is a bit floaty. Pretty good controls overall, but I really struggle in platformers without coyote.

Aah physical form changing - nice. Can I get squished as a blob under the cube and do a Metal Gear Solid? Guess not.

Ok took me a while to notice the liquid form can be used to go there - I took it for background for some reason.

image.png Lol managed to get stuck in the wall by getting pushed by the falling cube while changing into fart mode.

hmm so second cube is useless in that level.

🤦‍♂️ I dragged the cube all the way on the third level not noticing it blocked the camera at the end. For some reason I wanted to use it as a cover or something.

Wooh the gas pushing gas sound is a bit too brutal. Otherwise music and sounds are alright.

Ooooh I can push blocks like this as a slime.

My brain is taking a long time to recognize, but it’s getting late I’m a bit tired. Maybe they can be a bit more visible though.

Leaderboard seems broken.

Anyway great entry overall. I haven’t seen the “change of matter state” interpretation of the theme much, though it was a pretty obvious one to me. Maybe too obvious so not many people took it?

and cool that you teamed up Noskire, I think you don’t usually (?)

Sorry wanted to stream it today but life got in the way.

Notes while playing: Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee spiiiiin

Cool I can sunbathe in the sun directly

Woah cool terraforming mechanics

Woaaah what happened with the blackhole thing

Nooo why am I hurting lil green alien 😢

Camera feels way too zoomed in.

oh I made a huge tree on a tiny planet

Struggled a bit to make the civilizations but got it in the end. At some point the swimming mechanics become a bit frustrating when you’re just trying to terraform. My whole screen became a bit too much of a chaotic mess.

Not fond of the music and imo it’s a bit too melancholic-sounding compared to the game in itself. Sounds are alright and fun

But there’s a nice fun concept in there, with some refinement you could find a good loop between both gameplays

Sorry wanted to stream it today but life got in the way.

Notes while playing: Good graphics though the character looks like a way higher res than the rest, pops out a bit.

The prompt for the crystal and tunnel are a bit wonky. They take too long to appear.

What was the power on the other side of the magic barrier wall? I didn’t need it to finish the game.

Music is nice in itself but doesn’t fit the vibe or world game so well imo. The step sfx is good, feels golemy.

Overall a bit on the short side but solid quality. Good polish, controls are nice.

I rate it 🗿/10, will play Super Malphite Bros again

What’s in the box Mr. Freeman? WHAT’S IN THE BOX?

Sorry wanted to stream it but life got in the way.

Notes while playing: Meme of “it fits in the square hole”

Cute cat paw cursor marks when you click. What’s up with random cat games this time around?

Speaking of cat pawing at stuff, the game would work well on a tablet (or smartphone).

Man I did NOT see the greyed out thing on the code sheet for a solid two minutes and instead trying to figure out the rules based on my first guess, which had many possibilities and ambiguity.

No delete button on the codepad and I misclicked.

Poor bomb I give it a virtual hug.

Well-scoped, solid polish. Fun minigames. Not sure how well it fits the theme overall. Game feels designed for kids, are you a parent?

oh and final feedback, you definitely need a 🤘🔥 METAL track 🔥🤘 somewhere

Hey sorry my plans changed due to receiving my new PC earlier than expected, couldn’t make a third stream session as planned.

Notes while playing:

Really good looking art

Big-boobed teacher always sells. Oh, sorry something urgent came up brb gotta take a few minutes before playing the game.

😮‍💨 Ok I’m back. Nice polish in the camera movements btw. I like the learn by mistake dialogue/design choice.

Wait how big are railroad spikes… Chose the wrong thing. Ah seems I can’t put back the ingot.

Oh that’s what “billet” means (not a native).

Nice overcook element with the heating up mechanic.

Ok really cool deformation mechanic! Fits the theme well. How did you implement that? And cool that it also gets a pixel art sprite of the result, though did not look very much like what I made.

… No that doesn’t look like too much what I’m supposed to make :D

Who’s that creepy guy by the window 😭

image.png uuuuh… I got stuck in this pixel here and cannot get unstuck. It was after I threw away some bronze billet. I didn’t understand where to get wood so I thought maybe it was that.

Anyway great entry on all aspects, especially the deformation hammering mechanic. Sending that game to my IRL friend who’s a blacksmith!

Hey sorry my plans changed due to receiving my new PC earlier than expected, couldn’t make a third stream session as planned.

