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A member registered Mar 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Cool idea, really enjoyed it.  I just with I could have played using keyboard keys, because some parts require very tight timing which is hard to do by clicking buttons with a mouse.

Cool game and genuinely fun.  I would prefer if a missed soul shot would just return you to your previous host so that you don't have to start over from the beginning.  Or maybe if there was some kind of aim assist like free tracer bullets or laser sight lines, so the focus can be on picking the right targets and managing your bullets rather than getting a lucky ricochet off a wall that isn't even on screen.

Very simple to learn gameplay, yet very fun.  Good job keeping it focused on its core elements.

Very clever idea.  Very good mix of luck and economy.

Nice clean look and clever idea.  Fun, but I think I would like it better if there was still a little time pressure while you choose your pieces, like maybe if you just had the option of rearranging the upcoming pieces from the main screen while pieces are falling?

Way cool.  Thanks for the feedback.  This was my first time doing a game jam, so I was very happy it came together as well as it did given the time crunch.  I would definitely aim for a simpler concept next time.  

Good things to consider.  Thanks for the feedback!

Yeah, we could have explained that better.  The rate Peril fills up is based on the total Threat value of all uncompleted quests.  Their other stat, difficulty Level, is how difficult it is for an adventurer to complete the quest.  Thanks for playing!

Super clever idea.  Very challenging, but not in a broken way.  I feel like control-wise it doesn't always follow the mouse as tightly as I would like.

Ah, we had sort of similar ideas.  It plays nice, although I feel like I am mostly guessing blindly, and it's hard to follow the outcome.

Cool idea.  The last level is frustratingly difficult.

Solid, fun game.  I wish I could have inspected the stats of individual climbers to know how close they were to being defeated.  But overall, a very enjoyable game.

Thanks for playing!

Awesome idea!  Really liked the music and art.  I couldn't really find any consistent way to predict what the right choices were beyond trial and error though.  And it was hard to lose.  I wanted to see what would happen, but I couldn't lose until I picked the one with the lowest HP.

That was a much better ending than I was expecting.

Cool idea.  It would be nice if the transition when you reverse gravity was a little smoother.  It's easy to lose track of your guy when the screen blanks out while you are in the middle of attempting a jump.

Yeah, I think we turned up the speed early on to make things more efficient to debug, and somewhere along the way forgot that maybe we should slow things back down...

Cool idea.  Some rough edges (placing the pieces was finicky, and the poison fruit didn't seem to actually work), but it's a decent base that I could see building up into a solid game.

Thanks, though we can't really take much credit for the art.  Except for the Quest Board itself, the rest of the artwork was assets.

Clever idea.  I liked it more once I decided I didn't want to wait for the timer to finish and started actively working to make the AI player lose balls.

Simple but fun.  It would be nice if there was a way to move the cookie without having to hold the mouse button down the whole time.

Cool game!  The gameplay is good, and the art matches it well.  I feel like trying to keep track of movement and aiming while keeping the beat creates a fairly heavy mental load on the player.

I like the art.  Gameplay was fun.  Clever idea.  I kind of wish you had a little more control over the movement and aiming.

I really like that this isn't just a re-skin swapping the player and monster sprites, but that you actually move and attack like a boss monster.

Really enjoyed the gameplay.  Solid interpretation of the theme.  My biggest annoyance with the game is that all the game controls use the keyboard, but I have to use the mouse to click the SLAY button to start each level.

I think you will have a lot better luck getting people to rate your games in the future if your submissions don't require people to run a full installer.  Web deployment is best for game jams.

Really clever idea.  Way to commit to the theme!

Kind of reminds me of the Stanley Parable.  Good job.

I really enjoy this game.  Something about taking control of enemy creatures always feels fun to me.

Thanks for the feedback.  I agree the end result turned out a lot more frantic than intended during initial brainstorming.  We just decided to lean into it and simplify the more complicated reward systems we originally planned as the deadline quickly approached.  It would have been nice if we could find a way to let players take their time and notice the funny adventurer names or how individual adventurer stats can affect things.

Simple and fun.  My kids enjoyed it, too.  Good job!

(1 edit)

Took me a bit to figure out how to hit things, and a little bit longer to figure out that only the fire trucks count for points.  Fun though. And I liked the art.

You went with a similar idea as my team, though the final result was much different!  Really liked the art.  Not sure if it's possible to lose.  I wasn't really clear whether selections I made were the right choice.  I guess you just know you picked the right quest if the adventurer's level goes up?

I like the idea, but when I tried to run it I just got a black screen with music playing.

Excited by the idea, but couldn't make anything happen in the game.