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A member registered Jul 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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How many endings does this game have?

It's a great idea but the UI needs work. Dragging the cargo bar to to the bottom doesn't set it to 0% for some reason. Same issue with the heading. Also, I think there should be a way to speed up launches. 

This doesn't feel like a complete game. It feels like a game that you might create as part of a tutorial on game programming. It's very simple and doesn't have a lot of features to it.  There is no progression, all enemies die in one hit, etc. 

I think there is an issue with the sound, it keeps on echoing in a weird way. It seems like the sound is being played multiple times at once. 

The interface is not intuitive. I think it should start with a guided tutorial (tells you exactly where to click and what each button does). 

Also, I think the best strategy is to just add as many guns as you can. I think that you can even go in debt to buy more guns (I had -200 dollars at one point), so the money part is kinda pointless.

Firstly, the font is very small and it's hard to read. 

It's very simple. There are 3 types of resources but I only used one. There is also only one combat unit. I didn't feel like there was much strategy. I felt like I was just spamming buttons as fast as possible at the end. 

I played the first 6 levels. The only frustrating thing is that this game seems to be designed for 2 players. It's hard to control both birds at once. Also, I think that both birds are required to be on screen at the same time, that should be explained. One of the levels (the one with two "floors" with one bird on each floor, and they have to both move to the right) is frustrating until I figured out that constraint. 

To make it more attractive, pick a certain aesthetic and stick to it. It looks realistic but the rigid pattern of blocks all stacked neatly on top of each other to form the walls looks unrealistic. Make it more cartoonish and I think it would be better. 

The levels take a bit too long. I didn't notice any new features except for some items at the bottom and timer. I don't think the levels serve any purpose at all. I think it would be better to just get rid of levels entirely and make a single-level game. If you need a way to get items, give them as a reward for clearing certain numbers of fruits. 

I didn't find any obvious bugs after playing it a few times. To make the game more difficult, you can add new kinds of enemies over time and also speed up the game over time. 

If you say "is this game fun?" it's too generic and I'll ignore your post

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I like the background music, it's really upbeat. The mechanics are fun at first, but they're all timing based. After a while it becomes repetitive as it's just one timing-based obstacle after another. The level design is average. It isn't bad, but not exceptional. I think that other kinds of levels, such as logic/puzzle solving should be added to give a bit of variety. 

I beat the entire game by simply opening the developer console and running [...document.querySelectorAll("img")].forEach((x) =>

The average completion time is a few seconds. 

But if I had to play it normally, the average completion time would be hours, since there are so many ghosts and they blend in so well. Finding the last few ghosts would be frustrating. 

I finished it.  I got stuck figuring out what to do after you unlock the typing game. It seems like the mole person just appears at random. I didn't know what caused him to appear and whether or not I'm making progress at all. I had to look in the comments to figure out what to do. 

Also, the platforming part gets a bit repetitive after a while. A suggestion is to add some upgrades that gets unlocked as the player progresses through the game. For example, some kind of teleporter, or something that makes you immune to spikes.

One thing that I did like is that the checkpoints are very nicely placed. They prevented a lot of frustration since you don't have to re-do whole parts of a level after you die. 

Post your games in this thread. I want to help you out by giving you feedback on it.

Please make  sure it's a web game. I don't want to have to download anything to play it.

Also, please tell me which specific parts about your game you want feedback on. If you say "is this game fun?" it's too generic and I'll ignore your post. If you say "Does X mechanic fit well thematically?" I'll play it and give feedback. 

What do you mean by "lag behind the cursor"? The player has a finite speed. 

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The last move was adding a new piece on the board. It landed on a plus tile so I get an extra turn.  But then there are no pieces that can make exactly 3 moves. The opposing piece is on a tile that makes it immune to capture.

I reached this position and the game got stuck.

I really liked the concept though. An interesting twist on an ancient game. Although the Royal game of Ur is luck based and that transfers to this version too. It's a bit frustrating to be forced to make a bad move. 

I couldn't find eta. Also, the Greek alphabet isn't an alien language. 

I really liked the art style and the birds chirping. After figuring out what I need to do, it was just a matter of googling the guitar chords and playing them. One thing though, guitar chords isn't an alien language so the limitation wasn't used. 