Notes while playing:

wtf is that sound on play into calling me a peasant 😭

TF is a bonheddwyr

🐈 Yay cats, cats always win points

The top shield has an …interesting design in the middle.

I don’t really see how the entry relates to the theme. I guess there’s a hint in the fact that you “morph” into different social classes, and “morph” cats by trading but both are a bit far-fetched imo.

What’s the point of the different cats? My actions seem to have the same outcome. But I caught a hundred for collection purposes (and eventually invading the world).

Idk what grace is - but seems counterproductive that Crime and Pray are just 100% balanced against each other.

I sold my cats for money.


Didn’t really feel like doing simple arithmetics for the trading ratios, so I ignored the mechanic once I understood you can’t sell other animals than cats.

I won gamba twice, almost won the game, clicked on “menu” thinking it wasn’t “back to main menu and lose all your progress”.

Too lazy to download autoclicker.exe

Anyway overall fun, chill game. Good amount of UI and mechanics. Weird mix of good polish (sounds particularly) and crazy ideas. I rate 🐈/10

Hey sorry my plans changed due to receiving my new PC earlier than expected, couldn’t make a third stream session as planned.

Notes while playing:

wtf is that sound on play into calling me a peasant 😭

TF is a bonheddwyr

🐈 Yay cats, cats always win points

The top shield has an …interesting design in the middle.

I don’t really see how the entry relates to the theme. I guess there’s a hint in the fact that you “morph” into different social classes, and “morph” cats by trading but both are a bit far-fetched imo.

What’s the point of the different cats? My actions seem to have the same outcome. But I caught a hundred for collection purposes (and eventually invading the world).

Idk what grace is - but seems counterproductive that Crime and Pray are just 100% balanced against each other.

I sold my cats for money.


Didn’t really feel like doing simple arithmetics for the trading ratios, so I ignored the mechanic once I understood you can’t sell other animals than cats.

I won gamba twice, almost won the game, clicked on “menu” thinking it wasn’t “back to main menu and lose all your progress”.

Too lazy to download autoclicker.exe

Anyway overall fun, chill game. Good amount of UI and mechanics. Weird mix of good polish (sounds particularly) and crazy ideas. I rate 🐈/10

(1 edit)

You are what you eat the video game?

Good juice on the animation.

Camera could be a bit smoother.

Short well-scoped and polished silly Wario-style fun that’s always welcome.

Congrats on your first GWJ submission Wonchu, how have you been?

(2 edits)

Hey sorry I can’t make a third stream session. Receiving my new PC parts earlier than expected fucked up my schedule.

Notes while playing:

Looks really good. Cool intro with the 3D effect. Pretty unique art style.

Can’t jump with space it’s doing a weird thing instead. Checking gamepage, wtf why use physical Z as jump, are you also French? Pick physical W so it’s W for US-based layout and Z for French. And anyway I like jump to be space, but I can’t remap it. For next time check Maaack’s Game Template (yes he is a regular of GWJ) for this kind of thing, or make your own reusable one.

I got attacked by an enemy I didn’t kill during the dialogue thing at the end of the level.

Cool double jump, now I can ignore the combat that wasn’t particularly fun, and now is unnecessary. Got a feeling of sudden freedom based on both of these aspects. Maybe if attacking a charging enemy interrupted them it would be better 🤔

Controls pretty good. I suck at platformers. I would appreciate some helps like coyote time and some lenience. But that’s a design choice and impacts difficulty. See Dead Cells as the best example I have of good platforming controls. The lead designer gave a conference about it in my school, maybe he has some stuff online.

Checkpoints plz I don’t have time for a jam game. At least life refill here and there, but progress save would be best. It’s a 2d platformer, there’s probably a ton of already-made code and tools to implement all this. Didn’t finish the game, got an unexpected jump headbutt from one of the guys on the upper part of the level. That killed me twice in the same spot after an otherwise long walk in the park and didn’t feel like trying again.

Gameplay not very original, but the inclusion of the theme in acquiring new abilities is pretty good. Though the concept of upgrades in itself is not super original for a metroidvania. But you know, nowadays anything has already been made once.

Music is pretty good, a bit samey. Sounds are good too.

Overall solid entry, my criticism is mostly programming/design details that you will figure out with experience. 2D platformers are popular and pretty easy to make (tons of resources), which makes people’s expectations for the genre particularly high I think.

