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A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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This was fun to play! I loved the progression with different upgrades, and watching enemies slowly wither away was very satisfying. The music is an absolute jam, very funky. However, I didn't really like the boss, I think it was too hard to dodge him and sometimes he managed to hit me multiple times in one attack. Overall, I think it's a great game that can become something very very fun and addicting with some polish.

(1 edit)

This is a very cool concept! I think the game needs a more clear indication of whether you doing it right or not, and maybe some kind of tutorial? At the same time, maybe part of the charm of this type of game is trying to figure out how it works. Overall, it was a neat game.

Would be great to get some feedback!

(3 edits)

That was a neat concept. Wish you had more time, because that idea is really, really cool in my opinion. Currently, the game is fun while you're trying to figure out how to play, but then becomes very easy. Also, the enemy spy sometimes poisons themself, which is funny. Overall, nice work! Impressive for a game made in 4 hours.

(2 edits)

It was neat. I liked the concept of those vision cones that force the player to be stealthy. I think it would be even more fun if enemies were actively patrolling the level. What I also enjoyed is the graphics. I love how you made those little faces on the cells, it really added a lot of personality to the game. One thing I did not like is the game over screen and win screen texts with those meme phrases. Maybe it's just me, but it felt a bit, I don't know, unprofessional? I'm not sure, it just felt weird to me. Other than that it was a nice game. Would be cool to see those mechanics shine with more gameplay elements and enemy variety. Good job!

Cool little game. The gameplay is nothing innovative, but it was well done and had some nice pixel art. But that music though! I don't know if it was written specifically for this game or is it royalty free, but the music in this game is awesome. Well done!

It is a very fun idea. Maybe some sort of indication as to where the bubble will go would be nice? Overall, great work!

The wall jumping controls were very hard, so I did not manage to get past that. But the game looks interesting, and I like the animations on the main character.

(1 edit)

This was fun, but I think this game would benefit from some sort of fail state. Like if you get hit by bullets or fail to clean before the timer runs out or something like that, because right now it essentially plays like a clicker game. The visuals and sounds are fun and satisfying. Overall it was a nice entry!

I liked the concept and the story. As for gameplay, I wish the vision cone was bigger, it was very hard to fight without actually being able to see the enemy. And it was also hard to figure out the range of my attacks.

I loved the gameplay, it had this nice strategic puzzle element to it that I very much enjoyed. I also was surprised by how many levels there actually is. Two complaints is that I think the hitboxes on the goop should be a bit more forgiving, and that I think that the splatters should not be randomized, because the randomness of the splatter makes restarting the same level a tad frustrating. For example, Level 13 - a lot of times I died just as I spawned, and I just had to keep restarting hoping that the random splatter do not hit me and I could actually play the level. But overall, this was a very nice game with a very cool and unique concept. Good job!

This is one of the best games I played this jam! I loved the art and the funny dialogue. The gameplay was rather unique and fun. My only complaint is that I experienced some weird hitboxes with projectiles, where the bullet clearly did not hit me, but I still died. Overall, amazing work!

It was very hard to figure out how different dimensions worked, and I ended up not finishing the game. Some clear indication on how the dimension changing works would be really useful!

This was nice, but I think what this game needs is more variety. Like, for example you could make that some people run away from you and you have to chase them down, while others try to attack you. Really, you can have infinite ideas for this! Overall, this was a fun little game. Good job!

This was a neat entry. My two complaints is that I think the Enter is a weird choice of a key for a dash, and that I got stuck in a bottle and had to restart the game. Maybe I missed something, but I did not manage to figure out what was I supposed to do. Other than that, it was a nice game. I loved the visuals, the pixel art was pretty and the glow effect was cool. Good job!

(1 edit)

It was quite fun, but I didn't like the controls. I'm not sure if this is intentional, but you can only hold one direction at a time. So, for example, if I'm walking up, and start holding right, then nothing will happen. This makes the controls feel really unresponsive. Other than that, it was a nice entry. Good job!