It gets a bit repetitive after a while. At first, the "game over" screens seemed random. I read the instructions and didn't really understand it. Every 90 seconds - what resets the timer exactly? Do you have to enter the "buy notes" screen, or is touching the yellow thing sufficient?

Also, I couldn't figure out the first clue - To *MAK* si "meow"? "si" isn't even an English word. 

I really liked the concept. It's similar to Peggle. One criticism of this game is that it's quite luck based. I know you can get mid-air bounces, but hitting the purple pegs is itself luck based. 

I really liked the idea of a murder mystery. It's a bit short though. Also, it's unrealistic that aliens would use a language that's the exact same as English with a different alphabet though. Maybe a logographic language would be better for the alien language.

I couldn't figure out how to play the game. I put ore and wood in the furnace and then it seemed like nothing happened. It just disappeared. 

I really like the idea, but the game itself is a bit too simple. I think adding more features would make this game a lot better. I still think it's a really cool idea though.

Created for Mini Jam 149 : Ancient. 

Description: You're trapped inside a labyrinth on an alien planet and the instructions on how to escape are written in an unknown language. You need to explore the labyrinth for clues on how to translate that language. Avoid enemies, collect coins, and learn the language one word at a time to escape!

Additional Details: This game is based on the set cover problem. I wanted to create a game based on that problem. Initially, I thought of making a game that combines fighting monsters with solving puzzles. After starting development, though, I felt it was better if the player just focused on dodging attacks instead of fighting back. 

When I saw this jam's limitation, I knew it is the perfect opportunity to create a game based on the set cover problem. "Written in an alien language" is just perfect for that kind of problem. 

I really liked the idea. It's fun to solve a puzzle like this and slowly decipher what is meant by the symbols. I think it should start a bit easier though. For example, give the player some examples of already solved instances so they can infer a pattern, instead of just giving them with almost nothing to work with. 

Arrow keys, X and mouse controls isn't gonna work. I think it should be WASD so I can have one hand on the left side of my keyboard and the other hand on the mouse. 

I really liked it. I think it would be a bit more intuitive if the squid actually moved when I pressed the arrow keys, and then press another button to lock in the move or a button to undo.

Somehow the icon disappeared. I've uploaded a new version that added it back.

All I'm doing is right clicking.

I think the player should be able to move faster. Walking back and forth is somewhat tedious. 

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Y a-t-il une version en français?
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Link to the game is here

The Magical Cave Adventure is a game about exploring a cave and collecting various items to kill monsters and activate statues so you can explore deeper. There are portals scattered throughout that lead to new areas, including icy caverns, volcanoes, swamps and even outer space. 

This game is based on the problem of finding a topological sort of a directed acyclic graph. This graph theory concept is taught to computer science students, usually in their first or second year discrete math courses, and is heavily used as a part of more advanced algorithms. 

This is not a new game, I first released it in 2020, but today I added some new features that prevent frustration, such as a color-coded map, and icons showing which items you need for which part (the previous version only showed the names of the items in a text string).

Note: if you want to leave feedback, please also include the seed and the size you played on. 

Puzzle game + 10 second time limit is a bad combination. If you want to use the limitation, there are probably better ways to do it.

The first part of the game (sending probe and waiting around) is not fun. I think you should remove it.

The second part of the game (getting probes while running out of oxygen) is much better.

After that part, the game crashed and I couldn't continue. 

I like the concept, but I think it can be made more interesting by, for example: multiple ways of looking for clues (look in different locations, or after finding one clue, know where to look for the next) and more indirect clues (for example, one clue being related to another in some way).

I really liked the art style. 

The controls take some getting used to though. I want to be able to fly up and down with the mouse, instead of C and space bar.

One other thing : I think the mountain should either be lower or flying up and down should be faster. It's quite tedious to go up and down over and over again. 

I really liked the art style. 

The controls take some getting used to though. I want to be able to fly up and down with the mouse, instead of C and space bar.

One other thing : I think the mountain should either be lower or flying up and down should be faster. It's quite tedious to go up and down over and over again. 

It's a visual novel without visuals. Just text. 

I rated it, here's mine :