(1 edit)

Hey sorry I can’t make a third stream session. Receiving my new PC parts earlier than expected fucked up my schedule.

Notes while playing:

Nice-looking pixel art and I liked the screenshake during the dialogue (a bit too intense however)

Got distracted while trying out the controls initially, took me a while to understand I can scroll to the left because I forgot the initial dialogue. Probably a me-thing 😅 Could make the path bit more obvious in any case.

Good music & ambience sounds, eerie. Combat music was alright but not as good imo.

Nice that you have both keyboard-only and mouse controls.

Took me a while to understand I needed to reach the right end of the screen for the combat. At first I was collecting the bullets and getting hit a few times, then I collected them all and nothing happened, then I noticed the goal flag. Difficulty a bit too high for the first time you encounter the mechanic imo, and the goal flag could be more visible.

Could put an incentive for completing the minigame faster, e.g. a damage multiplier based on time spent, or a timer where it skips your turn. Is there specific game(s) that inspired this combat mechanic?

In the end SPOILER I chose to become a Werewolf to have a happy ending with my hairy wife (idk if I interpreted the story right).

Overall reminds me of Undertale + Tetris for the fighting, and Airdorf’s games (I suppose you know about them?). Didn’t get a spooked feeling but I’m pretty desensitized to it I think.

Great entry, just the theme wasn’t too present in the game itself; more just a flavor of the story. But I really liked the combat gameplay idea. That’s what I like to see in jam games, gameplay creativity, as well as tying the theme as much as possible in all aspects.

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I instinctively crawled into a ball (which I believe says more about me than the game, but that’s my experience nonetheless)

🤣 yeah a lot of people found ways to cheese the game as feared. We had ideas to counter it but didn’t have time to properly address it before the end of the jam. Will update the game after the voting period though and I plan to do a devlog post/video about how the controller is implemented once I figure out a better way.

Thanks for playing!

(1 edit)

Hey thanks for playing! Could you teach your ways of the cheese to Mr Fromage? We were well aware of the possibility of just moving your limbs into a ball, but just now got a comment about staying in T-pose and using Q/E.

During the development when I realized the cheesability I even wanted to implement a detection of that method like calculating the average distance of limbs, maybe an area3D, or checking if they’re not moving for several walls in a row, something like that. And then trigger a voiceline like “ayo I may be Viktor Fromage but that doesn’t mean I’ll let you cheese” + force reset you to T-pose. Maybe I’ll let the cheese in intentionally, then lead the player to discover it, and then remove it 🤔

But you know cheesing and finding broken stuff in games is also very fun and gives you that special feeling of power and “I am so smart and crafty” to the player. But often it’s actually designed that way by the devs. Sometimes not, and that’s where the real fun is as a fromager!

Thanks for playing and the kind words :)

Huh I realized a couple days before the deadline that the game was very cheesable by moving your limbs into a ball, but didn’t think of just using Q/E to cheese… Anyway Viktor Fromage has different plans to update the game and make it uncheesable to keep all the cheese for himself 🪤🐁

Thanks for playing! Not really your monitor - due to last minute environment changes they became way less visible (the background got a lot brighter) and with the rush of the last hours we unfortunately didn’t notice the regression.

Hey thanks for playing! Interesting idea about the FPS camera switch to zoom, I do want to finetune the camera but had not thought about that 🤔 Yes let’s say it was planned for the controls to be a bit wonky, totally not because we overscoped the game and had no time to fix it 🤫

Interesting that someone did come up with a similar idea! Has to be expected now that the jam has grown so much and regularly gets 100-200 entries. Thank you for playing. The controls do be a bit wonky as they were a challenge to implement 😅

By lag did you mean a big stutter when something gets new loaded in? It’s a problem since Godot 4 and the new renderer, but avoidable with proper measures.

Will try your game tomorrow on stream. Hyped already love the title 🤘

No problem and just to clarify my average rating is between 3 and 4 for your game, it’s more positive than negative. And cool keep me posted, I was a bit of an Orwell fan when I was an edgy 14yo. Read 1984 in French and later in English. Did I learn anything from it? Probably, but I still don’t do as much effort as I could and should when it comes to privacy 😅

Maybe that’s a common reason for jammies making these pc-games, it gets you used to doing more advanced and fancy UI and doesn’t favor over-scoping too much.