This was a fun little game! I liked the difficulty, and the fact that you actually need to learn the level layout to beat it.

This was neat. I think the idea of playing as a gas cloud is very cool, and has a lot of potential if you decide to work on it further! My main complaint is that I think the level layout was confusing, and I got lost very quickly. Some sort of map would be great. You could even nicely tie it into the environment - it would make sense if there were monitors or holograms with maps in some rooms.

(1 edit)

Pushing people around is fun!

I loved the artstyle (that skeleton is vibing! very, very fun animation) and the castlevania-ish movement mechanic. The combat felt a bit confusing at first, but overall, it was a nice entry!

This was a very enjoyable game! The gameplay was great, although very challenging, and the voiceover was really funny! (And I LOVED the Jump King reference)

That was cute!

It's not my first game jam, just my first GWJ! :)

This was great! The movement mechanic is really interesting, and will allow to create a lot interesting situations or puzzles if you decide to work on the game further. As for visuals, for me, the color switching was really heavy on the eyes.

This was a very, very fun game. I loved the gameplay, the visuals and the music. The "health" mechanic was very cool and unique, and shooting from both arms felt very satisfying. Well done!

This game requires levels of multitasking I was not prepared for. x) Very fun and unique concept!

Nice game. It was fun to fight enemies, but I think the levels were too large or there was not enough indication as to where enemies are, so I have spent a lot of time just running around trying to find someone on shoot at. Other than that, it was a great game. I loved the concept of trying to build an artificial heart, I think it is a very interesting idea, like something from a science fiction novel or cyberpunk film.

That was a nice game! I loved the artstyle and audio. The music was perfect. However, the controls were really hard to get used to. Overall, nice work!

That was a fun little game. My only complaint is that I think the speed reduction when you lose parts was a bit too harsh. It seems that there is no way to recover once you mess up. Overall, it was a nice entry. Nice work!

That was fun, and with all the screenshake the combat felt very satisfying. I wish there was an endless mode so that I could eventually become a circle. Great job!

This was really hard! The spiral tunnel was definitely the hardest. Congratulations on your first GWJ game, good work!

It would be great if hitting the logs delayed falling asleep.

That was a rather unique entry. Wish it was a little longer.

The movement mechanics felt very good, and blowing up bad stuff was also quite satisfying. For your first game in Godot this is great! Keep it up!

This felt very chaotic, in a good way. I loved the gameplay and the music track. I did not figure out how should I use any of my weapons, but it was fun to play for a while nonetheless. Great job!

One bug I found - I had a score of 29, and in my next run I scored 12. When I submitted my score to the leaderboard with the same name - it overwritten my good score with my worse score! 

I loved the gameplay. The mechanic of bashing your head against the wall (btw, why is there blood particles?!) allows for some clever level design, and I think if you decide to work on the game further you can have almost infinite ideas for the levels, especially if you add different gameplay elements.  I also loved the music, it was very nice and charming. My only minor complaint is that I wish I could just press R and restart the level instead of having to go back to menu, and also I wish beating the level would just send me to the next one straight away, instead of, again, having to go back to menu. Nevertheless, great game!

(2 edits)

I very much enjoyed the visuals and music. I even managed to find a character! That was a very memorable moment, and I really liked the dialogue. As for gameplay, I really wish walking didn't drain my sleep meter. I want to explore the world, and it feels like I am punished for doing so. Despite that, this is a very unique and nice game. Good job!

I liked the gameplay, visuals and music. The controls felt a bit floaty, I think the camera movement was a bit too much. I would love the option to turn it off. The visual touches like screen shake and constantly changing background color were very cool. The enemy variety was great. Also, I do wish my gun was just a little bit stronger... Overall, nice game!

That's a rather unique concept and I liked it. It's quite fun, and I think if you want to work on it further you can add lots of different mechanics that could spice up the gameplay. Maybe some sort of enemies who will try to wake up or kill people, or other things that you need to take care of? Overall, nice job.